Forest Ecology and Management, 30 (1990) 73-89 73 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam - - Printed in The Netherlands Interaction B e t w e e n Moisture, N u t r i e n t s and G r o w t h of White Spruce in Interior A l a s k a 1 J. YARIE, K. VAN CLEVE and R. S C H L E N T N E R Forest Soils Laboratory, Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station, University of Alaska, Fairbanks, Alaska 99775-0080 (U.S.A.) (Accepted 5 January 1989 ) ABSTRACT Yarie, J., Van Cleve, K. and Schlentner, R., 1990. Interaction between moisture, nutrients and growth of white spruce in interior Alaska. For. Ecol. Manage., 30: 73-89. Two thinning and fertilization studies, the first in 1969 and the second in 1971, were established to evaluate the question of nutrient limitation to tree growth and the consequences of stand manipulation of soil moisture supply. Fertilizer was applied yearly for the first 5 years in both studies; growth response has been measured through 1987. Results indicate that thinning is necessary to obtain a growth response to fertilizer applied at the rate of 111 kg nitrogen ha-~. The response to fertilization after fertilization ended lasted for 4 years in plots thinned to 800 stems h a - ~, while a significant response continued for only 2 years in plots thinned to 1600 stems h a - ~. A soil water-balance model was calibrated for the control and treatment plots of these two studies. Soil water-deficits were estimated and correlated with yearly average basal-area growth per tree. Results indicated that there is a correlation between seasonal soil-moisture deficit and growth during the years when soil moisture was measured for the unthinned control plots (r 2 = - 0.787, P = 0.002 ) but not for the thinned and fertilized plots (r 2= - 0.652, P = 0.057 ). INTRODUCTION Soil moisture limitation has traditionally been thought to have little or no control over ecosystem processes in the taiga. The relative absence of moisture stress in the taiga is taught in most undergraduate ecology texts (Spurr and Barnes, 1980; Kimmins, 1986 ) and statements to this effect can also be found in other publications (e.g. Larsen, 1980; Slaughter, 1983; Oechel and Lawrence, 1985). In this paper we show that nitrogen is the primary limiting nutrient in young white-spruce (Picea glauca (Moench) Voss) ecosystems, and that moisture stress must be alleviated before a significant response to N fer1Contribution No. J-196 of the Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station, University of AlaskaFairbanks. 0378-1127/90/$03.50 © 1990 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. 74 J. YARIE ET AL. tilization can occur. It is also suggested that the interactions between moisture and nutrient limitations are similar to those described by Brix (1979). METHODS Thinning and fertilization studies The site, located 33 km west of Fairbanks in a 70-year-old white-spruce stand, was on soil classified as a deep phase of the Fairbanks silt loam (Alfic Cryochrept) soil series. A complete description of the study site is contained in Van Clave and Zasada (1976). Two sets of thinning and fertilization plots were established, one in 1969 and the other in 1971. Those established in 1969 (study A) contained one thinning and one fertilizer treatment applied in a factorial design. The following treatments were applied to single 0.04-ha plots: control; thinning treatment; fertilizer treatment with 111 kg N ha-1 as ammonium nitrate, 55 kg P ha as triple superphosphate and 111 kg K ha -1 as potassium chloride; and thinning-plus-fertilizer treatment. Thinning reduced stem density by 77% (from 7000 stems h a - 1 to 1600 stems h a - 1), and stand basal area by 60% (from 40 to 16 m 2 h a - 1). Fertilizer was applied every spring from 1969 through 1973. Two weather stations were also installed; they included a thermograph, maximum and minimum thermometers, rain gauges, snow stakes, and three aluminum access tubes for determination of soil moisture with a neutron probe. Two series of thermistors with probes located at the soil surface, at the