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Beatification Timeline: Ignacia del Espiritu Santo

Timeline of the Process
on the Cause of the
Beatification of Venerable
Ignacia del Espiritu Santo
1663 – 1748
31 July 1906
17 March 1907
24 January 1931
12 January 1948
30 November 1979
15 August 1990
01 February 2008
Early Initiatives (1931 – 1969)
The Spirit of Mother Ignacia Emerges
The Cause at Its Inception
Retrieval of Mother Ignacia’s Remains
Resumption of Excavation
Elevation of the Cause to Rome
Beginning of the Official Process (1969 – 1985)
Creation of the Diocesan Historical
The Historical Commission in Action
The Change of Guards
Cardinal Sin’s Dauntless Effort
The “Normae”
From the Diocesan Informative Process up to the
Promulgation of the Decree on Virtues (1986 – 2008)
CBCP’s Postulation of the Cause to the Holy Father
The Panel of Investigators
The Decree of Validity
Relatore General for the Cause
The Beginnings and Completion of the POSITIO
Testimonies to Mother Ignacia’s Holiness
Creation of the Tribunal for the Utanes . Melencion
Tribunal’s Hearings on the Cause
Need for Theological Assistant
Final Printing of the POSITIO
The Historical Commission’s Congress
Approval of the POSITIO
More Facts on the Utanes case
More Prayers for the Cause
The Congress of Theologians in on the POSITIO
The Theological Commission’s Decision
The Postulator’s Visit
The Council of Cardinal’s Decision
The Promulgation of the Decree on the Heroic
The Medical Panel in Rome
Decretum Super Virtutibus
Solemn Promulgation of the Decree
Ongoing Promotion of the Cause (2008 – Present)
Report of the Medical Panel in Rome
Official Nomination of the Postulator for the Cause
New Cases of Healing
Ad-Hoc Committee on Documentation
Archdiocesan Panel Reconstituted
Cases of Healed Patients
Medical Panel in the Philippines
Other Cases of Healed Patients
A Year of Prayer for Healing
RVM Sisters, Lay Collaborators in Ministries,
and Mother Ignacia Movement
Challenge to Move on with Deeper Faith
A Challenge (Pedro de Achutegui, SJ)
It was in 1684 that our beloved Mother Foundress,
the Venerable Ignacia del Espiritu Santo, started the Beaterio
de la Compania de Jesus. Today, we have grown into a
Pontifical Congregation known as the Religious of the Virgin
Mary, with a great sense of history, so blessed by God’s
abiding presence, fidelity and care. For more than three
centuries, our Congregation has lived through the time-tested
tunnel of cultural, social and religious traditions - blessing
the present-day Church and the world with courageous,
responsive, humble and vibrant RVM Sisters.
One of the milestones in our Congregational journey
is the work on the Cause of the beatification of our Mother
Foundress. Truly, our hearts’ desire is for Mother Ignacia
del Espiritu Santo be extolled on the altars of saints for
God’s greater honor and glory! Our history tells us that the
inception of the Cause was in the early 1900’s. Significantly,
this has been continued up to the present: with reverence,
perseverance, hardwork, and humility.
Hence, as a
Congregation, we are invited to move on in our journey, with
the same spirit and fervor as those of the past RVM leaders,
sisters and other collaborators who have begun for us the
Cause of Mother Ignacia’s beatification.
With one mind, heart and spirit, let us recall the
beginnings of the Cause and see what has been done thus far,
through this publication: Timeline of the Process on the
Cause of the Beatification of Venerable Ignacia del Espiritu
Santo. Hopefully, through a common information on the
process, we may find meaning in the value of the continuing
process of the Cause; see the wisdom of those who started it
all; appreciate the history of our Congregation; feel Mother
Ignacia’s presence in our midst; and finally, praise God for
His fidelity and love for us.
With profound gratitude, I would like to
acknowledge S. Maria Consuelo Alvino, RVM, S. Maria
Anicia Co, RVM, S. Maria Nicetas Dael, RVM, S. Maria
Rita Ferraris, RVM, and S. Maria del Carmen Yap, RVM for
their valuable contributions in this publication. Likewise, I
would like to express my sincerest appreciation for their
various initiatives in our congregational work on the Cause
of the beatification of our revered Mother Foundress.
My special thanks to all the RVM Sisters for their
support, expressed through their prayers and sacrifices,
imploring God’s blessing upon our Congregation’s desire
that Mother Ignacia del Espiritu Santo may soon be beatified
and be called BLESSED.
Lastly, this publication will not be realized without
the technical assistance and untiring efforts of our Secretariat
Staff. Truly, I thank them from my heart!
M. Maria Evelyn C. Aguilar, RVM
Superior General
Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
31 May 2013
As the work on the Cause for the beatification of
Venerable Ignacia del Espiritu Santo advances, the
Congregation of the Religious of the Virgin Mary
continues to pray, implore and beg the almighty God
for His divine will on the Cause, with steadfast faith and
joyful hope. How the work on the Cause began and
continued through the present is certainly an amazing
grace, with God’s presence in every event of the
process. A summary of the process is, therefore,
presented through a timeline for everyone’s
information, recollection and appreciation.
