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Pre-Algebra Success: Homework & Study Tips

Pre-Algebra – Steps to Success (Ch. 1)
Ch. 1.2 – Doing Homework for Each Class is Critical
Usually every student in the course has to ask the question, “Is homework really that important? Do I actually
have to do it?”
You learn by doing it. It really makes a difference. Mathematics involves mastering a set of skills that
you learn by practicing, not by watching someone else do it. Your instructor may make solving a
mathematics problem look very easy, but for you to learn the necessary skills, you must practice
them over and over.
The key to success is practice. Learning mathematics is like learning to play a musical instrument, to
type, or to play a sport. No matter how much you watch someone else do mathematical calculations,
no matter how many books you read on “how to” do it, no matter how easy it appears to be, the key
to success in mathematics is practice on each homework set.
Do each kind of problem. Some exercises in a homework set are more difficult than others. Some
stress different concepts. Usually you need to work at least all the odd-numbered problems in the
exercise set. This allows you to cover the full range of skills in the problem. Remember, the more
exercises you do, the better you will become in your mathematics skills.
Making it personal: Write down your personal reason for why you think doing the homework in each section
is very important for success. Which of the three points made do you find is the most convincing?
Ch. 1.3 – What Good Is It to Study Mathematics?
Students often question the value of mathematics. They see little real use for it in their everyday lives. Let us
think about three things.
Get a good job. Mathematics is often the key that opens the door to a better paying job or just to
get a job if you are unemployed. In our present-day technological world, many people use
mathematics daily. Many vocational and professional areas – such as the fields of business, statistics,
economics, psychology, finance, computer science, chemistry, physics, engineering, electronics,
nuclear energy, banking, quality control, nursing, medical technology and teaching – require a
certain level of expertise in mathematics. Those who want to work in these fields must be able to
function at a given mathematical level. Those who cannot will not be able to enter these job areas.
Save money. These are challenging financial times. We are all looking for ways to save money. The
more mathematics you learn, the more you will be able to find ways to save money. Several
suggestions for saving money are given in this book. Be sure to read over each one and think how it
might apply to your life.
Make decisions. Should I buy a car or lease one? Should I buy a house or rent an apartment? Should I
drive to work or take public transportation? What career field should I pick if I want to increase my
chances of getting a good job? Mathematics will help you to think more clearly and make better
decisions because it will help you collect all the facts.
Making it personal: Which of these three paragraphs is the most relevant to you? Which one helps you to
see why mathematics can really help you? Write down what you think is the most important reason for you
to study mathematics.
Ch. 1.5 – What Is the Best Way to Review Before a Test?
Here is what students have found.
1. Read over your notes again. Make a list of any terms, rules, or formulas you need to know for the
exam. Make sure you understand them all.
2. Look back at your homework and quizzes. Redo the problems you missed. Make sure you can get the
right answer.
3. Practice some of each type of problem covered in the chapter(s) you are to be tested on.
4. Be sure that you do all assignments given to you. Redo any problems you missed. See if there are any
types of problems you frequently missed, and practice those types of problems.
5. Make sure you study the Math Coach notes right after tests.
6. Get help for those concepts that are giving you difficulty. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Teachers,
tutors, friends in class, and other friends are ready to help you. Don’t wait. Get help now.
Making it personal: Which of the six steps given do you most need to follow? Take some time today to start
doing these things. These methods of review have helped thousands of students! They can help you – NOW!
Ch. 1.6 – Keep Yourself on Schedule
The key to success is to keep on schedule. In a class where you determine your own pace, you will
need to commit yourself to following the suggested pace provided on your course materials. Check
off each assignment as you do it so you can see your progress.
Make sure all your class materials are organized and available. Keep all course schedules and
assignments right where you can quickly find them. Review them often to be sure you are doing
everything that you should.
Discipline yourself to follow the detailed schedule exactly for six weeks. Students usually succeed
in the course as long as they do every suggested activity for the first six weeks!
Making it personal: Are you good at following schedules and keeping track of details? Which of the
suggestions above do you find the most helpful?
Use Math to Save Money
Did you know… that when buying a vehicle, you can save hundreds of dollars off the asking price by
Negotiating for the Best Price
Understanding the problem: Rachael is looking to purchase a new vehicle. She wants to negotiate the best
deal she can. She knows she should research the car she wants and find out the manufacturer’s suggested
retail price (MSRP), invoice price, rebates, and the reasonable profit margin on the model she wants.
Making a plan: First Rachael needs to determine what model and options she wants. She needs to be very
specific because pricing varies widely from model to model, and additional options can add thousands of
dollars to the price. Once she has picked out a specific vehicle, she can use auto pricing and consumer
information websites to research the vehicle and find out prices and rebates.
 Step 1: After she has determined which vehicle she wants, Rachael does some research and finds that
the invoice price is $12,360, and the MSRP is $13,710.
 Task 1: What is the difference between the invoice price and the MSRP?: ________________
Step 2: The difference between invoice price and MSRP gives the amount of profit that the dealer will
make on a full price sale. The profit margin is the amount of profit divided by the expense. For a car
dealer, the expense is the invoice price, which he pays to the car manufacturer.
Task 2: What is the profit margin on a full price sale, rounded to the nearest percent?: _______________
Step 3: During her research, Rachael found out that a 5% profit margin is a reasonable amount for this
vehicle in the current market.
Task 3: What is 5% of $12,360?: ______________
Task 4: Using the 5% profit margin, how much should Rachael plan on paying for the vehicle?: _________
Step 4: As part of her research, she looked up rebates. She found that there is a $500 manufacturer’s
rebate on the vehicle.
Task 5: If Rachael buys the vehicle for the price found previously, how much will it cost her after the
rebate?: ________________
Finding a solution: Rachael goes to the dealership with printouts of her research information so she can refer
to it and use it to back up her claim that the price she is offering is reasonable. If they don’t accept her offer,
she is willing to leave and try another destination.
Applying the situation to your life: A vehicle is a very expensive purchase. Make sure you do your research
and don’t go to the dealership until you’ve determined what you are willing to pay. Some car sales
representatives can be very intimidating. It may be helpful to bring a friend or family member with you for
moral support. Let them know how much you plan to spend, and they can encourage you to stick to that
amount. If you can’t get the price you want, leave and try a different dealership.