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all tenses (table)

Simple Present
Verb form
verb + s /es /ies
Present Continuous
Verb form
Is / am /are + verb +ing
Like – likes
Go- goes
Study- studies
Key words / time expression:
Always/ usually / often / every day/ every
Saturday / Saturdays (every Saturday)
Key words / time expression:
At the moment / now/ temporary
He usually drinks coffee, but today, he is
drinking tea.
Simple Past
Verb form
verb + d /ed /ied
Past Continuous
Verb form
Was / were + verb+ ing
Like – liked
Learn - Learned
Study- studied
Key words / time expression:
Last year / last week/ in the morning / ago
Key words / time expression:
Yesterday 7pm, when (longer action &
shorter action) , while
When I was watching (longer action)
television, somebody suddenly shouted
(shorter action) loudly.
Simple Future
Verb form
Will + ( )
Is / am / are going to + (
Key words / time expression:
Tomorrow / next year / later / soon
Future Continuous
Verb form
Will + be + ing
Refers to a continuing action in the future
Key words / time expression:
Tomorrow 7pm, next week at this time
Future Perfect
Verb Form
Will have + p.p
Refers to a completed action in the future
Key words / time expression:
By tomorrow / by next week / by the end of
the year
Eg: By the time you drive, I will have left.
Eg: I will have been here for six months by
12 of December.
Present Perfect
Verb form
Has / have+ p.p
Something that finished in the past and
continues in the present
Present Perfect Continuous
Verb form
Has/ have + been + verb+ ing
Something that started in the past and
continues in the present
Key words / time expression:
Since, for, already, yet. Just, many times
Eg: They have lived in Liverpool for fifteen
Key words / time expression:
To indicate the action itself
Eg: She has been waiting for you for all
day, and she’s still waiting now.
It has been raining the whole day, I wonder
when it will stop.
Past Perfect Continuous
Verb form
Had+ been + verb+ ing
Past Perfect
Verb form
Had+ p.p
Make it clear that one event happened
before another
Key words / time expression:
Since, for, already, just, before , after
Eg: By the time I was ten, I had read all the
books on the shelf.
Key words / time expression:
To indicate the action itself in the past
Eg: We had been trying to open the door
for five minutes when she found the key.
We had been living in Berlin for three
months when we had to leave.
 记得,如果题目有 (not / like), 先把 not 拿掉,会比较容易找答
 你们常会弄错的题目:
I ____am not working___ (not work) today. (temporary, only today)
I ___do not work____ (not work) on weekend.
What ____are__ you __doing__ (do) at the moment?
How often __do___ you ___take___ (take) shower? (no time expression,
so it’s just simple present)
By the time she reaches, I will have finished cooking. (future perfect)
By the time she reached, I had finished cooking. (past perfect)
While she was shopping, she met her friends. (* while here is used as
WHEN, not two things happen at the same time.)
By the time we arrive (future perfect)
By the time we arrived (past perfect)