(1931 – 1967)
1931 - The Spirit of Mother Foundress Emerges
About 82 years ago, a Jesuit priest, Fr Pedro
Vidal, helped in working for the approbation of the
revised Constitutions of the Religious of the Virgin
Mary. While working on it, he perceived the holiness of
Mother Ignacia del Espiritu Santo, manifested in the
lives of the early beatas. Impressed by this, he
suggested to the leaders of the Congregation to
promote the beatification of their holy Foundress,
Mother Ignacia del Espiritu Santo.
1933 - The Cause at Its Inception
The 2nd RVM Superior General, Rev. M.
Venancia Ceballos, wholeheartedly
accepted the idea prompting her to
exhort the general membership to
pray and make sacrifices for this
Superiors General followed suit but
their limited knowledge in proceeding
Rev. M. Venancia Ceballos
with the task did not yield much fruit.
1957 - Retrieval of Mother Ignacia’s Remains
After a lapse of twenty-five
years, Rev. M. Maria Catalina
Dychitan, RVM became the 4th
Superior General in 1956. A
definitive step was undertaken to
retrieve the mortal remains of
Mother Ignacia. Excavation started
M. Maria Catalina Dychitan, RVM
on 30 August 1957 at the
Pamantasan Ng Maynila, the former site of the Jesuit
institutions during the 17th century, where Mother
Ignacia was believed to have been buried. After seven
months of digging without positive results, the work
was stopped.
1959 - Resumption of Excavation
In 1959, M. Maria Catalina Dychitan, RVM and
M. Maria Dominga Palanca, RVM went to Madrid to
make some research in various Spanish archives and
they were able to obtain copies of the building plan of
the old St. Ignatius Church. This triggered off the
resumption of the excavation work but it stopped again
on seeing the activity yielding no fruit. A permit,
however, was secured from the Superintendent of City
Schools on 23 April 1962 allowing the Congregation to
go on with the diggings. This dragged on until 1967.
1965 - Elevation of the Cause to Rome
In 1965, prior to the
prohibition for further excavation,
the 5th Superior General, Rev. M.
Maria Ignacia Magdalena, RVM and
her Council, with the Local
Superiors of the communities in
Manila suburbs, filed a petition to
Rev. M. Maria Ignacia Magdalena, RVM
the Catholic Bishops of the
Philippines through His Eminence Rufino Cardinal
Santos, for the elevation of the Cause to Rome. The
Church in the Philippines was then celebrating the
400th anniversary of the country’s Christianization.
Cardinal Santos acted on the petition.
(1969 – 1983)
1969 - Creation of a Diocesan Historical Commission
The first official step in view of the Cause for the
beatification was made in 1969 by
His Eminence Rufino J. Cardinal
Santos with the creation of
according to the norms contained in
the 1939 “Motu Propio” of Pius XI
concerning the historical or ancient
causes. The commission consisted of
Rufino J. Cardinal Santos
Rev. Fr. Emilio Azarraga, SJ, Rev. Fr.
Isacio Rodriguez, OSA, and Rev. Fr. Juan Ledesma,
SJ. They made researches and study on the case,
with Rev. Fr. John Schumacher, SJ assisting Fr.
Azarraga. In 1970, Cardinal Santos appointed Rev. Fr.
Melencio De Vera as Promotor Fidei..
1971 - The Historical Commission in Action
In 1971, Fr. Schumacher, SJ left for Rome to
make research in the Jesuit archives. The historical
commission came up with a report in 1972 which was
submitted to Rome. The Congregation for the Causes
of Saints had the following evaluation of the report:
“…basic document was lacking to prove that
Mother Ignacia lived and practice the theological
and moral virtues to a heroic degree”. The letter was
signed by Melchor Pobladora, OFM Cap.
Despite of the saddening
effect of the unfavorable decision, the
6th Superior General, Rev. M. Maria
Josefina Yamzon, RVM, remained
She circularized to the
general membership entreating the
Sisters to pray more fervently for the
Rev. M. Maria Josefina Yamzon, RVM
1974 - The Change of Guards
On 19 March 1974, His Eminence Jaime L.
Cardinal Sin succeeded Cardinal Santos. Cardinal Sin
showed great interest in the
promotion of the Cause.
appointed Bishop Juan Velasco on
26 February 1976 to head the
Historical Commission, with Fr.
Schumacher, SJ and S. Maria Rita
His Eminence Jaime L. Cardinal Sin
Cardinal Sin went to Rome in 1978
and pleaded with Pope John Paul II
for the Cause. This was followed
up by the revised report of the
Response to this revised report
was: “the documentation was
most inadequate to merit the
Pope John Paul II
Congregation for the Causes of
Saints”. Signatory to this was the Relatore General,
Moris Antonio Frutaz.
Cardinal Sin’s Dauntless Effort
Undaunted and persistent Cardinal Sin did not
stop looking for means to promote the Cause. He
made contacts with the postulators of various
Congregations of men to interest them on the Cause.
Finally, he pleaded with Cardinal Palazzini, Head of the
Sacred Congregation for the Causes of Saints.
