John Holland’s Hexagonal Model of Career Fields Realistic, they describe themselves as concrete, down-to-earth and practical doers. They prefer more on jobs like environmental engineer, electrical contractor, industrial arts teacher, navy officer, fitness director, electronics technician and more. Investigative, they see themselves as analytical, rational and logical. They value intellectual thinking and intellectual achievement. They are usually interested in physical, biological or social sciences. It consists career fields like urban planner, chemical engineer, bacteriologist, flight engineer and more. Artistic, they describe themselves as creative, innovative, and independent. They value self-expression and artistic expression. Students that are interested in architect, film editor/director, actor journalist and more. Social, people like kind, caring, helpful, understanding of others and drawn to interpersonal relationship. They are interest on satisfying their needs through interaction. Career like nurse, teacher, social worker, counselor, school superintendent and more. Enterprising, personality characteristics of students that are assertive, risk taking and persuasive. They value power and status so career fields like banker, city manager, judge, lawyer, marketing manager are more suitable to them. Conventional, they consider themselves as neat, orderly, detail oriented and persistent. They are more on prestige and status. Career fields like accountant, statistician, auditor, insurance administrator and more.