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Inequality in Omaha Public High Schools Essay

Destiny Jarecki
ENGL 1020
Instructor: Cynthia Critchfield
July 12, 2021
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Part I: Defining the Problem and Proposing Solutions:
1. Problem: Public high schools in Omaha, Nebraska have had cases of inequality among
students when compared to high schools from other states like Massachusetts,
Connecticut, and New Jersey. Recent studies suggest confirm that problems of race and
socioeconomic class still exist. These problems are the leading cause of educational
differences among students while those from minorities continue to face inadequacy in
the level of care and teaching they get. From research, over 200 public high schools have
confirmed cases of racial discrimination and socioeconomic imbalance among students.
2. Reasons Why the Problem Exists: some of the reasons that make this a real problem in
Omaha public high school are:
 Levels of racial abuse and discrimination is still high among Omaha residents.
Students of color face the most pain as they are more susceptible to abuse and all
other forms of discrimination when compared to students of other races. For example,
the Nebraska Board of Education and Public School Research Division have
confirmed that cases of racial abuse are on a high and if not managed, the problem at
hand will only escalate to unmanageable levels.
 Differences in socioeconomic class is a driving force since most public high schools
condone such behavior. Research conducted by experts at Public School Research
Division claim that students in such schools are allowed to come to school with things
that sets them apart such as eating differently and attending different holidays.
3. Solutions: some of the solutions that can be implemented include:
 Creating common clubs that do not compare students based on their socioeconomic
 Redefining school policies that can help punish racial abusers.
 Creating more awareness in the school community specially to parents as most
problems aligned with discrimination start at home.
 Creating an equitable school environment where all school programs are affordable to
all students.
4. Cost:
 The cost to improve school programs so that they become more affordable to all is
minimal. The only amount that might be spent is about $1,200 to print the new
program, advertise it and mobilize the community.
Creation of new clubs can be cheap too as money needed to do this is minimal. This
will cost about $200.
5. Justification:
 Since many public high schools in Omaha are well aware of the aforementioned
problems, the cost of implementing these policies can low as opposition to such
policies is low. With the consideration of the total cost, almost all of these schools
will accept the proposal for policy changes as it lies within their annual budgets.
6. Proposal Thesis: public high schools in Omaha need to accept the change of policies in
order to accommodate all and follow in the footsteps of the leading states with the most
performing and diverse public schools.
Supporting Arguments:
The school I am using for reference is a non-profit organization/school as confirmed by the
following supporting points:
 When socioeconomic status is eliminated in schools, students will acquire all school
services equitably.
 Parents will be able to interact with others in the community more and raise their
children in a descent manner while teaching them human dignity.
 Emotional development improves and descent human beings will be brought up from
an equitable system.
 The school system raises its standards which will earn them national recognition and
more financial backing for their performing students.
Although the proposed policies are positive and promising, the following obstacles can offer
great resistance and point of concern:
 Some parents from financially stable families might choose to take their kids to
private schools in order to acquire all the services that are now in question. This can
pose a big challenge as public high schools can’t risk losing students from parents
who have been supporting most of the school projects.
 The school management might not accept all proposed policy changes as others might
think that it is a form of demeaning their status and perceptions. This can particularly
offer a greater challenge as the proposal cannot be implemented if the school
management cannot sanction its feasibility.