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Youth Peace Project Proposal: South Sudan Conflict Mitigation

Rural Child Organization (RCO)
Requesting Organization :
Project Title:
Ending conflict among the Youths in Greater Nyal Payams through conflict mitigation,
reconciliation and healing. Also to stop communal fights and revenge killing by conducting
sport for peace activities among the Youths in Greater Nyal Payams.
In-kind request
Project Details
Project Specification:
Constellation :
Peace building & Conflict
Planned project duration:
6 months
Planned Start Date:
20 June 2017
Planned End Date:
31 Dec 2017
Actual Start Date:
1 July 2017
Actual End Date:
31 Dec 2017
Project Summary:
The overall objective of the RCO’s proposed project is to mitigate conflict among the
Youths in Greater Nyal Paymas in order to enhance peace building initiatives by providing
sport for peace & life skills. Also Youths should be encouraged to reconcile by having
access to recreational centers. The project will safeguard the right of the youth by
rehabilitation of their recreational centers, football and volleyball fields. Through the
proposed activities, the RCO will ensure a timely preposition of assorted sport materials—
in particular, recreational materials, youth uniforms, balls, nets and training which can
provide beneficiaries with the means to reconcile and reunite in order to put their
differences behind and help them address the root causes of their conflict. Also, the RCO
will ensure the beneficiaries receive timely sport for peace & life materials to carry out their
activities. To support the youths both at home and cattle camps, training for peace and
reconciliation has to be done follow by the provision of sport for peace materials,
recreational fields and reconciliation.
The RCO will conduct Peace building & Conflict Mitigation mapping during payam
consultative meetings at the start of the project, involving key community leaders including
women, youths village headmen, and sub-chiefs. Youths that are extremely affected by the
conflict in term of revenge killing as a result of deep rooted clan fighting which resulted to
loss of life who are unable to support themselves will be prioritized for sport inputs and
peace mitigation support. In most conflict communities in South Sudan, Youths are the
primary victims of the daily clan fighting which has taken life of many youths in the areas
and their families are suffering of trauma due to daily killing while youths are considered to
be providing security and herding livestock. However families of youths continue to be
affected by the insecurity caused by the same youth which create fear among the
community and give them less access to their homes due to revenge killing. This inter clan
fighting has limiting their ability to be self-reliance for them to promote peace activities for
them to become peace lovers. Peace building and conflict mitigation provision allow coping
mechanism as alternative to the greatly affected population. During targeting and
implementation, priority will be given to youth, children and people with their specific
needs will be addressed.
Direct beneficiaries:
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Other Beneficiaries:
Beneficiary name
Internally Displaced People
People in Host Communities
Indirect Beneficiaries:
The project will be focusing on youths empowerment and, therefore, all youth members will be considered as direct
Catchment Population:
The catchment population will constitute communities that will be living on the peripheries of those supported and or the
new arrivals from neighboring counties. Due to the limited resources, such populations will be considered for the second
round allocation.
Link with allocation strategy:
The proposed activities are in line with the Peace building Cluster priorities. The activities target IDPs and affected youth
who are from the host communities in Panyijar Counties in Unity State, which have been identified by the Humanitarian
Needs Overview (HNO) as locations in dire need of support. The project activities are designed to contribute to the
following Peace building & Conflict Mitigation Cluster allocation priorities:
1. Provide to those that, even during the conflict, have sustainable peace corresponding to their vulnerability in term of
inadequate resources due to conflict.
