Supreme Abs Workout This is seven of my own abs routine, I'm doing one of these after each workout. Day 1 Repetition Notes Cables rope crunch 10 to 15 Do these 4 exercices without rest, 4 times Flat bench lying legs raise 20 to 60 Normal sit-up 20 to 60 Hanging leg raise 20 to 60 Day 2 Repetition Notes Seated Ab Circle 20 to 60 Do these 4 exercices without rest, 4 times Ab Roller 10 to 30 Air Bike Max Decline bench side twist with medicine ball 20-40 Day 3 Decline oblique crunch(on decline bench) Scissor Kick Repetition Notes 20 to 60 Do these 4 exercices without rest, 4 times 20-60 One-Arm High-Pulley Cable Side Bends 10 to 15 Seated Flat Bench Leg Pull-In 20 to 60 Day 4 Repetition Notes Toe Touchers 20 to 60 Do these 4 exercices without rest, 4 times Cross-Body Crunch 20 to 60 Cable Reverse Crunch 10 to 15 Cable Russian Twists on exercice ball 10 to 15 Day 5 Repetition Notes Jackknife 20 to 60 Do these 4 exercices without rest, 4 times Standing Cable Wood Chop 10 to 15 Cable Seated Crunch 10 to 15 Flat Bench Lying Leg Raise 20 to 60 Day 6 Repetition Notes Day 6 Repetition Notes Hanging Pike 10 to 20 Do these 4 exercices without rest, 4 times Oblique Crunches 20 to 60 Sit-up on exercice ball 20 to 60 Exercise Ball Pull-In 20 to 60 Day 7 Repetition Notes Knee/Hip Raise On Parallel Bars 20 to 60 Do these 4 exercices without rest, 4 times Cable Seated Crunch 10 to 15 Cross-Body Crunch 20 to 60 Ab Roller 10 to 30