Department of Education Region III D I V I S I O N O F PA M PA N G A City of San Fernando Third Periodic Test in Grade 8 English SY 2014-2015 Directions: Read each item carefully. Choose the best answer from the given choices. rite the letter that corres!onds to your answer on your answer sheet. PR"CE## selection to be be read by the teacher twice. After the the second reading, reading, $. %istening/#!ea&ing. Listen to the selection answer the !estions that follow. 1. "n his #obel #obel $ri%e s&eech, s&eech, to who' did (andela (andela gi)e gi)e credit for ending ending the a&arthe a&artheid id in So!th Africa* Africa* a. to hi'self b. to the Africans Africans c. to the go)ern'en go)ern'ents ts and organi% organi%ation ationss that fo!ght fo!ght against against So!th Africa Africa as a co!ntry and and its &eo&le &eo&le d. to the go)ern' go)ern'ent entss and organi organi%at %ation ionss that that o&&osed o&&osed the inh!'an inh!'an syste' syste' and s!e to end cri'e cri'e against h!'anity 2. +hat was (andel (andelas as stand on the the a&arthe a&artheid id syste'* syste'* a. e did did not not care abo!t abo!t the iss!e iss!e on the the a&arthe a&artheid id syste' syste' b. e was an ad)ocate of the a&artheid a&artheid syste'. c. e o&&ose o&&osed d the the a&arth a&artheid eid syste' syste'.. d. is stand stand on the a&arth a&artheid eid syste' syste' was was not not clear. clear. $$. "ral %anguage and 'luency. . efore doing an inter)iew, inter)iew, the inter)iewer sho!ld sho!ld now a good deal of nowledge nowledge abo!t abo!t the to&ic to&ic of the the inter)iew inter)iew.. "n order to for'!late for'!late sensible sensible !estions !estions,, what sills sills can hel& the inter)iewer inter)iewer gather gather or synthesi%e infor'ation* a. co'&rehension b. ling!istic c. locational d. &sycho'otor 4. Yo! inter) inter)iew iewed ed a orean orean abo!t abo!t the the ways ways of co&ing co&ing with with the challen challenges ges of 'odern 'odernity ity.. he orean orean answered answered all of yo!r !estions !estions with a degree of certainty certainty.. ow do yo! so'ehow so'ehow &reser)e &reser)e all the oreans answers so that yo! can !se these answers in the 'aing of a feat!re article for yo!r school &a&er* a. 3!st re'e'ber re'e'ber e)eryth e)erything ing so that that yo! will will not dist!rb dist!rb or distra distract ct the inter)ie inter)iewee. wee. b. Let the inter)iewee inter)iewee sto& fro' ti'e to ti'e so that that yo! can write down e)erything e)erything in a noteboo. noteboo. c. ecord ecord the entire entire inter)iew inter)iew thro!gh thro!gh a )ideo or )oice )oice recorder recorder with the the inter)iewee inter)iewees s &er'iss &er'ission6. ion6. d. ae ae down down i'&ortant i'&ortant detail detailss and 'ae 'ae s!re that that yo! can can write write )ery fast. fast. $$$. Grammar (wareness and #tructure. 5. +hat ind ind of co'&le'e co'&le'ent nt is the !nderl !nderlined ined &art &art in the sentence sentence,, 7A!ng San S!! S!! yis yis 'other 'other was was a !rominent &olitical fig!re in the newly for'ed !r'ese go)ern'ent.8* a. ad9ecti)e co'&le'ent c. s!b9ect co'&le'ent b. ob9ect co'&le'ent d. )erb co'&le'ent :. +hat +hat is the the ob9e ob9ect ct co'& co'&le le'e 'ent nt in the the sent senten ence ce,, 7he 7he &eo& &eo&le le of #a'w #a'won on cons consid ider er ;h! ;h!nhy nhyan ang g )irt!o!s.8* a. ;h!nhyang b. consider c. &eo&le d. )irt!o!s <. +hich of these these senten sentences ces contain containss a co'&le co'&le= = str!ct! str!ct!re* re* a. As she she snoo%e snoo%es, s, " so!nd so!ndles lessly sly lea) lea)ee the des des.. b. (aggie slee&s contentedly contentedly on 'y co'&!ter des. des. c. Shes Shes weary weary fro' her drea's drea's and and 'y absence absence does not not dist!rb dist!rb her. her. d. So'eti'es So'eti'es she she snores b!t b!t she settles settles dee&er dee&er into into her fleece-li fleece-lined ned &illow &illow and &!rrs. &!rrs. >. +hich sentence sentence has a co'&o!nd co'&o!nd-co'& -co'&le= le= str!ct!re str!ct!re** a. Altho!gh Altho!gh they they were 'iles 'iles a&art a&art they they e&t in in constant constant contact contact on the intern internet. et. b. " wo!ld ha)e &!rchased the the boo that yo! lie, lie, b!t it was too e=&ensi)e. e=&ensi)e. c. he greedy greedy ;assi' ;assi' 'arries 'arries a wealthy wealthy wo'an wo'an b!t Ali Ali aba aba 'arries 'arries a &oor wo'an. wo'an. d. Yi (ong (ong Yon Yong g had to go to the the ca&itol ca&itol while ;h!nhy ;h!nhyang ang had to stay stay in #a'won. #a'won. ?. +hich of the follow following ing state'en state'ents ts ill!str ill!strates ates &aralle &arallell str!ct!r str!ct!re* e* a. " o!tlin o!tlined ed the the letter letterss slowl slowly y and with with care. care. b. $hysical and 'ental health rest on fo!r &illars@ reg!lar reg!lar e=ercise, healthy diet, diet, social interaction, and s!fficient slee&. c. She s&ent s&ent the day )isiting )isiting all all the to!rist to!rist sho&s sho&s and watche watched d the children children on the the beach. beach. d. S!san didn didntt now how how to rent rent an a&art'en a&art'entt and finding finding a 9ob 9ob was a &robl &roble', e', too. too. 10. ;hoose the &arallel &arallel word/&hrase to co'&lete the the sentence below. below. 7(y fa)orite &asti'es incl!de na&&ing, snacing, and tele)ision. a. to watch b. to watching c. watching d. watched 11. "f the lady had not sto&&ed sto&&ed the boy, boy, he into the )an. )an. a. co!ld ha)e ran b. co!ld ha)e r!n c. will ha)e r!n d. wo!ld ha)e r!n 12. ;hoose the sentence that !ses &arenthetical e=&ression correctly. a. he 'oral, of the story, is that &eo&le sho!ld always as a res!lt treat one another with indness. b. he 'oral of the story, is that &eo&le sho!ld always, as a res!lt treat one another with indness. c. he 'oral of the story is that &eo&le sho!ld always, as a res!lt, treat one another with indness. d. he 'oral of the story is that &eo&le, sho!ld always, as a res!lt treat one another with indness. )*"%EDGE $+. +ocabulary Develo!ment. 1. ;hoose the a&&ro&riate collocation to co'&lete the sentence. ,ou must hand in your essay on 'riday. Can you ---------------- a. do the deadline c. ee& the deadline b. hold the deadline d. 'eet the deadline 14. Yo! are reading a orean story with two to three diffic!lt words in e)ery &age. +hat sho!ld be the best i''ediate strategy to !se in order to deal with the diffic!lt words* a. Befine words thro!gh conte=t. b. Cet the dictionary and get the 'eanings of the diffic!lt words. c. ighlight the diffic!lt words and get bac to the' later as soon as yo! finish reading the boo d. 3!st ignore the words. Yo! better 9!st finish reading the boo. 15. ;h!nhyangs defiance enraged the 'agistrate, and he ordered her to be taen to &rison. he 'eaning of the !nderlined word is . a. co'&liance b. dece&tion c. resistance d. s!bordination 1:. +hich of the following words will best co'&lete the sentence, 7"f yo! decide to tae the train instead of the 9ee&ney yo!ll so'e ti'e.8* a. a)oid b. ee& c. sa)e d. sto& /0. +hat idio' will best co'&lete the sentence, 1$f you have any trouble with your homewor&2 $3ll be glad to ---------------.4 a. get o!t of hand c. ee& an eye on yo! b. gi)e yo! a hand d. wear yo!r heart on yo!r slee)e %iterature5 Reading and Com!rehension. /8. er's that indicate o&inions are called o&inion signal words/e=&ressions. he e=a'&les of these are below e6ce!t a. "t see's to 'e thatD c. $ersonally " thin D b. (y &ersonal )iew is thatD d. his &ro)es thatD /7. "n the literat!re of (yan'ar, &rose wors d!ring the 15 th to 1?th cent!ry were few and a!thors were 'ons, co!rtiers and &oetesses. +hich one is an e=a'&le of wor !nder &rose* a. historical ballad b. &anegyric ode c. story in )erse d. scri&t!re or chronicle 9. Long before any written for's of literat!re, what was the &rinci&al for' of literary