Cardinal Palazzini assured Cardinal Sin that he would
give directions or instructions to whoever would be
designated as Postulator for Mother Ignacia’s Cause.
1983 - The “Normae”
The Sacred Congregation for the Causes of
Saints issued the “Normae” on the Diocesan
Inquisitions. This guided the Cardinal and the RVM
Congregation in the succeeding work on the process
for the Cause of Mother Ignacia’s beatification.
(1986 – 2008)
To pursue the work on the Cause of Mother
Ignacia’s beatification, a NIHIL OBSTAT had to be
secured from Rome which was granted on 20 October
1986. Without any delay, Cardinal Sin created an
Archdiocesan Tribunal in November 1986. Those
appointed were Msgr. Josefino Ramirez as
Chairperson; Msgr. Hinigo Velarde, Promoter of
Justice; Fr. Catalino Arevalo, SJ, Theologian; Fr. Pedro
de Achutegui, SJ, Theologian-Historian; and S. Maria
Isabelita Riego de Dios, RVM, the Congregation’s
CBCP’s Postulation of the Cause to the Holy Father
During the meeting of the Catholic Bishop’s
Conference of the Philippines on 21 November 1986,
the Bishops postulated to His Holiness Pope John Paul
II their prayerful desire for the beatification of Mother
Ignacia del Espiritu Santo.
1987 - The ACTAS
With the support of the 7th
Superior General, Rev. M. Maria
Assumpta David and the members
of the General Council, the
Archdiocesan Tribunal assembled
for a series of meetings between
February 2 -15, 1987, discussing
Rev. M. Maria Assumpta David, RVM
the documents gathered by the
Historical Commission (updated in 1976), and
concluding with a position paper, the ACTAS, which
was formally presented to Cardinal Sin on 2 March
1987. The Tribunal’s conclusion was expressed in the
following statement:
reason in favor of the
beatification of Mother Ignacia
is that in the first few hundred
years of the Church’s life here
in the Philippines, there was in
the person of this woman a
shining example of a life of
profound Christian holiness. What could be better
proof of the fruitfulness of the Christian religion on
the Filipino faithful, not too long after the coming of
the faith to the Philippines shores”. Cardinal Sin
personally brought the ACTAS to Rome.
The Panel of Investigators
On 27 May 1987, Rev. Fr. Innocenzo Venchi,
OP was appointed Diocesan Postulator for Mother
Ignacia’s Cause. His appointment impelled Cardinal
Sin to designate a Panel of Investigators on 18 June
1987 to conduct an Archdiocesan Inquisition on the
case. The appointees were Msgr. Felipe Ocol, JCD,
Judge Delegate; Msgr. Benedicto Aquino, Promoter of
Justice; Msgr. Socrates Villegas, First Notary; and S.
Maria Erlinda Cabilin, RVM, Asst. Notary.
inquisition panel set to work from 27 July to 15 August
`The result of the Inquisition was the summary of
the entire proceedings, a TRANSUMPTA, which was
signed by the members of the panel.
TRANSUMPTA was then sealed, and the same was
brought to Rome by Fr. Venchi, OP to be submitted to
the Secretary of the Sacred Congregation for the
Causes of Saints on 10 November 1987.
1991 - The Decree of Validity
Moving up from his office as Diocesan
Postulator, Fr. Venchi was appointed General
Postulator on 22 September 1991, about four years
after the submission of the TRANSUMPTA.
In anticipation for the Decree on Validity, Cardinal Sin
called for a meeting on 12 November 1991. Present
during the meeting were Msgr. Hinigo Velarde, Msgr.
Geronimo Reyes, M. Maria Assumpta David, RVM, S.
Maria Rita Ferraris, RVM, and S. Maria Isabelita Riego
de Dios, RVM.
On 20 December 1991, the Decree on Validity of the
Diocesan Process of the Servant of God was issued,
duly signed by Msgr. Guisepe D’Ascola of the Sacred
Congregation for the Causes of Saints.
1992 - Relatore General for the Cause
Rev. Fr. Ambrose Eszer, OP was appointed as
the Relatore General for Mother Ignacia’s Cause on 11
January 1992.
The Beginnings and Completion of the POSITIO
About the early part of
1992, the RVM Congregation
commissioned S. Maria Rita
Ferraris, RVM to work on the
POSITIO. She had to stay in
Rome to be in close coordination
and collaboration with Fr. Venchi,
S. Maria Rita Ferraris, RVM
OP and Fr. Eszer, SJ. S. Maria
Rita soon completed the POSITIO and submitted it to
the press for printing in February 1993 and released in
September 1993.
Testimonies to Mother Ignacia’s Holiness
Three volumes of compiled testimonies to the
fame for holiness of the Servant of God were submitted
to the Archdiocesan Chancery. In-charge of the
compilation was S. Maria Consuelo Alvino, RVM.
1995 - Creation of the Tribunal for the Utanes and
Melencion Cases
As the writing of the POSITIO was in progress,
the cures of Mrs. Victoria Utanes and Mrs. Merle
Melencion were reported to Rome. Upon receiving
instruction in 1994 for the investigation of the two
cases, Cardinal Sin created a Tribunal that was sworn
into office on 15 July 1995. Members of the Tribunal
were Fr. Honorato Castigador, OP who was appointed
by Fr. Venchi, OP to be his Vice Postulator; Fr.
