1st International Congress on Tunnels and Uunderground Structures in South-East Europe „USING UNDERGROUND SPACE“ April 7-9, 2011, Dubrovnik, Croatia Ionia Odos: Tunnelling through undisturbed anisotropic flysch formation Paraskevi YIOUTA-MITRA, National Technical University of Athens, Greece antipaxos@metal.ntua.gr Chryssanthos STEIAKAKIS, General Consulting Ltd. “ISTRIA”, Greece, steiakakis.chrys@istria.gr Dimitris MERZIOTIS, General Consulting Ltd. “ISTRIA”, Greece, merziotis.dimitris@istria.gr Pavlos P. NOMIKOS, National Technical University of Athens, Greece, nomikos@metal.ntua.gr Alexandros I. SOFIANOS, National Technical University of Athens, Greece, sofianos@metal.ntua.gr Summary Ionia Odos is one of five major highway concessions currently in progress in Greece. It contains several tunnels, one of which is the Kalydona tunnel, recently excavated with final lining installation currently in progress. The project area is within post-alpine sediments of flysch, found significantly stronger than other flysch tunnelling projects in Northern Greece. This behaviour allowed for light support in the tunnel and only small scale failures at the periphery of the tunnel were expected and observed, caused by loading direction changes with respect to well developed bedding planes. The main features of the Kalydona tunnel are hereby presented and the effect of rock strength anisotropy on the tunnel response examined theoretically, numerically and compared to actual behaviour as it was monitored during the construction. Keywords: case history, drill and blast, anisotropic rock, flysch, ubiquitous joint model. 1. Introduction Rock anisotropy occurs due to genetic characteristics such as sedimentation layering and metamorphic schistosity as well as due to the presence of secondary discontinuity systems in an otherwise isotropic rockmass. The properties of the rockmass discontinuities, whatever their origin may be, are the definitive component that, combined with a variable loading direction, causes rock strength anisotropy. Wittke [1] showed that the overstressed zones around a tunnel depend on the anisotropy of the rock mass, Amadei and Pan [2], that the gravity-induced horizontal stresses depend on several parameters such as the type, degree and orientation of the rock anisotropy with respect to the ground surface. According to Gerrard [3], intact rock anisotropy is stress dependent with a decrease in anisotropy associated with an increase in confinement. The stress dependency of rock anisotropy implies that linear elasticity may be of limited value when describing the deformability of anisotropic rocks and that it should be replaced by non-linear elasticity or more complex constitutive behavior if permanent deformation occurs. Acceptable predictions of rock behavior can still be achieved assuming linear anisotropic elasticity as long as the selected rock properties are determined in a stress range comparable to what is expected in situ. Being able to account for the directional character of anisotropic rocks instead of assuming them to be isotropic, as has often been done in the past, is certainly a step in the right direction (Amadei [4]). Underground excavation in rock always deals with variable loading direction since a secondary stress field arises parallel to the excavation boundary. Moreover, in situ rock is hardly isotropic or continuous and jointed rock as compared to intact rock shows increased deformability in directions 1st International Congress on Tunnels and Uunderground Structures in South-East Europe „USING UNDERGROUND SPACE“ April 7-9, 2011, Dubrovnik, Croatia normal to the planes of weakness. In the event of a shallow tunnel combined with systematic joint/bedding that allows for a transversely isotropic material, then critical situations are expected mainly due to joint slip. The Kalydona tunnel is a typical such case where the bedding strikes parallel to the tunnel axis and dips with very small or zero angle. The features of the tunnel are presented in the following paragraphs. 