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Online Bus Ticketing System: Abstract & Keywords

As advancements over the last few decades have shown, we are in a time of
unprecedented technological growth which shows no sign of slowing down. This has been a
result of advanced technology which has taken over all facets of today's global society. To
avoid being obsolete particularly in business, existing organizations will need to ensure they
take the advantage of the opportunities presented by the technology. The transport industry
not being an exception, managers are expected to respond to the changing world by ensuring
they come up with more consumer-friendly strategies and at the same time help they
maximize their profits. For this reason, this study proposes the introduction of an online bus
ticket reservation system that enables travelers to buy tickets, reserve a seat, make payments,
and connect with management and other travelers online. This system is set to replace the
current manual bus ticket internal system where tickets are sold at the counter and customers
are forced to go all the way and present themselves physically to buy a ticket. This current
manual system is tiresome and full of inconveniences and thus automating will help ease the
process. To collect data for this research project, System Structured Analysis and Design
Methodology will be used and Al Ghazal Transport Bus Service will be used as a case study. I
selected this company since it has been in existence for a long and is always dedicated to
serving its customers in the best way possible.
iTicket, online booking, ticket reservation
THESIS SUPERVISORS ............................................ Ошибка! Закладка не определена.
DECLARATION .......................................................... Ошибка! Закладка не определена.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ........................................... Ошибка! Закладка не определена.
ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................................... viii
LIST OF FIGURES ................................................................................................................. x
CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION .................................................................................... 1
Technological Advancement ..................................................................................... 1
1.2 Benefits of Online Bus Ticket Reservation System ...................................................... 3
CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW ....................................................................... 5
2.1 Online Bus Ticketing: The Path to Success in Transport Business ......................... 11
2.2 Key Features of Ticket Reservation System............................................................... 12
2.3 Why Online Ticket Reservation is the way to go ....................................................... 13
CHAPTER THREE: METHODOLOGY ........................................................................... 16
3.1 Data Flow Diagram ...................................................................................................... 20
Level 0 .................................................................................................................................. 23
3.2 Use Case Diagram for Users and Admin .......... Ошибка! Закладка не определена.
3.3 Input and Output Design ............................................................................................. 25
References ............................................................................................................................... 30
Figure 1: Level 0 ...................................................................................................................... 24
Figure 2: Level 1 ...................................................................................................................... 24
Figure 3: Level 2 ...................................................................................................................... 25
Figure 4: Use case diagram 1 ........................................ Ошибка! Закладка не определена.
Figure 5: Use case diagram 2 ........................................ Ошибка! Закладка не определена.
Figure 6: App interface: login page ......................................................................................... 25
Figure 7: App interface: Home Page ....................................................................................... 26
1.1 Technological Advancement
In the 21st century, technological advancement has introduced new models in the
business sector. Every business of this century must strive to embrace technology lest they fail
to thrive. In the same way, customers or consumers of various products and services offered
by businesses also need convenience and efficiency [1]. Technology is the only surest way to
offer convenience and efficiency, qualities which have since become customers’ number one
priority when shopping or seeking services. Bus companies can make use of the emerging
technologies for example smartphone applications (Apps) to fashion their services and make
them convenient and efficient. Such technologies also help to enhance data collection, reduce
operational costs, and boost user perception of the service.
Some technologies provide the users with real-time information on several modes of
transit, thereby allowing travelers to plan journeys their travels in advance. Some of the App
can allow specific genders, for example, women to rate their travel safety in the transit system
using buses. The technologies enable bus companies to link with private sectors to develop
these services, which can then be integrated to help the locals and visitors to navigate public
transport systems.
Attractive public bus transport is the backbone of a transport-oriented development as
well as a component of cities’ exertions to drive a modal shift away from usage of private
vehicles. When there is successful transport, transport sector will achieve their goal to reduce
emissions. It is for public good to reduce significantly, pollution as a result of emissions,
enhance local economy, and social inclusivity [1]. Cities must strive to design the service well
in order to make public bus transport an attractive option or choice for everyone. High quality
bus transport is comfortable, reliable, fast, convenient, safe, affordable, and serves routes
where they are demanded efficiently.