Geronimo Reyes, Judge; Fr. Alex Amandy, Promoter of
Justice; Msgr. Socrates Villegas, Notary; Dr. Ramon
Sin and Dr. Homer Gonzales, Medical Panel Members;
Dr Socorro Martinez, Neurologist; and S. Maria
Magdalena Leocadio, RVM, Secretary.
1996 - Tribunal’s Hearings on the Cases
Separate hearings were conducted by the
Tribunal: the Utanes case on 22 March 1996 and the
Melencion case on 8 April 1996. Documentations on
the results of the hearings were hand-carried by
Cardinal Sin when he went to Rome in the same
month, April 1996.
1997 - Need for Theological Assistant
Fr. Venchi saw the need for a
Theological Assistant, specifically a
Filipino, who could help in
investigating the POSITIO submitted
by S. Maria Rita Ferraris, RVM in
1993, and come up with the
Rev. M. Maria Clarita Balleque, RVM
document showing the holiness of
Mother Ignacia del Espiritu Santo. With the approval
and consent of the 8th Superior General, Rev. M. Maria
Clarita Balleque and Council, the appointment of Rev.
Fr. Enrico Emmanuel Ayo as Theological Assistant was
made on 20 March 1997. Referring to S. Maria Rita’s
book and to his own research and study, Fr. Ayo
completed his assigned task in a year and eight-month
time. He presented his finished work to Fr. Venchi, OP
in November 1998.
2000 - Final Printing of the POSITIO
The process of checking
and rechecking of Fr. Ayo’s
work took much of the time in
1999 and the first half of 2000.
Finally, the POSITIO was
ready for printing in July 2000,
with the inclusion of Fr. Eszer’s
2001 - The Historical Commission’s Congress
The POSITIO was submitted to the Historical
Commission that was convened on 16 January 2001 to
discuss its merits. The entire RVM Congregation was
in the posture of prayer and sacrifice to intercede for
God’s compassionate mercy for the success of the
commission’s discussions and deliberations.
Joining the RVM Sisters in their prayer and sacrifice
were various groups of lay people who had their share
in promoting Mother Ignacia’s Cause. These groups
Mother Ignacia Movement (MIM), Mother
Ignacia Club (MIC), Confraternity of Our Lady of the
Beaterio (COLB); Friends of Mother Ignacia (FMI); and
Mother Ignacia Lay Community (MILC). There were
also other lay people belonging to unorganized groups,
but were recipients of favors and graces through the
intercession of Mother Ignacia.
Approval of the POSITIO
Majority of the members of the Historical
Commission stamped their approval on the historical
POSITIO in 2001. Proceedings of their discussions
and approval became part of the document which were
then passed on to the Theological Commission for
another review and study.
2003 - More Facts on the UTANES Case
Rome suggested for another hearing on the
UTANES case to add more weight to the documents
previously submitted in 1996. Cardinal Sin designated
Most Rev. Socrates Villegas as Episcopal Delegate to
head the Panel of Investigators that would conduct the
hearing on the Utanes case. With him as members
were Msgr. Geronimo Reyes, Fr. Samson Silloriquez,
OAR, Fr. Honorato Castigador, OP, Fr. Alex Amandy,
and S. Maria Consuelo Alvino, RVM. A Medical Panel
was likewise present, composed of Dr. Ramon Sin,
Pathologist; Dr. Joselynna Quimpo, Endocrinologist;
Dr. Tony Ignacia, Pathologist. The hearing was held
on 23 July 2003. Invited to be witnesses in the
interview by the panelists were those who knew Mrs.
Utanes personally.
Results of the hearing were
forwarded to Rome.
2006 - More Prayers for the Cause
Towards the end of 2006,
the work on the Cause was again
given focus, through the initiative of
the 9th Superior General, Rev. M.
Maria Evelyn Aguilar, RVM. This
time, the entire Congregation
Rev. M. Maria Evelyn Aguilar, RVM
stormed heaven with prayers and
Mass intentions for the Cause of the beatification of
Mother Ignacia. The Sisters sincerely offered sacrifices
that the Congress of Theologians in Rome may find
favor in her holiness (cf. Circular #13 s. 2006).
2007- The Congress of Theologians on the POSITIO
Official information reached the office of M.
Maria Evelyn Aguilar, RVM that the Congress of
Theologians in Rome would be having its meeting on
23 February 2007, where the POSITIO on Mother
Foundress would be discussed.
From January 23 to February 23, 2007, all the
Sisters in the Philippines and Overseas were one in
mind, heart, and spirit in their prayers, fasting, and
charitable deeds for the intention of the Cause. To
culminate their one-month act of offerings, all the
communities scheduled for a Day of Vigil from 12 noon
to 12 midnight of February 23, 2007. It was on this day
that the POSITIO was discussed by the Congress of
Theologians (cf. Circular #14 s. 2007).
