Uploaded by Mudit Gupta

BSFN Overview

OneWorld Business
C and NER
OneWorld Xe
Code logic used to:
• Enhance OneWorld Applications
• Perform specific tasks
• Written in C or NER
• Reusable
Why Use NER?
Easy to compile into other languages
Logic is simple
Coding done in a familiar environment
Why Use C?
Batch error level messaging
Utilize memory cache
Break large functions into smaller sub functions
NER Environment
Creating NER uses the same coding window as used for
Event Rule logic embedded inside an application
C Environment
C business functions use the Visual C++ 6 environment
for coding
Function Creation
OneWorld defines both NER and C functions
Selecting the Edit button for NER functions will lead
to the standard OW Event Rule window
The NER function logic will be compiled into C when
clicking the Build button
Any altering of the NER function will require
rebuilding the logic into C
Function Creation (cont)
Selecting the Edit button for C functions will launch
Visual C++ and load the appropriate .c and .h files for
this particular business function
OneWorld creates standardized skeleton .c and .h
templates to house the C function logic
All editing of C functions is done in Visual C++
Use the BusBuild application in OneWorld to compile
the logic
Function Components
Regardless of the function written in C or NER, the
logic is compiled into a C source file
The four main components are:
 Business Function Specifications
 Data Structure Specifications
 .c File
 .h File
Both C and NER functions are stored in a DLL
Data Structures
Data Structures act as the interface between the
application and the business function
When calling a business function from an application,
the user is presented a data structure to map with
values from the application
How To Find a Business Function
Search for Object Librarian Object in OMW
Business Function Document Viewer (P98ABSFN)
Start/Find/Files-Folders for specific C API’s
(Windows functionality)
Knowledge Garden
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OneWorld Business
C and NER
OneWorld Xe