Moreover, cities can also benefit from software and technologies such as GPS as well
as automatic fare collection systems that make it convenient and cheaper for all the transport
planners so as to collect rich data. In bigger cities, mass transport options such as light rail
transit (LRT), metro, Bus Rapid Transit (BRT), and trams have been classified as the most
sustainable and efficient ways to facilitate movement of large number of travelers across the
city [1].
Construction of dedicated lanes for BRT as well as improvements to the bus service
frequency can always be implemented in a quicker and cheaper way, compared to other
alternatives of mass transit. Nonetheless, large physical infrastructure projects such as rails
and metro can be expensive, and may even require extended and complex political planning,
and this calls for the integration of mass bus transport into long-term transport and city
development plans.
There are various forms through which governments can finance public bus transport.
Public finance is one of the ways, and here, cities will require a combination of both local and
national funding to construct public bus transport infrastructure. Such financing can be
obtained through loans and grants from national banks to help in mobilizing investment
capital and enhance bankability of mega projects [2]. Public subsidy is also another means of
financing public bus infrastructural development. There is a notion that bus transport
infrastructure can pay for itself through fare. However, to achieve that, bus transport agencies
need to calculate fare for transporting a single passenger and integrate social equity goals as
well as other considerations.
Operators and business owners in the transport sector get myriad questions every day,
which can range from people asking about the availability of seats, routes and alternative
routes taken by buses, payment options available, availability of other complementary
services such as foods and drinks among others [1]. Based on the size of the business being
run, a company can choose to establish or set up several channels for customers to enable
them to reach out to the business or company. Such channels include; phone, social media
platforms such as Facebook and Twitter, and E-mail among others.
1.2 Benefits of Online Bus Ticket Reservation System
Nonetheless, irrespective of the channel used, the customers’ desire will always be
instantaneous responses and quick resolutions to problems or issues they could have. In other
words, the customers will be very interested in seeing a company keep track of how their
(customers’) issues are being solved and progress [1, 2]. Examining all the available channels
that customers use to connect with the company, there is still inconvenience and inefficiency.
In this light, it is therefore wise to avail an alternative to the channels, which can help
customers to get the efficiency and convenience that are the order of the present-day
transactions. The only alternative is the introduction of an App that will integrate all the
operations and facilitate online bus ticketing and reservation.
The Mobile App will provide a single location where all the customers’ requests are
stored, consequently, enabling the company to prioritize the tickets and make a decision on
how to go about responding to every customer. The company can also link other channels of
communication; emails, Facebook, and Twitter among others, to the Mobile App such that
regardless of the method used by the customer, it can as well be reflected on their App. The
Mobile App, named iTicket, will be available for download from Google Appstore for
Android users and Apple store for iPhone users. The Company, on the other hand, will be
designed Software that integrates all the iTicket App users into one system. Through the
iTicket, customers will be able to buy tickets, reserve a seat, make payments and connect with
management and other travelers online. That is the convenience and efficiency that this
project aims at solving since they seem to be the major concern in 21st-century business.
1.3 Research question
How can ticket operations be made in a smooth and easy way for customers and the
company and reduce the cost on bus companies using the technology?
1.4 Aims and objectives
Our goal in this project is to transfer all manual operations of booking bus tickets in
everywhere in Oman to an automatic system. So our application will be an automatic system
and the companies can serve their customers up to their satisfaction by allowing them too
book their tickets online in a very short time using the mobile application or the website. So
the main goals in this project will consist of:
1- Creating an application and website for reservation a bus tickets where customers
could book for their seats online without wasting time in queue at the counter.
2- Provide features to let customers check the availability of seats also allow them to
choose the bus type.