2. Kalydona Tunnel 2.1 Location Kalydona twin road tunnel is located in the central-western part of Greece, close to the RionAntirion and at 8km distance from Messolonghi. It is part of the 159.4m Ionia Odos Highway that connects Antirion to Ioannina. The area of the tunnel is characterized by an acute hilly morphological relief covered by sparse to locally dense shrubby vegetation and is located at the Kalydona south end of Arakinthos Mountain. The absolute Tunnel elevation at the alignment area varies between +50 and +180 approximately. The relief of the area is influenced by the structure of inclined geological layers, dip to the NE-E, with low inclination varying from 10° to 25°. The structure of the tunnel has a general direction NE-SW, length of 1197.5m and 1190.3m for left Fig. 1 Kalydona Tunnel location 2.2 and right branch respectively and a maximum overburden thickness of 100m. The distance between the two branches is 28m (Istria [5]) . Geological Setting The wider project area is structured by geological formations that belong to the alpine substratum of the Ionia geotectonical unit and by post-alpine formations that overlie in discordance. The Ionian flysch is the main formation encountered during the tunnel excavation, made up of continuous intercalations of sandstone and siltstone layers. A ravine in the middle of the alignment in the N-S direction was initially attributed to the activity of faults. However, the geotechnical investigation that was undertaken in the area (boreholes ΒΤ1-203Α, ΒΤ1204 & ΒΤ1-205) showed that the sequence of the formations is undisturbed and that the creation of the ravine in the narrow area is due to the erosion of the siltstone phase of flysch. Along the tunnel, the intercalations of siltstone – sandstone layers are uniformly dipping North – East. No major faults were mapped or Fig. 2 Flysch intercalation found in borehole BT1-203A eventually found during excavation. Minor faulting was present with light tectonic activity that produced three and four joint systems. The predominant joint system was the bedding and the additional systems were found to be shear sub vertical joints. Details of 1st International Congress on Tunnels and Uunderground Structures in South-East Europe „USING UNDERGROUND SPACE“ April 7-9, 2011, Dubrovnik, Croatia microtectonics are given in Table 1. Most of the joints were found to be smooth to lightly rough and empty. Closer to the surface the joints were found to be smooth and infilled with weathered material from the parent rock such as silt, sand and clay. Table 1: Tectonic Diagrams close to the entrance portal (TD1) and the exit portal (TD2) TD1 B J1 J2 J3 Tunnel Dip/dip direction 24/060 81/175 88/126 66/262 N062E TD2 N Orientations ID Bedding J3 Tunnel J2 W E J1 B J1 J2 Dip/dip direction 17/066 85/163 70/246 N 1 24 / 060 2 81 / 175 3 59 / 238 4 66 / 262 Equal Angle Lower Hemisphere 4 Poles 4 Entries Tunnel Length/Spacing/Aperture [m] 3-10/0.4-1.0/1-2 1-3/0.5-1.0/1-2 1-3/0.5-1.0/1-2 1-3/0.5-1.0/1-2 Orientations Dip / Direction ID Bedding TUNNEL W E J2 N074E S J1 Dip / Direction 1 17 / 066 2 85 / 163 3 70 / 246 Equal Angle Lower Hemisphere 3 Poles 3 Entries S Sandstone layers are found with varying thickness, from thickly to medium bedded, medium to coarse grained particles and light gray colour when freshly excavated. Siltstone layers are found mostly as medium to thinly bedded of fine grained particles not seen by the eye, dark gray to greenish colour. Four main lithologies have been foreseen and encountered: a) Fi.st: This is a layer where sandstone prevails, developing in great thickness (30 to 90 m), for the scale of the project. Layers appear medium to thick-bedded with thickness 0.3 – 1.0 m. Very frequently, the continuance of the lithology is interrupted by thin interpolations of siltstone layers or siltstone and thin-bedded sandstone alternation layers, whose thickness does not exceed 1m. These thinner layers within sandstone benches appear compressed due to reduction of the layer thickness or unwedging with indications of inner creeping, usually jointed. This fact is locally giving the impression of a discordant deposit due to differences to measured layer inclinations. In reality, that is due to the different behaviour of the formations in various stress fields that acted in the area because of their different lithology. In many cases, the creeping observed in the weaker but more plastic layer of siltstone causes faulting and rupturing to massive layers that cannot follow the deformation. These ruptures, in most cases, are classified in co-sedimentation tectonic, since, as observed, their continuity is interrupted by the deposit of the overburden. The thickness of the formation is at 30m at the entrance but reaches b) Fi.sl,st: In this case siltstone and sandstone alternate in layers of 0.1 – 0.2 m (Fig. 2). Sometimes thicker layers appear in the formation, where flysch phases prevail. Forms of the co-sedimentation tectonics are rarer in this layer, given the fine-bedded nature of sandstone that follows more readily the deformation of siltstone layer. c) Fi.sl2: This is a layer where the lithological elements of siltstone prevail over sandstone that contributes only with interspersed layers of 0.02 – 0.1m in the siltstone environment. d) Fi.sl1: It is a layer that consists of fine-bedded siltstone. 