mineral-soil/organic-layer interface, and at 15, 30, 60 and 90 cm in the mineral soil were also installed. The weather stations, installed in the control and the thin + fertilize treatments, were maintained on a weekly basis through 1987. Soil moisture content was measured from 1969 through 1972, on a weekly basis from April through September. In 1973 and 1974, soil moisture was determined at the beginning and end of the growing season, approximately the middle of May and the beginning of September. Soil moisture was measured at 15 cm, 40 cm and then at 30-cm intervals to a depth of 1.5 m in the soil profile. Individual tree growth was used as the response variable. Band dendrometers (Hall, 1944), installed at 1.37 m on 20 trees in each plot, were maintained through the 1987 growing season. The dendrometers were read twice yearly at the beginning of the growing season before growth started, and at the end of the growing season after growth has stopped. In 1971, nine additional treatments (study B; Table 1 ) were installed in the same stand. The treatments, consisting of various combinations of thinning and fertilization, were applied to single 0.04-ha plots, with individual tree growth used to assess the effect of treatment. Thinnings in this study reduced stand density to both 1600 stems h a - ~and 800 stems h a - 1. The fertilizer treatments were designed to investigate the tree response to different sources of N and the MOISTUREANDNUTRIENTS,ANDGROWTHOFWHITESPRUCE 75 TABLE 1 Treatments used in the 1971 thinning and fertilization study Treatment number Stand density ( stems h a - ~) Fertilizer treatment 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 (control) 7 8 9 72002 1600 800 800 800 7200 800 800 800 (NP)K (NP)K NPK (NP)K NP (KS) (NP) (KS) (NP) (KS) +micro 1N, NH4NOa at 111 kg N ha-l; P, triple super phosphate at 55 kg P ha-l; K, KC1 at 111 kg K ha-~; (NP), (NH4)2HP04 at 111 N ha -1 and 253 kg P ha-~; (KS), K2S04 at 111 kg K ha -1 and 45 kg S h a - 1; micro, micronutrients Mo, B, Fe, Zn and Mn applied once during the spring of 1971. 2Density of 7200 stems h a - ' indicates an unthinned treatment. combined effects of N, S and a complete micronutrient mix (Table 1 ). Three neutron-probe access tubes were installed in each treatment. Weather stations similar to those installed in study A were installed in treatments 3, 6 and 8 in this study. Soil moisture was measured weekly at 10 cm, 25 cm, and then at 30cm intervals to a depth of 1.5 m in the soil profile for the years 1971 through 1974. Yearly tree growth was measured by band dendrometers which were installed at 1.37 m on 10 trees in each plot, and maintained through 1987. Statistical analysis A repeated-measures analysis of variance was used on both the A and B studies separately. Basal-area growth (cm 2 tree-1 ) was used as the dependent variable. Duncan's multiple-range test was used to determine the significant differences between treatment means for each year. Model analysis of soil moisture-deficits A soil water-balance mod~l described by Spittlehouse and Black (1981) and Giles et al. (1985) was developed for these white-spruce sites. Model parameters were estimated using the soil moisture-content data from the control and thin + fertilize plots of study A. The water-balance model used was: dO/dt=~-E-do-R (1) where: dO/dt is the average rate of change in root zone water content (W) per sample time-period (t);fia, the average precipitation rate over the time-period; E, the average evapotranspiration rate over the time-period; do, the average 76 J. YARIEET AL. drainage rate over the time-period; and R, the average runoff rate over the time-period (all in m m d a y - l ) . When there was no root-zone water limitation, evapotranspiration was estimated using the function described by Priestley and Taylor (1972): Ema x = a ( E e q ) (2) where:Emax is the maximum evapotranspiration rate (mm day- 1); a, an experimentally determined coefficient; and Eeq the equilibrium evaporation rate, calculated as (s/ (s+ 7) )Q*/ ()~pw) (3) where s, 7, ~ and Pw are respectively the slope of the saturation vapor