entertain'ent of the oreans* a. describing &ersons c. reciting &oe's b. narrating history orally d. telling legends orally *DER#T(*D$*G 21. After reading a orean legend, yo! notice one striing si'ilarity between orean and Eili&ino legends. +hat si'ilarity is this* a. Legends fro' both co!ntries described the rich nat!ral reso!rces bac then. b. Legends fro' both co!ntries narrated ethnic rit!als &racticed by the nati)es. c. Legends fro' both co!ntries were orally trans'itted first before they were written. d. Legends fro' both were written by ordinary &eo&le. . ead the e=cer&t below then answer this !estion F hich of the following does the e6cer!t im!ly about (fricans a. hey are careless. c. hey are not afraid of ani'als. b. hey are caring &eo&le. d. hey are wild &eo&le. Ki, the Pygmy, has married a Pygmy girl from another village. The girl was called Luetsi and she became Ki’s wife. With them lived Ntio, Ki’s brother. After a year, Luetsi wished to visit her mother, as was the custom. Ki agreed and gave Luetsi a big iece of meat to ta!e to her mother. As a big hunt was imminent, !i could not go with his wife, but he romised to fetch her from her mother’s house in four wee!s’ time. Now it haened that Ki was bitten in the foot by a sna!e and he could not wal!. "o he as!ed his brother to fetch his wife. Ntio did not want to go and said, #$n a few days’ time you will be able to wal! again. $t is better for you to fetch your wife yourself.% No,% said Ki. #$t is better not to leave Luetsi in uncertainty. "he would not wait for me but would start the &ourney home alone. 'etch her home for me, and $’ll give you my best bow.” -An excerpt from The Leopard, folklore from Africa 'or items ;<=. $dentify the !ro!aganda devise used in the following. ;. ele)ision Ad)ertise'ent@ “Get all your stains out by using ne and impro!ed "ltra suds and ash you blues aay#” a. andwagon b. glittering &ersonalities c. na'e calling d. testi'onial >. ele)ision Ad)ertise'ent@ “$ush to shop at %uper &art this eekend, e!eryone is doing it#” a. andwagon b. glittering &ersonalities c. na'e calling d. testi'onial =. "n an ad)ertise'ent d!ring a senatorial ca'&aign, Loren Legarda taled with the (anobo tribes'en and 9oined the far'ers in ;agayan Galley in &lanting rice. a. card stacing b. na'e calling c. &lain fols d. soft soa& ?. +hy is literat!re a good so!rce of nowing oreans* a. Literat!re gi)es all the !&dates abo!t all the i'&ortant e)ents in a co!ntry. b. Literat!re is a wor of art that describes citi%ens with breeding and refine'ent. c. Literat!re 'irrors the &syche, te'&era'ent, c!lt!re and traditions of the &eo&le. d. Literat!re &ro)ides a descri&ti)e &ict!re of how the &eo&le dress and s&ea lie.2<. 0. "n this last two lines of the &oe' titled 'n A $ainy Autumn (ight by ;hoe;hiwHn, how do yo! define the highlighted &hrase* ;hoose the best analysis. At third watch, it rains o!tside. y the la'& 'y heart flies 'yriad 'iles away. a. 7Boes the heart fly* If co!rse, notJ !t the heart is a sy'bol of lo)e, and beca!se lo)e flies, lo)e is certainly gone.8 b. 7"f the heart flies, then it '!st ha)e wings on its ownF therefore, this heart '!st ha)e been borrowed by so'ebody else.8 c. 7$erha&s, the heart is too wea to handle the sit!ation so it finds a way to fly and 9!st be in any &lace that it wants, lie 'iles away.8 d. 7he heart literary flies. he heart '!st be taen away fro' the &ersonas body beca!se it is wea. "t is not fit to stay in that body.8 8. Yo!r orean class'ate has been a st!dent here in the $hili&&ines for two years. "n st!dying a for'al essay, yo! are gi)en by yo!r teacher to react on the first &aragra&h of ;arlos o'!los " A' a Eili&ino. he first &aragra&h goes lie this@ ) am a *ilipino, inheritor of a glorious past, hostage to the uncertain future. As such ) must pro!e e+ual to a tofold task the task of meeting my responsibility to the past and the task of performing my obligation to the future. Yo! cannot hel& b!t disc!ss &ertinent characteristics abo!t yo!, being a Eili&ino and yo!r class'ate, being a orean and the challenges of 'odernity that so'ehow affected yo! both as Asians. +hat wo!ld be the best lesson of the &aragra&h that yo! can &resent to yo!r teacher and class'ates that so'ehow will be tr!e to yo! both as Asians* a. +e ha)e to acnowledge that as Asians we e=ist beca!se of o!r &ast and beca!se society is constantly e)ol)ing, we '!st ee& !