The Theological Commission’s Decision
In the morning of 26 February 2007, the good
news came that majority of the Congress of
Theologians agreed favorably on the virtues of Mother
Ignacia, as lived to a heroic degree. This development
was a cause for rejoicing for the members of the
Congregation, moving them to a joyful thanksgiving to
the Lord. “The Lord heard their plea and truly the Lord
reigns” (cf. Ps. 97). Indeed, “He has done marvelous
deeds!” (cf. Ps. 98). It was noted that the decision
occurred within the Centennial Year Celebration of the
issuance of the Decree of Praise granted to the RVM
Congregation by His Holiness Pope Pius X on 17
March 1907.
The Postulator’s Visit
On 18 June 2007, the Congregation was blest
with the visit of Rev. Fr. Francesco Ricci, OP and Rev.
Fr. Enrico Emmanuel Ayo. Fr. Ricci is the present
Postulator and Fr. Ayo was the Theologian Assistant to
the former Postulator, Rev. Fr. Innocenzo Venchi, OP.
The visit was a blessing of hope, for Fr. Ricci himself
broke the good news that “the Cause of Mother Ignacia’s
beatification is in active process”!
The Council of Cardinal’s Decision
Just a day after the visit, 19 June 2007, the
Sisters, as a Congregation, were at prayer in
Eucharistic Adoration. They all prayed in humble
supplication, for the Council of Cardinals in Rome was
scheduled to meet on the POSITIO of Mother Ignacia,
particularly on her life and virtues.
Two days later, on June 21, 2007, M. Maria
Evelyn Aguilar, RVM received the good news from Fr.
Ricci, through the District Superior of Italy, S. Maria
Carmen Yu, RVM that the Council of Cardinals gave a
favorable decision on the life and virtues of the RVM
Foundress. Indeed, the Sisters’ persistent prayers
were heard with Christ’s love flowing from His Most
Sacred Heart. Yes, a blessing of love that granted their
joyful hope and prayerful waiting (Cf. Circular #18 s.
The Promulgation of the Decree on the Heroic
On 6 July 2007, the Holy
Father, Pope Benedict XVI, received,
in private audience, His Eminence
Cardinal Jose Saraiva Martins,
Prefect of the Congregation for the
Causes of Saints. In their brief
meeting, the Holy Father authorized
the Congregation to publish the
Pope Benedict XVI
Decree regarding the heroic virtues of
the Servant of God, Ignacia del Espiritu Santo (English
translation to www.Vatican News 2007). From that
time on, the Sisters anticipated, with incessant prayers
and joyful hope, the official release of the said Decree
to the Congregation.
Meanwhile, the “good news” on the Decree
served as inspiration and a challenge for the RVM
Sisters to transform their lives and come a little closer
each day in imitation of the life and virtues of their
Foundress. They continued to pray for all those
working for and believing in the Cause: the Medical
Panel, the various Councils of Historians, Theologians
and Cardinals, the Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI,
and Fr. Francesco Ricci, OP the Postulator (cf. Circular
#19 s. 2007).
The Medical Panel in Rome
From Italy, M. Maria Evelyn Aguilar, RVM
received the information that the Medical Panel in
Rome, on the Cause of the beatification of Mother
Ignacia, was scheduled to meet on 29 November 2007
at 3:00 – 5:00 p.m. (PH Time). To intensify the prayers
and sacrifices for a favorable decision, a Triduum of
Masses and vigils were scheduled on 27-29 November
2007 for the intention of the Cause (cf. Circular #23 s.
Decretum Super Virtutibus
With joy, M. Maria Evelyn Aguilar, RVM received
on 24 December 2007 the official document, Decretum
Super Virtutibus (Decree on Virtues), acknowledging the
theological and cardinal virtues lived by Mother Ignacia
to a heroic degree. The Holy Father, Pope Benedict
XVI, after being duly informed by the Sacred
Congregation of the Causes of Saints, has accepted
and ratified the report on 6 July 2007 and ordered that
the Decree on Virtues be published and included in the
Acts of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints (cf.
Circular #24 s. 2008). The Decree declared that “…the
servant of God, Ignacia del Espiritu Santo, foundress of the
Congregation of the Sisters of the Blessed Virgin Mary , is
found to possess to a heroic degree the theological virtues of
Faith, Hope, and Charity toward God and neighbor, as
well as the cardinal virtues of Prudence, Justice, Temperance
and Fortitude.”
2008 - Solemn Promulgation of the Decree
Upon consultation with His
Eminence Gaudencio B. Cardinal
Rosales, DD, the promulgation of
the Decree was set on 01 February
2008 at the Minor Basilica of San
Lorenzo Ruiz, the famous Binondo
Church in Manila, at 9:00 a.m. It
was attended by many people from
His Eminence
various sectors: church leaders,
Gaudencio B. Cardinal Rosales
clergy, religious men and women,
government officials, military officers, students, school
administrators, teacher s and personnel, ministry lay
partners, RVM Sisters and friends.
A Thanksgiving Mass, officiated by His
Eminence Gaudencio B. Cardinal Rosales, DD of the
Archdiocese of Manila, was offered by the
Congregation of the Religious of the Virgin Mary for the
solemn promulgation of the Decretum Super Vitutibus of
Mother Ignacia del Espiritu Santo. The reading of the
Decree by His Excellency Most Rev. Angel N.
