Questionnaire This questionnaire is a part of Advanced Research Methods in Management course (DM8101) for Ph.D. Management at International College of NIDA. The research is conducted to seek your personal opinions on “Effect of Perceived Organizational Support, Perceived Supervisor Support and Coworkers’ Interpersonal Helping Behavior on Job Satisfaction”. All questionnaires will remain as private, confidential and for academic purpose only. Part I: Demographic factors Part one: Demographic Profile of respondents. (Question 1-4) 1. Age 1.___ Under 25 2.___ 25-30 4. ___ 36-40 5.___ Above 40 3.___ 31-35 2. Gender 1.___Male 2.___ Female 3. Highest education level 1.___ Diploma Degree ( Vocation Course ) 2.___ Bachelor Degree ( College Degree) 3.___ Master Degree 4.___ Doctoral Degree 4. Working experiences 1 1.___ Below 1 year 2.___ 1-5 years 3.___ 6-9 years 4.___ 10-13years 5.___ Above 13 years Part II: Perceived Organizational Support Please choose only one scale in each statement that best described your opinion and feeling about factors affecting job satisfaction in term of perceived organizational support on your work indicate the best suitable answer by tick marking (√ ) in the space provided next to the statement. 2 Perceived Organizational Support No. Strongly Agree (5) Perceived Organizational Support 1 The organization values my contribution to its well-being. 2 The organization always appreciates any extra effort from me. 3 The organization really cares about my wellbeing. 4 The organization cares about my general satisfaction at work. 5 The organization takes pride in my accomplishments at work. Part III: Perceived Supervisor Support 2 Agree Neutral Disagree (4) (3) (2) Strongly Disagree (1) Please choose only one scale in each statement that best described your opinion and feeling about factors affecting job satisfaction in term of perceived supervisor support on your work and indicate the best suitable answer by tick marking (√ ) in the space provided next to the statement. 3. Perceived Supervisor Support No. Strongly Agree (5) Perceived Supervisor Support 1 My supervisor strongly considers my goals and values. 2 My supervisor has always helps me. 3 My supervisor makes me feel competent in my work. 4 My supervisor has always listened to my suggestions. 5 My supervisor treats me fairly while working. Agree Neutral Disagree (4) (3) (2) Strongly Disagree (1) Part IV: Coworkers’ Interpersonal Helping Behavior Please choose only one scale in each statement that best described your opinion and feeling about factors affecting job satisfaction in term of coworkers’ interpersonal helping behavior and indicate the best suitable answer by tick marking (√ ) in the space provided next to the statement. 3 4. Coworkers’ Interpersonal Helping Behavior No. Strongly Agree (5) Coworkers’ Interpersonal Helping Behavior 1 My coworkers voluntarily help new employees settle into the job. 2 My coworkers take time to advice, coach, or mentor a co-worker. 3 My coworkers help co-worker learn new skills or shared job knowledge. 4 My coworkers offer suggestions to improve how work is done. 5 My coworkers help a co-worker who had too much to do. Agree Neutral Disagree (4) (3) (2) Strongly Disagree (1) Part V: Satisfaction Please choose only one scale in each statement that best described your opinion and feeling about Job satisfaction in your organization and indicate the best suitable answer by tick marking (√ ) in the space provided next to the statement. Strongly Agree (5) Job Satisfaction 1 I am proud to work for my organization. 2 I am happy to work as long as I did a good job. 3 My company is concerned with long term welfare of the employees. 4 Employee policies are properly and equally administered in my department. 5 I plan to work long term for this organization Agree Neutral Disagree (4) (3) (2) THANK YOU FOR YOUR COOPERATION 4 Strongly Disagree (1)