pressure curve, the psychrometric constant at 100 kPa, the latent heat of vaporization of water and the density of water, each evaluated at the average air temperature; and Q* is the net radiation flux density. The value of Q* was calculated from Q*= ( 1 - a ) K l +Qn (4) where KI is the daily solar irradiance (measured at the Fairbanks airport during the study period), a is the canopy albedo (assumed to be 0.12) and Q, is the net longwave irradiance. The net longwave irradiance was calculated from: Qn = (d+e(Kl/Kimax) )ev(ea - 1 ) a T 4 (5) where KSm,x is the clear-sky KS for the day, d and e are constants, a is the Stefan-Boltzmann constant, T is the average daytime air temperature (K), Q is the clear-sky atmospheric emissivity calculated using the formula of Idso and Jackson (1969), and ev is the emissivity of the vegetation (0.96). The clear-sky solar-irradiance (KSmax) was calculated from K$o (0.76), where Kto is the calculated extraterrestrial irradiance. When root-zone water supply was limiting, evapotranspiration was estimated using the function described by McNaughton et al. (1979): Es=bOc (6) where Es is the evapotranspiration rate (mm d a y - l ) ; b, an experimentally derived coefficient; and 0c, the available soil moisture. The coefficient b was determined by regressing the value O¢/Eeqagainst Et/Eeq for time-period when drainage and runoff were negligible. Evapotranspiration (Et) was assumed to be the change in soil water-content between the beginning and the end of the data period. The data-periods varied in length from 3 days to 14 days, but all values were expressed as a daily average over the data-period. Neutron-probe soil-moisture measurements for the control plot and thin + fertilize plot of study A were used to estimate the coefficients of the MOISTURE AND NUTRIENTS, AND GROWTH OF WHITE SPRUCE 77 evapotranspiration functions (equations ( 2 ) and (6) ). Detailed methods have been described by Giles et al. (1985). The coefficient a in equation (2) was initially assumed to be 1.00, because only four data-points from the u n t h i n n e d plots were available to estimate evapotranspiration during periods of no soil-water limitation with no drainage. This value was suggested as a realistic value for forests by Barton (1979). Interception was calculated using data from a current study in a 180-yearold white-spruce stand. In this case, interception was calculated as a function of throughfall. There were no useable weather stations in the open at the time of the original study. T h e n the actual evapotranspiration (E) during any dataperiod could be calculated as: E=Et-pi ( l - g ) (7) where E t is the lesser of Emax (2) and Es (6), Pi is calculated precipitation interception, and g is a derived constant which represents the ratio of the net interception loss rate to the gross interception loss rate (0.8 in this study). Detailed methods for the determination of g have been described by Giles et al. (1985). Drainage (do) was calculated from: do=do,(O/Or)[ (8) where dot is the drainage rate at field capacity (Or, reference average root-zone water-content), [ is a constant and 0 is the estimated root-zone water-content for any day. The value o f / w a s calculated using the methods described by Giles et al. (1985). Drainage was only allowed to occur in the model after 1 June, prior to which drainage was assumed to be restricted by frozen soil. Runoff was assumed to be zero (Slaughter and Kane, 1979). A soil moisture-deficit was calculated as the difference between evapotranspiration estimated when there is no soil-moisture limitation (equation 2 ) and the actual estimated evapotranspiration (equation 7) minus the effect of evaporation of intercepted water (Giles et al., 1985). The soil water-deficit was then correlated with the average basal-area growth per tree measured on the control and thin + fertilize plots. RESULTS Study A (1969 thinning-and-fertilization) The results of the first 5 years of study A have been summarized by Van Cleve and Zasada ( 1976 ). In each of the 2 years (1974 and 1975 ) following the end of the 5-year