3- Allow customers to cancel their reservation.
2.1 Introduction
The urban transport and infrastructural policies develop over time as cities keep
evolving and priorities change. For example, earlier, governments and investors were focused
on investing in cars, roads, and ample parking spaces. With time, the focus shifted to
developing more advanced and sustainable streets, leading to a decline in the usage of cars
since there was more convenience.
Studies indicate that the evolution in urban transport and mobility witnessed today is a
result of a complex and changing set of interactions. Some of the factors contributing to these
changes can be classified as demand factors and supply factors. The main demand factor that
has caused these changes is the demographic patterns that are directly associated with
economic growth and social changes, which in return alters the patterns of consumption. On
the other hand, the supply factor is associated with the changes in the transportation
infrastructure provision, particularly liked to the advancement of technology. To a greater
extent, the transport policy has played an important role by funding major transport
infrastructure and also introducing a wide range of regulatory, physical, and pricing measures.
The aforementioned measures have changed over time and they have been mainly introduced
in response to the ever-changing policy objectives, priorities, and concerns. As already
mentioned, technology provides for alternatives to the bulging demographics living in the
urbanized centers. One obvious fact is that technology brings about efficiency and
convenience in service delivery.
People need an alternative transport system that is efficient and convenient. For
example, they might need items from a store without necessarily visiting one. They might
need their food delivered or other packages delivered without necessarily visiting a restaurant.
That is defined as a convenience. This project aims at solving the main desires of the majority
of people living in urban centers, convenience, and efficiency by introducing an App, known
as Urban Whiz, which will help people to order for deliveries of whatever nature, and receive
them at their doorstep. It highlights the most recent reinterpretation of mobility or
transportation that is provided by taking into account, the efficiency and convenience
perspectives, as a result of the ceaseless evolution witnessed in the sector.
2.1 The Future of Urban Transport
How does the future of urban mobility look like? This would be an obvious question
of the majority of developers, investors, and even the governments. Seemingly, cities around
the world would be pushed to address the likely mobility issues, some of which have already
been evident such as the growing population . In the European cities, for example, there is
already evidence that advancement in city mobility and continuing increase in population and
the number of people employed in the urban centers, growing congestion and overcrowding
has begun to be the order of the day. This is not only witnessed in the general road network
but also the walking and cycling networks as well as public transport networks.
Cities such as London are expected to witness their populations growing rapidly and
significantly in the near decades. As a result, the aforementioned problems of congestion and
overpopulation are anticipated to get even worse. The introduction of sustainable transport or
mobility networks is the only possible solution to tackle the lurking problem. The provision of
a technological alternative, Urban Whiz Application, will be vital in solving problems in the
cities that register growing populations who need convenience and efficiency in service
What are the major concerns that the sustainable transport network provided by Urban
Whiz will solve? The major cities of the world today are battling traffic accidents, air
pollution, poor living standards, poor resilience to more extreme weather, and poor livability
within those urban centers. Studies suggest that such challenges can only be addressed
through a combination of advanced technologies and encouraging change in either social and
business models or practices. Particularly, the changes must be witnessed through
advancements in transport technology and management, for example, new technologies to
improve all the forms of transport network convenience and efficiency. Such technologies can
be available for mobility network management, dynamic public transport scheduling, and
convenient deliveries. Urban Whiz App aims at solving the problem of convenient deliveries,
hence, one of the most important contributions to solving major city problems.
Studies suggest other means for salvaging the anticipated problems of the future city
transport. These include; changing the forms of car provision such as shifting from a
transitional form of personal ownership to more convenient forms such as shared use. Studies
also demonstrate that e-Taxi services, freight/servicing transport, and development of internet
or mobile phone services such as Applications for e-shopping, simpler public transport
journey planning, and taxi booking services can be the most convenient and efficient
approaches to solving problems of congestion and overcrowding in major cities. Urban Whiz
as a mobile App, directly relates to mobile phone internet services suggested that can be used
for e-shopping, delivery of packages, and booking of transportation.