Lagdameo, DD, CBCP President highlighted the
momentous celebration.
This marked the RVM
Foundress with the title VENERABLE.
After the reading of the Decree, the assembly
acclaimed the historic moment with a rousing applause.
Rev. M. Maria Evelyn Aguilar, RVM, Superior General,
accepted the official copy of the Decree on Virtues from
Cardinal Rosales and presented it to the public in
attendance. Then, the picture of Venerable Ignacia
was unveiled by M. Maria Assumpta David, RVM and
M. Maria Clarita Balleque, RVM, Superiors General
In great jubilation, the
Church bells rang and the RVM
Choir sang Holy God, We Praised Thy
Name. Profound gratitude welled
from the hearts of the RVM Sisters,
many of whom were moved to tears
at the awesome experience of
witnessing Ignacia del Espiritu
Santo extolled as Venerable in the
history of the Congregation and of
the Church.
With His Eminence Cardinal Rosales were about
15 Bishops and more than 60 Monsignori and priests
who concelebrated at the Thanksgiving Mass. Toward
the end of the Mass, a hymn to honor the Blessed
Virgin Mary, Salve Virgen Maria, was chanted. The
Thanksgiving Mass concluded with the recessional
hymn, Uliran, a loving tribute to Venerable Ignacia who
like the “mustard seed in the ground, springs up and
becomes the largest of plants” (Mark 4:33).
The promulgation of the Decretum Super Virtutibus
adds to the landmarks of the Congregation’s history
which every RVM Sister cherishes in gratitude and in
humility. Moreover, it is a challenge to all the RVM
Sisters to continue living out the spirituality and charism
“in the service of His Divine Majesty” among God’s
people in today’s world.
(2008 – Present)
2008 - Report of the Medical Panel in Rome
The report, translated from Italian to English,
included the discussions of the Medical Panel in a
meeting held in Rome on 24 January 2008. This was
sent to the Congregation through S. Maria Carmen Yu,
RVM. The following are excerpts from the report:
“Since there is no precise semeiotic and an adequate
documentation on the 1991 event (declared instant healing of
Mrs. Utanes), the members of the Medical Consultation
declared that they are not in position to evaluate the cure of
the 3rd finger lesion.”
“In conclusion, as expressed above, the Medical
Consultation is not allowed to make a solid judgment on the
unexplainability of the cure of lesion which occurred in 1991
for lack of clinical documentations contemporary to the
event.” (Dr. Enmio Ensoli and Pro. Patrizio Pollisca, 2000)
The above declaration on the status
Cause for the beatification of Mother
challenged the RVM Sisters, more than ever
close to Jesus, to intensify and be persistent
of the
to stay
in their
Official Nomination of Postulator for the Cause
In its meeting on 13 June 2008, M. Maria Evelyn
Aguilar, RVM and the General Council officially
nominated Rev. Fr. Francesco Ricci, OP as the
Postulator for the Cause. Having met him and Fr.
Ambroze Eszer, OP in Rome in May 2008, M. Maria
Evelyn Aguilar, RVM was given the assurance of their
continuing support.
They also expressed their
steadfast faith in the Cause, and have asked the
Sisters to persistently pray with them for Venerable
Ignacia’s eventual beatification. More importantly, they
reminded the Sisters of their concrete and authentic
response as “legacy bearers” of their Foundress in
today’s Church, deeply in love with Jesus Christ and
embracing the world with His love (cf. Circular #27 s.
2009 - New Cases of Healing
Rev. Fr. Francesco Ricci, OP, the Postulator for
the Cause, instructed M. Maria Evelyn Aguilar, RVM to
submit new cases of healing attributed to the
miraculous cure through the intercession of Venerable
Ignacia. He further advised her to gather testimonies
of those healed with adequate clinical documentations
as prescribed by the Congregation of the Causes for
Saints. In Rome (cf. Circular #32 s. 2009)
On March 30, 2009, the General Council invited
Fr. Francesco Ricci, OP, together with Fr. Enrico
Emmanuel Ayo, to the Generalate. In their meeting, Fr.
Ricci gave them further instructions on the process of
gathering medical records as indispensable documents
to prove the veracity of a miraculous cure attributed to
the Servant of God, Venerable Ignacia. They were
advised to pray and to offer more sacrifices for
guidance toward the effective pursuit of the Cause. Fr.
Ricci also challenged the RVMs to believe that many
miracles of healing, attributed through her intercession
have already taken place around them. The need to
believe and continue to be steadfast in their prayer that
the Holy Spirit may direct them to find the right person
with complete and authentic clinical documentations
and someone who is truly destined to be miraculously
healed by God through Venerable Ignacia’s
Fr. Ricci also gave the General Council the
information on the benefits attached to a Servant of
God, whose Cause has been decreed to be published
and included in the Acts of the Congregation for the
Causes of Saints, as follows:
 The Sisters can invoke Venerable Ignacia in their prayers
with an appropriate response of “PRAY FOR US,”, instead
 Venerable Ignacia’s picture or statue can now be placed
at the side altar of any chapel directly under the
jurisdiction of the Religious of the Virgin Mary.