2. Capitalize on sport for peace activities in order to improve peaceful co – existence among the youth. by food
availability by supporting food production activities (vegetables and crop production)
3. Capitalize on cost efficient for sport activities and promotion of recreational centers.
The project activities have been designed to address the needs coming from the community due to lack of peace and
tranquility which need support. Through the proposed activities, the RCO will ensure timely prepositioning of sport for
peace materials and inputs—t – shirts of sorted types for youths and community, football, volleyball, netball, flip
charts, pens, banners for peace mobilization and recreational materials—and children playing grounds. Once such
inputs will be prepositioned, these will give beneficiaries means to mobilize their community to reconcile and put their
own differences aside and help improve the hostile behaviors and lack of togetherness which create impunity for the
last four years of the conflict. The activities will promote the beneficiaries’ peaceful co – existence by improving their
access to other places which they never been visiting due to prolong hatred and fear among the community. The RCO
will establish recreational centers for youths and children to enable the beneficiaries to promote peaceful co – existence
and achieve peaceful community in Greater Nyal Payams and address the conflict for good.
With the onset of the dry season going from February to May the RCO will support Awareness raising, meeting and
seminars for youths to engage in dialogue and settle their differences which require shorter duration to conflict mitigation
and limited hostile activities. Both Youths and the community will be able to quickly change from their hostile activities to
peaceful activities which can boast their living standard such as re-establish vegetable gardens and take advantage of the
receding floods. Panyijar County is situated alongside River Nile and has a network of swamps with residual soil moisture
during the dry season; therefore, the dry season vegetable production is viable.
Support to peace building and conflict mitigation control will not only protect much-valued life but will also be an insurance
against the trauma of people who are exhausted by this conflict and continues war.
Organization focal point:
Gabriel Chap Riak
Executive Director
(South Sudan)
Daniel Dak Gai
Senior Project Officer
Philip bieh Tap
Field Coordinator
1. Context analysis
Humanitarian needs in South Sudan continue to escalate to alarming levels since the start of the conflict in December 2013,
with the most affected states being the three states of the Greater Upper Nile (Jonglei, Unity, and Upper Nile). According to
a recent report (April 2017), 3.9 million people are classified as in a conflict zone areas. Unity is one of the three states
identified as being the most fragile area in term of absent of peace specially the youths. As a result, it is expected that there
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will be a significant deterioration in the peace mitigation and security situation and a very high rate of people who are
lacking stability are estimated at 22,000 people in Unity State (particularly Panyinjiar, Mayendit and Leer Counties) is
extremely concerning as it is going to be worse in the next few months if urgent humanitarian intervention has not been put
in place to cease the hostilities so that peace building and reconciliation can proceed.
2. Needs
Multiple shocks such as loss of lives through revenge killing, lack of peace and tranquility has caused multiple
displacements which have left communities in Southern Unity with no choice but to rely on peace and reconciliation
strategy as a mean of humanitarian assistance. Most of the people from neighboring counties have left their counties and
moved into Panyijiar as it is considered less insecure and peaceful.
The youth fighting in three counties during the month of January –May are always very significant and need to be address
through peace mobilization and will create normal situation across the three counties in the Unity, particularly in Panyinjiar
County. In Panyinjiar County, Nyal, Katieth, Mayom, Kol 1 and Kol 2 Payams are reported to be affected by revenge
killing with low security measures due to lack of laws enforcement as a result of this crisis. Because of the following
factors, there is urgent need to support the population in Panyijar County (where the RCO operates and has easy access)
which is under pressure due to the large population it is hosting with timely peace building activities. The RCO is also
proposing to respond through protection and rehabilitation of child friendly spaces including recreational centers.
The RCO will use community-based targeting that takes advantage of local knowledge of the youths' circumstances to
identify the affected groups of IDPs. Vulnerability mapping will be done at the Payam consultative meetings at the start of
the project with the involvement of key community leadership - women, village headmen, and sub-chiefs. This process will
be used to identify IDPs and people who have suddenly become extremely peace insecure as a result of a serious conflict in
the area where loss of assets, including life, and are unable to support themselves. Identification, verification and then
selection of affected households: based on survey results.