fertilizer treatment, growth in the thin + fertilize treatment decreased by nearly 50% from the maximum attained in 1973 but still remained significantly higher than all other treatments (Table 2). From 1976 to 78 J. YARIEET AL. TABLE 2 Treatment effects of study-A, the thinning and fertilization study started in 1969 Year Basal-area growth per tree (cm 2 year-1) and treatment 1969" 1970" 1971" 1972" 1973" 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 3.7 6.5 7.0 12.8 6.9 5.8 5.5 4.5 4.6 4.5 4.3 4.3 8.2 6.2 7.2 7.6 5.6 (2a)** (2a) (2a) (2a) (2a) (2a) (2a) (2a) (3a) (3a) (3a) (3a) (3a) (3a) (3a) (3a) (3a) 2.5 4.5 4.8 6.0 5.3 4.6 5.4 4.3 3.2 3.5 2.8 2.4 4.9 4.1 4.3 5.9 4.5 (3b) (4b) (3b) (3b) (3b) (3b) (3a) (3a) (2b) (2b) (2b) (lb) (2b) (lb) (2b) (2b) (2ab) 1.8 4.3 3.5 5.6 2.1 1.9 1.6 2.0 2.0 2.1 2.1 2.3 4.2 3.8 4.2 4.6 3.9 (4bc) (3b) (4bc) (4b) (4c) (4c) (lb) (lb) (lc) (lc) (lbc) (2b) (lbc) (2b) (lb) (lb) (lbc) 1.2 2.6 2.3 2.7 2.0 1.8 1.5 1.7 1.1 1.4 1.5 1.4 3.1 2.4 2.9 3.1 2.7 (lc) (lc) (lc) (lc) (lc) (lc) (4b) (4b) (4c) (4c) (4c) (4b) (4c) (4c) (4c) (4c) (4c) The following treatment numbers are used: 1, control; 2, thin+fertilize; 3, thinning; and 4, fertilization. *Years in which fertilization occurred. **Treatments associated with the same letter are not significantly different (P= 0.05). 1986, growth in the thin + fertilize treatment continued to decrease until it was equal to growth in the control plot in 1980. Growth in the fertilized/unthinned plot was equal to growth in the control plot, except in the years 1971 and 1973 when growth was significantly greater in the fertilized plots (Van Cleve and Zasada, 1976). In the final years of measurement (1981, 1983 through 1985) growth was significantly greater in the control plot than the fertilized/unthinned plot. The thinned plot was always significantly different from the control (Table 2), and in 1978 became the treatment with the greatest basal-area growth per tree. Study B (1971 thinning-and-fertilization) The two unthinned treatments (1 and 6) displayed the slowest basal-area growth per tree (Table 3). The thinned/unfertilized treatment (8) showed a similar trend to that found in study A; growth slowly increased until it was one of the highest of all the treatments at the end of the study period. None of the fertilizer treatments applied to the 800 stems ha-1 thinning treatments (3-5, 7-9) was clearly better than another. The effect of increasing the input of P (3b) (Sa) (5a) (5ab) (3ab) (3ab) (9a) (9a) (3ab) (Sab) (8a) (3a) (8a) (8ab) (8ab) 3.5 11.1 15.1 12.1 19.1 10.8 14.7 13.3 10.1 8.8 11.9 10.7 10.8 10.9 9.4 (4b) (4ab) (4ab) (4ab) (7ab) (Tab) (4a) (4a) (4ab) (3ab) (9ab) (8a) (5ab) (4b) (5abc) 3.2 8.3 14.0 11.6 18.9 10.7 14.6 13.1 9.8 8.3 11.8 9.6 10.2 10.5 8.2 (8bc) (9bc) (Tab) (8ab) (4ab) (9ab) (3a) (Ta) (9ab) (4ab) (7ab) (9a) (4abc) (9b) (4bc) 2.8 7.9 11.9 11.6 17.8 9.6 13.6 12.4 8.8 8.2 11.8 8.8 8.9 10.0 7.1 (2bc) (2bc) (2bc) (Tab) (9bc) (4bc) (7ab) (3a) (8bc) (9ab) (5ab) (4a) (9bcd) (5bc) (7cd) *Years in which fertilizer was applied. **Treatments associated with the same letter are not significantly different (P = 0.05 ). 3.7 12.2 17.1 13.8 19.6 11.2 16.3 13.6 10.8 9.1 12.9 10.9 11.6 12.0 9.9 5.7 13.7 17.9 14.5 22.1 13.1 16.3 15.4 11.7 10.1 14.4 11.0 12.3 13.9 11.4 1971" 1972" 1973" 1974" 1975" 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 (5a)** (3a) (3a) (3a) (5a) (5a) (5a) (Sa) (5a) (5a) (3a) (5a) (3a) (3a) (3a) Basal-area growth per tree (cm 2 year- 1) and treatment Year 2.7 6.7 10.9 10.7 14.7 8.3 9.7 8.9 7.0 7.1 11.7 8.6 7.6 7.6 6.8 (Tbc) (8cd) (8bc) (2b) (8cd) (2bc) (2bc) (8b) (7c) (7bc) (4ab) (Ta) (Tcd) (Tcd) (9cd) 2.6 6.5 8.5 10.7 13.4 7.7 9.4 8.5 6.7 5.0 8.8 5.9 6.3 6.8 4.9 (9bc) (7cd) (9c) (9b) (2d) (8c) (8c) (2b) (2c) (2c) (2b) (2b) (2de) (2d) (2d) Average basal area growth per tree in study B and the results of the statistical analysis (treatments listed in Table 1 ) TABLE 3 1.9 3.8 1.9 3.6 3.1 3.4 2.8 3.2 2.9 2.6 5.4 3.7 4.8 5.2 3.9 (6bc) (lde) (ld) (lc) (le) (ld) (ld) (lc) (ld) (6d) (6c) (6bc) (6ef) (6de) (6e) 1.3 2.9 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.5 1.9 2.5 2.4 2.4 3.3 2.9 3.0 3.1 2.9 (lc) (6e) (6d) (6c) (6e) {6d) (6d) (6c) (6d) (ld) (lc) (lc) (lf) (le) (le) 0 0 0 > z z > R._ m t t'lFff ~/-- i JUN i o i t i i i t i JUL i i i r , i i PREDICTED ] E i ~ t i RUG i i i t SEP t o i o RCTUFIL VFILUF.S -- , i ~ ~ ~ • o o MflY 15 ~ S JUN ~ 12 19 ~ JUL 3 flU8 1D 17 2t 31 ~ l l l l l l l l l l E i r l l l l Z 7 o 4 SEP ll t . V,LUES ., l~ 21 ~ o AcTuAL .., O l l l l l t l l e l ] l r r l l l l l R ~; J.., L.l.,a ! 