JOURNAL OF AIRCRAFT Aerodynamic/Sonic Boom Performance Evaluation of Innovative Supersonic Transport Configurations Wataru Yamazaki∗ Nagaoka University of Technology, Nagaoka, Niigata 940-2188, Japan and Kazuhiro Kusunose† Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, Tokyo 182-8522, Japan Downloaded by UNIVERSITY OF PITTSBURGH on February 26, 2016 | | DOI: 10.2514/1.C033417 DOI: 10.2514/1.C033417 In this research, biplane wing/twin-body fuselage innovative configurations are discussed as a next-generation supersonic transport candidate. Those aerodynamic performance as well as sonic boom performance are investigated by using numerical approaches. The aerodynamic performance is evaluated by inviscid compressible Euler equations using an unstructured mesh finite-volume method, and then the sonic boom performance is evaluated by an augmented Burgers equation. Thanks to the successful interactions of shock waves between the biplane wing as well as the twin-body fuselages, remarkable drag reduction and better sonic boom performance have been realized simultaneously at our design Mach number of 1.7. The superiority of the proposed supersonic transport configuration over conventional configurations is clearly demonstrated. I. Introduction A FUNDAMENTAL problem preventing large commercial aircraft from supersonic flight is the creation of strong shock waves, the effects of which are felt at the ground in the form of sonic booms. Since the poor fuel efficiency as well as the sonic boom noise at supersonic flight are mainly due to the effect of strong shock waves, the reduction of shock strength is very important to realize low-drag/low-boom supersonic transport (SST) configurations. A reduction method of the shock strength due to the lifted wing has been discussed in the literature [1–4] by introducing a supersonic biplane wing concept. In this concept, the strength of the wave drag has been successfully reduced by the interference of shock waves between the biplane. According to Ref. [1], the wave drag at zero lift of the biplane airfoil was reduced by nearly 90% compared to an equal-volume diamond-wedge airfoil in two-dimensional inviscid simulations. Inspired by the supersonic biplane wing concept, a twin-body fuselage concept has also been proposed by the present authors for more advanced SST configurations [5]. The same kind of twinfuselage concept was investigated in [6], in which fundamental wind tunnel experiments have been performed at a Mach number of 2.7. The main purpose of our concept of the twin-body fuselage is to reduce the wave drag due to the volume of the aircraft’s fuselage. Furthermore, unnecessary wave interactions between the fuselages were minimized by using a shape optimization approach. According to [5], over 20% total drag reduction was achieved by the optimized twin-body fuselage compared to the Sears–Haack (SH) single-body fuselage under the constraint of a fixed fuselage volume. The SH body [7] is well known as the supersonic single-body configuration that has the lowest wave drag for a specified volume and length. The fusion of the two advanced concepts yields an innovative SST configuration, which is a biplane wing/twin-body fuselage configuration. In [8], the innovative SST configuration was proposed, and then its fundamental aerodynamic features were examined. Three wing configurations, which were 5 and 10% diamond-wedge wings Received 26 February 2015; revision received 11 May 2015; accepted for publication 14 September 2015; published online 22 February 2016. Copyright © 2015 by Wataru YAMAZAKI and Kazuhiro KUSUNOSE. Published by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc., with permission. Copies of this paper may be made for personal or internal use, on condition that the copier pay the $10.00 per-copy fee to the Copyright Clearance Center, Inc., 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923; include the code 1533-3868/15 and $10.00 in correspondence with the CCC. *Associate Professor. † Visiting Research Scientist. and Busemann’s biplane wing, were compared in the previous study. The effectiveness of the twin-body fuselage concept with the all-wing configurations has been demonstrated in the previous study. In the present paper, the Licher-type biplane wing configuration, which is known to be a better biplane wing configuration than the Busemann’s biplane at lifted conditions [1,9], is also examined. The wave drag characteristics as well as the sonic boom characteristics of the innovative SST configurations are investigated in this research by using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) approaches. The freestream