3. Description Of Beneficiaries
The RCO uses community-based targeting that takes advantage of local knowledge of households' circumstances to identify
the affected households and IDPs. The RCO will conduct peace vulnerability mapping at the start of the project through the
Payam consultative meetings, involving key community leaders including women, village headmen, and sub-chiefs. This
process will be led by the RCO Peace Building staff (Peace Building & Conflict Mitigation) Team in collaboration with
specific sector staff, and will be used to identify IDPs and vulnerable households. In the case of Peace building, the
vulnerability mapping will be focused on households that have suddenly become extremely insecure as a result of the
absent of peace, including victims, and are thereby unable to support themselves. Identification, verification and the
selection of extremely vulnerable households will be based on peace promotion, income from alternative sources and
support from relatives. The identified and selected vulnerable households will be prioritized for peace inputs and sports
materials support.
The target beneficiaries within the project localities will be primarily host communities and IDPs comprised of femaleheaded youth and child-headed youth households, who are the most affected by conflict. Panyijar has the highest number of
IDPs in South Sudan, about 50% of the current population (County population: 134,000). The project will target 3667
vulnerable households (approximately 22,000 individuals) from within the vulnerable IDPs (40%) and host communities
(60) in Panyijiar County. 60% of the target population will be youth while others will be 40%. The project will target 7,000
children (boys and girls), 3,625 women and 3,375 men.
4.IN KIND Categories Items requests
Sport Uniform
Sport shoes
Valley ball
Football Net
valley ball Net
Referee uniforms
Peace messages poster
Peace Building T-shirt
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5. IN KIND Request Justification
Panyinjiar is among the hardest affected counties due to the ongoing conflict resulting in lack of security. The populations
have depleted their assets and resilience to cope with the continuous shocks and need immediate humanitarian intervention.
Unity State remains extremely volatile, and violence could continue as a result of the military access during the dry season
exacerbating the crisis for host and IDP populations. A critical window of opportunity for reaching populations in Panyijar
is between Feb-May, then will become inaccessible in the rainy season, from mid-May till late Oct
The RCO's 2017 Stability and peaceful co - existence assessments for Panyinjiar revealed that conflict had significantly
affected peaceful co – existence among the community in the County at large
6. Complementarity
The proposed activities will complement the ongoing consultation initiatives by other partners in Panyinjiar County.
Overall project objective
To improve Lack of peaceful co – Existence among the youth, IDPs and the entire community in the area through dialogue,
seminars, and awareness is raising and eradication of revenge fighting in the area.
Peace building
1.Ensure continued and regular
peaceful co – existence among the
youths and the general population
Strategic Response Plan (SRP)
1.Save lives and alleviates suffering
through safe access to services with
2.Protect and rehabilitate play grounds 2. Ensure communities are capable and
and recreational fields for children and prepared to cope with significant
youths to ease tension to promote
peace to the vulnerable population at
risk of conflict
Percentage of activities
80 %
20 %
Sector Objectives :
Ensure continued and regular access to the entire County where the project will be implemented
Outcome 1
Reduced levels of insecurity and revenging killing amount the family and youth in greater Nyal payams.
Output 1.1
22,000 individuals (3667 HHs) will be supported to increase peaceful co – existence in the area, through a Youth
dialogue, public awareness raising against revenge killing, training of youths and community leaders to prevent escalation
of the conflict, Opening recreational centers for youths and children to promote peace through sport activities. Distribution
of sport materials). Similarly, the same individuals will receive other items for peace promotion for their stability
diversification and cooperation to improve living atmosphere and social security. The RCO will also distribute dignitary
kids for females and footballs, volleyballs and uniforms to benefit 7000 agro-pastoralist individuals (1167 HHs).
Assumptions & Risks
1.Overall in South Sudan, military conflict will not further significantly deteriorate (beyond the level of May- December
2. Armed conflict will continue to occur mostly in Southern Unity but will be localized. Conflict episodes may be intense
and cause displacement of civilians and reduction or curtailment of humanitarian operations;
3. The conflict caused by lawlessness and criminality arising from an increase in armed actors and decrease in
employment and livelihoods is likely to represent an increasing threat to humanitarian agencies and supplies.
