A Comparison of Signed and Spoken Languages Erin Butler Rochester Institute of Technology National Technical Institute for the Deaf Comparison of Signed and Spoken Languages |2 A Comparison of Signed and Spoken Languages Abstract Studying language through multiple lenses will allow for a deeper understanding of how language develops and what factors have a greater influence on language. This knowledge can be used to guide how language is further studied and advance the use of language studies for understanding other aspects of culture and the world. One particular area in which language studies are focused is comparing signed and spoken languages and how they each develop in a similar manner as well as how they are different. Introduction When considering signed and spoken languages, some studies to date have presented a comparison based mainly on the study of gesture. Although some conclusions can be drawn from these studies, it is difficult to find consistencies in the data. The main reason for this is each study will have its own definition of gesture, mostly depending on what aspects of language the researchers are trying to study [1]. Because of the inconsistencies and difficulties that arise when studying spoken and signed languages based on gesture, this comparison will aim to study the languages by other means. In doing so, the hope is to analyze how the two language types have developed differently and what aspects of language study provide the biggest differences between them. To ensure a broad understanding of how these language types can be compared, similarities will also be noted. The two language types will be compared on the basis of modality, morphology, phonology, and cultural development. Erin Butler MLAS 599 Independent Study Comparison of Signed and Spoken Languages |3 Methodology Before diving fully into this investigation, preliminary research was done in order to narrow the scope of this study. Through this, it was determined highlighting similarities between the two languages is important and needs to be done in order to fully understand the comparison. Even so, this study will focus on highlighting differences between spoken and signed languages. This will allow for the language types to be analyzed on a deeper level and ensure a more focused analysis. Although many examples will refer to American Sign Language (ASL) and English, the goal is to study signed and spoken languages on a global scale. Throughout this study examples used to highlight key points will draw from languages used in the same region. For example, ASL is the predominant signed language and English is the predominant spoken language used in the United States and comparisons will be made between these two languages. There are numerous characteristics of language on which similarities and differences can be drawn. This study will focus on highlighting the phonology, morphology, and semantic characteristics of spoken and signed languages. Phonology, in this case, will study the physical signal of each language. Morphology looks at the form of words used in each language. This will be studied alongside the syntax, or arrangement of words, of each language. The semantics of a language refer to the meaning of words and phrases used throughout the language. This is often studied with the lexicon, or the vocabulary, of a language. These two characteristics will be used to highlight the cultural aspect of each language type. Reviewing journal sources is the primary approach to this study of signed and spoken languages. In addition, discussions with individuals immersed in one or both cultures and those who study language on a deeper level were helpful in guiding certain decisions. New areas to Erin Butler MLAS 599 Independent Study Comparison of Signed and Spoken Languages |4 study and characteristics on which to compare these two language types were discovered through these conversations and additional journal sources were found to further investigate these topics. Literature Review An initial comparison between spoken and signed languages reveals the most obvious difference between these two language types as the mode in which each is expressed. The physical signal for a signed language is a visual one. The body moves and these motions correlate to some meaning that is interpreted by the eyes of another. In a spoken language, the physical signal is an auditory one. One body produces sound which is interpreted by the auditory system of another. Many believe all movements in a signed language contain some form of meaning [2]. This is not the case in spoken languages. Body movement (i.e. movement of the vocal cords, tongue, mouth, lips, jaw, etc.) do not provide any meaning to the words being spoken. Rather, these movements only work to produce the sound a person is trying to make which in turn become words with meaning. The anatomical comparison between these two language types can be further exemplified. The process of comprehending language, both signed and spoken, occurs mainly in Wernicke’s area [3], [4]. In addition to relying on this part of the brain, Broca’s area is crucial for the ability to produce signs and speech [4]. Sandler et. al. expands upon this concept of language comprehension. Signed languages are processed simultaneously – all components of the language are seen at the same time – with minimal sequential processing [5], [6]. On the other hand, spoken languages are considered to be sequential – one cue follows another. Erin Butler MLAS 599 Independent Study Comparison of Signed and Spoken Languages |5 Although this phonological difference is clear, phonological similarities can also be drawn. Both language types have a duality of patterning [5]. Duality of patterning is the ability of human language, including both spoken and signed, to form discrete meaningful units. These units are known as morphemes which can be combined in various ways to convey different meaning [5]. In a signed language, different morphemes can be created by changing certain aspects of the sign. For example, a change in the location, movement, or handshape of a sign can produce an entirely new meaning [5]. Researchers have also identified correlations between handshape in signed language and language segments in spoken languages [7]. For example, the similarities in the signs “nerve”, “apple”, and “candy” – which all have the same movement and location but different handshapes – would be considered comparable to the similarities in the spoken words “fat”, “bat”, and “pat”. The spoken words in this case differ by one phoneme – the first consonant changes in each word. When two spoken words differ by one phoneme, they form a minimal pair. In each of these cases, the three words in the group differ by one component to change the meaning of the word or sign. A second major difference between spoken and signed languages can be found when looking at morphology. Studying iconicity, or the motivated connection between form and meaning, in both languages exemplifies this. Iconicity, or depicting meaning through perceptual resemblances, is much more common is signed languages [2], [8]. For example, the sign for “house” resembles the shape of a house and often times a person’s sign name resembles a defining characteristic, such as their hair or if they commonly wear a hat. One factor contributing to this is the relative age of signed languages. Especially when compared to spoken languages, signed languages are considered to be fairly young [2]. Although both language types use the body to provide information (either by movement or sound), signed languages have a more Erin Butler MLAS 599 Independent Study Comparison of Signed and Spoken Languages |6 systematic way of doing so. Each movement is more likely to have some meaning associated with it. Another lens through which to analyze signed and spoken languages is one of how they have developed. Spoken languages are thought to be descendants from other languages that have had ample time to develop [2]. On the other hand, signed languages often develop spontaneously. For example, when a group of deaf signers are together, a communication system develops quick, even if each person comes from a different background. Because of this and the fact it is easier to spot similarities between signed languages, many believe that signed languages are more universal [2], [5]. It is important to keep in mind signed languages are easier to study because of their relative youth as compared to spoken languages that have had time to develop and deviate more from their parent languages. Also related to the topic of youth, it is much easier to study language use in children for many reasons. First, the content and structure of language used by children is simpler and easier to understand. In addition, some studies rely on children being less influenced by their experiences and therefore having a more innate communication style in order to draw conclusions [3]. Further investigation of sign language studies reveals a profound correlation between sign language development and pidgins and creole languages. Pidgin languages are a form of speech between people who do not speak the same language [8]. A prime example of where pidgin languages develop was during colonial expansion. Often times, pidgin languages developed between slaves and slave owners or between slaves who did not come from the same area. Pidgin languages have little structure and remain for only one generation of users [9]. These languages will also commonly form when groups of people from different backgrounds come together but often disappear once the group is no longer in contact and the language is not Erin Butler MLAS 599 Independent Study Comparison of Signed and Spoken Languages |7 used. If a pidgin language is passed down to the next generation (i.e. to the children of the first generation), it starts to become a creole [9], [10]. Creoles are an actual form of communication with a more developed structure. Signed languages are often compared to creoles because of how each develops – both will typically rise without a full external model present. In this case, a model refers to the language input source, most commonly understood to be one’s parents. For creole and sign language users, the input is often considered not to be a full model because the parents do not have full development of the language. These languages have not been allowed ample time for development, they change quickly, and are heavily influenced by other languages [11]. Depending on the user and their experience level, each of these language types is adaptable to the situation in which they are being used. A key comparison between signed and spoken languages is found with a deeper analysis of the input form. Typically, learners of a spoken language as their first language have a full model of the language as input, for example, hearing children with hearing parents. The child receives a full and accurate form of the language from their parents. This case can also be applied to deaf children with deaf parents but less than 10% of the deaf community are native signers – those who were exposed to sign language from birth because their parents were also deaf [11]. This small part of the deaf population also has a full language model to learn from. On the other hand, most people in the deaf community are not receiving a full model of language input. Parents sometimes do not want their children to learn sign language or will not take the time to learn it themselves. As a result, it is often the case that this portion of the deaf population do not have much, if any, exposure to sign language before they go to school [11]. If a hearing parent attempts to learn and teach their deaf child sign language, a language form similar to a pidgin will develop. As the child grows and learns more (either from school or other exposure to Erin Butler MLAS 599 Independent Study Comparison of Signed and Spoken Languages |8 sign language), the pidgin-like form will more closely resemble a creole. Therefore, creoles and signed languages are often seen as similar. Continuing the discussion of the input model leads to a discussion of the critical or sensitive period. These periods refer to ages where the brain has the highest ability to develop language properly [12]. In his study, Ruben found many researchers define the critical period as the time between six months of age and twelve months into infancy [12]. The sensitive period extends to about four years of life for aspects of language like syntax, and to about fifteen years of life for things like semantics [12]. A deaf child born to hearing parents, will be most affected during the critical period because of the lack of a proper model. During the critical period, if a child is not exposed to a full model of language, their language development will be severely affected. As the child grows out of the critical period, their physical ability to learn a language will decrease [13]. Once in the sensitive period, some gains can be made in language learning if a more intense input form is used. This is typically when these children would start at school and may be exposed to signed languages more regularly. When comparing these periods for deaf children to that of a hearing child using a spoken language, the effects of not having a full model are far more severe and have a longer lasting impact on the deaf child. Lastly, a discussion of facial expression reveals a set of differences between signed and spoken languages. Both language types will use body language and facial expression to help in conveying meaning [5]. Facial expression in signed language is also often compared to intonation in spoken languages [5]. Researchers have noted an instinctual component of facial expressions (i.e. surprise or wonder is often expressed through raised eyebrows) [3]. In instances like this, facial expression is crucial to correct understand of what someone is signing. In Erin Butler MLAS 599 Independent Study Comparison of Signed and Spoken Languages |9 contrast, spoken languages do not rely as heavily on facial expression for correct understanding but they do certainly aide in understanding what is being conveyed to its full extent. Results and Discussion As discussed previously, researchers struggle in studying signed and spoken languages using the same analytical methods. Many believe that sign and gesture can be compared to speech and gesture, but difficulties arise with differentiating between sign and gesture [6]. Not all methods used to analyze spoken languages can be applied to signed languages and vice versa. Because of this, researchers struggle to find common ground when comparing these two language types across all aspects. There is a lot of cross over between lexicon/syntax and phonology [5]. Signed languages can be broken down into fundamental units and these units can be combined in different ways using articulators to develop syllables and in turn signs. From there the language starts to develop. A similar process can be seen in spoken languages in that words can be broken down into their fundamental units as well. When analyzing how these units are put together in their respective languages, differences in word order and grammar become present. Through this it is evident that the structure and organization of signed sentences is vastly different from that of spoken languages. Even so, similarities can be seen in that both language types can be broken down into a set of fundamental units (morphemes) as well as units of phonology and syntax. It is a common understanding that signed languages develop relatively quickly, as seen in cases where those from different backgrounds are able to come together and communicate with each other. From this, it would make sense that when spoken languages were in their early years Erin Butler MLAS 599 Independent Study Comparison of Signed and Spoken Languages | 10 of development they also would develop relatively quickly, as is the case with pidgin and creole languages. As norms and standards started to become more commonplace, the pace at which both language types develop begins to slow. Creation of signs and words still occurs today as new circumstances become more relevant. For example, most ASL users did not have a sign for “quarantine” until recently because it was an unused word. Previously words like this would be fingerspelled but as its use increases, a sign will develop. Deaf children are a prime example of a group that most often does not receive a full language model during the critical and sensitive periods. If a child is exposed to a full language model early in life, they will be more likely to have success with language later on. Hearing children who learn a pidgin (which becomes a creole) as their first language have a similar experience. In both cases, the user will begin to develop some sort of grammar system and begin to make language rules. When these children are later exposed to a full model (i.e. when they begin school), they will often struggle with developing the language properly since the pathways in their brains are already accustomed to their own language form. With enough practice though, it is possible to make improvements. Recommendations and Limitations Signers and speakers both use bodily actions to contribute to meaning. Body movements and facial expression are more important for correct understanding of signed languages whereas in a spoken language there are other aspects playing a role (i.e. tone of voice) [14]. Advancing technology that can study gesture in both languages would advance the understanding of how Erin Butler MLAS 599 Independent Study Comparison of Signed and Spoken Languages | 11 gesture plays a role in language and its development in language types [See Appendix]. It would also help to standardize what is defined as gesture in studies like this. Especially when studying language, it is often too difficult to control all aspects of a study. Often times, the study will be simplified by not considering certain characteristics of language and only looking at how one variable affects certain outcomes. For example, there are speech gestures (tone fluctuation) that would have to be considered in a comprehensive comparison study and there is no equivalent to this in signed languages. In most instances this is an accepted practice, but when studying language, it makes it difficult to make full and accurate conclusions