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Persuasive Speech Outline: Discovering Your Passion

Bidemi Omotade
Professor Jaime Garcia
4th April, 2020.
Persuasive Speech Outline
A. Attention Getter: Passion is what you enjoy doing and can easily spend time and
resources on without much regrets. In other words, it has to be productive. …
This phrase “Follow your passion” has become a common slogan, but how can we
identify passion killers and develop what our real passion is in life?
B. I believe we are all in this room and college to either develop our passion or to
fuel the interest for a new career passion. So, if your goal is like mine, every
student is in school to fulfill career goals and objectives. Education is one of the
vital ways by which we can strengthen our passion.
C. Personally, baking is my passion. And I have been able to discover more about
myself over the years by getting more professional trainings, creating recipes, and
setting up a business in line with my passion. I am an entrepreneur and I love
what I do.
D. Knowledge about the power of our passion will help us to identify our capabilities
and how we can creatively grow in that niche.
E. Preview of main points: First, I will give some background information on
“Passion”, passion killers and finally how we can develop or re-kindle our
Transition to first point: So to start off I will tell you what passion is.
Main-point: In order to know factors that can inhibit passion or how we can groom it,
we must first fully understand what it is, and then we can achieve more fulfilment
from it.
Sub-point A: Passion is defined as a strong inclination toward an activity that
people like, that they find important to them and in which they invest so much
time and energy. And usually, there is something called motivational force that
pushes someone to the activity.
Sub-point B: Everyone was born with a God-given sense of passion and people
have passion for different things such as baking, sports, fashion, games and so.
All of these require certain skills and do not develop automatically. It require
constant practice and maintenance to improve on it.
Transition: Now that we have discussed what passion is, what are the factors that could kill our
passion for what we love and believe in? Let’s move on to discuss passion killers.
Main point 2: In order to grow in our passion for certain activities, we need to
understand factors that could minimize our prospect in that direction.
Sub- point A: One of these is “unclear vision”. This is one of the important
reasons people lose passion for skills and talents. Passion and purpose goes
together. Purpose is like the end in mind that fuels the energy we need to put in the
effort. The fact is life seems worthless if there is no goal or purpose to look
forward to. Similarly, a gift or passion has no worth if we cannot envision a golden
purpose for it. For instance, Olympics medal is a goal or purpose for an athlete to
put in all the work to break records. No great achievement comes without a
purpose and effort. An unclear purpose however may kill our passion for what we
strongly love and believe in.
Sub- point B: Also, an under-utilized skills or talents for what we are creative
about and have passion for doing may eventually strangle our passion for it. For
instance, I love baking, but if I decide to get busy with other things for too long,
it’s not impossible for me to lose complete interest in my favorite activity. We all
sometimes struggle with unbalanced schedule which may not give us enough
opportunity to explore or improve on what we love to do. If a person is stucked in
a lifestyle or schedule that minimizes one’s talent, one can easily lose passion for
Transition: Now that we know what passion is, what can minimize the potentials, we can now
discuss how we can develop it or rekindle our interest and maximize it.
There are some well thought out ideas on how we can rekindle passion, let’s review a
few options.
Sub-point A: First, we need to think backwards and work our way
forward. We should remember how much we have loved these activities, how
much we have enjoyed doing them and for some of us, the opportunities and gains
we have made. Perhaps, digging back the memory lane could revive our interest.
We should remember that we can’t outgrow our passion, but we can productively
modify them to big stuffs that can suit our present phase and situation in life.
Sub-point B: In the same vein, we should picture a future with what we
have passion for, consider the prospects and benefits we can achieve from been an
authority in that lane. This will help us to create more time and attention to what
we love and optimize our fulfillment one way or the other.
Transition: Now that we know what passion is, and how we can maximize it, we can be more
fulfilled in our areas of best of interest.
A. It is important to know what passion is, and how we can avoid the passion killers to
build our interest.
B. Review main-points
First I discussed what passion is and what passion killers are, then I discussed how we
can renew our passion for what we have interest in.
C. Memorable closing
D. In conclusion, if you're missing a passion you have always loved, please dig deep into
memory lane and re-discover it. And for some of us who have our passion on track,
let’s keep the fire burning. God gave us that gift for a reason, we may be throwing
away a big fortune because we never know how much we can achieve from our
Vallerand, Robert J., Nathalie Houlfort, and J. Fores. "Passion at work." Emerging
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Hardgrove, Mark E., and Angelita P. Howard. "Passion thrillers and passion killers:
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