4. Social well-being and national security will further deteriorate in the coming months if special attention is not put in
5. Populations that are settled or resettled in Panyijiar will require continuous peace building dialogue and training on
conflict resolution throughout 2017.
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In addition, the RCO will provide refresher training on peace volunteers and 7000 individuals (1117 HHs) shall benefit
from the distribution and training.
Assumptions & Risks
1 Overall in South Sudan, military conflict will not further significantly deteriorate (beyond the level of May- December
2. Armed conflict will continue to occur mostly in Southern Unity but will be localized. Conflict episodes may be intense
and cause displacement of civilians and reduction or curtailment of humanitarian operations;
3. The conflict caused by lawlessness and criminality arising from an increase in armed actors and decrease in
employment and livelihoods is likely to represent an increasing threat to humanitarian agencies and supplies.
4. Social well-being and national security will further deteriorate in the coming months if special attention is not put in
5. Populations that are settled or resettled in Panyinjiar will require continuous peace building dialogue and training on
conflict resolution throughout 2017.
RCO;s peace building Clubs in Greater Nyal payams
Monitoring & Reporting plan
Evidence-based programming and quality assurance are key to RCO monitoring and evaluation (M&E) processes. The
proposed indicators have been set with clear, attainable targets that will guide M&E. The RCO field-based project managers
conduct regular monitoring visits to the project sites to support implementation and compile regular activity reports that
monitor progress. Project-specific means of verifying and measuring impact will be further strengthened by direct technical
guidance to the RCO in South Sudan over the life of the project from technical units for Peace building (Peace & Conflict
Resolution) based at RCO headquarters.
Monthly IN KIND review meetings will be held to track performance. The Juba-based program coordinator for Peace &
Security, will support RCO program managers, will track progress through various means of verification and will make
regular trips to Panyijar County to ensure quality implementation. The RCO program coordinator will also coordinate with
the RCO Grants Unit to ensure timely submission of quality program progress reports. These reports will provide
information on the qualitative and quantitative successes and challenges of the program, as well as lessons learned and plans
for improving the project. The reporting schedule will be aligned with the reporting timetable.
Work plan
Activity description
Activity 1.1.1: Assessment and reporting
Activity 1.1.10: Training of peace volunteers and Awareness raising
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
x x x
x x
x x x
Activity 1.1.2: Distribution of peace mobilization t - shirts
Activity 1.1.3: Provision of sport items, and inter payam youth sport
x x x
x x x
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peace tournament and dramas
x x x x x
Activity 1.1.4: Support of Peace Commission in the area
Identification of Peace building mobilisers/volunteers
Refresher training of Conflict Resolution
x x x
Accountability to Affected Populations
The RCO holds with high regard accountability to beneficiaries. During community mobilization, and subsequently during
distribution, the community members and the beneficiaries will be asked to implement a Community Response Mechanism.
The boma center could act as a central location to which any member of the community could come if they wish to report
any problems or complaints they have during the implementation of any of the proposed interventions. Two members of the
community will be assigned the task of recording all complaints, feedback, and comments made by the community and
reporting this information back to the RCO. This will feed into the M&E component of the project, enable the project team
to learn and understand how the system operates on the ground, and reactive to any unforeseen issues that may arise. The
beneficiaries will also be asked to note any problems they may be experiencing and report these back to the RCO directly.
