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Approach: Segmented, Targeted, Multichannel Marketing
1. Differentiated marketing –will involve the decision focusing on two or more segments of the KCAU market. This could be
done by selecting a limited number of clustered or scattered target markets or target the entire segment of KCAU market each with distinct marketing program
2. Concentrated Marketing: It will involve high degree of focused effort either exclusively or interpretively. Exclusively, the
focus will be on a single segment of the educational consumer market e.g the high scholar or the employed. The goal is to
dominate that market through total market penetration. On the other hand, Integrative concentrated marketing will involve
expanding a single market segment to encompass other similar segments.
3. Orchestrated marketing – It will involve designing a distinctive yet collective marketing program aimed at meeting the
shared persuasive needs or of a range of KCAU market segments e.g quality, affordability, flexibility
Goal: To attract and retain students through unique and strategic value proposition.
Social Media Marketing
 Website
 Facebook
 LinkedIn
 Instagram
 You tube
 Increase monthly visits
and clicks
 Increase conversion rates
 Improve overall student
 Provide fans and followers
with a sense of what it is
like to be KCAU university
 Run more relevant content
based ads on social media
Search Engine Optimization
 Google
 SEMRush
 Ubersugget
Have KCAU highly ranked
and easily noticed on
search engines
Enhance user experience
Offer real time discounts on
complimentary programs for
returning students and
continuing students referring
others students
Offer discounts to student
pursuing two or more programs
at the same time
Enhance the uniqueness of our
web content and create more
informative and relevant pages
to keep visitors longer on the
Optimize page URLs
Build keywords and content
around the KCAU ideal
Highlight individual programs –
have unique pages for each and
optimize them for relevant
keywords and keyword research
Optimize website for local
SEO/location based searches e.g
No. of posts per day
No. of
No. of new fans /subscribers/
No. of clients filling
application forms
Cost per prospect
conversion rate
No. of new students enrolled
through royalty programs
Rate of engagement
Rate of post re-shares and
bounce rate
click through rate
No of website visitors
No of average time spent
No. of leads conversions
Email Marketing campaigns
 Existing Student data
 Prospective students
data base -CRM
Optimized Pay – Per - Click
(PPC) advertising
 Google AdWords
 Facebook,
 LinkedIn
 YouTube
Unique Value Propositions
 Outstanding
Increase brand
visibility and boost
personalization in
Drive in higher
traffic of valuable
leads to KCAU
Boost target
awareness KCAU,
its programs and
other offerings
Scale up
engagement with
Attract students
looking for
‘colleges in Nairobi’,
‘Universities in Nairobi’
Conduct customer
segmentation by relevant
demographics, benefit sought
and motivation forces
Conduct and maintain highly
quality customized and
personalized email marketing
campaigns/offers, tailored to
the particular needs and
preferences of selected student
Create mart, well-crafted brand
awareness ads and campaigns
and strategically targeting
keywords and audiences at the
exact time that they are
conducting a search
promote specific educational
programs e.g high demand
programs, new programs
Redesign the web landing page
to match searches
Open rates
Bounce rates
Reply rates
Click-to-open rates
Click-through rates
No. of new subscriptions
No of applications
No. of leads conversions
Churn rate/unsubscription
impressions / no of times the ad
is see
video views
click through rates
conversion rate
cost per conversion
focus and optimize unique
selling points/characteristics
that make KCAU stand out in
the highly competitive market
Customer satisfaction
No. of referrals
No of applications
No of conversions
Only university
instituted by
Professional Body
 Top Graduate
Employment Ranking
 Modern Top ranked
User generated content
marketing and peer to peer
 Referral /word-ofmouth marketing
 Student and staff blog
posts on KCAU
 Student testimonials
and experience videos
on social media pages
such as Tiktok,
youtube, Instagram
 Student and staff blog
 Controlled preenrollment class sit in
capabilities like
excellent service.
Spur brand loyalty
increase the
inquiries and
engage and
leverage KCAU’s
biggest assets:
students, parents
and staff as brand
ambassadors to
recommend a
brand to their
friends, family and
enhancing the reputation
and value added aspects
of the KCAU brand
to create easy and realistic
ways for prospective
students to get a grip on
what it’s like to be in
appeal to every customer
through every aspect of their
interaction with KCAU
Re design our referral program
including referral rewards.
provision of quality service at all
levels across the university
(quality studies, training,
internships, live projects
training, visits, seminars e.t.c)
that students can boast about
creating exciting, engaging
video content targeted at
Generation Z – who compose
the largest of our customer
segment and are the highest
consumers of content in Tiktok,
youtube ,Instagram
Identify where to host blogs
based on the targeted reader
audience (web, student portal
or a different site ?)
Design an annual calendar for
class sit ins and campus tours
No. of employed graduates
No of active student and staff
referring students
Referral page hits
No. of student referrals
cost of referral
click through rates/
No. of views on videos
No of pre-enrollment class
No. of conversions
Brand Activism Marketing
(through social or business
causes that align to KCAU
vision and mission)
 Cause promotion
 Cause marketing
 Corporate social
responsibility –
marketing driven by
staff and or students
Inbound /Outbound
Telemarketing (Call Centre)
 Cold calls
 Personalized sms
 Whatsapp chats
Events & Exhibitions
 Leadership programs
for high school
 Student Career fairs
 Job fairs
To drive market
differentiation and
Build KCAU brand equity
and trust
Enhance a positive brand
Enhance KCAU as a
university of choice
To connect and build
lasting relationships over
the phone with existing
and prospective clients
prior to sales
To market the KCAU
brand, programs and
other offerings
To generate leads for
future recruitment
To collect data in order to
get market insights
To create rapport and
build a lasting relationship
with the administration
and students which can
result in enrollment
Identify ethical, sustainable and
CSR-related activities which
KCAU can use as a point of
difference against competitors
and can help fill a gap in the
Examples may be social activism
around issues of education and
student funding ; environmental
activism around issues of
conservation, environmental,
air pollution laws and policies
Create a funnel with all leads at
the top of the funnel and being
nurtured down the funnel with
marketing messages tailored to
the stage that the lead is in until
they are ready to be
approached with a message
directed to start the application
Develop a leadership program
for high school administrators
to equip them with leadership
and career guidance skills
Organize and facilitate free
career guidance sessions for
high school and post high school
No of online and offline
activism campaigns and
No. of people
talking/engaging with the
campaign on different
Total no. of leads
No. of qualified leads
No. of conversions
No. of attendants
No of sign-ups vs attendants
Photos taken
No. of applications
No. of conversions
Local and international
subject matter expert
To enhance employability
of our students and
To provides a platform to
share cutting-edge and
leading research such as
finance and accounting
youths (in KCAU, high schools,
Identify key expert areas and
design a program for local and
seminars/workshops (paid and
free) – virtual and physical