Uploaded by Joy Robbins

Writing Process Project: RAFTS & Study Island Worksheet

Name: __________________
Ms. Welch
Think-Tac-Toe Project: The Writing Process
All nine of the listed assignments for this project must be completed in full by December 16. You must
complete a square you have started before beginning work on the next.
1. RAFTS & Outline:
Mythical Animal
2. Study Island:
Determining Audience and
3. RAFTS & Outline:
Your Talents
Started On ________
Teacher’s Initials:_________
Outline Finished On:_______
Teacher’s Initials: ________
Started On ________
Teacher’s Initials:_________
Blue Ribbon Earned On:_______
Teacher’s Initials: ________
Started On ________
Teacher’s Initials:_________
Outline Finished On:_______
Teacher’s Initials: ________
4. Study Island:
Revising Writing
6. Study Island:
Organize Writing
Started On ________
Teacher’s Initials:_________
Blue Ribbon Earned On:_______
Teacher’s Initials: ________
Started On ________
Teacher’s Initials:_________
Submitted to Learning Express
Teacher’s Initials: ________
Started On ________
Teacher’s Initials:_________
Blue Ribbon Earned On:_______
Teacher’s Initials: ________
7. RAFTS & Outline:
Principal Power
8. Study Island:
Sentence Fluency
9. RAFTS & Outline:
The Kids in America
Started On ________
Teacher’s Initials:_________
Outline Finished On:_______
Teacher’s Initials: ________
Started On ________
Teacher’s Initials:_________
Blue Ribbon Earned On:_______
Teacher’s Initials: ________
Started On ________
Teacher’s Initials:_________
Outline Finished On:_______
Teacher’s Initials: ________
My Study Island Record
Assignment: You are to complete the following STUDY ISLAND assignments by the dates
shown. If you need a library pass for lunch or after school to use a computer, please ask. You
must earn a blue ribbon for the lesson in order to receive the points for the assignment. If you do
not earn a blue ribbon on your first try, it is because you did not get enough correct. The program
will prompt you to try again by working through other questions. Keep trying until you have a
blue ribbon.
These assignments will be recorded in the AIMS/Terra Nova Prep category which is 5% of
your grade.
Determining Audience and Purpose
Date(s) Attempted: ___________
I answered ______ questions in total to get my blue ribbon.
My final session score was ______ %.
Revising Writing
Date(s) Attempted: ___________
I answered ______ questions in total to get my blue ribbon.
My final session score was ______ %.
Organize Writing
Date(s) Attempted: ___________
I answered ______ questions in total to get my blue ribbon.
My final session score was ______ %.
Sentence Fluency
Date(s) Attempted: ___________
I answered ______ questions in total to get my blue ribbon.
My final session score was ______ %.
Practice RAFTS, Brainstorm, and Outline: Mythical Animal
Your Topic: Stories of transformation are common in myths and legends around the world.
Many of these legends and stories involve a character who can magically change into an
Think about what kind of animal you would become if you had such a power. Write to your
reader explaining why you chose the animal you did.
Role ___________________________________________________________________
Strong Verb______________________________________________________________
Outline: Mythical Animal
Introduction Paragraph
A. Grabber / Hook: _____________________________________________________________________
B. Background Information: ______________________________________________________________
C. Thesis + Blueprint (This will be the last sentence of your intro paragraph):
Body Paragraph 1
Topic Sentence w/ Transition: ____________________________________________________________
Supporting Idea A: _______________________________________________________________
Supporting Idea B:_______________________________________________________________
Supporting Idea C:_______________________________________________________________
Body Paragraph 2
Topic Sentence w/ Transition: ____________________________________________________________
Supporting Idea A: _______________________________________________________________
Supporting Idea B:_______________________________________________________________
Supporting Idea C:_______________________________________________________________
Body Paragraph 3
Topic Sentence w/ Transition: ____________________________________________________________
Supporting Idea A: _______________________________________________________________
Supporting Idea B:_______________________________________________________________
Supporting Idea C:_______________________________________________________________
Conclusion Paragraph
Reword Thesis: __________________________________________________________________
Point 1:________________________________________________________________________
Point 2:________________________________________________________________________
Point 3:________________________________________________________________________
Closer / Reflection: ______________________________________________________________
Practice RAFTS, Brainstorm, and Outline: Your Talents
Your Topic: Everyone has a talent or accomplishment of which he or she is proud. Think
about one of your talents or accomplishments. Write to explain to your reader why you are
proud of this talent or accomplishment.