1970 (b) STUOY-R CONTROL PLOT 18 Fig. 1. Results of the soil water-balance model for the control plot of study A during a dry year ( 1969, a) and a wet year ( 1970, b ). E is the calculated weekly average evapotranspiration, P is the daily measured throughfall at the site and the volume % moisture is the average predicted ( ) and observed ( © ) for the 40-cm rooting zone. ~ Q Ix1 ~ Q [-,,o 0"3 Eu r i 13_ ~ t969 STUDY-FI CONTROL PLOT (a) (30 O MOISTURE AND NUTRIENTS, AND GROWTH OF WHITE SPRUCE 81 from 55 to 253 kg h a - 1 was nonsignificant, except in 1985 and 1986 when tree growth on the low-P treatment (3) was significantly greater than on the highP treatment (4). There was a significant increase in growth due to the addition of S (treatment 5) with the low-P treatment (3) in 1972 and 1985. The addition of S (treatment 7) to the high-P treatment (4) resulted in a significant decrease in growth in 1973 (during the fertilizer-application period), 1980 and 1985. A single application of micronutrients in the spring of 1971 (treatment 9) did not significantly increase tree growth over high-P + S (treatment 7; Table 3) except in 1980 and 1985. In 1974, tree growth with the micronutrient treatment was significantly less than that on the non-micronutrient treatment. A drop in the basal-area growth the year following the last fertilizer application, similar to that encountered in study A, was not found in study B. In fact, the highest values for individual tree basal-area growth were found the year following the last fertilizer treatment in study B. Soil water-balance model The value of coefficient b (equation 6) was found to be 4.28 for the control plot and 2.69 for the thinned and fertilized plot. The value of coefficient a (equation 2 ) was assumed to be 1.00 for both treatments because only 4 data points from the u n t h i n n e d stand were available which represent non-limiting soil-moisture regimes. The model was able to predict soil-moisture trends in both dry and wet summers for both the control plot of study A (Fig. la, b), and the thin+fertilize plot of study A (Fig. 2a, b). But the model underestimated soil moisture content when applied to the control plot of study B for the years 1971 and 1972, and when applied to a similar thin + fertilize plot (treatment 2) of study B. Soil moisture-deficits were prevalent throughout the growing season (15 May through 15 September) as predicted by the model. The u n t h i n n e d control plot shows a high deficit in May, June and July which decreases in August and September (Fig. 3a). The soil moisture-deficit portrays the time-period in which soil moisture is the primary control of evapotranspiration instead of incident solar energy. Even in a wet year with a low deficit (1973, Fig. 3b), the model predicts a soil waterlimitation starting before 15 May. This same result was found for almost all years studied. Use of this soil water-balance procedure before the middle of May becomes very complex, and would have to include terms for the effects of low soil temperatures on water uptake, and changing soil volumes as the root zone thaws, terms currently not included in this model. Higher soil-water deficits were calculated for the thin + fertilize plots (Table 4) as a result of lower predicted evapotranspiration and no change in the maximum potential evapotranspiration as predicted by equation (2). In reality, the maximum potential evapotranspiration (calculated using coefficient a) 2-1 c~ i I J 0 I i MRY JUN m. 9c~ i i i i i i i i JUL i i ~ i I o -- i i i i i i i i i FlU8 i i i , SEP ~ ° 0 i aCTuRL VRLUES PREOICTED i t i ~ o o g= i i S i JUN ~ i I 1 I~ 12 [9 ~ i ,i i i 1 1.", 1 1 15 ~ MAY x ~ :o 3 1 JUL [ 1 1 10 17 2 t 1 PREDICT[O . 