2.3 Hydrogeologic conditions The entire sandstone – siltstone rock mass is characterized by low to very low hydraulic permeability. Although sandstone is of higher permeability than the siltstone layers, the continuous intercalations of these two materials renders the permeability of the rock mass highly anisotropic; in a normal to the jointing direction it is governed by the lower permeability material which is the siltstone; in the direction tangent to the joints, the permeability of the sandstone dictates the flow. The tunnel has been mainly excavated in dry conditions except in the entrance (Fig 3), where water seeps from the sandstone intercalations and the middle of the tunnel where the impermeable siltstone layer underlying sandstone acts as a hydrogeological boundary. 1st International Congress on Tunnels and Uunderground Structures in South-East Europe „USING UNDERGROUND SPACE“ April 7-9, 2011, Dubrovnik, Croatia The characteristics of the water flow are low pressure and slow drainage and can be attributed to the low overburden and permeability (~of k=4-6x10-8 m/sec). The limited water tables recharge after heavy rain falls and drain again slowly without producing any stability problems. The water inflow maximum was 5 m3/m/24h and was dealt with drainage holes. 2.4 Geotechnical evaluation The geotechnical conditions along the tunnel were evaluated based on the geological mapping of the tunnel, geophysical investigation (electrical Fig. 3 Water seeping from sandstone (Fi.st) layer interrupted by a tomography) and eight sampling thin siltstone layer (Fi.sl) at the entrance portal, few hours after boreholes executed prior to excavation, rainfall. with depths ranging from 20 to 131m. The borehole samples were further subjected to several laboratory tests such as mineralogical analysis from scanning electron microscopy (SEM), discontinuity shear test, slake durability, unconfined compressive strength, point load test, Brazilian test etc. Q, RMR and GSI evaluation was conducted from the combination of field and borehole information. The rock mass along the tunnel was accordingly subdivided in categories based on classification but also considering the type of predominant rock, lamination thickness and jointing characteristics according to RQD values. The four rock mass categories are contained in Table 2 along with their A B C D main properties. The unconfined 70-100 70-100 40-60 40-60 compression strength of intact rock Sa Si Sa Si (σci) was estimated as a weighted 17.5-75 8.75-37.5 4.44-23.33 1.48-5.83 average from the individual rocks 65-78 52-67 50-63 42-53 forming the intercalation. The 55-65 50-65 65-80 40-50 estimation of the rock mass 15-20 50-55 50-55 15-20 parameters such as unconfined compressive strength (σcm), rock mass 2-5 11-15 15-25 2-3 modulus Erm, rock mass cohesion crm 20-25 10-15 10-15 3-6 and friction υrm were estimated with 55-57 40-42 50-55 35-40 the use of the GSI classification 1.0-2.5 0.5-1.0 0.7-1.3 0.3-0.4 system and the Hoek – Brown failure The parameters were also verified with other empirical correlations. Table 2 Rock mass categories and geotechnical properties Rock Mass RQD Lithology Q RMR89 GSI σci (MPa) σcm (MPa) Erm (GPa) υrm (o) crm (MPa) criterion. Figure 4 depicts the longitudinal section of the right bore, the geological formations and rockmass categories as well as the location of the investigation drills. Figure 4 Right Bore Longitudinal section of Kalydona Tunnel 1st International Congress on Tunnels and Uunderground Structures in South-East Europe „USING UNDERGROUND SPACE“ April 7-9, 2011, Dubrovnik, Croatia 3. Excavation and support measures 3.1 Proposed excavation and support Considering the high quality of the rock mass, limited joints and medium strength, drill and blast is selected as the most cost effective excavation method. The tunnel is excavated as top heading and bench and the round lengths are dependent on the rock mass category encountered along the tunnel. Table 3 contains proposed excavation and support measures, which are successfully applied with few adjustments. The primary support has been determined on the basis of a safe, economical and appropriate support system for each rock mass category encountered. The