Mach number in this study is set to our design Mach number of 1.7. This paper is organized as follows. The CFD methodologies used in this research to evaluate aerodynamic/sonic boom performance are concisely described in Sec. II. The validity of the CFD methodologies is discussed in Sec. III by comparing with experimental sonic boom data. In Sec. IV, our innovative SST configurations are introduced, and then those aerodynamic performances are discussed. In Sec. V, those sonic boom performances are discussed. Finally, we provide concluding remarks in Sec. VI. II. Computational Methodologies In this section, the computational methodologies used in this research are concisely introduced. A. Inviscid Flow Analysis Three-dimensional supersonic inviscid flows are analyzed by an unstructured mesh CFD solver of the TAS code [10,11]. Compressible Euler equations are solved by a finite-volume cell-vertex scheme. The numerical flux normal to the control volume boundary is computed using the approximate Riemann solver of Harten–Lax–van Leer–Einfelds–Wada [12]. The second-order spatial accuracy is achieved by the unstructured monotonic upstream-centered scheme for conservation laws approach [11,13] with Venkatakrishnan’s limiter [14]. The implicit lower/upper symmetric Gauss– Seidel method for unstructured meshes [15] is used for the time integration. Three-dimensional unstructured meshes are generated using the TAS mesh package, which includes surface mesh generation by an advancing front approach [16,17] and tetrahedral volume mesh generation by a Delaunay approach [18]. The high accuracy of this unstructured mesh CFD approach has already been confirmed in the literature [11,19]. B. Skin Friction Drag Estimation In this research, skin friction drags of various SST configurations are estimated by introducing simple algebraic skin friction models. Article in Advance / 1 Downloaded by UNIVERSITY OF PITTSBURGH on February 26, 2016 | | DOI: 10.2514/1.C033417 2 Article in Advance / YAMAZAKI AND KUSUNOSE Fig. 1 CFD evaluations of D-SEND#1 models. Assuming that the boundary layer along the body is fully turbulent, the skin friction drag coefficient can be estimated as CDf Cf Swet Sref (1) where Cf is the averaged turbulent skin friction coefficient on the wetted area of the body and Swet and Sref are, respectively, the wetted area of the body and reference area. The skin friction coefficient for turbulent boundary-layer conditions can be calculated by the Prandtl–Schlichting flat-plate skin friction formula [20,21], Cf 0.455 log10 Re2.58 1 0.144M2∞ 0.65 (2) where Re and M∞ are, respectively, the Reynolds number and freestream Mach number. In this research, the Reynolds number is given at the cruise condition of Concorde (total length l of 62 m). Since the speed of sound a∞ and kinematic viscosity ν∞ at the altitude of 18,000 m are, respectively, 295.069 m∕s and 1.1686 × 10−4 m2 ∕s according to Ref. [22], the Reynolds number for the fuselage body is calculated as Re M∞ a∞ l ≅ 266 × 106 ν∞ (3) The Reynolds number for the main wing is calculated in the same manner with its mean chord length. The skin friction drag coefficients of the fuselage and wing are separately estimated with the corresponding Reynolds numbers by using Eqs. (1) and (2). In [1,2,23], the predicted friction drag based on the algebraic skin friction models is compared to those based on viscous CFD computations. It has been concluded that the simple algebraic skin friction models are reasonably accurate for the prediction of friction drag in supersonic flows at general angles of attack. We have to note that the simple models do not take account of the effects of flow separations and reattachments at large angles of attack. C. Sonic Boom Analysis The sonic booms on the ground are predicted by a nonlinear acoustic propagation solver Xnoise [24,25], which has been developed by Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA). An augmented Burgers equation is numerically solved by using an operator splitting method, which takes into account the effects of nonlinearity, geometrical spreading, inhomogeneity of the atmosphere, thermoviscous attenuation, and molecular vibration relaxation. In this approach, initial (input) pressure distributions are extracted from CFD solutions on the lower side of SST configurations (typically two fuselage lengths below). Then, the propagation of the pressure distribution to the ground is solved by the augmented Burgers equation. III. Validation of Computational Methodologies The validity of the present computational methodologies is discussed in this section by comparing with the experimental data of the D-SEND#1 