They can now light candles before Venerable Ignaci’a
picture or statue during her feastdays and triduum or
novena prayers (cf. Circular #34 s. 2009).
Likewise, he advised M. Maria Evelyn Aguilar,
RVM to inform Manila Archbishop, Gaudencio Cardinal
B. Rosales, and ask him to help reconstitute the
Archdiocesan Panel for the Cause of Venerable
Ad-Hoc Committee on Documentations
The committee was organized with the primary
objective of gathering clinical documentation on the
miraculous cure of the patients submitted through the
intercession of Venerable Ignacia:
S. Maria Consuelo Alvino, RVM
S. Maria Reinalda Sison, RVM
S. Maria Magdalena Leocadio, RVM
2010 - Archdiocesan Panel Reconstituted
M. Maria Evelyn Aguilar,RVM, S. Maria Rita
Ferraris,RVM, and S. Maria Consuelo Alvino, RVM met
with Cardinal Rosales in Intramuros in March 2010. He
assured them that an Archdiocesan Panel would be
organized with Msgr. Geronimo Reyes of the
Archdiocesan Shrine of San Lorenzo Ruiz to facilitate
its reorganization.
The following constituted the Archdiocesan
Panel for the Cause of Venerable Ignacia del Espiritu
Episcipal Delegate:
Presiding Judge:
Most Rev. Bernardino Cortez
Villa San Miguel
Mandaluyong City
Msgr. Geronimo Reyes
Arch. Shrine of San Lorenzo Ruiz
Binondo, Manila
Associate Judge:
Promoter of Justice:
First Notary:
Assistant Notary:
Medical Panel:
Rev. Fr. Wilmar Rosario
Sacred Heart Parish
Welfareville, Mandaluyong City
Rev. Fr. Edgardo Coroza
Our Lady of Fatima Parish
Bacood, Sta. Mesa, Manila
S. Maria Erlinda Cabilin, RVM
S. Maria Consueo Alvino, RVM
c/o The Medical City
Meralco Avenue, Pasig City
In April 2010, M. Maria Evelyn Aguilar, RVM and
S. Maria Consuelo Alvino, RVM met with Msgr.
Geronimo Reyes at the Archdiocesan Shrine of San
Lorenzo Ruiz. As Presiding Judge of the Archdiocesan
Panel, he advised them to gather clinical
documentations on cases of healed patients attributed
to Mother Ignacia’s intercession. He also advised them
that a Medical Panel be organized to study the
authenticity of the cases.
Cases of Healed Patients
In May 2010, M.
Maria Evelyn Aguilar,
RVM, together with S.
RVM, District Superior
of Italy, met with Fr.
Ricchi, OP at the
Dominican Generalate
in Rome, to update him
on the development of the Cause, particularly on the
cases of healed patients.
Five documented cases of healed patients at the
Mother Ignacia Healing Center were submitted to the
Committee on Documentations with their testimonies
and medical documents. The patients asked for the
grace of divine intervention and availed of the healing
gifts of S. Maria Raquel Reodica, RVM and S. Maria
Gloria Ross, RVM.
Medical Panel in the Philippines
The expertise of The Medical City in Pasig City,
through Dr. Alfredo Bengzon, TMC President, was
solicited for the organization of the Medical Panel,
tasked with the thorough study on the clinical
documentations of the five cases submitted. The
Medical Panel was composed of:
Dr. Maria Carla Sibulo
Dr. Marian Alamjar
Dr. Rafael Claudio
Dr. Joseph Vincent Alba
Dr. Maria Luz del Rosario
Dr. Miriam Kimpo
Dr. Jose Antonio Esquivel
Adult Cardiologist
Orthopedic Surgeon
Pediatric Hematologist-Oncologist
Pediatric Hematologist-Oncologist
Pediatric Hematologist-Oncologist
Results of their findings and recommendations
were shared with M. Maria Evelyn Aguilar, S. Maria
Domitilla Enriquez, and S. Maria Consuelo Alvino in a
conference organized by Dr. Bless Concepcion, the
The Medical City President’s Secretary. Dr. Alfredo
Bengzon facilitated the conference. Of the five cases,
only two of the cases were initially accepted as healed
through divine intercession, but are still subject to
further investigation and study. The other three cases
of healing can be explained clinically and, therefore,
have no merit as healing attributed to faith through
Mother Ignacia’s intercession.
2011 - Other Cases of Healed Patients
The documentation office at the Mother Ignacia
Healing Center in Bagumbong continued to process the
documents on the healing of another six patients
through the intercession of Mother Ignacia.
Like the first group of the documented cases in
2010, the above cases of healed patients will be
submitted to the Medical Panel through the expertise of
the Medical City under Dr. Alfredo Bengzon’a
leadership. The panel would also be requested to
conduct a thorough study on their clinical
Based on the experiences and observations of
the patients themselves, many are getting spiritually, as
well as physically healed at the Mother Ignacia Healing
Center (MIHC). Patients continue coming and bringing
new patients to MIHC.