significant self-supporting properties of the rock mass have been used as the major support Table 3 Rock mass categories and primary support element and enhanced mostly by protecting the exposed rock mass Rock Mass A B C D from weathering, especially siltstone Step (top heading) 2.5-3.0 2.0-2.5 1.5-2.0 1.5-2.0 intercalations and keeping tightly in Shotcrete (cm) 10 12 16 18 place the key rock block elements 40 40 Fibres (kg/m3) 40 40 from moving or detaching. The main 4 4 Bolt length 3 4 support elements are reinforced with St.x2.0 St.x2.0 Bolt pattern St.x2.5 St.x1.5 steel fibres shotcrete and fully Lattice girders 70/10/3 grouted rock bolts Φ25-S500s or HEB HEB140 standard swellex, also lattice girder ribs. In areas with low overburden and poorer rock mass conditions as was the case in the portal areas, ribs (HEB) were additionally used. The primary support of the tunnel was based on shotcrete and bolt installation immediately after the round was blasted and muck removed. 3.2 Construction and monitoring Left Branch 5.0 4.0 PS-D 4.5 3.0 PS-C Advance Step 3.5 3.0 PS-B 2.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 Support category 4.0 PS-A 1.0 1.0 0.5 0.0 57.50 71.00 85.50 105.30 126.00 148.80 166.50 185.50 208.80 232.50 257.00 283.50 309.00 335.50 360.50 389.00 421.50 453.00 487.00 518.50 548.50 578.00 607.00 638.00 668.50 0.0 Chainage Right Branch 4PS-D 4.5 4 Advance Step 3PS-C 3 2.5 2PS-B 2 1.5 1PS-A 1 0.5 0 0 Support Category 3.5 Construction of the tunnel started from the east (entrance) portal. The first underground shift was on 27 May 2009 in the right bore and the left bore followed shortly afterwards. By the end of January 2010, 630m had been excavated in each bore in a top heading – bench sequence with an advance step that varied from 1.5 to 4m. Figure 5 contains the data from this time period, where the advance step of the top heading is co-related to the support category that was installed. The excavation of the tunnel was smooth and did not encounter any serious instability problems. The original design for light support measures was fully confirmed. Indeed, in view of the excellent rockmass, when excavation of the other half of the tunnel - from the exit to the middle – started, full-face excavation was decided upon and performed. 51.00 65.00 83.50 103.50 124.00 143.00 161.70 183.70 207.80 234.80 257.60 282.60 310.60 336.60 362.50 392.00 425.50 456.50 488.50 520.00 547.00 576.50 606.00 636.00 662.00 During excavation in the initial stages it was found that in areas where the sandstone intercalations were of considerable thickness (~0.8-1.0) near the crown over-excavations were formed (Fig.6). The location of Fig. 5 Actual advance step and support the over-excavations was consistent with structural category of the east half top heading of the instabilities evaluated during design. The blast hole Kalydona tunnel pattern was modified in order to reduce as much as possible the overexcavations. The spacing of the peripheral (contour) blast holes was reduced and the contour line closed in on the tunnel cross section. This solution gave a better excavation profile and minor intrusions of rock were dealt with mechanical scaling. It is of interest to mention that advance steps as long as 5m have been Chainage 1st International Congress on Tunnels and Uunderground Structures in South-East Europe „USING UNDERGROUND SPACE“ April 7-9, 2011, Dubrovnik, Croatia achieved with excellent profile and without any wedges detaching or overexcavations observed. Most of the tunnel was excavated in such rock mass conditions with the rock mass ranging from category A to category B. According to the design, the tunnel construction was regularly monitored. More specifically, tunnel convergence, bolt stresses and tunnel lining stresses were monitored. The instrumentation used included convergence and geodetic stations with 5 monitor pins and deformation and stress-strain stations, i.e. multiple point snap – ring anchor extensometers and five anchor hydraulic load cells. In the case of tunnel portals area, NATM stress cells and strain gauges for steel ribs were also used. A total of 57 convergence monitoring stations were installed but no more than a few millimetres were ever measured. 