Uploaded by Sara Goldsmith

Game World Building Document

World building
Begin developing your setting, aka, building your game story's world. This is
incredibly important for how immersed the player becomes with your story. Gaming
settings can be even more powerful than other media because you get to interact
with it directly.
So.. begin by creating three distinct "worlds' or settings for your game. For each
one, go into every detail possible when it comes to describing and creating the
physical environment your story will exist within. Go above and beyond, as the
setting can become as important if not more so in some ways than the characters
tombes des vivants
World two (level two)
El sueño del diablo
World three (level three)
All worlds explained
• World 1- tombes des vivants(in English means graves of the living)
This world is level one you enter into this swamp like garden/grove. The goal for
this level is for you to see the inner works of nature and just how deadly it is.
• World 2- El sueño del diablo( in English means devils dreams)
This world is level two the name makes it seem religious, but it really doesn’t have anything to do
with God or the devil its just more a dark place. (not trying to make a religious game don’t worry)
The goal of this level is to see the darkness and understand the people you meet along the way.
• World 3-Ελληνική Τραγωδία( in English means Greek tragedy)
This world is level three, you enter a pause in time and see the Greek world anound you. The goal of this level is
to unfreeze time by using clues from the city.