7 1 flU6 I 1 it 1 1 1 t SEP 21 ~ 1 11 ! o RCTURL VALUES -- ! ", .l Ll l _~11 t l l - i i i ,l ~ f 1970 STUOT-R THIN+FERTILIZE PLOT Fig. 2. As Fig. 1 b u t for t h e t h i n + f e r t i l i z e t r e a t m e n t o f s t u d y A for a d r y y e a r (1969, a) a n d a w e t y e a r (1970, b ) . I[2 m ._1o (23 g= ~. 0_ 1969 STUDT-R THIN+FERTILIZE PLOT (30 t~ MOISTURE AND NUTRIENTS, AND GROWTH OF WHITE SPRUCE 83 should be lower in the thinned plots, but data were not available to allow calculation of this value. The predicted values for soil moisture content were higher in the thinned plot than in the control plot, and the estimated transpiration is lower in the thinned plot than in the control (Figs. 1 and 2 ). Individual tree basal-area growth for the control plots of study A and B and the unthinned+fertilized plot (treatment 1) from study B were negatively correlated with moisture deficits during June plus July (r 2-- - 0.684, n-- 12 ), June plus July plus August (r 2 = - 0.687, n = 12) and the total growing season ( r 2 = - 0 . 7 8 1 , n = 12). This relationship included the data from the study-B control plot, even though 2 of the 4 years simulated resulted in an under-estimation of soil moisture (i.e. an over-estimated moisture deficit). A similar correlation analysis was performed on the study-A thin + fertilize plot and the study-B thin-to-1600-stems-ha -1 +fertilize plot (treatment 2). In this case, no significant correlation was found between tree basal-area growth and soil moisture-deficit. The highest correlation found for these thin + fertilize plots was between total seasonal moisture deficit and growth at - 0 . 5 7 6 (n = 9, with a probability of a greater [r 2 [ using the null hypothesis that r 2-- 0 is 0.135). A correlation analysis was also performed for the same plot groups, and total radiation calculated for the same time-period as the moisture deficits. A significant negative correlation was found between August total net radiation and tree basal-area growth (r 2= - 0.682). DISCUSSION The results of the thinning and fertilization studies indicate a number of points about the controls of above-ground tree production, at least in this one dense taiga, 70-year-old white-spruce stand. Here, nutrients were not the most limiting resource, since it was shown in both study A and study B that no significant response to fertilization was observed in unthinned stands except in years (1971-1973) with a relatively low soil moisture-deficit (Table 4). Unfortunately, soil moisture-deficits could not be calculated beyond 1974. It has been suggested that the response to fertilization occurs in two phases: the first is an increase in photosynthesis of the current standing crop of foliage; the second is an increase in total foliage biomass (Brix, 1983), and tree growth (Fagerstrom and Lohm, 1977). The trees in the unthinned + fertilized plot of study A may have been slowly increasing both foliage biomass and photosynthetic rate in 1969 and 1970, but soil moisture-deficits may have been sufficiently high to prevent a significant increase in tree growth until the period 1971-1973 when soil moisture deficits were lower. Growth in the control plots of studies A and B, and the u n t h i n n e d + fertilized plot of study B, was negatively correlated with values of the current-season soil moisture-deficit. The highest correlation was with seasonal estimated soil moisture-deficit (r2= --0.781). I l l l l l l JUL I RUB I I SEP I I .2__.