project of JAXA‡ [26]. The sonic boom distributions generated from an N-wave model (NWM) and a low-boom model (LBM) at M∞ 1.58 and 1.59 are investigated. The entire lengths of the NWM and LBM are, respectively, 5.6 and 8.0 m. In those experiments, the sonic boom distributions were measured at about 3500 m away from the models. The inviscid CFD analyses are performed at the freestream Mach numbers to extract the initial pressure distributions as shown in Fig. 1. In this research, the following volume grid generation procedure is adopted for the accurate prediction of the initial pressure distributions, which is schematically shown in Fig. 2. First, the tetrahedral elements are generated in a limited half-cylindrical region including the semispan object as shown in Fig. 2a. Then, prismatic elements are built up from the lateral surface of the half-cylinder covering a userspecified computational domain. The prismatic elements are generated along the direction of the Mach angle as shown in Fig. 2b. The overall views of the generated computational grid of the LBM are shown in Figs. 2c and 2d. The inclination of the prismatic elements at the Mach angle remarkably increases the accuracy of the initial pressure distribution. In Fig. 3, the pressure distributions extracted at two body lengths below the LBM are compared between the inclination/ noninclination grids. Although the computational grid resolutions are almost identical between them, much sharper pressure distribution is obtained with the inclination of the prismatic elements at the Mach angle. In Fig. 3, the extracted pressure distribution of the NWM, which is also evaluated by a computational grid with the inclination of the prismatic elements at the Mach angle, is also shown. The numbers of computational grid points are about 2.6 million in both models. Then, the sonic boom propagations are solved by the augmented Burgers equation to compare to the experimental sonic boom distributions, the results of which are shown in Fig. 4. The fluctuations of the experimental data in the range of 0.03 < t < 0.05 s are considered to be the effect of atmospheric turbulence. Two major sonic boom performance parameters of maximum pressure rise ΔP and impulse Im are calculated from the final pressure distributions, and these parameters are summarized in Table 1. Qualitative agreements with the experimental data can be confirmed in both the NWM and LBM cases, which indicates the validity of the present computational methods. ‡ JAXA D-SEND Data available online at, index.html [retrieved 30 January 2015]. Downloaded by UNIVERSITY OF PITTSBURGH on February 26, 2016 | | DOI: 10.2514/1.C033417 Article in Advance Fig. 2 IV. / YAMAZAKI AND KUSUNOSE 3 Procedure of the computational grid generation for accurate sonic boom prediction. Aerodynamic Performance of Wing/Body Configurations In this section, the aerodynamic performance of biplane wing/ twin-body fuselage SST configurations is discussed. A. Definitions of Wing/Body Configurations Unswept tapered biplane wing configurations are designed in this research. The aspect and taper ratios are, respectively, set to about 7 and 0.25. The chord length of the main wing at the root section is about l∕6. A vertical wing-tip plate is arranged between the upper/ lower wings to increase the two dimensionality of the flow around the biplane wing. For appropriate shock interactions, the vertical distance between the wings is shortened at the outer wing by adding a dihedral angle to the lower wing. The Busemann-type and Licher-type biplane wing configurations are discussed in this research. The section airfoil thickness ratios of the Busemann-type biplane are set to 5% of the chord length in both the upper and lower wings. The thickness ratios of the Licher-type biplane (different between the upper/lower wings) are determined to have the same sectional area with the Busemann-type biplane wing. The mounting angle (β in Fig. 5) of the Licher-type wing is set to 2 deg. The outlines of the biplane wings are shown in Fig. 5. For comparison purposes, an unswept tapered conventional wing configuration is also designed, the section shape of which is a diamond-wedge airfoil. The thickness ratio is set to 10%, which has the same volume as the biplane wing configurations. The outline of this wing is also included in Fig. 5. With respect to the fuselage, three fuselage body configurations, which have the same total volume of the fuselage, are investigated in this research. A nonaxisymmetrical twin-body fuselage configura- Fig. 3 Extracted initial pressure distributions of D-SEND#1 models. 