Arturo Gaxiola 3/13/19 Christian Beliefs Book Report The book that I read for this book report is Seventh Day Adventists Believe: a Biblical Exposition of 27 Fundamentals Doctrines. I started reading from chapter 1 and ended at chapter 10. In reading these 10 chapters, I have read a total of 114 pages. Reading this book, was a huge blessing not only for my spiritual life, but for myself as a person as well. I hardly ever read the Bible or pray but reading this book did make me feel like I was spending time with God, which is something I hardly do. The chapter that caught my attention was chapter 9 The Life, The Death, and The Resurrection of Christ. Even though I have heard the story of Jesus life thousands of times and seen countless depictions of it on the silver screen, the way his story makes me feel never changes. I still can’t comprehend why he gave his life up for people like me. One thing I didn’t know before was that Jesus knew that he was going to die even before the Earth was created. He knew way before human were made that he would die for them and he still chose to die for us even though most of humanity rejected him. Another thing that caught me by surprise when I read this book was that the great controversy wasn’t some crazy World War II like war like how I pictured it as a kid. What I have learned though, was that the great controversy was a political war. There was no physical fighting.