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There are presently thirteen teachers in the English team, which is successful and dynamic. The appointee
will be willing to work as part of a team and will be strongly motivated to do the best for students. Our aim is
for all students and staff to feel valued so that each individual will be able to attain his/her potential.
Teaching and learning are processes which demand an awareness of the importance of the relationships,
and which make huge demands on all, so excellent interpersonal skills, a positive attitude and the ability to
adapt are essential.
Examination results are good and improving, and we have high expectations of our students. Staff bring a
range of teaching and personal styles to the team, which we wish to foster whilst recognising the need for
shared principles, values and structures. Central to these should be an unquenchable desire to make
English challenging and enjoyable; at the heart of that endeavour is the skilled English teacher with the
necessary knowledge and enthusiasm for the subject, the ability to differentiate and to inspire all students,
and the vision to set challenging goals.
The English team ensure that the transition from primary to secondary school is as positive as possible by
adopting the dual approach of building on and valuing the skills learnt at primary level, while fostering a
love of literature, language and working as a team. The Key Stage 3 curriculum is reviewed regularly to
ensure these elements are addressed.
By the end of Year 9, students will have been presented with the opportunity to experience a wide range of
English Literature, both classic and modern, and from other cultures. They should understand how
language works in written and oral texts, and will have been encouraged to read for pleasure, both at home
and in class, and to write in a range of forms. Discussion work is used as an integral part of our teaching,
and students are supported in expressing their views and exploring ideas in small groups and in the class
as a whole, making formal presentations, delivering speeches and undertaking role-play.
In the Key Stage 3 curriculum we currently use and adapt the Assessment Focuses to ensure that students
of all abilities are supported and challenged; our priority in lessons is to provide a range of engaging
activities which involve students in reading, writing, and speaking and listening. All members of the English
team contribute to the ongoing development and evaluation of schemes of work, and peer observation and
support are encouraged.
Currently students are taught in broad ability groups in Year 7 and then more personalised groups in Years
8 and 9.
Specification: IGCSE Cambridge English and IGCSE AQA English Literature GCSE
All students are taught using a coordinated approach, with the intention that every student should have the
opportunity to study for IGCSE English and IGCSE English Literature. In practice, the vast majority of
students sit both examinations.
We are very conscious of the considerable demands made by the IGCSE specifications upon students of
this age, and are concerned to support all of them to engage in a way that is both meaningful for them, but
which will also give them the maximum opportunity for success in the examinations.
We have recently reviewed the options in light of recent national developments, and the introduction of
setting and personalised learning groups is one result. We will be reviewing further curriculum options in
light of recent national developments.
KS4 Media Studies
Specification: WJEC (Welsh board)
All students are taught the key concept areas of Media studies: audiences and institutions, genre and
conventions, representation and media messages and values. Coursework forms an important aspect of
the course and students are expected to produce a practical element, as well as a text-based analytical
essay and an extensive research project.
Students have the choice to take GCSE Media Studies and it is a highly subscribed option. All are taught in
mixed-ability classes of around 25 pupils. The nature of the subject has meant an increasing emphasis on
use of ICT and new technologies, and students have access to industry-standard editing and publishing
software to facilitate their learning.
Specification: AQA Specification B English Literature
English Literature has thrived for many years as a popular subject in the Sixth Form, and our exam results
have been consistently good. We have high expectations of our students, and encourage them towards
increased independence as learners.
Specification AQA Specification B English Language.
English Language has proven to be both popular with students and successful in terms of results. The
course enables students to bring their own interests to the study of language use and has appealed to a
wide range of student abilities. Staff involved in teaching English Language are encouraged to apply their
knowledge to Key Stages 3 and 4 schemes of work and to promote student awareness of the subject
during KS4
Specification: BTEC Media
Media Studies has grown over the last few years to considerable popularity, and continues to grow in
relevance as society relies more upon new communication technologies. The AS and A level courses
require students to have a high level of Media knowledge, and demand strong practical abilities as well as
theoretical and analytical skills. We have recently purchased new editing facilities and computer software
which allow students to undertake highly sophisticated practical work of which they may be justly proud.
Specification AQA Creative Writing.
A relatively new course, this is taught both within the A level timetable and also as a twilight session,
offered to students in Y10, who study alongside Y12. It has attracted a wide range of interest and our first
cohort will sit their exams this year.
One hour lessons per fortnight
Year 7:
Year 8:
Year 9:
Year 10 & 11:
Year 12:
Year 13:
Students are equipped with set texts and further literary texts for purposes of extension. A good range of
additional resources is also used, including the library, access to ICT and to audio and video recording
equipment, and editing facilities.
The English team benefits from the high level of student support available in the school. The Learning
Support and Development Team liaise with English and this results in the allocation of in-class support and
regular monitoring across Y7-11. In addition, support teachers and assistants work with particular students
with special educational needs, both in class and in some “back-up” lessons. The Learning Support and
Development Team teach small English groups in each year group for students with statements of SEN for
whom the pace of large groups is too rapid.
The English team has its own base including an English office. The media edit suite provides additional
facilities for the full production and editing of sound and video. At present, the English team have eleven
teaching rooms and as far as possible teachers are based in their own classrooms for their lessons. All
English classrooms are now equipped with interactive whiteboards and training in their effective use is
Meetings occur on a regular weekly pattern and involve various combinations of staff. Meetings the
Curriculum Area generally follow whole-school agendas, while the Department or subject area meetings
follow agendas specific to their subject area. The English team is also represented in the broader
Leadership Group and other curriculum coordination meetings.
In the last Ofsted Inspection the school was judged good, and the English team was mentioned both in
terms of improvement, but also in the lead role taken in Literacy Across the Curriculum, led by the Senior
Leader. A best practice case study has been published by OFSTED, citing the work carried out in
developing Speaking and Listening skills, through the use of SALAD days at Angmering.