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Technical Writing Assignments: Letters & Documents

Technical Writing Assignments
Hi, Guys! Chapter Four provides detailed explanation of the steps in writing
various types of correspondences and letters. This chapter also provides tips on how to
write effectively thus ensuring that your purpose in writing letters is met and also specific
criteria stipulated in given score sheets to evaluate the written technical documents.
At the end of the chapter, you are expected to attain the following outcomes:
Learning Outcomes:
➢ Describe thoroughly each technical writing application.
➢ Write different technical documents observing the five traits of technical writing
and adhering to the standards set.
Pre-Competency Checklist
For VLP learners, please refer to the “Pre-Competency”
part of the VLP.
Short Essay:
In 5 sentences for 5 points, answer the following question:
What benefits does the knowledge about writing effective
letters bring to future teachers like you?
Learning Resources
✓ Reference:
o Discussion Text on Chapter 4: Technical Writing Assignments.
Writing that Works by Dr. Stevenson, pp. 81-96-25
✓ Guided web browsing
✓ Worksheet (Essay)
Asynchronous Session
From your textbook, take note of insights and key points under each of the
following topics.
o Lecture Text: Chapter 4: Technical Writing Assignments.
✓ How to write various technical documents as follows:
o Sales Letters
o Letters of Inquiry
o Memos
o E-Mail
o Reports
o The Job Portfolio
o Instructions
o Web Pages and
o PowerPoint
o Brochures
o Newsletters
o Fliers
Writing that Works by Dr. Stevenson, pp. 81-96-
Synchronous Session
Lecture on Gmeet.
Virtual Oral recitation.
Discussion Board
For VLP learners, please refer to the “Discussion Board”
part of the VLP.
Short Essay:
In 5 sentences for 5 points, answer the following question:
Why is it important to ensure that the letters that you will write
are good and effective?
We are done with the lesson. Did you understand the lectures? If you feel that
some parts of the lesson are not yet clear, please feel free to post your questions and
send it to my FB messenger account.
I guess you are now ready for the evaluation of your understanding… Goodluck!!!
Please always observe timeliness so be mindful of the due date of submission.
Post-Competency Assessment
Perform the following tasks:
Note: Tasks A & B will be submitted in HARD COPY.
A. Definition of Terms.
List down and define each of the ff in two sentences each:
Sales Letters
Letters of Inquiry
Application Letter
Web Pages and PowerPoint
Post-Competency Assessment
B. Compilation. (Electronic or manual compilation).
1) Task B is a compilation of samples of all of the technical
documents which are enumerated in item A.
2) The compilation can be ELECTRONIC (electronic copying,
pasting and arranging the samples in several pages to make
it look like a compilation and printing them and submit in
hardcopy) OR MANUAL (printing samples and manually
pasting them in actual papers, arranging them, then
submitting the compilation in hard copy).
3) The compilation will be considered and credited as your
practical exam, which will be 50% of your final exam grade.
The remaining 50% will be from the scores that you will get
in the written final exam.