~ ..... LEGEND • EMRX ] ~5 q o o JUN 5 . . . . (b) 15 22 29 - MRY o 4- o W R o ,~ 12 1 ; 3 JUL 28 10 17 24 . . . . . FIU6 1 7 ; , , 1 1973 - NF'T YF:RR 4 SEP 21 28 11 IB . . . . . _L_~. ..... LEGEND • EMRX STUOT-A CONTROL PLOT Fig. 3. Predicted soil-moisture deficits for the control plot of study A calculated for a dry year (1969, a) and a wet year (1973, b ). MRY JUN ~_ ~-(a) STUDT-FI CONTROL PLOT 1969 - DRY YF'RR p~ O¢ MOISTURE AND NUTRIENTS, AND GROWTH OF WHITE SPRUCE 85 It is difficult to suggest any type of causal relationship between tree basalarea growth and radiation that might be responsible for the negative correlation, although it is possible that increased radiation values are associated with lower rainfall in August and increased soil moisture-deficits. The higher soil moisture-deficit could reduce late-season stem growth, or result in stem dehydration which could lead to measurements of smaller tree diameters at the end of the season. Historically, August is the summer month with the highest total rainfall, and no significant relationship between growth and air temperature measured at the site was found for the 1969 control plot (data not presented). Therefore, it is very likely that soil moisture is the primary limiting resource in dense, young stands of white spruce in interior Alaska. The results of the correlation analysis are not direct proof for this hypothesis, but they do provide evidence in support of the statement. The lack of a strong correlation (r 2 = - 0.576 ) between soil moisture-deficits and stem basal-area growth on the intermediate-thinning treatment (1600 stems h a - 1) with a fertilizer application indicates that a reduction in the stem density increased the soil moisture available to each tree sufficiently to remove moisture as a growth-limiting resource during the period of fertilization. The tree response to additional available nutrients is clearly indicated by the increasing tree growth in each year of the fertilizer application (1969-1973) for study A. The growth increase in study B (treatment 2) was not as clearly defined as in study A, but in general growth increased from the 1st year of fertilizer application to the last year of application (1971-1975) (Table 3 ). The total duration of growth response to the 5 years of fertilization was 5 years past the fertilization period in study B for the plots thinned to 800 stems ha-1. The duration of the response was not clearcut, in that in 1976, 1977 and 1980 one of the fertilized treatments was not significantly different from the thinned-only treatment (8) (Table 3 ). But at least four of the fertilizer treatments, and in 2 years all five fertilizer treatments (3, 4, 5, 7 and 9), were significantly different from the thinned-and-unfertilized treatment (Table 3). The response to fertilization lasted only 2 years beyond the treatment period for the study-A plot that was thinned to 1600 stems ha-1 (Table 2 ). Results of the soil-moisture model indicated that two substantially different values for coefficient b (equation 6) were necessary to adequately describe evapotranspiration under soil-moisture-limited conditions, between the control and thin + fertilize plots over the period in which soil-moisture data was available. Spittlehouse and Black (1981) found that recently thinned and unthinned Douglas-fir stands had the same a and b coefficients (equations 2 and 6). In fact, they found that these same values were still adequate after a 20% increase in leaf area for the thinned stand during their study period (19741979). They concluded that either the stomatal resistance characteristics of the foliage in the thinned stand changed, or the diffusive resistance within the canopy significantly increased. The decrease in the b value (equation 6) for J. YARIEET AL. 86 TABLE 4 Comparison of predicted seasonal soil moisture-deficits, using the values of 1.0 for all treatments, 0.9145 for the unthinned and control treatments, and 0.573 for the thin + fertilize treatments Study, t r e a t m e n t no. and year Values of coefficient a 1 1.00 0.9145 217 236 189 183 130 214 183 202 156 154 105 180 235 192 88 193 218 162 66 160 226 171 78 160 213 142 57 129 0.573 S t u d y A: Control 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 S t u d y B: Control 1971 1972 1973 1974 S t u d y B: T r e a t m e n t 1 1971 1972 1973 1974 S t u d y A: T r e a t m e n t 2 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 239 228 231 230 135 235 75 60 68 80 19 68 216 226 136 214 59 77 21 55 S t u d y B: T r e a t m e n t 2 1971 1972 1973 1974 1Coefficient a is used in equation 2 to calculate