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Human Person & Values Development Lesson

lOMoAR cPSD| 9351649
Human Person and Values Development
The human person is the subject of education: he/she is a human person learning and
being taught. The human person is also the object of education: he/she is at the center of
the curriculum and the entire program.
He/She is multidimensional: a distinction between the person as self and the person in
community. The humanperson is an individual, a self-conscious being of incalculable
value in himself/herself. His/her physical, intellectual, moral, spiritual, socioeconomic,
and political well-being is recognized by the state.
Human Person as
Self/ as Member
of the Community
Figure 2 – The Dimensions of the Human Person
Important Realities of the Human Person
1. The Self-image
1. Self-image refers to a person’s understanding of himself/herself.
2. It is responsible in influencing people’s way of living. The formation of
self-image is derived from two sources: others and the experiences of
the self.
3. There are three kinds of self-image
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Negative self-image – delves on limitations and differences rather than
Overrated self-image – stresses the positive traits
Realistic self-image – based on the real self
2. The others
There are persons or groups that considers as important and are thus
given the right to influence oneself.
3. The being
a. It is the mainspring or a motivating force in the human person.
b. It is the wellspring, a fountainhead of one’s indentity, one’s essential
course of action, and one’s essential bonds
c. There are seven approaches to get in touch with the being:
Approach by way of the self-image
Approach by way of important choices
Approach by way of action
Approach by way of what is “natural” and stressless
Approach by way of people who had the greates import on the person
Approach to self through severe trials
Approach by way of drop and not yet fulfilled aspirations
4. The “I”
The “I” has three different aspects – the intellect, the freedom and the
5. The Sensibility and the Body
There are the important realities of the human person
Five Pivotal Centers as the Components of the Human Person
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Human Person
Figure 3 – Human Person in Relation to His/Her Environment
Respect to attitude and Behavior
1. The being – this is the fundamentally positive reality which can be
sensed in the very depths of the human person.
2. The “I” – this is the reality, felt at the level of the head
3. The Sensibility – it carries messages from the “I” from the being, and
from the in-deapth conscience
4. The body – it is the biological reality and has its own laws.
5. In depth Conscience – this reality is a place where the other four
pivotal centers can be perceived in a synthesis. This is the place of the
person in the process of growth, a place where what is good can be
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Human Person
Environmental Stimulus
(Sensibility) Life Situations
Object –
Concept –
Situation –
State of
Behavior – it is the manner of conducting oneself. It is the response of an
individual group, or species to its environment. It is a manner in which
a person behaves.
Attitude – it is a position assumed for a specific purpose
It is an organismic state of readiness to respond in a characteristic way to
a stimulus as on object, concept, or situation.
It affects much of human behavior which in turn depends, on the kind
of environment he/she is interacting with. Attitude can be readiy
changed depending on the kind of environmental stimulus, e.g.
concept or situations that will greatly affect the human person.
Ten Commandments of Human Relations
1. Speak to people. There is nothing as nice as a cheerful word
of greeting.
2. Smile at people. It takes 72 muscles to frown and only 14 to smile.
3. Call people by name. the sweetest music to anyone’s ear is the
sound of his/her own name.
4. Be friendly and helpful. If you want friends, you must be one.
5. Be cordial. Speak and act as if everything you do is a joy to you.
6. Be genuinely interested in eople. You can like almost everybody if
you try.
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7. Be generous with praise and cautious with criticism.
8. Be considerate with the feelings of others. It will be appreciated.
9. Be thoughtful of the opinion of others. There are three sides to a
controvers – yours, the other fellow’s, and the right one.
Be alert to give service. What counts most in life is what we
do for others.
Mission Possible Team
Successful people have a positive mental attitude.
Successful people are courageous people who take risks.
Successful people choose well.
Successful people persist.
Successful people adhere to the power of prayer.
Successful people know how to pace themselves and journey through
life with enthusiasm.
7. Successful people govern themselves with discipline.
8. Successful people give the best to whatever they do.
9. Successful people align their of purpose with the common good.
Successful people keep a positive count by responding positively to
any person or situation.
Successful people harmonize with encouragement.
Successful people are decisive people who make things happen.
Values Development
Values Defined
1. Value is deried from the latin word, valere, which means to be worth or to
be strong. A thing has value when it is perceived to be intrinsically
good and desirable. To develop a value is to acquire it gradually, and
by successive changes, to move from the original position to one
providing more opportunity for effective use. Thus, values
development is the act, process, or result of developing values for
human dignity.