4 Article in Advance / YAMAZAKI AND KUSUNOSE Downloaded by UNIVERSITY OF PITTSBURGH on February 26, 2016 | | DOI: 10.2514/1.C033417 Fig. 5 Fig. 4 Outlines of wing configurations. Comparison with experimental data of D-SEND#1 project. tion has been designed by the present authors [5], minimizing the inviscid drag coefficient at M∞ 1.7 and an angle of attack of 2 deg. Ten design variables were used to represent various nonaxisymmetrical twin-body configurations, while the distance between the twin bodies was fixed to l∕4. In this design process, an efficient global design optimization approach via a Kriging response surface model [27,28] was used. The expected improvement (EI) value [27] can be evaluated with the Kriging model on the design variables space, which indicates the potential for improvement considering both the estimated function value and uncertainty in the response surface model. Since the computational cost to evaluate the EI is very small, the massive exploration of the design variables space (maximization of the EI value) can be performed inexpensively with a standard genetic algorithm. According to [5], a 23% total drag reduction has been realized in the nonaxisymmetrical twin-body optimal configuration compared to the single-body SH configuration that has the same volume of the fuselage. This drag reduction has been realized by successful wave interactions between the twin bodies. For comparison purposes, single/twin-body SH configurations are also investigated in this research. The outlines of the three fuselage configurations are shown in Fig. 6. These wings and fuselages are merged to make SST wing/body configurations. The following six combinations are investigated in this research: 1) SH single-body with diamond-wedge/Busemann biplane wings, 2) SH twin body with diamond-wedge/Busemann biplane wings, 3) nonaxisymmetrical twin body with Busemann/ Licher biplane wings. The computational grids around the SST configurations are generated in the same manner as the previous section. The numbers of computational grid points are about 3 million in all the configurations. The unstructured grid around a twin-body/biplane wing configuration is visualized in Fig. 7. B. Results and Discussion In Figs. 8 and 9, the pressure contours around the SST configurations are shown at the condition of M∞ 1.7 and lift coefficient CL 0.15. We can observe (successful) shock interactions between the wings as well as the twin bodies. The inviscid drag polar curves of these configurations at M∞ 1.7 are shown in Fig. 10. The same Table 1 Model NWM LBM Sonic boom performance of D-SEND#1 models Experiment ΔP, Pa Im, Pa · s 33.0 0.268 17.7 0.182 Simulation ΔP, Pa Im, Pa · s 30.7 (−7%) 0.258 (−4%) 15.0 (−16%) 0.168 (−7%) Fig. 6 Outlines of fuselage body configurations. Fig. 7 Unstructured grid around a SST configuration; left: overall view, right: enlarged view. reference area is used in all the cases for the evaluation of lift/drag coefficients, which is the projected area of the main wing (the same in all the wing configurations). The general range of the angle of attack is from 0 to 5 deg, while that of the Licher biplane wing configuration is from −2 to 3 deg due to the mounting angle of 2 deg. It can be understood that the biplane wing concept and the twin-body fuselage concept have individual drag reduction effects. We can summarize that about 150 cts drag reduction is achieved by the adoption of the biplane wing configuration, and then, separately, about another 60 ∼ 80 cts drag reduction is achieved by the adoption of the twinbody fuselage configuration. The best aerodynamic performance is achieved by the nonaxisymmetrical twin-body fuselage configurations. In detail, the Licher biplane wing configuration has better aerodynamic performance than the Busemann biplane wing configuration at the conditions of CL > 0.1. The skin friction drag coefficients of the SST configurations are estimated by the algebraic model of Eqs. (1) and (2). The total (inviscid plus skin friction) drag polar curves of these configurations at M∞ 1.7 are shown in Fig. 11. Although the algebraic model does not take account of the effects of flow separations and re- Downloaded by UNIVERSITY OF PITTSBURGH on February 26, 2016 | | DOI: 10.2514/1.C033417 Article in Advance Fig. 8 / YAMAZAKI AND KUSUNOSE 5 Pressure contours around SST configurations. attachments, those effects are considered to be insignificant in the considered range of the angle of attack. Since the twin-body/biplane wing configurations have larger wetted areas than the single-body/ diamond-wedge wing configurations, the drag reduction effect shortens by taking into account the viscous contributions. But the