Existing Technologies in Urban Transportation
With the rapid advancement in mobile communication technologies studies agree that,
the internet, and social networking platforms as well as technology-enabled transportation, the
world has the potential to expand its share of the households with the freedom to a carless life
or even to live with fewer cars than there are today. The aforementioned tools; internet,
mobile phone communication technologies, and social networking platforms give the world a
broader range of flexible and convenient transportation choices. Through such provisions, the
world would be better placed to take advantage of the particular benefits that come with
alternative convenient and flexible transportation choices that make use of technological
advances especially in the field of communication. Most studies recommend that governments
at all levels should take up the responsibility and step up to facilitate the growth of such
alternative services while integrating the newer transportation technologies into their
countries’ planning and decision-making for the future.
Transport-related Apps have found their way and relevance in the last decade due to
the desire for efficiency and convenience. Some of the Apps have been described briefly
Similar apps in the market
This is provided by mainly Google and it gives the users route-planning and routefinding options for driving, cycling, public transit, walking, and ride-booking. The App also
provides for location-based businesses which help travelers to locate business points such as
ATMs, gas stations, and restaurants among others. The advantage of such as App is that it
also provides real images of places and business points.
It is owned by Uber Technologies Inc., which is an American technology company.
The company has a mobile App, Uber that a user can use to get services such as food
delivery, hail-riding, couriers, package delivery, and freight transportation. The company is
headquartered in San Francisco and has operations in over 900 major metropolitan areas
throughout the world.
It is a Google-owned mobile App that has the advantage of crowd-sourced traffic data
and provides real-time traffic information and additional information such as road closure due
to accidents and constructions, which might have been captured by Google yet.
It is transport software that provides the traveler with accurate ETAs based on the
present traffic condition if the traveler were to leave at that very moment. The App uses autointelligence to compute travel conditions and times based on the prevailing traveling
situations, and it also has the ability to predict future travel conditions.
It is a transport App and Software that is currently in use in over 200 countries across
the globe.
It is available in several major cities around the world. As an App, it collects together
important information about all transport or transit options. These include the best place to
board a bus or train near you and what stop to get off.
It is almost similar to Citymapper because it has the ability to collect transport or
transit data and give step-by-step instructions to the traveler for everything including the bus
and rail to ferry and car to go to. The App is available in over 140 major cities around the
world although its features are not as extensive as in Citymapper.
Other than the aforementioned technologies, Otaxi is another evidence of
transformation in transportation in Oman. Otaxi is a taxi booking Mobile App that allows the
traveler to access a taxi anytime they want to travel in Muscat. The App has existed in Oman
since 2014 and has witnessed an upsurge in the number of users since its inception . Through
the App, a traveler can just get a nearby taxi with a click on the phone. Currently, the App
operates in three major cities of Oman. It provides three different packages depending on
what the clients want. There is a VIP package, regular package, and van for a large group of
This is a government-owned company that has offered intercity transport services in
Oman since 1972. It is also a member of the International Association of Public Transport
(UITP) and its main aim is to encourage public transportation in the Sultanate of Oman. The
company has a booking and ticketing App that enables travelers to book at their convenience
for seat reservations.
Why Urban Whiz App is the best
Although there are several technologies existing, Urban Whiz App still is the best due
to the inclusion of key features such as payment alternatives and provision for an upgrade to
match the growing technology. The App will incorporate payment options such as Paypal and
debit cards for online payment. These features, therefore, make Urban Whiz App an
outstanding technology compared to the existing technologies. Further, the App aims at
covering the whole of Sultanate of Oman compared to the existing ones which only cover key
cities. Since it is business, controlling several clients is the main aim, and by targeting several
cities, it will act as a competitive advantage over others.