4. Theoretical considerations In order to explain the observed over-excavations, let us consider the slightly dipping Flysch layers, with respect to the tunnel geometry. According to Goodman [6], rock with horizontal layering, tends to open up in the roof of an underground opening. When the strata are dipping, the zone of interbed separation and potential buckling shifts off center and the walls may be undermined by sliding, i.e. in regularly layered rock, the stress flows around the tunnel as if it had a shape different from that initially assumed. The extents of these rock failure mechanisms depend, among other things, on the friction between the layers and the subsequent interlayer slip. In the case of the relatively shallow Kalydona tunnel -consequently low stress enviFig. 6 Overexcavations at the crown ronment- and additionally a high strength over stress ratio, failure of the intact rock is not expected. However, discontinuities may exert greater influence on the tunnel behaviour than intact rock properties. The effect of the rock layers and the potential of slip amongst them, is examined as the possible cause for the observed over-excavations. 4.1 Fig. 7 Zones of layer slip around Kalydona tunnel using Goodman’s geometrical method Goodman’s geometrical method Goodman [6] illustrated the effect of joint slip by using a geometrical method to examine the extent of slip along the periphery of an underground opening. The cross section of the opening and the friction angle υj of the joint planes are the pieces of information required to delimit the failure mechanism. Zones of joint slip with potential sliding and flexure around a tunnel of any shape can easily be identified by drawing two lines inclined at υj to the normal to the layers and tangent to the tunnel periphery. Figure 7 depicts this method for the Kalydona tunnel driven in a rock mass with one joint set dipping at an angle 5o from the horizontal for joint friction angle equal to 30o. 1st International Congress on Tunnels and Uunderground Structures in South-East Europe „USING UNDERGROUND SPACE“ April 7-9, 2011, Dubrovnik, Croatia The method offers a fast and precise estimation of the zones that may slip at the tunnel periphery in the case of excavating in an anisotropic rock. 4.2 Analytical method Daemen [7] developed a closed form solution to calculate the extent of the joint slip zones through the elastic rockmass around circular tunnels while Kumar [8] studied them for a Hoek-Brown rockmass. According to Daemen the distribution of elastic stresses, at first, is calculated. Then, the elastic shear stress is compared to joint shear strength, considering a Coulomb slip criterion for the joint. The joint is considered to slip, when the elastic shear stress τ exceeds the joint shear strength τp. Therefore, slip zones identified by Daemen correspond to excess shear stress contours of τ/τp≥1. For a hydrostatic natural stress field the orientation of the slip zones is determined by the dip and friction angles of the weakness planes. For an unsupported tunnel and for zero cohesion of the joints the extent of the slip zone is also determined by the joint friction angle. In cases of highly anisotropic in situ stresses, tension zones may be developed across existing weakness planes. Fig. 8 Zones of layer slip around equivalent Eventually, these zones strongly depend on the Kalydona tunnel with analytical method orientation of the weakness systems. The slip zones calculated by the solution of Deamen according to equation (1) for joint cohesion c=0 and υj=30o are shown in Figure 8 when zero support pressure Ps is assumed. A circular unlined tunnel equivalent to the Kalydona tunnel cross-section has been used as input. r R 2 P Ps S e cos 2 a tan j Se c P tan j sin 2 a (1) r, θ: polar coordinates R: tunnel radius P: Natural stress Ps: support pressure Se: factor of discontinuities shear overstressing (τ/τp), Se=1 in Figure 8 a: discontinuities inclination from horizontal The existing analytic solutions do not take into account the redistribution of stresses around the opening due to the joint slip. To further investigate any effect of such stress redistribution on tunnel behaviour numerical analysis is needed. 4.3 Numerical investigations The effect of the joint slip on the stress redistribution around a circular tunnel within a layered rock mass has been examined numerically by Papavasiliou et al. [9] using the finite differences code FLAC 2D. The ubiquitous joint model implemented in the FLAC code has been used, assuming an elastic intact rock and planar joints having a Coulomb slip criterion with zero cohesion and varying friction angle. From these analyses it may be concluded that Goodman’s geometrical method presents very precise results concerning the range of the slip zone around at the tunnel boundary. Further, the closed–form solution of Daemen is confirmed to a reliable degree. However, for small or zero values of the internal support pressure, the slip zoned predicted numerically may extend well beyond the regions calculated analytically. 