Name________KEY_________ Per. ____________ Date___________________________________ A. Go to B. Select “Charts.” C. Move all sliders and watch what happens to the graphs. D. Answer the questions at the bottom of each page in complete sentences. Part 1 Directions: Before each trial, click the button, set values, and click move. Then DRAW the resulting Position, Velocity and Acceleration graphs. to make the man 1. Set velocity to 0.50m/s 2. Set velocity to 1.00m/s 3. Set velocity to 2.00m/s 4. Set velocity to 3.00m/s 5. Set velocity to 4.00m/s 6. Set velocity to 10.00m/s What do you notice about the slopes of the Position graphs as the velocity is increased? As the velocity increased, the slope of the Position graph increased. What do you notice about the Velocity graphs as the velocity is increased? The velocity graphs remained horizontal, but started at higher, more positive values. What do you notice about the Acceleration graphs? The acceleration graphs were always zero. Part 2 Directions: Change the sliders to the given values. Draw the resulting graphs. 7. Set acceleration to 0.50m/s2 8. Set position to 2.00m 9. Set acceleration to -0.50m/s2 10. Set position to 4.00m 11. Set acceleration to 2.00m/s2 12. Set velocity to -2.00m/s What happens to each of the shape of the position graphs when the acceleration is not 0? The position graphs are curved. What do you notice about the shape of the velocity graph when acceleration is not 0? The velocity graphs are straight lines with either a positive or negative slope. What does the negative sign do to the graphs for: Position? A negative position starts the man to the left of 0, closer to the tree. Velocity? A negative velocity moves the man to the left rather than the right. Acceleration? A negative acceleration means slowing if moving in the positive direction and speeding up if moving in the negative direction. Let’s extend this! Try these out and draw the graphs! 13. Set velocity to 0.50m/s and position to -4m 14. Set velocity to 1.00m/s, position to -3m, acceleration to -0.50m/s2 15. Set acceleration to 0.50m/s2 and position to -4m 16. Set velocity to -1.00m/s, position to -3m, acceleration to 0.50m/s2 17. Set velocity to 10.00m/s, position to -3m, acceleration to -5.00m/s2 18. Set velocity to 4.00m/s, position to -8m, acceleration to -0.50m/s2 What do you notice about the velocity and position graphs when the man changes direction? Position: The position graph hits a maximum or a minimum. Velocity: The velocity graph crosses the time axis. What happens when position, velocity and acceleration are all zero? All graphs are horizontal at a value of zero. Can you produce a graph where there is a point that both velocity and acceleration are zero? If so, give the initial values here: If not, why not? If the man is moving with some initial velocity, it is not possible for velocity and acceleration to both be zero, because the man would stop moving.