& and see the &ositi)e things bro!ght abo!t by these changes. b. +e ha)e to res&ond to the challenges of so 'any tass so that we will be 'ore &re&ared in facing the f!t!re. c. +e need to recogni%e where we really ca'e fro' and that we sho!ld also &re&are o!rsel)es for the !ncertainty that the f!t!re will bring. d. +e sho!ld acce&t that whate)er we will beco'e in the f!t!re, it will always be the &rod!ct of what we decide for o!r &resent. 'or numbers 7<;9. Read the following !aragra!h and answer the @uestions that follow. The %outh African acti!ist and former president (elson &andela /0-1234 helped bring an end to apartheid and has been a global ad!ocate for human rights. A member of the African (ational 5ongress party beginning in the /62s, he as a leader of both peaceful protests and armed resistance against the hite minority7s oppressi!e regime in a racially di!ided %outh Africa. 8is actions landed him in prison for nearly three decades and made him the face of the antiapartheid mo!ement both ithin his country and internationally. $eleased in //2, he participated in the eradication of apartheid and in //6 became the first black president of %outh Africa, forming a multiethnic go!ernment to o!ersee the country7s transition. after retiring from politics in ///, he remained a de!oted champion for peace and social 9ustice in his on nation and around the orld until his death in 123 at the age of /:. 7. +hich of the following is *"T a fact as stated in the &aragra&h* a. #elson (andela re'ained a de)oted cha'&ion for &eace and social 9!stice after retiring. b. #elson (andela was a So!th African acti)ist and a for'er &resident. c. #elson (andela was i'&risoned for nearly three decades. d. #elson (andela was the best &resident the world has e)er had. ;9. +hich of the following is an o&inion as stated in the &aragra&h* a. #elson (andela beca'e the first blac &resident of So!th Africa. b. #elson (andela died at age ?5. c. #elson (andela died in 201. d. #elson (andelas death shoced the whole world. . 'or items ;/<;. Read the !oem carefullyand answer the @uestions that follow. ('R$C(3# P%E( y oland o'beai Be'&ster ) am not you --but you ill not gi!e me a chance, ill not let me be. “)f ) ere you”--;ut you kno, ) am not you, yet you ill not let me be me. <ou meddle, interfere in my affairs as if they ere yours and you ere me. <ou are unfair, unise, foolish to think that ) can be you, talk, act and think like you. God made me 8e made you, you *or God7s sake Let me be. ;/. +hat African !ality do the lines in the &oe' generally e=&ress* a. bra)ery b. co!rage c. indness d. &ersistence ;. +hat )al!es are asserted by the &oet in the &oe'* a. bra)ery and res&ect c. indecisi)eness and co!rtesy b. gentleness and reso!rcef!lness d. lo)e and res&ect ;;. ead the e=cer&t below and answer this !estion@ hat characteristic of (fricans is revealed in the e6cer!t And so Luetsi had to lie there for hours, beneath the dead leoard. $n the distance, she could hear the roaring of the leoardess, loo!ing for its dead mate. The &ungle was full of threatening voices. At last, she began to imagine that the leoard on to of her was moving, as if it had come to life again. (ut still she did not budge from the sot, so !een was she to find out how her husband would behave. -An excerpt from The Leopard, folklore from Africa a. hey are co!rageo!s. c. hey lie to dis&lay their strength. b. hey are dece&ti)e. d. hey lo)e ani'als. ;>. ead the &aragra&h