superiorities of the twin-body/biplane wing configurations can be still observed. The aerodynamic performance at M∞ 1.7 and CL 0.15 is summarized in Table 2. Although all the configurations have the same volume of the fuselage/wing, the nonaxisymmetrical twin-body/Licher biplane wing configuration achieves a 38% total drag reduction compared to the SH single-body/diamond-wedge wing conventional configuration. It is, therefore, confirmed that the proposed twin-body/biplane wing configuration is a promising candidate for the next-generation large-sized SST. Readers may notice the low lift over drag ratio (L∕D) value of the proposed SST configuration, which is less than 5, while that of Concorde is known to be about 7 ∼ 8 (at M∞ 2.0). This was also discussed in [8], in which it was concluded that the major reason is its larger fuselage volume than that of Concorde. Actually, the fuselage volume of our proposed configuration is approximately four times more than that of Concorde, which yields the lower L∕D value than Concorde in this study. Although the aerodynamic effectiveness of the proposed configuration has been confirmed in this research, further sophistication of the configuration, such as aerodynamic shape optimization of the biplane wing and resizing of the fuselage volume, is essential for the proposition of a commercially viable SST configuration. V. Sonic Boom Performance of Wing/Body Configurations The sonic boom performance of the proposed SST configurations is also investigated at M∞ 1.7 and CL 0.15. In this study, the pressure distributions are extracted at two fuselage lengths below the SST configurations on the symmetry plane as is shown in Fig. 12. In the sonic boom propagation analyses, standard atmosphere temperature/humidity profiles are used. The fuselage length and the cruise altitude are, respectively, set to 62 and 18,000 m and are given from the conditions of Concorde. The pressure distributions extracted below the SST (on the line shown in Fig. 12) are compared in Fig. 13. Larger pressure variations can be observed in the diamond-wedge wing configurations at the medium of the distributions. The propagation of the pressure distribution to the ground is solved by the augmented Burgers equation, and then the pressure distributions on the ground are compared in Fig. 14. In Figs. 13 and 14, the distributions of “SH Single + Diamond Wing” and “SH Twin + Diamond Wing” are almost equivalent. In addition, the distributions of “SH Single + Busemann”, “SH Twin + Busemann,” and “Nonaxisymmetric Twin + Busemann” are almost equivalent. These results indicate that the sonic boom characteristics can be primarily classified according to the wing configurations in this study. The diamond-wedge wing configurations have typical N-wave distributions, while the other configurations have two peaks in the distributions. In other words, the insignificance of the fuselage body configurations to the sonic boom Downloaded by UNIVERSITY OF PITTSBURGH on February 26, 2016 | | DOI: 10.2514/1.C033417 6 Article in Advance / YAMAZAKI AND KUSUNOSE Fig. 9 Pressure contours at the 60% semispan section of SST configurations. Fig. 10 Inviscid drag polar at M∞ 1.7. performance can be confirmed in this study. Four major sonic boom performance parameters of ΔP, Im, the sound pressure level Lp , and the A-weighted sound exposure level LAE are calculated from the pressure distributions on the ground, and these parameters are summarized in Table 3. Lp is calculated from the following formulation: Lp 20 log10 ΔP∕20 × 10−6 (4) LAE is evaluated by the software of BoomMetre [29], which was developed by JAXA. The best sonic boom performance is obtained Table 2 Aerodynamic performance of SST configurations at M∞ 1.7 and CL 0.15 (Drag coefficients in drag count, 1 drag count 0.0001) Configuration SH single + diamond SH single + Busemann SH twin + diamond SH twin + Busemann Nonaxisymmetric twin + Busemann Nonaxisymmetric twin + Licher α, deg 2.66 2.35 2.57 2.47 2.50 0.16 Inviscid Friction drag drag 511.8 74.8 328.4 112.1 428.4 89.1 276.7 128.1 245.6 128.6 234.8 128.4 Total drag 586.7 440.5 517.5 404.8 374.2 363.2 Downloaded by UNIVERSITY OF PITTSBURGH on February 26, 2016 | | DOI: 10.2514/1.C033417 Article in Advance / 7 YAMAZAKI AND KUSUNOSE Fig. 11 Total drag polar at M∞ 1.7. Fig. 14 Final pressure distributions at the ground. Fig. 12 Extraction of pressure distribution for sonic boom analysis. functions are indicated. Although LAE is known as a better metric to express the subjective loudness of sonic booms than ΔP [30], we can observe a positive correlation between ΔP and LAE in the present case. We can also observe