because there is often an overlap in effect between multiple variables. Conclusion A comparison study of signed and spoken languages reveals an abundance of differences between the two language types. Primary examples are the modality in which the two language types are conveyed and the morphology and phonology of each language type. Even so, signed languages have been analyzed using the same tools used to study spoken languages without always having to add additional criteria to make accurate conclusions. In this way, similarities are also present between the two language types, for example the anatomical similarities in where language is processed. Highlighting both similarities and differences between signed and spoken languages is essential for a comprehensive comparison between the two language types. Erin Butler MLAS 599 Independent Study Comparison of Signed and Spoken Languages | 12 Acknowledgements This research for this study was done as an independent study to supply information about the similarities and differences between signed and spoken languages for Joseph Bochner (Department Chair, Department of Cultural and Creative Studies, National Technical Institute for the Deaf). Information about the deaf experience was gathered through conversations with interpreters and others immersed in deaf and/or hearing culture at Rochester Institute of Technology which also guided research questions and literature review choices. Appendix As mentioned, one of the limiting factors of studying sign languages in comparison to spoken languages is the inability to differentiate between sign and gesture. Because of this, the two language types can only be compared to a certain extent. In order to get a more accurate comparison, the languages need to be compared on all aspects. Incorporating gesture studies is difficult because the definition of what is gesture is sometimes skewed in order to develop results that more closely fit into the realm of what the researcher is attempting to study. One way in which this issue can be addressed is by developing technology that can help researchers make a distinction between different movements associated with communication. One such technology is motion capture systems. Motion capture is typically a system of cameras that record movement or sensors that detect signals from markers placed on the body performing the motion. These systems are set around an environment in such a way as to capture as much data as possible (i.e. every part of the environment will be captured by at least one sensor). Erin Butler MLAS 599 Independent Study Comparison of Signed and Spoken Languages | 13 Motion capture systems have become increasingly accurate and complex over the past few years and their use has become more common in many research areas. Language researchers have already begun to use motion capture systems to aide in increasing accessibility to the deaf population. Sign Smith Studio is a commercial scripting tool and eSIGN is a developing database of ASL scripts for websites [15]. These resources are often difficult to understand and are considered unnatural. Often times systems like this use recorded versions of single signs and concatenate videos together to produce sentences [15]. Transition time, lack of grammar, and inability to use facial expression or set up space in these systems became main concerns in their use being effective. Lu and Huenerfauth looked to address many of the issues seen with these products. The goal of their work was to develop a wider database of virtual ASL using motion capture systems [15]. By doing so, they hoped to produce data-driven animations of ASL that could be used to increase accessibility for those who are deaf, specifically on websites and other environments where closed captioning or interpreters were not available, inaccurate, or inconvenient. The motion capture data was then used to develop animation of short stories or articles that had previously been developed using similar software [15]. The animations developed in this study were then evaluated by native signers who were able to assess the accuracy and ease of understanding of the animations produced when compared to these other versions. The motion capture systems were able to address the issue of transition time and made the animations more natural than previous attempts using similar methods even though preliminary use of the system did not allow for accurate facial expression in the animations. Another benefit of these animations was the ability to include spatial references. This is important because throughout signing, space is often set up to refer back to later without having Erin Butler MLAS 599 Independent Study Comparison of Signed and Spoken Languages | 14 to repeat an explanation of who or what is being discussed every time it is referred to. The system developed used an eye gaze tracker, body suit and gloves in addition to the motion capture camera system in order to develop as accurate of a representation as possible [15]. The eye gaze tracker assisted in making accurate spatial references while the body suit and gloves worn by the signer with embedded sensors allowed for accurate recording of joint angles. Using the data gained through these devices, a cohesive and fluent animation was able to be developed. Although the information presented in this study is not an end all solution to the problem of accessibility, the research shows that increasing complexity of ASL animation can be found through the use of motion capture systems. The data presented along with the preference of native signers for the animation developed in this study verses state of the art systems shows the promise that incorporating motion capture technology into language research has. Developing this technology more will allow for a wider database of ASL animations to be available for use in future research. From there, the hope is that a more common ground can be found to use this technology to actually study the similarities and differences between signed and spoken languages as well as between different sign language forms. 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