Uploaded by Francesca Santoro


Bronze Age - 3000bc - 1000bc
Picture Copyright Dorling Kindersley Ltd.
Mesopotamia - Sumerian cuneiform clay tablet first form of writing around 3000bc
hieroglyphics - Egypt - c.3000bc
Picture Copyright Dorling Kindersley Ltd.
Stonehenge - Britain 2000b.c.
Bronze Age Axehead
Bronze Age house
Potter's Wheel used in the Mideast
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Bronze Age - 3000bc - 1000bc
Great Pyramid in Egypt - 2590bc
Abraham - 2166bc
Isaac - 2066bc
Jacob - born 2006 bc
First Cities emerge in the Indus Valley - 2500bc
Sumerian City-States - 3000-2100bc
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Bronze Age - 3000bc - 1000bc
Sargon I rules in Mesopotamia 2300bc
King Hammurabi c1728-1780bc
Babylon Ruler
Hammurabi's Code of Laws
between c1727-1780bc
Joseph - born 1915bc
Mycenaean Civilazations - Greece - 1600bc
Old Babylonian Period - 1792-1595bc
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