Uploaded by Marie Lea Sapo

Children's Literature Issues & Concerns

Issues and Concerns in Children and Adolescent’s
Hello, guys! Welcome to Chapter Four. This chapter will talk about the issues and
concerns in Children and Adolescent’s Literature. Discussion will include the implications
of these concerns and issues on education, etc. and to literary teaching and learning.
At the end of the chapter, you are expected to attain the following outcomes:
Learning Outcomes:
➢ Discuss the implications of some issues and concerns in children and
adolescent’s literature to education, language learning, and growth and
➢ Analyze the impact of these issues and concerns to literary selection,
language teaching and learning materials development.
Pre-Competency Checklist
(For VLP Learners: Pls. see “Pre-Competency Assessment
Part in the VLP)
In 5 sentences for 5 points, answer the following question:
Discuss a concern or issue on children’s and adolescent
literature that you are aware of.
Learning Resources
✓ Lecture Text
o Literature Review on Issues and Concerns in Children and Adolescent’s
✓ Guided web browsing
✓ Essay
✓ Assessment Worksheets
Asynchronous Session
1) Independent Learning on:
➢ Issues and Concerns in Children and Adolescent Literature in terms of:
✓ Censorship
✓ Social Issues
✓ Political Correctness in Fables and Tales
✓ Rewriting/ Deconstruction of Classical Tales
✓ Movie and TV Versions
2) Writing a minimum of two sentences explaining each of the issues and concerns
listed in item no. 1.
3) Select 1 issue or concern and in 5 sentences each paragraph:
a) Discussion on its implications to education (1st paragraph), language learning
(2nd paragraph), and growth and development (3rd paragraph).
b) Analysis of the impact of these issues and concerns to literary selection (1st
paragraph), language teaching (2nd paragraph) and learning materials
development (3rd paragraph).
Synchronous Session
Lecture on Gmeet.
Virtual Oral recitation:
✓ Issues and Concerns in Children and Adolescent Literature
✓ What are their implications to education, language learning and growth
and development?
✓ What are their impact to literary selection, language teaching and learning
materials development?
Discussion Board
(For VLP Learners: Pls. see “Discussion Board” part in the
Short Essay:
In 5 sentences for 5 points, answer the following question:
Why do you think these issues and concerns must be
handled or managed?
We are done with the lesson. Did you understand the lectures? If you feel that
some parts of the lesson are not yet clear, please feel free to post your questions and
send it to my FB messenger account.
I guess you are now ready for the evaluation of your understanding… Goodluck!!!
Please always observe timeliness so be mindful of the due date of submission.
For the evaluation, perform the following tasks.
Post-Competency Assessment
Perform the following tasks:
Note: Tasks A & B will be submitted in HARD COPY.
A. Issues and Concerns
Note: Pls. see
part in the VLP
Write a minimum of two sentences explaining each of the
following issues and concerns
✓ Censorship
✓ Social Issues
✓ Political Correctness in Fables and Tales
✓ Rewriting/ Deconstruction of Classical Tales
✓ Movie and TV Versions
B. Discussion of Implications and Impact.
Select 1 issue or concern from the list above and in 5 sentences
each paragraph:
a) Discuss its implications to education (1 st paragraph),
language learning (2nd paragraph), and growth and
development (3rd paragraph).
b) Analyze the impact of these issues and concerns to
literary selection (1st paragraph), language teaching (2nd
paragraph) and learning materials development (3 rd
Name: ______________________________ Yr./Section_________
Last Name
First Name
Subject: _______________________________________________
Week #: ____________________ Chapter: __________________