To edit this file, go to File → Download as → Microsoft Word OPENING CHECKLIST DUTIES: MON. TUES. WED. THUR. FRI. SAT. SUN. Turn on coffee machine and grinder (make sure both switches are turned on) Cut fresh fruit & prepare garnishes & skewers Fill all ice wells Double check stock levels including orange juice Check stock service wells (straws, napkins, skewers) Ensure ice buckets are filled with breakfast halfpenny properly chilled Check breakfast sparkling wines are not flat Check ice machine is functioning properly Turn on coffee machine steamer for 10 seconds to bring machine up to temperature before use Check milk stocks and dates Fill sugar bowls to the top with white and brown and ensure each has skewer/spoon in place Ensure all juices are properly chilled before service Ensure fruit basket is topped up with all fruit needed for a full days service Check your range of spirits, replacing any empties before the shift begins, and have new bottles to hand for any spirits that are running low (especially breakfast martini) Make sure all spirits are grouped together properly Turn on bar and fridge lights before service Provided by Evergreen – software custom-built for busy bars To edit this file, go to File → Download as → Microsoft Word BARTENDER INITIALS MANAGER INITIALS CLOSING CHECKLIST DUTIES: MON. TUES. WED. THUR. FRI. SAT. SUN. Wipe down counters with sanitiser Place any remaining fresh fruit/juices into to-go containers labeled with that day’s date Run everything through the dishwasher (garnish containers, shakers, jiggers, etc.) Stock your fridges with any spirits, beer, or wine that would need to be chilled before the next service Clean coffee machine and grinder ensuring groupheads are cleaned of all grease Sugar bowls are emptied and put through bar glass wash machine Ensure wine fridges are stocked up to correct levels Check breakfast bookings for next day to see if any breakfast martini needs to be made (check pre orders for martini) Check all products are labelled Ensure all wines are vacu-sealed & bottles are dated if opened Ensure all glasses have been cleaned, polished and put back into correct position Dishwasher is cleaned out, drained and sanitised and ensure cleaning fluids are stocked up Wipe down all fridges with glass cleaner Ensure orange juices are left out, chilled where possible with the correct number out depending on number of breakfast bookings Empty bins and replace with fresh bin bags Ensure sanitisers are filled for following day Check stock service wells (straws, napkins, skewers) Sweep and mop bar floor BARTENDER INITIALS MANAGER INITIALS Provided by Evergreen – software custom-built for busy bars To edit this file, go to File → Download as → Microsoft Word Provided by Evergreen – software custom-built for busy bars