evapotranspiration when there is no soil-moisture limitation. the current study indicates that the trees did not change stomatal resistance characteristics sufficiently to allow the use of the same value in both thinned and unthinned stands in the current study. Lack of change in coefficient b would tend to indicate that a tree in a thinned stand would transpire more under the same soil-moisture-limiting conditions than a tree in an unthinned stand, when in fact there should be no difference if the canopy leaf-area per tree remains constant. Brix and Mitchell (1986) found that thinning resulted in improved shoot water conditions only during predawn measurement pe- MOISTURE AND NUTRIENTS, AND GROWTH OF WHITE SPRUCE 87 riods. Daytime shoot water-potentials were not significantly different between their thinned and u n t h i n n e d trees. From this study it is difficult to make any conclusions with regards to the diffusive resistance within the canopy (coefficient b, equation 6) or mesoscale advective effects which are indicated by the value of coefficient a (equation 2 ). There were only four data points from the study-A control plot that could be used to determine coefficient a. These points indicate that the value of a should be 0.915, which results in a critical value for 8 of 0.213. This value definesthe available soil-moisture content above which solar radiation limits evapotranspiration and below which soil moisture limits evapotranspiration. If this same value is assumed to be the critical value for available soil moisture for all plots regardless of treatment, then the appropriate value of coefficient a for the thin + fertilize treatment is 0.573. Unfortunately, there are not sufficient data to verify this hypothesis, but this reduced value of coefficient a for the thin + fertilize treatment would result in a substantially reduced value for the estimated soil-moisture deficit (Table 4). The 10% reduction in coefficient a for the control plots reduced soil-moisture deficit values by approximately 30 mm year -1, and did not substantially change the results of the correlation analysis. Growth was correlated to July ( r 2 = - 0 . 5 9 5 ) , June plus July LESEND -CONTROL PLOTS BOTH STUOIES • -THIN+FERTILIZE PLOT @ROUP 0 i Z Q O~ C~ L~ 0~ A CO • 00 s'o TOTIRL @ R O N I N G 65 9'o SEMSON SOIL MOISTURE I~o ~o OEFIOIT ~o 26 [mm/qeor] Fig. 4. Relationship between total growing-season soil-moisture deficit and basal-area growth per tree for the u n t h i n n e d control plot group of b o t h studies a n d the t h i n ( 1600 stems h a - 1) + fertilize plot group of b o t h studies. 88 J. YARIE ET AL. (r 2= - 0.710), June plus July plus August (r 2-- - 0.698), and the total seasonal (r 2= - 0.787) moisture deficits. A reduction in coefficient a from 1.00 to 0.573 made a substantial reduction in predicted soil-moisture deficits for the thin ÷ fertilize plot group (Table 4), as would be expected as a result of thinning. However, even with these changes there was not a significant correlation between tree growth and predicted soilmoisture deficit. The highest correlation found was between tree basal-area growth and total seasonal soil-moisture deficit (r 2__ _ 0.652, n-- 9, P-- 0.057). By using these two different values for coefficient a to predict soil-moisturedeficits for the different plot groups, it was possible to combine the groups and rerun the correlation analysis. When this was done, all moisture-deficit variables used in the analysis were significantly correlated to growth. The correlation coefficient between total seasonal soil moisture-deficit and tree growth was -0.729 (Fig. 4). Brix (1979) has suggested that a clear case of moisture/nutrient interactions could be demonstrated if fertilization increased growth under favorable soil-moisture conditions, but under moisture-limiting conditions no growth responses was found with fertilization. This condition was demonstrated in this study. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors wish to thank Drs. C.T. Dyrness and F.S. Chapin III, R. 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