Implementation Plan
The RCO will continue to enhance its capacities for generating positive impacts at scale while simultaneously strengthening
the technical and strategic quality of its efforts. Access to emergency sport kits will be through direct distribution by the
RCO staff. Based on greatest needs, the RCO will deliver t- shirts, dignitary kits, games materials, handouts for Peace
building and Conflict Mitigation and related services to improve peaceful co – existence and social security. The RCO
recognizes the essential role of youths in improving household security. For this reason, the RCO interventions will focus as
much as possible on Youths to ensure the entire household unit enjoy peace and get the benefits. The planned activities seek
to help youths as they help their families to manage the consequences of crisis and social insecurity, providing opportunities
for peaceful dialogue, increasing access to the hotspot areas which the conflict is rampant. The role of Peace building staff;
the IRC will contribute to the prevention of conflict and revenge killing through increasing and diversifying awareness and
meeting. The RCO will also coordinate closely with its own Peace building sector and agencies applying peace‐specific
approaches. The proposed interventions will be implemented as per the conflict resolution zones and peace festival
calendar. The RCO will ensure that all activities shall be implemented as is ideal for the season.
Environment Marker Of The Project
Positive environmental impact:
The proposed actions by the RCO will not have negative impact. However, the RCO will put in place mitigation measures
to avoid impact due to some of the activities considered risky. Examples of mitigation measures:
1. Water logging is common in Panyijar County. Better utilization of the dry season and during the period when the rain
still heavy to allow the activities to reach the target beneficiaries where they are.
Gender Marker Of The Project
2a- The project is designed to contribute significantly to gender equality
Justify Chosen Gender Marker Code
Youth in most areas of South Sudan continue to face challenges due to being use as a tool for this conflict to fight and
defend the Country and the political affiliation which make them vulnerable in which most of them traumatize and opted for
killing one another in the area which cause a number of constraints on their ability to participate in formal and informal
decision-making processes.
The RCO recognizes the fact that youth especially boys and girls, women and men have different roles and responsibilities
and are affected differently by conflict. In this regard, the project proposes activities to empower youths especially boys,
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girls, women and men through increasing their capacity to access justice by giving them training to distant themselves from
politic and leave revenge killing and not to be used as a tool for destruction and destabilization of the area.
Protection Mainstreaming
Protection will be mainstreamed throughout the program, making sure at‐risk groups’ specific needs are taken into
consideration and risks mitigated where and when possible. These groups (who could be constituted of women and girls,
but also men and boys, elderly, unaccompanied children, minorities, IDPs or civil servants whose salaries have not been
paid for months) are at risk of conflict‐related or sexual violence, forced conscription, looting, destitution and general
insecurity. The sport for peace and life kits distributed through the program are designed to be lightweight to enable Youth,
children, men and women to carry/transport them back to their homes easily. The RCO staff will ensure compliance with
the five key messages on accountability to affected populations (AAP) and on Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse
(PSEA). Feedback mechanisms will also be established and channels communicated with beneficiaries.
Country Specific Information
Safety and Security
The RCO will build on recent investments to strengthen its organizational security and contingency measures with an eye
towards business continuity. These measures, to‐date, have included the recruitment of a highly experienced international
security officer. Additional efforts will be made to continue to improve the safety of the RCO staff and assets. The RCO
monitors security indicators in the region, and will evacuate staff as necessary. In the case of an evacuation, the RCO will
evacuate staff in layers based on the threat level. Non-essential staff will be evacuated first, followed by expats and national
re-locatable staff. Program activities will be scaled down according to the level of threat. In the event of an evacuation,
activities will be reduced to only life-saving activities and ongoing communication with local authorities. The programs will
rely on the capacity of the local community, which has been central to the programs, to take ownership of program activities
in the event of a significant deterioration of the security situation.
The RCO does not anticipate access challenges in Panyijar County as the county is relatively accessible through UNHAS
flights. The RCO will also capitalize its long-standing presence in Panyijar since 2016 to negotiate for localized access.
In the location, RCO has strong working relationships with the parties and participates in inter agency discussions to
maintain this relationship and sustained access to affected populations. The RCO also works closely with other
humanitarian actors, local organizations and groups to ensure programming is complementary, avoids duplication and
responds to the needs of affected populations, ensuring community participation and ownership of interventions.
Project Locations
Panyijar County
of budget
for each
Estimated number of beneficiaries for
each location
Activity Name
All activities mentioned in this
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