2. Values are the bases of judging what attitudes and behavior are correct
and desirable and what are not. It is, therefore, crucial that there be an
appropriate framework as well as strategy for providing the context
and operational guidelines for implementing a values education
The meaning of values
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According to clyde Kluckhohn, “a value is a conception, explicit or implicit,
distinctive of an individual or characteristics of a group, of the desirable
which influences the selection from available modes, means, and ends of
According to Cornelius J. van der Poel, “value refers to the understanding of a
certain good for an individual or society which is considered worthy of
According to Brian Hall, Michael Kenny, and Maury Smith, “value is
something that is freely choosen from alternatives and is acted upon, or that
which the individual celebrates as being part of the creative integration in
development as a person.”
A value is something that is considered good or worthy and desirable or
useful by a person or a group. It can be a one-word standard of conduct or a
policy that everyone in an organization adheres to and believes in. society
depends on certain values like cooperation and honesty. To function, values
may also be concepts considered important by a specific group, and not by
others. They may be explicitly stated as they are more and more accepted in
organizations. Or they may be unspoken, yet recognized by all.
Values Education
Values education is the process by which values are formed in the learner
under the guidance of teachers and parents as the former interacts with
his/her environment.
1. Values as subject matter must have a direct and immediate relevance
to the personal life of the learner.
2. Values education must involve all the faculties of the learners. The
process is not merely cognitive. It must appeal not only to the mind but to
the heart, recognizing the total human person.
3. The teacher’s and parent’s personal values play important roles in
values learning,
The Why, When, Where, Who, What, and How in Teaching Values
1. Why teach values?
Because our parents tried to teach them to us.
Because values make our society safe and workable
Because they help develop a sense of autonomy, independence, and
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Because they are the most significant and effective thing to attain
When? Values should be taught to people of all ages with differing
agenda and changing emphasis depending on their maturity. Values
shouls be taught now and always.
Where? Values are best taught at home, in either positive or negative
sense. They can be far more influential than what is taught in school.
Who? Parents are the crucial examples and instructors of values. They are
the general contractor. Teachers, institutions, and organizations are
considered as subcontractors serving as supplement, support, and
backup of parents.
What? Decide which values to teach. A teaching system should be
carefully selected.
How? There are methods especially designed in teaching values to
pre-schoolers, elementary pupils, adolescents, and people in the
Importance of Teaching Values
1. Values are extremely powerful. They guide people and determine what
behavior is acceptable and what behavior is not. A value is a principle
that either accomplishes a well-being or prevents harm or does both. It is
something that helps or something that prevents hurt.
2. Values have to do with being and with giving. It is who we are and what we
give rather than what we have that make up our truest inner selves.
3. The values of being (who we are) are honesty, courage,
peaceableness, gained and practice on the “outer” self as they are
developed in the “inner” self. The values of giving (what we give) are
respect, love, loyalty, unselfishness, kindness, and mercy. These are
gained and developed as they are practiced.
The Values of Being and Giving
A true and universally acceptable “value” is one that produces behavior that is
beneficial both to the practitioner and to those on whom it is practiced. A
value is a quality distinguished by: a) its ability to multiply and increase in
our possession even as it is given away; and b) the fact (even the law) that,
the more it is given to others, the more it will be returned by others and
received by others.
1. Values of Being
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Honesty must be practiced with other individuals, with institutions,
with society, and within oneself. The inner strength and confidence are
bred by exacting truthfulness, trustworthiness, and integrity.
This means daring to attempt difficult things that are good. It is the
strength not to follow the crow, to say no and mean it, and influence
others by it. It means being true to one a convictions and following
good impulses even when they are unpopular or inconvenient. It
means boldness to be outgoing and friendly.
This means calmness, peacefulness, and serenity. It is the tendency to
accommodate rather than argue. It is the ability to understand how
others feel rather than simply reacting to them. It means the control of
Self-reliance and Potential
These refer to a person’s individuality, awareness, and development of
his/her gifts and uniqueness. One must take responsibility for one’s
own actions. The tendency to blame others for difficulties must be
overcome. One must have a commitment to personal excellence.
