NICU Post Conference Report Form (Don’t forget your prepsheet) Student Name ________________________ Unit________ Patient Initials _________ Clinical Date _____________________ GTPAL __________Maternal Age_______ Marital status _____ Ethnicity _________ Allergies_________ Pt’s Date of admission: __________ Current Chief Complaint (why is infant in the hospital) ______________________________________ (IE: Premie at 29+3 D/T maternal preeclampsia or preterm labor) Reason for Admission (mom’s reason for admission to hospital): ________________________________________ LNMP__________ EDC___________ EGA __________ Current Diet: _________________________ MOB Blood type /Rh ____Infant Blood type/Rh _____ Rubella _____ HIV ______ HBsAG ____ GBS ____ VDRL____ STDs______ HCT/HGB _______ OB HX ____________________________ Medical History ______________________ (Including this pregnancy) (If pertinent) Mom’s Pain Management (Labor) ______________________ Mom’s Current Pain Management __________________________________ FOB Involved? __________ Support System: _______________ Hx Drugs/ETOH/Smoking _____________ CPS Involvement ? ________________ Delivery Summary AROM / SROM Date/ Time: _______ FHTs: ________ Date/Time of Delivery: ________________________ C: clear O: malodorous C: Thin A: moderate Type NSVD / C-Section Assist Forceps / Vacuum If C/S Reason:________ Episiotomy: none midline mediolateral Laceration: None 1o 2o 3o 4o Perineal / Labial (bilateral) / Periurethral / Cervical SEX: _________________ Infant Vital Signs: Temp ______ Other: ____________________________ Resuscitation Apgar Score 1 min --------5 min ______ HR 0 1 2 0 1 2 HR ______ Resp _____ B/P ____ Resp 0 1 2 0 1 2 Tone 0 1 2 0 1 2 Reflex 0 1 2 0 1 2 Color 0 1 2 0 1 2 Position and Presentation OA Vertex: ROA / ROT / ROP / LOA / LOT / LOP Breech: Complete / Frank / Footling / Shoulder Birth Weight: Gms ______ lbs ____oz _____ SGA / AGA / LGA Other contributing medical issues: Post Delivery Medications: Amount, # doses? Pitocin: Methergine: Hemabate: Cytotec: # of Vessels _________ Cord Characteristics Nuchal Cord x _______ Infant to Nurs/NICU/ PP unit with mom Number of days Old ___________ Other Concerns: Infant Medications Erythromycin Date/Time: ________ Hepatitis B Date/Time: ____________ Vitamin K Date/Time: ________ Other? _____________________________________________ EBL: QBL In Del/Rec Room: Breastfeeding ________ min Bottle feeding _______ oz Complications of Delivery: (Maternal Fever/Non reassuring FHR, Other) Birth Trauma: (Mom or Infant) Length of time ROM prior to delivery? _________ Maternal GBS Status + / Treatment? Drug, dose _______________________ Number of Doses” ___________________________ NICU Assessment Current Age: _____________ days old Yest wgt: Gms ______ lbs. ______oz _____ SGA / AGA / LGA Today’s Gms ______ lbs. _____ oz ______ SGA / AGA / LGA Daily fluid and calorie requirement: ___________mL __________kCal (See Prep Sheet) Daily fluid and calorie received: ___________mL __________kCal Breast / Formula: Type _______________ Cal/oz __________ Orders For Feedings: _____________________ General: Vital Signs: T _____ BP ____ HR ______ R ______ O2 Sat _____ (HR/RR determined over full minute each) Open Crib / Warmer / Isolette Gestational Age Assessment Score: _______________ Tone: Well flexed / Mild flexion / Flaccid Activity: Alert/Active / Sleeping / Irritable / Jittery Skin: ____________ Lanugo: _________ (From Gest Age Assessment) Head Shape: ______________ Molding: ____________ Caput Succedaneum / Cephalohematoma Ant Fontanelle: Soft / Flat / Bulging Post Fontanelle: Soft / Flat / Bulging Eyes: Normal placement / Open Fused / Clear Ears: Symmetrical / Normal placement / Ear tags ________ Mouth: Symmetric movement / Intact Palate / Intact Lips Full ROM Neck __________ Clavicle intact __________ Systems: Cardiovascular: Regular rate/rhythm / Murmur / Brachial Pulse / Femoral Pulse Resp: Rm Air / O2 ___ L/min CPAP / Vent NGT / OGT Breath Sounds: _______________ WOB: _________________ Nasal Patency Bilat / Flaring Retractions: _________ Cap Refill__________ (Core/Circumoral) Breasts: 1-2 mm / 3-4 mm / 5 -10mm breast bud Abdomen: Soft, Non-Tender / Firm / Distended Bowel Sounds: Active X4 quad / Absent Stool # _________ Type________ Anal Patency (+) (-) GU: Void # ________ Bladder distention _____________ Male: Circ? Type? _________ Testes Descended bilat ________ Female: Genital Maturity Description____________________ (From Gest Age Assessment) Skin: Color _____ Acrocyanosis / Mottling / Ecchymosis / Jaundice Mongolian Spots: Location: _____________ Size_____________ Neuromusculoskeletal: Spine Straight / Tuft of Hair / Sacral Dimple Arms Symmetrical Size / Movement Symmetrical Hands: Solid Palmer Creases / 5 Fingers Each Hand / Webbing Symmetrical Size / Movement Symmetrical Planter Creases: Faint / Anterior Transverse only / Anterior 2/3 / Entire sole / foot / Webbing 5 Toes each Bonding Behaviors: _______________________________ ________________________________________________ Major Focus/Concern: ___________________________ _______________________________________________ Nursing Actions to Address Concern: ________________________________________ ________________________________________ Other Concerns related to the infant/family? More on back if needed ________________________ _______________________________________ Past issues since admission to NICU __________ ________________________________________ Reflexes: Rooting / Sucking / Palmer Grasp / Plantar Grasp / Moro / Babinski Breast or Bottle feeding concerns/referrals: (How is feeding going?) Blood Glucose: Date/Time 1. __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 3. ______________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 4. ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ F/U Education Topics : Be SPECIFIC – not just the topic Minimum of 5 What did infant do when above reflexes elicited? ______________________________________________ Intervention Other: (Bili levels/Treatment etc) 2. ______________________________________________ Result __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 5. __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ Compare your NICU patient to others in the NICU and evaluate the differences in assessment findings among various gestational ages. Created 3/2021 bkh