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Empathy Worksheet: Walk a Mile in Someone's Shoes

Walk a mile in someone’s shoes
“You never really understand a person until you
consider things from his point of view…”
Harper Lee – To Kill a Mockingbird
With your partner, answer the following questions on your own paper.
1) Describe the shoe that you’re using for this activity (e.g. what size and style is it? How
old is it? How can I tell?)
2) Give the owner a first, middle, and last name.
3) What is the owner’s age?
4) What is the owner’s marital or family status?
5) Describe the owner’s physical appearance—give plenty of detail.
6) What does the owner do for a living (e.g. does the owner work a 9 to 5 job; is he or
she a student, an athlete, a movie star, a musician, a web manager, a nurse)?
7) Where does the owner live and with whom?
8) List five personality traits of the owner.
9) What does the owner do in his or her spare time?
10) What is the owner’s favorite food? Recipe?
11) What is the owner’s favorite movie?
12) Describe one bad habit that the owner has.
13) How do other’s feel about the owner?
14) Describe an accomplishment that the owner has made that few people know about.