The above-mentioned Mobile Apps are just but examples of the existing technologies
in transport that have revolutionized the way do carry out their transportation from one point
to another. Moreover, the Apps have helped to solve the problems of inconvenience and
inefficiency in the transport sector, for people whose daily schedules are tight due to the
nature of their jobs and businesses.
The majority of people working in the cities or urban centers today have a busy
schedule due to their jobs. As a result, they need convenience and efficiency when it comes to
the provision of transportation. The transport system in the cities must, therefore, undergo an
era of evolution to accommodate the needs of their populace. Technological advancement in
the transport and communications sector offers the undeniable solution to this major problem.
Through the creation of Mobile Apps and Computer Software, people are able to get services
at their convenience just by a click of a button or a phone call. The Mobile Apps are designed
in such a way that they can a person’s location and direct the operator or service provider to
the exact place where they are either needed to collect a passenger for hail riding or to deliver
package, foods, or other items. The major benefits of the App will include but are not limited
to convenience and efficiency. By using the App, customers will be able to access efficient
taxi services and pay conveniently using their card. Other indirect benefits will include
reducing overcrowding and congestion since the services will reduce the need to own a car by
many people, and it will be a green-service aimed at environmental conservation.
2.1 Online Bus Ticketing: The Path to Success in Transport Business
Online ticket reservation, as has been mentioned in the previous section, is the way to
do business in the contemporary business arena. Clients and business management altogether
want convenience in their transactions, a benefit that only technology can offer [2].
Integration of information technology and other services offered by the bus transport
providers forms the basis of developing iTicket Mobile App and iTicket software. Through
the App, clients will be able to book and secure their tickets and reserve seats, not forgetting
payment through their mobile phone. Studies show that the available platforms such as social
media can allow clients to book from anywhere and anytime, hence achieving convenience [2,
3]. However, this might not the safest method. Provision of a platform that integrates
everything including payment is the most convenient way. Social media platforms such as
Facebook and Twitter do not have provisions for online payment. iTicket App, on the other
hand, will be integrated with the current payment options such as credit and debit cards.
According to studies, online ticket reservation services can be integrated into the
existing website or social media platforms [3]. For example, when iTicket will finally be
launched, it will be integrated into the company’s already existing social media pages and
website. The customer, with his or her phone, will be able to download the App and install it.
Thereafter, they will be able to choose any of the available services provided through the App.
Studies show that the most convenient and efficient online booking or ticket reservation App
is one that should enable the customer to provide all the necessary data that is needed for
efficiency in service provision [5]. As will be exhibited in the next paragraphs, some of the
data required may include the date, time, seat number, and whether a single traveler or group
iTicket App will be designed to enable the customer or client to provide all the
necessary data to facilitate their booking. According to studies, the clients’ data should be
stored securely, for example, in cloud content management systems. Such systems are always
secure and protected through encryption, hence, clients' data cannot be stolen or accessed by
an unauthorized or malicious person.
2.2 Key Features of Ticket Reservation System
Several studies have exhibited various features that are essential in the online ticket
reservation system. First and foremost, ease of use or user-friendliness is the most important
feature that any online ticket reservation system must have [4, 5]. Studies show that
convenience during usage of such systems is what will motivate customers to use them [5].
On the company side, the system should be easy for the staff to manage in such a way that
they can view the customers’ requests for reservations and act promptly.
The second important feature is calendar incorporation. When making a reservation,
an integrated calendar into the system will help the customers [5]. They will be able to click
on the data they would want to travel for example, and the calendar should also be one that
can show the customers which days are fully booked and so forth so that they make their
requests concerning the availability of seats as shown in the calendar. iTicket will be designed
with the inclusion of a calendar in mind to give customers an easy time selecting their
preferred dates and time of travel. The App will also show the customers if their selected
dates are free or fully booked.