1st International Congress on Tunnels and Uunderground Structures in South-East Europe „USING UNDERGROUND SPACE“ April 7-9, 2011, Dubrovnik, Croatia 5. Numerical Analyses 5.1 Representation of anisotropy Numerical simulation of the Kalydona tunnel is performed herein with the finite differences code FLAC 2D v.6 (Itasca [10]). For the present analyses the ubiquitous joint model was selected as it incorporates in the most comprehensive way the anisotropy of the flysch rockmass. In this model, which accounts for the presence of an orientation of weakness in a Mohr-Coulomb model, yield may occur in either the solid or along the weak plane, or both, depending on the stress state, the orientation of the weak plane and the material properties of the solid and weak plane. In the numerical code implementation (Itasca [10]), general failure is first detected, and relevant plastic corrections are applied, as indicated in the Mohr-Coulomb model. The new stresses are then analyzed for failure on the weak plane and updated accordingly. The criterion for failure on the plane consists in a local form of the Mohr-Coulomb yield condition with tension cut-off, the local shear flow rule is non-associated and the local tension flow rule, associated. Figure 8 Numerical model discretization The ubiquitous joint model may be used to describe the mechanical behavior of a rock mass with one closely spaced joint set. However, it does not account for the bedding rigidity of the rock layers. When this cannot be neglected, other methods, such as the distinct element method -e.g. the UDEC code of Itasca- or the cosserat continuum approach, e.g. Adhikary [11], may be more appropriate. 5.2 Numerical model A plain strain model of 120m wide x 100m high with variable element size and stress boundary conditions for the simulation of initial geostatic stresses has been used. Both tunnel tubes are simulated in order to examine the possible interaction between them. A detailed numerical simulation of tunnel excavation and support was performed, based on the construction sequence Table 4 Selected cross-sections for numerical models suggested in the design. For the simulation of the tunnel support, cable and beam elements No 1 2 3 attached to the tunnel boundary, were used to Chainage 24664.92 24465.41 24159.47 represent bolts and elastic shotcrete lining. Branch Right Left Right Progressive hardening of the shotcrete was taken into account. The internal stresses in the Support PS-A PS-A PS-C lining developed at the final or any intermediate Rockmass A (II Sa) B (II Si) D (III Si) excavation phase are due to the combined Joint dip [o] 0 0 5 action of the elastoplastic rock response and the joint slip. Figure 8 depicts the grid and structural Overburden [m] 59 81 42 elements at the final excavation stage. Monitored 1.9 2.7 5 Max ΓH [mm] Calculated Max ΓH [mm] Three characteristic cross sections have been selected for the simulations, with the prospect of comparing the numerical results to actual displacements. Geotechnical design parameters were selected according to the original tunnel design (see Table 2). A zero joint cohesion was assumed while the joint friction was set to 35o, 33o and 30o for rock mass IISa, IISi and IIISi respectively. Table 4 contains the details of the selected cross-sections, the maximum vertical displacements that were observed at the crown after the top 1.61 3.01 4.65 1st International Congress on Tunnels and Uunderground Structures in South-East Europe „USING UNDERGROUND SPACE“ April 7-9, 2011, Dubrovnik, Croatia Pin 2 10 ΔΗ Dcl 8 6 4 2 Pin 1 10 8 6 4 2 0 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 -2 0 -4 -6 -8 -10 0 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 -2 ΔΗ -4 Dcl -6 -8 2 4 6 8 10 -10 2 4 6 8 10 10 8 6 4 2 0 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 -2 0 -4 -6 -8 -10 ΔΗ 2 Dcl Pin 3 4 6 8 10 Figure 9 Face mapping and geodetic monitoring at selected cross-section No 1. heading excavation and installation of support and the respective vertical displacements that were calculated numerically using of the ubiquitous joint model. It can be seen that there is very good approximation of the monitored displacements. In case (1) of Table 4, the surrounding rock is the best situation found along the tunnel, undisturbed sandstone with RQD values as