SECONDARY EDUCATION Unit 1 Secondary Education Corse Code: 8624 B. Ed. DR. ABDUL GHAFFAR TAHIR 0345 659 32 45 OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE The course will extend the knowledge of readers in the following domains and will enable them to: 1. Explain the significance, need, nature, aims and organizational structure of secondary education. 2. Describe the different types of institutions imparting secondary education and process of curriculum development in Pakistan. 3. Examine the internal and external examination system at secondary level. 4. Compare the education systems of different counties at secondary level. 5. Review the role of education policies in the development of secondary education. 6. Analyze the training structure, issues and problems of secondary education in Pakistan. 2 CONTENT OF THE COURSE Unit–1: Introduction to Secondary Education Unit–2: Organizational Structure of Secondary Education Unit–3: Types of Schools at Secondary Level Unit–4: Curriculum Development at Secondary Level in Pakistan Unit–5: Evaluation at Secondary Level Unit–6: Secondary Education in Comparative Perspective Unit–7: Secondary Education in Pakistan Unit–8: Training of Secondary School Teachers Unit–9: Problems, Issues and Trends in Secondary Education 3 OBJECTIVES OF THE UNIT Introduction of Secondary Education Nature of Secondary Education Significance of Secondary Education Objectives of Secondary Education Aims and Objectives of Education for Preparing Practicing Muslims and for Creating Islamic Social Welfare State Secondary Education in Pakistan Scheme of Studies for the Secondary School Education Scheme of studies (Higher Secondary) The Stage of Formal Operations Structure Developed in the Formal Operational Stage (Secondary Education) 4 EDUCATION Education is derived from two Latin words: Educare means bring up, to nourish, to raise; and Educere means draw out or bring out. So educating a child means to bring up the child or nourish the child. So other meaning to draw out or to bring out darkness into light Education is the process of facilitating learning, or the acquisition of knowledge, skills, values, beliefs, and habits 5 EDUCATION Education is Search for Truth. Aim of Education is Character Formation. Question Answer Method (Socrates). Education as a Key for a Society (Plato). Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all (Aristotle). Education is what remains, when what has been learned has been forgotten (B. F. Skinner) Education as a Reconstruction of Experience (John Dewey). A good education should leave much too desired (Alan Gregg). Education is Lifelong Learning Education is for Development 6 ELEMENTS OF EDUCATION Aims/ Goals/ Objectives Content/Subject Matter Teaching Methodology Evaluation 7 MODES OF EDUCATION 8 Formal Education Early childhood and pre-school Elementary education Secondary education Higher education Informal Education ( not formal) Non Formal Education (semi-formal) 8 LEVEL OF EDUCATION ELEMENTARY EDUCATION (I-VIII) (1) Primary Schools Boys & Girls (I-V) (2) Middle Schools Boys & Girls (VI-VIII) (3) Consolidated Schools (Boys + Girls) (Co-education) (I-V) SECONDARY EDUCATION (IX-XII) (1) High School Education (IX-X) (2) Higher Secondary School / Inter College (XI-XII) SSTs/SSEs BPS-16 SS BPS-17 & SSS BPS-18 Competent Authorities District Education Officer (SE) Secretary School Education HIGHER EDUCATION (XIII above) Degree Colleges Universities 9 INTERNATIONAL STANDARD CLASSIFICATION OF EDUCATION The International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) (1997) describes seven levels that can be used to compare education internationally (UNESCO) Level- 0 Level-1 Level- 2 Level- 3 Level- 4 Level- 5 Level- 6 Level- 7 Pre-primary education Primary education Lower secondary education Upper secondary education Post-secondary education First stage of tertiary education Second stage of tertiary education Higher Education 10 SECONDARY EDUCATION Secondary education (IX-XII) is an important sub-sector of the entire education system. It provides middle level workers for the economy. It acts as a feeder for the higher levels of education. The quality of higher education depends upon the quality of secondary education. 11 SIGNIFICANCE OF SECONDARY EDUCATION The position of secondary education is paradoxical Transitional role between basic education and further education The quality of higher education is depended upon the quality of this stage secondary education occupies a mid-way position between primary and further education as a structure between childhood and adulthood as to its clientele between pure and applied knowledge as to its content 12 NATURE OF SECONDARY EDUCATION Secondary education takes place after six / eight years of schooling Secondary education is compulsory in most countries. Students enter the secondary phase around age 11/13 Secondary education covers two phases. Level-1 Lower Secondary Education (High Schools) Level-2 Upper Secondary Education (Higher Secondary Schools) Secondary schools may he called high schools, academies, gymnasiums. Lyceums, middle schools, upper schools, colleges, sixth-form colleges, vocational schools, or preparatory schools, 13 GENERAL OBJECTIVES OF SECONDARY14EDUCATION To provide knowledge and skill appropriate to their needs and abilities To serve as an instrument for raising the quality of life. To serve as a preparatory stage to pursue higher education and