Another key feature of the online ticket reservation system is the inclusion of payment
facilities. While some companies may not accept payments made in advance, with online
ticket reservations, payment at the time of booking is the most suitable approach [5]. Such
systems should provide for a smooth and convenient payment system for the customers.
iTicket will include both credit and debit cards as alternatives for payment. Moreover, other
alternatives such as PayPal will be tried once the App is in use and in its progressive upgrades
to accommodate other technological innovations.
The system should also provide for real-time booking. For example, clients should not
wait for confirmation of their booking went through or was canceled. When a client books,
they should get a response almost immediately on whether their reservation was honored or
declined [6]. This should happen when the client is still online. iTicket will, however,
introduce SMS notification that comes immediately to inform the client about the status of
their booking. That will be more convenient for clients who might leave the site immediately
without seeing the notification.
Other than the above-mentioned features, it can also be prudent to have third-party
integration. Since the company can have clients’ data, they can use it to advertise. The email
addresses or phone numbers can be used to advertise the company’s new products, services,
or promotions to improve business [6]. However, such should only happen after getting
consent from the clients. iTicket plans to use that method, but only after getting the green
light from the clients, to advertise new services and products offered by bus companies.
2.3 Why Online Ticket Reservation is the way to go
The main aim of the system is to enable customers to make their bookings with your
bus company online. Such an approach cuts out middlemen who might be costly and
customers may fail to get efficient services and convenience. First, online ticket reservation
gives a company an edge over its competitors. Bus companies that provide for online ticket
reservations and booking are already a step ahead of their competitors. Studies show that the
availability of online booking and ticket reservation could be the deciding factor when
travelers choose to book with your company or not [7, 8]. iTicket as an online ticket
reservation and booking system, through an App, will ensure that very enticing photos are
included that clients can see and want to travel by the selected bus company. Moreover, an
online booking and ticket reservation system increase bookings and provides a secure
payment platform [9]. Customers will be able to book 24/7 through the system. For example,
staff could go to sleep and still have more clients when they wake up because the system
always works for you. Secure payment platforms such as PayPal or Sage and other methods
such as credit and debit cards can be used [10]. iTicket will strive to have an ‘SSL Certificate’
to assure customers of their cybersecurity.
Cosmas, Etus, Ajere, & Godswill (2015) in the their study, present a review of a
software program that is mainly used to reserve a seat, cancel the reservations and make
enquiries about routes to secure quicker reservations. The authors of the study reviewed
OBTRS that is built mainly to facilitate the management and computerization of traditional
database of travelers. The researchers chose a bus company, Imo Transport Company (ITC) as
their case study (Cosmas, Etus, Ajere, & Godswill, 2015). The study found that by adopting
the software, the ITC was able to achieve improved customer handling and relationship
management. However, the study noted that the company was yet to incorporate other
platforms and operations such as use of e-mail to send tickets and notifications to the travelers
and addition of e-payment through credit or debit cards. Compared to my proposed system, it
is evident that the weakness of this system is lack of payment option. Passengers want
convenience by allowing them to have online payment options. Therefore, my design still
seems to be superior.
In another study, published online, automated system for ticketing in the PTS based on
passenger identification has been reviewed. The paper acknowledges that the system is userfriendly since it automatically identifies passengers and can deduct their fare according to
distance travelled (Docplayer.net, 2010). The system uses radio frequency identification
(RFID) card and GPS to identify passengers and make transactions efficient (Docplayer.net,
2010). Based on the system’s provisions, it has the same design with mine in terms of
allowing passengers to pay for transport services online. However, my design does not allow
for automatic identification of passengers.
