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Poverty in Developing Countries: Causes and Factors

Developing countries
What makes them poor?
Food is the basic necessity for survival and one who can’t afford is on an extreme level of
poverty. Poverty is one of the biggest ever problem in the world. And it is also mentioned in the
MDGs, and SDGs to eradicate the poverty. There are many factors which are identified in
developing and poor nations such as; inequality, low economic growth and high population rates.
Among the many other disparities inequality is one the major factor poverty which is found in
developing countries. Inequality is considered as major factor in developing countries because it
creates lack of justice, unequal distribution of resources and status quo. Lack of justice is found
common in developing nations, where rich can get cheaper and effortless justice and poor gets
expensive justice. In other words it is quiet simple that poor can not get justice until and unless
he can not pay huge amount in the form of advocates fees and repeatedly visiting courts for
longer time. Where as a rich would get decision just in 1st or second trial and get it in its favor.
Secondly, low income countries have high income differences. Like there will be few people
who will be getting 80% to 90% overall country’s income and 90% people would be getting just
10% of income. So, there is a lot of disparities in the distribution of economic resources. And
this unequal distribution results in letting poor more poorer and rich to more rich. There is
another thing which creates problem here is that, in unequal distribution, poor people do work
hard and put more efforts than rich ones but getting very less output. Take an example of farmers
working in the fields. They do every thing from putting seeds into the field and till to the reaping.
But the share that they get is even cant fulfill there basic needs. Where as on their cultivated and
grown foods or vegetables rich people do business and get a lot. Finally we have an status quo,
the concept of rich and poor which makes rich people feel good and superior over the poor. All
these will results in poverty.
Secondly, we have low economic growth in which less developed countries spend less, produce
less and results low in GDP. If we see it in terms of economics point of view, then we have
relation of consumption and spending with GDP, GNP and economics growth. If the people have
more money they either consume more or will save more, which results in increase in GDP and
GNP that reflects the economics growth. But as developing countries, people have less money to
spend then they have low GDP and lower GNP which results in lower economics growth.
Finally, it is been observed in the developing countries to have more populated. There are the
number of ways which shows this behavior, such as less education, lack of awareness, more free
time and illegal migration is a lot there. Due to the lack of education and awareness people
replace them with many children even though don’t care about their economics burden. Which
results them in more poverty and creates a child labor and unemployment. Though there is
already poverty so people cant afford to educate their children and results in low literacy rate.
Which ultimately creates unemployment. And unemployment creates poverty. That’s how the
dilemma of developing countries it which makes their poor and rich gets rich day by day.
Conclusively, we identified the different reasons which makes poor more poor and rich more
rich in which lack of education, unemployment, lack of resources, population, low economics
growth and inequality plays key role.