Uploaded by Erica Frost

NRSG 870 Educator Course Syllabus

Dear N870 Students,
Welcome to our N870 Educator course. We look forward to meeting you online this
semester. As our class begins, we will use the first few days to get oriented to N870. At
this point you have opportunity to go to our "Content" tab and do a quick review of
selected course materials as well as make sure you have all the needed textbooks.
Here are some guides to help our class run most smoothly....
Course Organization: Our NRSG 870 Course is organized with module activities, miniassignments, and a major course project. You can find guides for the mini-assignments
and the major course project under noted folders (Getting Started). Many of these
assignments and project components will be shared at our online discussion board so that
all can learn from each other.
The course has seven modules and a pre/post-module. Each module is divided into the
following sections:
Module Topics: Each module has a list of topics covered in the particular module.
Learner Objectives: Each unit has a list of behaviors for you to accomplish as a result of
the activities in the module. Use the assigned readings, activities, and questions to guide
your studying.
Reading Assignments: Each module has assigned readings. Many readings will come
from your required texts; for some modules readings, there may be web resources or
online library resources. You will want to augment assigned readings with additional
journal, internet, or other readings related to specific topics. Skim the readings and see
which are most pertinent to you for more detailed review. Keep a file folder of the
readings and notes you will want to refer back to.
Activities and/or Assignments: Each module contains sections labeled activities and/or
assignments. Both activities and assignments are designed to help you interact with and
learn to apply concepts and information presented in the module. Learning activities are
not graded (unless further noted) while assignments are graded.
Quizzes/Self-Assessments: You will find that some modules contain True-False or
Agree/Disagree type assessments. These are to be used as learning tools (just to keep you
thinking :) They are noted only as satisfactory/ unsatisfactory completion activities.
Discussion Boards: This is also known as threaded discussion. The threaded discussion
is set up for you to place your responses to discussion questions and for your classmates
to discuss and respond. Students are expected to participate in the threaded discussion
group in a substantive way. Responses should be topic oriented and intended to
encourage one another to participate. At the graduate level use of references to support
key ideas is expected for at least one substantive post. Feel free to respond to as many
web postings as you wish. Thoughtful participation 2-3 times per week is expected with
comments to at least two to three colleagues. While differences of opinion are
welcomed, respondents are expected to be respectful of each other.
Feedback on projects: In this course, you will receive feedback for discussions, miniassignments, and course project components in a variety of ways: from faculty, from
mentors, from other students, and as you complete self-assessments. Feedback may be
individualized to you or shared with the group. If at any time in the course you feel you
need additional feedback on a project (either while completing a project or at project
completion) please contact the instructor.
Webinars: We will have four Webinars in Blackboard Collaborate as part of class this
semester. These sessions provide an opportunity for real time (or recorded) discussions
and faculty guidance on varied topics and activities in our course.
Again, welcome from your course faculty! We look forward to working with our
group and having good learning opportunities in this important class! You can learn more
about our background at the following faculty pages. Best wishes!
Wanda Bonnel, PhD, APRN, ANEF
Laura Klenke-Borgmann PhD, RN