Uploaded by Kimberly Hudson

Honors Biology Binder Check List

Honors Biology
K. Hudson, 2012-13
First Quarter Biology Binder Check
Please make sure you have all of the items below organized in your Biology Binder.
You may have items not on this list as well. Make sure you are using dividers with
labeled tabs to organize your work in some logical way so things are easy to find.
You must also include a Table of Contents with page numbers.
1. Course description
2. Safety Contract
3. Writing Lab Reports handout
4. Observations from candle activity
5. Ch.1 notes
6. Identifying Controls and Variables worksheet
7. Ch.22 notes
8. Ch.22 Reading Guide Questions
9. “Darwin’s Dangerous Idea” video handout
10. Darwin’s Voyage map assignment
11. Ch.1&22 Study Guide
12. Ch.1&22 Test
13. Ch.3 notes
14. Ch.3 Reading Guide Questions
15. Ch.4-5 notes
16. Macromolecules foldable
17. Ch.5 Reading Guide Questions
18. Ch.5&8 notes on enzymes
19. Ch.3-5 Study Guide
20. Ch.3-5 Test
21. “Shallow Seas” video handout
22. Cell Model project handout
23. Ch.6 notes
24. Ch.6 Study Guide
25. Ch.6 Quest