Role ___________________________________________________________________
Strong Verb______________________________________________________________
Outline: Your Talents
Introduction Paragraph
A. Grabber / Hook: _____________________________________________________________________
B. Background Information: ______________________________________________________________
C. Thesis + Blueprint (This will be the last sentence of your intro paragraph):
Body Paragraph 1
Topic Sentence w/ Transition: ____________________________________________________________
Supporting Idea A: _______________________________________________________________
Supporting Idea B:_______________________________________________________________
Supporting Idea C:_______________________________________________________________
Body Paragraph 2
Topic Sentence w/ Transition: ____________________________________________________________
Supporting Idea A: _______________________________________________________________
Supporting Idea B:_______________________________________________________________
Supporting Idea C:_______________________________________________________________
Body Paragraph 3
Topic Sentence w/ Transition: ____________________________________________________________
Supporting Idea A: _______________________________________________________________
Supporting Idea B:_______________________________________________________________
Supporting Idea C:_______________________________________________________________
Conclusion Paragraph
Reword Thesis: __________________________________________________________________
Point 1:________________________________________________________________________
Point 2:________________________________________________________________________
Point 3:________________________________________________________________________
Closer / Reflection: ______________________________________________________________
Practice RAFTS, Brainstorm, and Outline: Principal Power
Your Topic: A new contest has just been announced at your school. The student who
receives the most points for good grades, attitude, and community service gets to be
principal for a day. Imagine that you've won the contest and will get to be in charge for a
day. What will you do with your new power? Write to describe what you would do.
Role ___________________________________________________________________
Strong Verb______________________________________________________________
Outline: Principal Power
Introduction Paragraph
A. Grabber / Hook: _____________________________________________________________________
B. Background Information: ______________________________________________________________
C. Thesis + Blueprint (This will be the last sentence of your intro paragraph):
Body Paragraph 1
Topic Sentence w/ Transition: ____________________________________________________________
Supporting Idea A: _______________________________________________________________
Supporting Idea B:_______________________________________________________________
Supporting Idea C:_______________________________________________________________
Body Paragraph 2
Topic Sentence w/ Transition: ____________________________________________________________
Supporting Idea A: _______________________________________________________________
Supporting Idea B:_______________________________________________________________
Supporting Idea C:_______________________________________________________________
Body Paragraph 3
Topic Sentence w/ Transition: ____________________________________________________________
Supporting Idea A: _______________________________________________________________
Supporting Idea B:_______________________________________________________________
Supporting Idea C:_______________________________________________________________
Conclusion Paragraph
Reword Thesis: __________________________________________________________________
Point 1:________________________________________________________________________
Point 2:________________________________________________________________________
Point 3:________________________________________________________________________
Closer / Reflection: ______________________________________________________________
Practice RAFTS, Brainstorm, and Outline: The Kids in America
Your Topic: Pretend you have a pen pal in a foreign country who has never visited the
United States. In his last letter, your pen pal has asked what American school kids are like.
Write a letter to your pen pal describing what you think American school kids are like.
Role ___________________________________________________________________
Strong Verb______________________________________________________________
Outline: The Kids in America
Introduction Paragraph
A. Grabber / Hook: _____________________________________________________________________
B. Background Information: ______________________________________________________________
C. Thesis + Blueprint (This will be the last sentence of your intro paragraph):
Body Paragraph 1
Topic Sentence w/ Transition: ____________________________________________________________
Supporting Idea A: _______________________________________________________________
Supporting Idea B:_______________________________________________________________
Supporting Idea C:_______________________________________________________________
Body Paragraph 2
Topic Sentence w/ Transition: ____________________________________________________________
Supporting Idea A: _______________________________________________________________
Supporting Idea B:_______________________________________________________________
Supporting Idea C:_______________________________________________________________
Body Paragraph 3
Topic Sentence w/ Transition: ____________________________________________________________
Supporting Idea A: _______________________________________________________________
Supporting Idea B:_______________________________________________________________
Supporting Idea C:_______________________________________________________________
Conclusion Paragraph
Reword Thesis: __________________________________________________________________
Point 1:________________________________________________________________________
Point 2:________________________________________________________________________
Point 3:________________________________________________________________________
Closer / Reflection: ______________________________________________________________
Final Essay Assignment
For your final essay of the quarter, you will select one of the four essay topics from this packet. You will
write a rough draft and a final draft of this essay.
Your essay should include:
an introduction, body, and conclusion.
specific, appropriate details about your topic.
Remember to edit for spelling, grammar, punctuation, and capitalization. Your final draft will
be typed in to Learning Express not later than December 16, 2010 by the end of the day.
Grading: Your essay will be evaluated on all six of the Six Traits of Writing. Learning
Express awards up to 36 points for an essay. The score equivalence will work as follows:
Learning Express
Score Total
Essay Score
1. Pick the essay prompt from this packet in which you have the most interest or for
which you have the best ideas.
My selection is (check one)
Mythical Animal
Your Talents
Principal Power
The Kids in America
2. Review your RAFTS, Brainstorming, and Outline to ensure that they are correct.
3. Inform your teacher about which prompt you have picked.
4. Draft your rough draft, asking for help as necessary to ensure that you are meeting
the writing expectations of your teacher.
5. Edit and revise with a friend to ensure fluency and to get ideas for improving the
6. Type your essay into Learning Express. Check carefully, and then submit for scoring.
7. Staple your rough draft to your packet before turning the packet in on December 16.