In the study conducted by Ibrahim & Ta'a (2015), they recognize that bus travel is a
growing business in Iraq and other countries across the world. They report that bus ticketing
system should be put in place to deal with maintaining passengers’ records, schedules and
fare. They, however, regret that some of these operations are still done manually, ending up in
numerous errors (Ibrahim & Ta'a, 2015). The researchers developed a mobile bus ticketing
system (MBTS) to help in bill generation, maintaining records, and seat reservation thereby
improving performance of business (Ibrahim & Ta'a, 2015). However, the system developed
could only generate bill but online payment options were not availed. This is a weakness
because it does not provide convenience to the passengers when it comes to payment. My
system is therefore the best because it puts customer’s convenience ahead of everything by
allowing for online payment using credit or debit cards.
A standard project typically has go four critical stages called development life cycle.
By definition system development life cycle basically the process of understanding how an
information system can support user needs. It is system and explicitly breaks down the work
into four crucial phases namely planning, analysis, design and implementation. Therefore for
this project to be successful, the methodology that will be adapted is the system structured
analysis and design methodology. This means that the analyst and users will sequentially
move from one phase to another.
The selection phase is where the bus ticketing system should be selected based upon
passengers and operator’s needs. The Planning phase is where the the online bus ticketing
system plan is drafted out and necessary changes are made to suit the needs. The next phase
after planning is analyzing the changes and procedures that has been made to the system.
This stage is important as it helps gather information from the existing online bus ticketing
systems. A feasibility study is conducted to find out whether the new bus ticketing system is
beneficial or not. The next phase is design, this is where the new system is brought to be by
designing it based on the requirements selected in the analysis phase. Based on feedback
obtained from the users, necessary modifications are made. The system then proceeds to the
implementation stage where the process of changeover from previous system to the current
system takes place. After this, the system proceeds to the last phase which is maintainace. It
is the continuous assessment of the developed system to ensure it provides the best services
and meets the customer needs.
3.1 Fact finding method
The fact- finding methods that have been selected for this proposed project is
observation. Once the data has been collected a prototype is developed to support the findings
and objectives of web portal of online bus ticketing system. In general, observation will be the
fact finding method. It will be used to gather information regarding the newly developed
system. From the observation, it was found out that the number of passengers is very high
and there are so many chaos. It was also observed that the booking system at the moment is
not effective as it is done manually.
3.1.1Analysis of the Existing System’s procedure
The current mode of ticket booking and purchasing is done manually. The customers and
operators are forced to make phone calls, use traditional messengers or direct contact when
purchasing a ticket, booking and when dispersing company files. From the observation, the
current process goes as follows:
1. Each bus is assigned to a particular driver and a conductor
2. Each route has a cashier and is responsible for all financial aspects. The cashier reports
to high level financial officers and who then reports to the managers
3. Customers either book through direct contact or through phone calls
4. Direct contanct are required to queue when booking or purchasing tickets
Limitation of the current system
The limitation from the current system as gathered through observation is that customers
and staff using the current system are exposed to insecurity, delay in booking and purchasing
tickets, redundancy and hence the need to do away with the problems.
Description of the Proposed System
In an effort to improve the current bus e-ticketing systems observation on the
problems and opportunities from the existing e-ticketing sites. We proposed the introduction
of an online bus ticket reservation system that enables travelers to buy tickets, reserve a seat,
make payments, and connect with management and other travelers online. This system is set
to replace the current manual bus ticket internal system where tickets are sold at the counter
and customers are forced to go all the way and present themselves physically to buy a ticket.
Intended users
The intended users for new online bus ticketing and reservation system are the customers,
system administrator and finance officers and company managers. Notably, the bus operators
and customers are the main users of the system. This is because the system can only be
successful when both parties are involved.
Analysis of the Proposed System Functions
The proposed system can basically be divided into two, the customer section and the
staff section. In the staff section, the administrator will be main user. He / or she will be
responsible in editing and making sure the system runs effectively, the financial managers
will over see the payment activities, opertors will handle route and traveling activies while the
managers will be responsible in making overall decisions based on the customers feedback or
staff concerns. In the customers section, the customer will be the main user. They will be able
to access the system home page, search a bus based on their destination, time of travel and
date. After booking the ticket and making necessary payment, they will issued with a ticket
which they present in the bus statition. There will also be a cancelation feature where
customers can cancel a booked ticket incase of unavoidable circumstances.
