Average of EARN EDUCATION No HS Some HS HS Graduate Some College Bachelor's Post Graduate Grand Total SEX Male Female Grand Total 21,975 14,076 18,980 25,401 15,161 21,037 35,174 21,542 28,646 42,778 26,898 34,661 61,866 36,987 49,917 85,841 51,762 70,727 46,489 28,422 37,865 Average Annual Earnings by Sex & Education Level 100000 80000 60000 40000 20000 1. Average annual earnings Men vs Women From the above table which shows the Mean Grand Total of Male and Female, it is evident that Men have a greater annual earnings than Women irrespective of education levels. 2. Relationship between education and average annual earnings 2. The "Average Annual Earnings by Sex & Education Level" chart depicts that the average annual earnings is higher for people having higher education level and is lower for people with least education levels irrespective of the gender. 0 Male Female