Uploaded by joel.lerner14

Fast Two-Digit Multiplication Method

Fastest two-digit multiplication method
After doing some trial and error and a little bit of research I have come up with what I
believe to be the fastest way to multiply two two-digit numbers. This method consists of 3
simple steps:
1. Multiply the first digits from each number and place the product in the very front of
your answer.
2. Multiply the second digits from each number and place the product at the very back of
your answer leaving space for one digit in between
3. Multiply the first digit from the first number by the second digit in the second number
and add that to the product of the second digit in the first number and the first digit in
the second number. Then place that value in between the other two answers.
Note; If there is a two-digit product in any step just carry the leading digit to the next
This method works because multiplying any two-digit numbers will result in a number in
the hundreds or the thousands. Multiplying the first two digits of each number results in
either a one-digit product meaning that your answer is in the hundreds or a two digit
product if your answer is in the thousands. Now that you have isolated the leading digits
from each number, multiplying the back two digits will give you the very last number in
your answer this can also only be a one or two-digit product. Finally, you need to
multiply the numbers that you haven’t yet combined (First of one number x Second of
the other number). This is similar to a foil since you give every digit a chance to multiply
with every other digit.
This method is so quick because you do a total of 4 multiplications all of which are only
one digit numbers producing a maximum of a two-digit product This makes it extremely
easy and quick.