Self-discipline and Moderation
These refer to physical, mental, and financial self-discipline. These
involve moderation in speaking, in eating, and in exercising. These also
include the controlling and bridling of one’s own appetites and
understanding the limits of body and mind. These mean avoiding the
dangers of extreme or unbalanced viewpoint.
Fidelity and Chastity
These refer to the value and security of fidelity within marriage and
of restraints and limits before marriage. These involve the commitment
that go with marriage and responsibility that go with sex.
2. Values of Giving
Loyalty and Dependability
These refer to loyalty to family, employee, country, church, schools,
and other organizations and institutions. These means reliability and
consistency in doing what one says he/she will do.
This means respect for life, property, parents, elders, nature, and the
beliefs and rights of others. It refers to courtesy, politeness, and
manners. It means self-respect and the avoidance of self-criticism.
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It means individual and personal caring that goes beneath and beyond
loyalty and respect. It means love for friends, neighbors, even
adversaries, and a prioritized, lifelong commitment of love for family.
Kindness and Friendship
These refer to awareness that being kind and considerate is more
admirable than being tough or strong. The tendency to understand
rather than confront, abd be gentle, particularly towards those who are
yound, old, and weak. These necessitate the ability to make and keep
friends. These involve helpfulness and cheerfulness.
Justive and Mercy
These refer to obedience to law and and fairness in work and play.
These involve an understanding of the natural consequences and the
law of the harvest. These refer to the grasp of mercy and forgiveness,
and understanding the futility (and bitter poison) of carrying a grudge.
Value Formation
The Christian value formation is a lifelong process of growing which gets
its strength from jesus’ sermon on the mount.
Two Factors Affecting Value Formation
1. Influence – these depend on a person’s internal traits and
characteristics such as intellectual and emotional capabilities.
2. Experiences – like good influence, good experiences are needed in
value information
Four types of Experiences Affecting Value Formation
Liturgical experience
Bible experience
Learning experience
Human experience
Value Clarification
1. Value clarification is a difficult task.
There are three basic steps that are useful in value carification:
2. Values are better than rules.
A forward-thinking organization promotes values to guide people.
Doing this saves time because an organization need not write rules, or
refer to rule books or organizational manuals.
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3. Values serve as outline goals.
An explicit set of values should form the foundation of any organization
because values endure.
4. Values send a message.
A good value teaches and guides the members of the organization. A
symbolic act affirms the value over and over.
5. Values shape an organization.
A value manifesta itself in various ways. It stimulates members to
produce good quality products. Values can shape and animate an
Core and Related Values
The seven core values are made specific and further explained and
ramified into particular values. The human dignity is the overarching
values; all other values are pursued because of the inner worth of
the human person. Table 1 shows the dimension of the human person
as self and as part of the community and the related core values
(DECS Values Education Program Framework, Values Education for
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Developing Good Habits for Effectiveness
Our character is a composite of our habits. Habits are powerful factors
in our lives. They are consistent, often unconscious patterns. They
constantly express our character and influence our effectiveness our
ineffe ctiveness.
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Stephen Covey wrote a book about highly effective people. The seven
habits of highly effective people are as follows:
Habit # 1: [BE PROACTIVE]
Proactive means “the ability to choose the response.” We have the ability
to choose between right and wrong. But it must be taken into account
that we must be responsible enough for whatever consequences our
actions may lead to. Use your creativity and initiatives. You are the one
in charge.
Where do we go from here? Know where you want to go. In making
plans and decisions, see to it that the time and efforts that will be spent
and utilized conforms to what we want to achieve. Use your ability to
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envision. This is where I want to go and these are the things that must
be done to lead me to that direction.
Practice self-management. Know your priorities.
Habit # 4: [THINK WIN-WIN]
This concerns mutual benefit. Putting both parties on favorable situation.
As the saying goes, “The best way to understand is to listen.” The
practice of empathy governs this habit. It is about putting ourselves on
the shoes of the other person. Based on the person’s explanation, we
ought to evaluate, probe, advise and interpret as a way of responding
to the person’s feelings.
Habit # 6: [SYNERGIZE]
The whole is greater than the sum of its parts. More tasks will be done
if we utilize all the things that we have. Even though your contribution
is that small, if everybody will do their part, things will go on smoothly.
Habit # 7: [SHARPEN THE SAW]
What we had learned a couple of years back will become outdated. Many
things evolve and develop so fast, that there is a need to update
ourselves through various food-for-the brain resources.
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