positive correlations between ΔP and Im, CD and Im, and CD and LAE . The sound pressure level of the nonaxisymmetrical twin-body/Licher biplane wing configuration is not much more than 124 dB sound pressure level (SPL), while that of Concorde is known to be over 130 dB SPL. According to [31], the target value of ΔP for next-generation low-boom SST is considered to be about 24 Pa, i.e., 121.6 dB SPL. For the proposition of a more favorable next-generation SST configuration, therefore, not only the shock wave interactions between the bodies and between Table 3 Fig. 13 Initial pressure distributions at extraction line. in the nonaxisymmetrical twin-body fuselage with the Licher biplane wing, the maximum pressure rise of which is 38% lower than the single-body/diamond-wedge wing configuration. In Fig. 15, the relationships between aerodynamic/sonic boom performance Sonic boom performance of SST configurations at M∞ 1.7 and CL 0.15 Configuration SH single + diamond SH single + Busemann SH twin + diamond SH twin + Busemann Nonaxisymmetric twin + Busemann Nonaxisymmetric twin + Licher Im, ΔP, LP , dB SPL Pa · s Pa 49.19 127.82 5.15 32.72 124.28 3.62 48.58 127.71 5.04 34.40 124.71 3.75 33.18 124.40 3.61 30.59 123.69 2.95 LAE , dB 84.69 81.46 84.53 81.82 81.47 80.29 Downloaded by UNIVERSITY OF PITTSBURGH on February 26, 2016 | | DOI: 10.2514/1.C033417 8 Article in Advance / YAMAZAKI AND KUSUNOSE Fig. 15 Relationships between aerodynamic/sonic boom performance functions. wings but also its detailed shape optimization minimizing sonic boom will be required. VI. Conclusions In this research, twin-body fuselage/biplane wing configurations for a large-sized supersonic transport (SST) have been discussed. The wave drag characteristics/reduction by these innovative concepts have been discussed at a design freestream Mach number of 1.7 by using inviscid computational fluid dynamics (CFD) computations. The increment of skin friction drag has also been discussed, using the standard algebraic (turbulent) skin friction models based on the wetted areas of SST configurations. Furthermore, the sonic boom performance of the innovative SST configurations has also been discussed. As one of the twin-body fuselage configurations, the nonaxisymmetrical twin-body configuration that the authors had designed beforehand was also investigated. As biplane wing configurations, Busemen-/Licher-type biplanes were investigated. The biplane wing concept and the twin-body fuselage concept have individual drag reduction effects. The combination of the nonaxisymmetrical twin-body fuselage with the Licher biplane wing achieved the best aerodynamic performance among the investigated cases. The proposed SST configuration achieved a 38% total drag reduction compared to the single-body/diamond-wedge wing conventional configuration under constraints of a fixed volume and fixed length of the fuselage. This result indicates the remarkable aerodynamic superiority of the proposed twin-body/biplane wing configuration. The sonic boom characteristics of the SST configurations were primarily classified according to the wing configurations. The sonic boom performance parameters became better by the adoption of the biplane wing configurations. On the other hand, the fuselage body configurations had less effect on the sonic boom performance in this study. The best sonic boom performance was also obtained in the nonaxisymmetrical twin-body fuselage with the Licher biplane wing, of which the maximum pressure rise at the ground was 38% lower than the single-body/diamond-wedge wing conventional configuration. For a more sophisticated SST configuration, aerodynamic shape optimization of the biplane wing and the resizing of the fuselage volume are essential. The design (optimization) of a wing/body fairing should also be considered, and the supersonic drag may be reduced more. Furthermore, low-boom design optimization will be also required for the proposition of more realistic low-boom/ low-drag SST configurations. Since the fundamental availability of the proposed concept has been confirmed from the viewpoints of aerodynamics/sonic boom acoustics in this research, the authors will continue further development research studies to demonstrate its inclusive availability by additional multidisciplinary investigations. Acknowledgments The authors are very grateful to Masashi Kanamori, Yusuke Naka, Yoshikazu Makino, and Keiichi Murakami of Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency for providing them with their nonlinear acoustic propagation solver Xnoise as well as for their helpful advice. 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