Uploaded by Rebecca Castro

Experimental Design: Variables & Controls Worksheet

Name __________________
Block __________________
Experimental Design
Controls, Variables & Graphs
Definition of a Variable:
Something that is changed. In scientific experiments there are two variables; one that you control and
one that is the result.
Definition of an Independent Variable: “The Cause”
The one thing that is changed in an experiment. On a graph it is on the horizontal (x) axis.
Definition of a Dependent Variable: “The Effect”
The result of the experiment. The dependent variable is whet is being measure. The result ‘depends’
on what the experimenter changed. On a graph, it is on the vertical (y) axis.
A Control:
A control is what we are comparing our experiment to; our ‘normal’ or ‘original’ state.
------------------------------------------------------------------------Directions – In the following statements, identify the independent and dependent variables.
Experiment Question: Does the varying depths of the ocean have different temperatures?
Experiment Set-up: The temperature of the ocean was measured at various depths.
Independent variable: _________________
Experiment Question: Does the amount of time you study make a positive difference on test
Experiment Set-up: Study times were changed for each of the next three exams.
First exam: 30 min of studying per week
Second exam: 60 min of studying per week
Third exam: 90 min of studying per week
Independent variable: _________________
Dependent Variable: _________________
Experiment Question: Do lemon trees receiving the most water produce the largest lemons?
Experiment Set-up: Plants of the same age and height were given varying amounts of water.
Independent variable: _________________
Dependent Variable: _________________
Dependent Variable: _________________
Experiment Question: Does keeping the lights on for different amounts of time each day effect
the number of eggs a hen lays?
Experiment Set-up: Different hens were put into different lighted environments.
Independent variable: _________________
Dependent Variable: _________________
Experiment Question: Does Gatorade effect the running times of milers?
Experiment Set-up: Runners drank varying volumes of Gatorade and their mile times were
Independent variable: _________________
Experiment Question: Does the temperature surrounding a corn crop effect how soon the corn
Experiment Set-up: Corn plants were placed in various heated green-houses and the sprout
time was recorded.
Independent variable: _________________
Dependent Variable: _________________
Experiment Question: Does poor attendance of students in Biology class effect their grades in
that class?
Experiment Set-up: The teacher compared student attendance rates against student grades.
Independent variable: _________________
Dependent Variable: _________________
Dependent Variable: _________________
Experiment Question: Does the amount of Vitamin A that rats eat affect their weight?
Experiment Set-up: 25 rats were weighed and then placed into five different groups of 5 rats
each. All animals are fed identical diets except for the amount of vitamin A they
receive. Each groups gets a different amount of vitamin A. After 3 weeks of diet, the
rats are weighed again.
Independent variable: _________________
Dependent Variable: _________________
There can be several controlled variables. If an experiment is to be useful, only one variable at a time can
be manipulated intentionally. All other variables must be controlled throughout all parts of the
experiment. If more than one variable is altered (changed), the results of an experiment cannot be
interpreted with any validity.
An experiment was performed to determine how the amount of coffee grounds could affect he
taste of coffee. The same kind of coffee, the same percolator (coffee machine), the same
amount and type of water, the same perking time, and the same electrical sources were used.
Independent variable: _________________
1. ____________________________________
3. ____________________________________
Dependent Variable: _________________
A student wanted to test how the mass of a paper airplane affected the distance it
would fly. Paper clips were added before each test flight. As each paper clip was
added, the plane was tested to determine how are it would fly.
Independent variable: _________________
Dependent Variable: _________________
What are two controls that would need to be in place in this experiment to make the results
1. _____________________________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________________________
In all experiments, it is important that controls are kept constant and that only
variable at a time be tested so that appropriate conclusions can be made. In the
following ‘experiments’, please explain what is wrong with the conclusion/claim.
A scientist is testing a new vaccine for colon-cancer patients. He gives 1(one) cup of Drug A to
patient #1. He gives 2(two) cups of Drug B to patient #2. Patient #2 is cured of cancer. The scientist
concludes that Drug B can cure patients of colon-cancer.
What is the claim?
What evidence to make the claim?
What is wrong with the REASONING that connects the evidence to the claim?
A marine biologist wants to see if a particular fish survives better in salt water or in fresh water.
She takes a bucket of live fish and places them in a salt-water pond in Alaska. She also takes a bucket
of fish and places them in a fresh water pond in San Diego. The fish in the Alaskan pond die. She
concludes the fish do better in fresh water.
What is the claim?
What evidence to make the claim?
What is wrong with the REASONING that connects the evidence to the claim?
Smithers thinks that a special juice will increase the productivity of
workers. He creates two groups of 50 workers each and assigns each group the
same task (in this case, they're supposed to staple a set of papers). Group A is
given the special juice to drink while they work. Group B is not given the
special juice. After an hour, Smithers counts how many stacks of papers each
group has made. Group A made 1,587 stacks, Group B made 2,113 stacks.
Identify the Control Group
What should the claim/conclusion be?
What is the Independent Variable (IV)?
What is the Dependent Variable (DV)?
How could this experiment be improved?
----------------------------------------------------------14. Mr. Krabs wants to make Bikini Bottoms a nicer place to live. He has created a new sauce
that he thinks will reduce the production of body gas associated with eating crabby patties from
the Krusty Krab. He recruits 100 customers with a history of gas problems. He has 50 of them
(Group A) eat crabby patties with the new sauce. The other 50 (Group B) eat crabby patties with
sauce that looks j ust like new sauce but is really just mixture of mayonnaise and food coloring.
Both groups were told that they were getting the sauce that would reduce gas production. Two
hours after eating the crabby patties, 30 customers in group A reported having fewer gas problems and
8 customers in group B reported having fewer gas problems.
What is the Control Group?
What is the Independent Variable (IV)?
Identify the hypothesis/claim be.
What is the Dependent Variable (DV)?
Explain what factors in the experiment might be possible sources of experimental error?
Why do you think 8 people reported feeling better?
----------------------------------------------------------What is a Blind Study (sometimes called a
How could this experiment be changed to truly
Double Blind Study)?
explain why the 8 people that felt better?
What does the x-axis represent? What does the y-axis represent?
What are some observations that you can make based on the graph?
What do you foresee happening in the next 10 years?
Graph of the Week
November___________, 2018
What inf
Graph of the Week
Questions to ask when reading graphs:
Directions: Analyze the graphs below and write a reflection/answer the questions below about what
Is there an upward or downward
to you.
with some
below are
and write
a reflection on what
you think
graphsyou with your response,
Are there any sudden spikes in the
are communicating to you. To guide you with your response, start with some
What is being compared in the graph?
What prediction
can I make for the
is thetopics
topic ofof
- WhatWhat
are the
does theare
What does(If
y-axis represent?
- WhatWhat
are x- and y- axes, what
do they
What inferences
can I make about the
are some
observations that
can make
based on
the graph?
- WhatWhat
are some
can make
on the graphs?
do you
foresee happening
happening in the
- WhatWhat
do you
in next
the 10
10 years?
5 - Are there any upward or downward trends? Does this trend tell us anything?