training. To improve learning through the use of formal and non-formal approaches To establish close linkages with the community. To establish close linkages with world of work. 14 SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES OF SECONDARY EDUCATION To develop the skills of learning to: Develop the ability to communicate. Encourage the urge to inquire. Gain personal satisfaction through accomplishment of education Develop an appreciation of problem solving methods. To develop appropriate value such as to: become self-reliant to develop sense of responsibility to develop sense of personal identity and self-worth To provide the knowledge require as a basic for further education Develop an awareness of the factors of their non-living and living surrounding. Help people to develop an appreciation of the contribution that the arts and technologies have made to the lives of people 15 SECONDARY EDUCATION IN PAKISTAN Education in Pakistan is overseen by the Federal Ministry of Education and the provincial governments. Federal government mostly assists in curriculum development, accreditation and in the financing of research and development. “The State shall provide free and compulsory education to all children of the age of five to sixteen years in such a manner as may be determined by law”(Article 25-A). Curriculum usually includes a combination of eight course Compulsory subjects (Urdu, English, Islamic studies, Pakistan Studies and Mathematics) Electives Subject(Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and Computer) 16 SECONDARY EDUCATION IN PAKISTAN Students are awarded Secondary School Certificate upon completion of 2 years of secondary schoolings Students then enter an intermediate college and complete grades 11&12. Upon completion of two grades, students are awarded Higher Secondary School Certificate (or HSSC) There are many streams students can choose for their 11 and 12 grades, such as pre-medical, pre-engineering, humanities (or social sciences), computer science and commerce. Each stream consists of three electives and as well as three compulsory subjects of English, Urdu, Islamiat (grade 11 only) and Pakistan Studies (grade 12 only). 17 DURATION OF SECONDARY EDUCATION Education policies introduced from time to time urge that grades XI and XII, presently known as higher secondary education, should ultimately be merged in the secondary stage. Higher secondary schools impart instructions from VI to XII grades. The medium of instruction is the national language or English language Overall the cycle of secondary education is completed in 5 years. The required age for admission to 6th grade (1st grade at secondary level) is 10 plus. Though transitionally middle school (comprising grades VI to VIII) is a part of secondary education, but in principle secondary education is considered to consist of grades IX and XII. 18 CHARACTERISTICS OF SECONDARY SCHOOL STUDENTS General Characteristics Interests shift from solitary to group pursuits Vocational interests become more prominent and realistic Concerns about social issues develop Strong attitudes toward religious, ethic, and racial groups Physical Development Rapid weight gain Physical and emotional changes Bone growth essentially completed “know it all” attitude High interest in philosophical, ethical and religious problems Day-dreaming 19 CHARACTERISTICS OF SECONDARY SCHOOL STUDENTS Special Needs Conformity with and acceptance by the peer group Adequate knowledge and understanding of sexual relationships and attitudes Adult guidance which is kindly, unobtrusive, and does not threaten the feeling of freedom Sense of direction without being pushed The assurance of security – seeks both dependence and independence Opportunities to make decisions and to earn some money 20 SUBJECTS OF SCIENCE GROUP 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Urdu- I & II (In lieu Geography of Pakistan for foreign Students only) 75 +75 =150 English-I & II 75 +75 =150 Islamiyat Compulsory-I & II / Ethics-I & II (For Non-Muslims) 50 +50 = 100 Pakistan Studies-I & II 50 +50 = 100 Mathematics-I & II 75 + 75 =150 Physics-I & II 75 +75 =150 Chemistry-I & II 75 +75 =150 Biology-I & II / Computer Science-I & II 75 +75 =150 Total Marks 550 + 550 = 1100 21 SUBJECTS OF HUMANITIES GROUP 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Urdu- I & II (In lieu Geography of Pakistan for foreign Students only) 75 +75 = 150 English- I & II 75 +75 = 150 Islamiyat Compulsory -I & II or Ethics -I & II (For Non-Muslims) 50 +50 = 100 Pakistan Studies-I & II 50 +50 = 100 General Mathematics-I & II 75 +75 = 150 General Science-I & II 75 +75 = 150 Two elective subjects (from the list of elective subjects) / (In case of Technical subject) Two Technical Subjects One Elective Subject & One Technical Subject 75 +75 = 150 Total Marks 550 + 550 = 1100 22 (HUMANITIES GROUP) ELECTIVE SUBJECTS 1. ADVANCED ISLAMIC STUDIES 2. AGRICULTURE 3. ART & MODEL DRAWING 4. BUSINESS STUDIES 5. CIVICS 6. CLOTHING & TEXTILE 7. COMMERCIAL GEOGRAPHY 8. COMPUTER SCIENCE 9. ECONOMICS 10. EDUCATION 11. ELEMENTS OF HOME ECONOMICS 12. ENGLISH LITERATURE 13. ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES 14. FOOD & NUTRITION 15. GEOGRAPHY 16. HEALTH & PHYSICAL EDUCATION 17. HISTORY OF CIVILIZATION 18. HISTORY OF PAKISTAN 19. MILITARY SCIENCE 20. MUSLIM HISTORY 21. PERSIAN/ARABIC/PUNJABI/SARAIKI 22. PHYSIOLOGY & HYGIENE 23. SECRETARIAL PRACTICES 24. URDU LITERATURE 23 24