Uploaded by Jennifer Park

ICE Assignment Parameters

ICE Assignment Parameters (Draft Copy)
The ICE form is an emergency resource. It can be posted where family, visitors, etc.
can see it. (i.e. - refridgerator / freezer door etc.)
Part 1:
Add at least 2 ICE individuals to the top of your personal cell phone contact list.
Part 2:
Create an ICE form for your home Using the following format.
This is a one or possibly two page assignment
Start with family name or prime group member's name*. (A home land line can be
added here if applicable) Then family members or resident(s) names here,. (Pets
may be listed as well) After each family member or home resident their cell and
work numbers maybe listed. Or work numbers can be listed on the list.
*Then put the family complete mailing address.
List the nearest main intersecton (your choice) to the home. This is followed
by the directions to the home starting at the main intersection listed. Directions
must only be listed using the compass directions (i.e. - N - E - W – S). Note:
One mark is deducted for each use of directions using 'left' or 'right'.
This is followed by emergency numbers (I.E. - police and fire non 911 numbers)
poison control, hospitals, walk in clinics,TeleHealth, Doctors, community
emergency sevice or organizations, etc. (It should may include a maximum of 1
next of kin and one neighbour. )
Then list important assistance numbers. (Hydro One, Water Control, animal
control, town or city offices, waste management, plumber, electrician, CAA,
towing / boosting services, dentist, etc. Stress lines, suicide prevention lines
Camh, etc. can be added here. Also family work / school numbers can go here.
Then list other 'important' numbers – School, taxi, pizza, chinese food, garage,
sports and after school group numbers, baby and dog sitter numbers, etc.
Note: A minimum of 40 numbers are required.
The assignment is out of 10. One mark is deducted for each use of the words left
or right in the directions to you home. A half mark is deducted for any relatives
or friends over the initial one or two required*. Also a half mark is deducted for
every 2 numbers under 40 in the total number of telephone or cell numbers. Five
plus marks will be deducted for spelling, grammar, not following the outlined
format, or disorganization etc. (*After the required 40 numbers additional family
and friends may be added.)
Those from out of the 'Golden Horse Shoe' area may do this for their permanent
residence or they may do it for the location where they are presntly living.