Many of these healing
experiences may not be confirmed miraculously by
medical scrutiny, however, in the hearts of the patients
themselves who underwent the struggles and pains of
sickness, they believe that their healings were possible
by the “miracle” of God’s healing touch, through the
intercession of our Blessed Mother Mary and the
saints, in particular Venerable Ignacia del Espiritu
Santo, whose intercession is constantly invoked in the
healing process (Sison, 2011).
2012 - A Year of Prayer for
agreed to continue offering
prayers, fasting and works of
charity to further promote the
Cause of Mother Ignacia’s
beatification. The Congregation for the Causes of
Saints in Rome, requires a single proof of healing
through divine intervention. The presumed miracle
needs further examination and requires the approval of
many experts, medical and technical, whose duty is to
ascertain that the matter in question is scientifically
inexplicable. Since the process of gathering medical
records is indispensable to prove the veracity of a
miraculous cure attributed to Mother Ignacia, more
prayers and sacrifices are being offered by the
Congregation for guidance toward the effective pursuit
of the Cause. Hence, Mother General and Council
have declared 2012 as the Year of Prayer for Healing.
Praying the rosary and the 30-minute vigil before the
Blessed Sacrament every 12th day of the month at
12:00 noon have been scheduled, with the intention of
asking God’s grace for his miraculous work of healing
to further the Cause of Mother Ignacia’s beatification.
2013 - RVM Sisters, Lay Collaborators and Mother
Ignacia Movement
In a General Council Meeting held on February
04, 2013, the following activities were suggested to
help intensify the promotion of the Cause for the
beatification of Mother Ignacia del Espiritu Santo: i)
ongoing intensive prayer, fasting and acts of charity, ii)
rosary and vigil before the Blessed Sacrament in all
RVM communities every 13th of the month at 1:00 p.m.
or at any preferred time agreed upon by the
community, iii) extensive and close follow-up of
documentation on any form of healing through Mother
Ignacia’s intercession, iv) jurisdictional compilation of
written personal experiences on Mother Ignacia
(letters, prayers, colloquy, insights, poems, favors
received, answered prayers, and healing cases), v)
promote updated information on the Cause of her
beatification, vi) seek suggestions to help further the
Cause from the Vatican, and vii) request for prayers
from ecclesiastical authorities, religious congregations
and lay movements. M. Maria Evelyn Aguilar, RVM
and the General Council appointed S. Maria Anicia Co,
RVM as the Congregation’s Representative to work
with the Sisters and the Postulator in Rome on the
Cause of the beatification of Venerable Ignacia del
Espiritu Santo. With this appointment, there will be
Congregation and the persons designated to process
the work on the Cause.
Challenge to Move on with Deeper Faith
Fr. Francesco Ricci, OP, in his meeting with
Mother General and Council, left the some inspiring,
but challenging thoughts as the Congregation moves
towards obtaining the miraculous evidences of healing
attributed through Mother Ignacia’s intercession. He
advised them “not to look for evidences of patients still
to be healed miraculously, but believe that there are
persons already been healed”. He invited them to pray
for the grace that these persons be known by them. Fr.
Ricci likewise added that the real challenge is for the
whole Congregation to move on with deeper faith and
more prayers for the Cause.
Confronted with the various challenges entailed
in proceeding with the work, the RVMs remain
steadfast in their faith, holding on to a joyful hope that,
in God’s own time, their revered Foundress, Venerable
Ignacia del Espiritu Santo, may be extolled on the
altars for veneration as BLESSED IGNACIA DEL
Through the leadership of
M. Maria Evelyn Aguilar, RVM and Council, the entire
Congregation has to continue the work, imploring
God’s compassionate love and mercy--- with humility,
constancy, and persistence, May God favor their
earnest desire for Venerable Ignacia del Espiritu
Santo’s beatification for the good of the Church in the
Philippines and all over the world!
Venerable Ignacia del Espiritu Santo
(1663 – 1748)
A Challenge
Three hundred years ago when women were
powerless, when no native of a colony would ever
dream of bold initiatives, a simple woman Ignacia del
Espiritu Santo broke the mold.
She challenged the Society and the Church of
her time and guided by the Spirit, opened new paths on
Philippines soil.
Three hundred years later, the
challenge remains as vital and vibrant as ever.
How can we, each of us, men and women alike
imitate her courage? What can we, men and women
alike do to challenge the Society and the Church of our
Pedro de Achutegui, SJ
Aguilar, M. Maria Evelyn. Superior General’s Circulars 2007
nos. 14, 15, 18, 19; 2008 no. 24; 2009 nos. 32, 34.
Aguilar, M. Maria Evelyn. (2011). Report on the State of the
Congregation, RVM Secretariat. Philippines.
Dael, S. Maria Nicetas. (2007). The Lights Behind the
Shadows on the Cause of Mother Ignacia del Espiritu Santo.
Ang Uliran. Philippines.
Ferraris, S. Maria Rita. “…And the Woman’s Name is Ignacia”.
RVM Publications Committee, Philippines
Ferraris, S. Maria Rita. “Digitus Dei Est Hic”. This is the
Finger of God. RVM Publications Committee, Philippines
Good News Bible. (Copyright 1995). Philippine Bible Society.
www.Vatican News. (2007)