high as 100. It is therefore expected to have no monitored displacements of the tunnel section. In cases (2) and (3) though, there is evidence of slight movement that is well approximated numerically by the ubiquitous joint numerical model. The induced by excavation changes in local stress magnitude and orientation are in this case affecting joint slip behaviour; the shear stress acting on them exceeds the strength of the weakness planes. To this effect, a comparison of the over-excavation profiles was possible, by use of the face mappings of the tunnel project. Figures 9 and 10 contain the visual comparison of face mapping, measured convergence and numerical results for the case of analysis No1. The output from the numerical solution is taken at the stage where the excavation has just been performed and installation of support is underway. Colors represent the element state and the areas of Figure 10 Areas of slipped joints with use of ubiquitous joint model joint slip are clearly coinciding with the for Kalydona selected cross-section No 1. over-excavation area in the face mapping. It is of interest to note that at the specific areas, redistribution of stresses after joint slip results in an elastic unloading and a new equilibrium state (Ubiq. Jnts. Fail Past). Similar results have been found for the cases (2) and (3) of Table 4, only the areas of slip are more extensive. The maximum axial thrust in the temporary lining was calculated below 1 MN at these areas, which is well within the applied shotcrete capacity. Thanks to the appropriate design, side effects from interbedding slip did not spread. The support measures that were applied were able to withstand the localized overstressing and the tunnel excavation and primary support installation was completed successfully in mid-July of 2010. 6. Conclusions Kalydona Tunnel, which is part of the currently under construction Ionia Motorway, has been excavated with the drill and blast method in an undisturbed and of good mechanical properties flysch formation. This allowed for light support measures, big round lengths and for one half of the tunnel, full face excavation. In the tunnel periphery, at the shoulders, minor over-excavations 1st International Congress on Tunnels and Uunderground Structures in South-East Europe „USING UNDERGROUND SPACE“ April 7-9, 2011, Dubrovnik, Croatia have been observed and been dealt with through an amelioration of the blast design according to smooth blasting technics. The tunnel excavation has been successfully completed. Analysis of excavation by considering the anisotropic nature of the flysch rockmass is performed by using three different methods; geometrical, analytical and numerical. All methods provide a fair estimate of the area of joint slip. In the case of the numerical method, application of the ubiquitous joint model has been used with good results. Comparison of the numerical method displacements to selected monitored tunnel cross-sections has yielded good agreement in calculations as well as in joint slip behaviour. 7. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] References WITTKE W. (1990), “Rock Mechanics”, Springer-Verlag, Germany. AMADEI B., PAN E. (1992), “Gravitational Stresses in Anisotropic Rock Masses with Inclined Strata”, Int J Rock Mech Min Sci & Geomech Abstr, Vol 29(3), pp.225-236. GERRARD C. M. (1975), Background to mathematical modelling in geomechanics: the role of fabric and stress history. Proc. Int. Symp. on Numerical Methods, Karlsruhe, pp. 33-120. AMADEI B. (1996), “Importance of Anisotropy When Estimating and Measuring In Situ Stresses”, Int J Rock Mech Min Sci & Geomech Abstr, Vol 33(3), pp.293-325. ISTRIA General Consulting Ltd. (2009) “Primary support design of Kalydona tunnel”. GOODMAN RE. (1989), Introduction to Rock Mechanics. Wiley, New York, p. 562. DAEMEN JJK. (1983), “Slip zones for discontinuities parallel to circular tunnels or shafts”. Vol. 20(3), pp.135-148. KUMAR P. (1997), “Slip zones around circular openings in a jointed Hoek-Brown medium”. 34(6), pp.875-883. PAPAVASILIOU S., NOMIKOS PP., SOFIANOS AI. (2010) “Tunnel overstressing due to the anisotropic rock structure”, 6th Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium, October 23 - 27, 2010 , New Delhi, India, paper No. ARMS62010-081 ITASCA Cons. Group, Inc. (2009), FLAC v.6.0: User’s Guide. Minneapolis, Minnesota. ADHIKARY DP. (2010), “Deficiencies in the ubiquitous joint model of layered rocks”, Eurock 2010, Zhao, Labiouse, Duft & Mathier (eds), Lausanne, Switcherland, pp. 165-168