Use Case Diagram for Users and Admin
A use case diagram represents user’s interaction with a system. It shows the
relationship between the user and the various use cases involved. It is critical as it enables one
to visualize the various roles in a designed system and how those roles interact. Below is a use
case diagram for my proposed online bus ticket reservation system.
Use Case Description
The table below shows the general form of use case description.
Actor Action
Use case Name
System Response
Customer access’s the system Bus availability enquiry
System checks the date, seat
home page, search a bus
and time slotted are available
based on their destination,
If the details are available
time of travel and date
the system will then proceed
to next phase else prompt
error message
Customers register their
The system check all the
ticket by providing all the
necessary information are
required details
If the details are entered as
needed it then proceed to
next phase
Customer Cancel a ticket
Cancel reservation
The system cancel a ticket for
customer once he/she booked
a ticket
Customer Print a ticket
Print ticket
The system print a ticket
using a printer
Customer Login
The system validate the login
details of customer if correct
it displays success if not it
displays an error
Customer change route
Update route
System checks the date, seat
and time slotted are available,
if the details are available the
system will display success
Customers pays online
Update payment
The online payment server
return true to the system if
the payment is success, else
return false and proceed to
next phase.
Customer change the bus
Update bus
System checks the bus, date,
seat and time slotted are
available, if the details are
available the system will
display success
Administrator login
The system validate the login
details of customer if correct
it displays success if not it
displays an error
Activity Diagram
By definition, an activity diagram is basically a flow chart or visual representation of
one activity to another in a system. It is essentially an advanced version flow chart that shows
the flow of a system from one activity to another. The figure below represent an activity
diagram for the proposed system for both passenger and bus info
3.1 Introduction
This chapter is on system design, how it will be implemented and tested. Basically,
system design is the process of defining aspects of a developed system based on the specific
requirements. The main purpose of this phase is transforming the system requirement from
the analysis phase to design specifications
3. 2 Data Flow Diagram
A data flow diagram is basically a way of representing a flow of data through a
process or a system. It uses various symbols like rectangles, circles, text labels, and arrows to
show inputs and outputs. The DFD can be used to perform a system at various levels. In fact,
it is usually partitioned into levels numbered 0,1,2, and 3. The levels represent increasing
information flow and functional details of the system. Below is a representation of my
proposed system in various levels.
Level 0
Figure 1: Level 0
Level 1
Figure 2: Level 1
Level 2
Figure 3: Level 2
3.3 Input and Output Design
The input design is the connection between the user and the information system. It
usually comprises of coming up with specification and procedures for data preparation. These
steps are critical in putting transaction data into usable form for processing.it helps avoid
errors and shows the right direction to get the correct information from the system. On the
other hand, output design is a process that involved designing an output which meets the
requirement of the end user and presents information as per user expectation. Below are some
screenshots of both input and output designs of my proposed online bus ticket reservation
Figure 4: App interface: login page
Figure 5: App interface: Home Page
Mode of Operation of theTransport APP
Conclusion and Recommendation
This study was done in order to find the most suitable solution for the bus ticketing
system in Oman. The research was carried out by collecting data related to the bus ticketing
system in Oman and the existing methods that were used in present time by the transporting
companies in Oman. It was found that almost all the companies use normal ticketing system
which is manual ticketing system where the passengers have to go to the bus stations to get a
ticket. However it was found that the manual system creates several confusions and problems.
Therefore possible solutions were studied which were using a website for ticket booking or
building a user friendly device at bus stations. After a very careful study it was concluded that
creating a mobile application will be the most effective solution for this problem which can be
used by Android and IOS users. The application will be easy to use and comfortable for the
passengers as it is very secure and efficient and can be useful in booking or cancellation
without going to the bus station.
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