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Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World Ruined A Whole Generation Of Women
By Negative XP
BPD and Ecstasy, conceited with low self-esteem
She's a teenage dream if you hate yourself
Bright dyed hair and obnoxious clothes
Thinks communism is the way to go
She's a whore, a hole, a dime-a-dozen Jezebel
Fluoride mind and SSRIs, a thousand-yard stare for all those guys
That she fucked and sucked before you came along
Retarded views on politics, likes to listen to shitty music
She drinks and smokes and tokes out of a dirty bong
She saw Ramona Flowers
And felt so empowered
By a movie made in Hollywood
It's sad to think she's someone's daughter
Like a lamb to the slaughter
But honestly I'd still hit if I could
[Verse 2]
BPD and Ecstasy, 30 years old but acts like she's 16
Likes to go to shows 'cause she's so fucking cool
Bright-dyed hair but dead inside, Plan-B lifetime supply
She's a whore, a hole, gave head since middle school
Only pedophiles in denial think she's anything worthwhile
Her third-eye lifestyle will drive you wild
She's an alcoholic loser bitch that likes to listen to shitty music
She drinks and smokes and tokes and chokes on dick
She saw Ramona Flowers
And felt so empowered
By a movie made in Hollywood
It's sad to think she's someone's daughter
Like a lamb to the slaughter
But honestly I'd still hit if I could
She saw Ramona Flowers
And felt so empowered
By a movie made in Hollywood
It's sad to think she's someone's daughter
Like a lamb to the slaughter
But honestly I'd still hit if I could
She saw Ramona Flowers
And felt so empowered
By a movie made in Paedowood
It's sad to think she's someone's daughter
Like a lamb to the slaughter
But honestly I'd still hit if I could
● Can a work of art have meaning of which the artist themselves is unaware?
Art is a form of expression by which a viewer can interpret the artist’s work and derive meaning
sometimes wholly different than the intentions of the artist. Artists can act as a vessel for the art,
and in their creation of a piece, they may remain unaware of how their art will be interpreted and
claimed by their audiences. At the thought of artists unaware of the meaning of their work; a
song by Negative XP titled ‘Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World Ruined A Whole Generation Of
Women, comes to mind. In the song, Negative XP paints a vivid picture of a mentally ill girl with
bright dyed hair, obnoxious clothing, unintelligent politics and a flagrant expression of her own
sexuality. In his lyrics he attributes all of her traits to seeing Ramona Flowers on screen, a
character who embodies a lot of who she is. This piece of work is inherently misogynistic in its
portrayal of young women’s state of mind, interests and life experience, in it’s dismissive and
unsympathetic tone, ‘just a phase’ mentality, slut-shaming and infantilizing with an undertone of
fetishization. The song was released in 2019, but quickly found its way to the recommended
albums of the women that it describes. As someone who identifies with the character that
Negative XP brutally makes fun of, I thought the portrayal was satirical and was creating humor
around the misogynistic perspective itself. I wasn’t the only one who took it this way, as the song
rose in popularity and was claimed by a new audience. No longer an incel song embraced by the
men hurt by a group of womens new form of self expression, but an anthem reclaimed by the
women themselves, basking in the attention of being perceived as ‘an alcoholic loser bitch that
likes to listen to shitty music’. Negative XP had no intention of creating a song that would take
on this meaning, yet completely unaware, acted as a vessel for thought provoking art.
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