and answer the !estion. hy were the two young men the country3s good sons These young men ere the country7s good sons ho ere protecting their country from its enemies. Their aims and intentions ere as different from those of the addicts as east from est, north from south. Although these young men had one leg missing, they still anted to ser!e their country. The to young soldiers told Lin Aung that they planned to ork in the disabled soldiers7 cooperati!e shop. a. heir ai's and intentions were as different fro' those of dr!g addicts. b. hey are &rotecting their co!ntry fro' its ene'ies. c. hey ha)e one leg 'issing. d. hey &lanned to wor in the disabled soldiers coo&erati)e sho&. ;=. +hat is the best obser)ation regarding this &aragra&h* &odern =orean literature attained its maturity in the /32s through the efforts of a group of talented riters. They dre freely upon >uropean examples to enrich their art. Translation of ?estern literature continued, and orks by ).A. $ichards, T.%. >liot, and T.>. 8ulme ere introduced. This artistic and critical acti!ity as a protest against the reduction of literature to 9ournalism and its use as propaganda by leftist riters. a. "t has a to&ic sentence that gi)es the best &ractices of the oreans. b. "t has an i'&act beca!se it has a well-chosen to&ic. c. "t has coherence in its sentences and cohesion in its ideas. d. "t has one i'&erati)e sentence and three declarati)e sentences. %istening Te6t in English Grade 8: Third Periodic Test Directions @ Listen to the teacher as he@she reads the listening selection tice then anser the +uestions that follo ere are e6cer!ts from *elson Aandela3s *obel Peace PriBe #!eech given in /77; . 7+e stand here today as nothing 'ore than a re&resentati)e of the 'illions of o!r &eo&le who dared to rise !& against a social syste' whose )ery essence is war, )iolence, racis', o&&ression, re&ression and the i'&o)erish'ent of an entire &eo&le.8 7" a' also here today as a re&resentati)e of the 'illions of &eo&le across the globe, the anti -a&artheid 'o)e'ent, the go)ern'ents and organi%ations that 9oined with !s, not to fight against So!th Africa as a co!ntry or any of its &eo&le, b!t to o&&ose an inh!'an syste' and s!e for a s&eedy end to the a&artheid cri'e against h!'anity.8 7hese co!ntless h!'an beings, both inside and o!tside o!r co!ntry, had the nobility of s&irit to stand in the &ath of tyranny and in9!stice, witho!t seeing selfish gain. hey recogni%ed that an in9!ry to all and therefore acted together in defense of 9!stice and a co''on h!'an decency.8 %istening Te6t in English Grade 8: Third Periodic Test Directions @ Listen to the teacher as he@she reads the listening selection tice then anser the +uestions that follo ere are e6cer!ts from *elson Aandela3s *obel Peace PriBe #!eech given in /77; . 7+e stand here today as nothing 'ore than a re&resentati)e of the 'illions of o!r &eo&le who dared to rise !& against a social syste' whose )ery essence is war, )iolence, racis', o&&ression, re&ression and the i'&o)erish'ent of an entire &eo&le.8 7" a' also here today as a re&resentati)e of the 'illions of &eo&le across the globe, the anti -a&artheid 'o)e'ent, the go)ern'ents and organi%ations that 9oined with !s, not to fight against So!th Africa as a co!ntry or any of its &eo&le, b!t to o&&ose an inh!'an syste' and s!e for a s&eedy end to the a&artheid cri'e against h!'anity.8 7hese co!ntless h!'an beings, both inside and o!tside o!r co!ntry, had the nobility of s&irit to stand in the &ath of tyranny and in9!stice, witho!t seeing selfish gain. hey recogni%ed th at an in9!ry to all and therefore acted together in defense of 9!stice and a co''on h!'an decency.8 1. B 2. ; . ; 4. ; 5. ; :. B <. A >. ?. 10. ; 11. B 12. ; 1. B 14. A 15. ; 1:. ; 1<. Third Periodic Test in English Grade 8 #, 9/><9/= ey to ;orrection 1>. B 1?. B 20. B 21. ; 22. 2. 24. A 25. ; 2:. ; 2<. A 2>. ; 2?. B 0. B 1. 2. A . A 4. 5. ;