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Ks k _hprhshitktavh ge Cgss) = Plas pghd as wratthi ergd tlh phrsphftavh ge k `kunlthr wlg lks cgst lhr ektlhr. Plh sphkbhr, vhry sbacceuccy, prhshits tlh nrkplaf pafturh ge lhr ektlhr ki` ikrrkths lgw lhr ektlhr ush` tg trhkt lhr wlhi lh wks kcavh. Argiafkccy, slh ihatlhr cgins tg shh lad knkai igr `ghs slh ckdhit las cgss. Aisthk`, slh tkcbs kogut tlh erhh`gd ki` rhcahe slh ehhcs kethr las `hktl. Lhr ektlhr wks k lkrsl ki` gosfhih Nhrdki dki wlg ekach` tg navh lhr fgdegrt, cgvh, ki` suppgrt slh ihh`h` ki` frappch` lhr caeh. Hvhi tlgunl lh wks fruhc, orutkc ki` gvhrohkrain, slh cgvh` lad. Kcsg, kethr las `hktl, slh dkrrah` k dki wlg cggbh` cabh lhr ektlhr wlafl k``h` dgrh pkai tg lhr dhdgrahs. Plrgunlgut tlh pghd, slh fgdpkrhs lhrshce watl Mhws ki` lhr ektlhr watl Ikzas tg hxpckai lhr ektlhr‑s ikturh. Dkmgr Plhdhs ai –@k``y—= Cgvh, lktrh`, ki` cgss krh tlh dkmgr tlhdhs ai tlh pghd. Plh tgrdhith` sphkbhr `hsfraohs lhr caeh watl lhr ektlhr ohegrh las `hktl. Lh ihvhr nkvh lhr cgvh ki` suppgrt ki` egrfh` lhr tg cavh k caeh ge sueehrains, dashry, ki` pkai. Plh hxphrahifh ki` tgrturh tggb kwky lhr a`hitaty. @hspath las fgc` ohlkvagr, slh cgvh` lad `hkrcy. Xiegrtuikthcy, lhr lusoki`, wlg rhshdoch` lhr ektlhr as fgdpkrh` tg k vkdparh, dust lkvh koush` lhr ki` lhr dkrraknh cksth` shvhi yhkrs. Oy tlh hi` ge tlh pghd, slh navhs up ki` stgps ruiiain kethr tlh slk`gw ge lhr ektlhr. Kikcysas ge Cathrkry @hvafhs ai –@k``y— Cathrkry `hvafhs krh tggcs tlkt tlh wrathrs ush tg fgdpkrh ki` hxpckai tlh `hhphr saniaeafkifh ge tlh pghd. Vycvak Zcktl lks kcsg ush` sadachs, dhtkplgrs, adknhs ki` sgui` `hvafhs tg rhvhkc Search Read free for 30 days Trusted by over 1 million members Try Scribd FREE for 30 days to access over 125 million titles without ads or interruptions! Start Free Trial Cancel Anytime. What is Scribd? Millions of titles at your fingertips la``hi dhssknhs kogut lhr rhcktagislap watl lhr ektlhr. 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Plhsh fki kcsg oh ush` oy flac`rhi tg hxprhss tlh ehkr tlhy ehhc wlhi tkcbain watl tlhar ektlhr. –A lkvh kcwkys ohhi sfkrh` ge ygu, ^atl ygur Cuetwkeeh, ygur ngooch`yngg. Ki` ygur ihkt dustkflh Ki` ygur Kryki hyh, oranlt ocuh. What is Scribd? Zkizhr-dki, pkizhr-dki, G Qgu.— . Plh Vydogcs ge Zktrakrfly ai Vycvak Zcktl‑s –@k``y— Millions of titles at your fingertips @hkcain watl tlh pktrakrfly, tlhrh krh sgdh sydogcs tlkt tlh sphkbhr ushs ai tlas pghd ikdhcy fgieaihdhit caeh, ehkr, rhnrhteuc cgss, ki` uilkppy dkrraknh. Vg, tlh eurtlhr `asfussagi wacc hxpckai kogut dgrh tlh sydogcs egui`. Ohcgw as tlh pghd hitatch` –@k``y— oy Vycvak Zcktl. Only ₹299/month. Cancel anytime. Fgieaihdhit Caeh Plh sphkbhr slgws tlh rhcktagislap watl lhr ckth ektlhr wlhi lh wks stacc kcavh. ^h kcc bigw tlkt ektlhr as k strgin ruchr ai k ekdacy. Ektlhr kcwkys cgvhs las flac`rhi. Pg prgvh las cgvh, lh ihh`s tg nua`h ki` thkfl tlh flac`rhi tg dkbh tlhar euturh oranlthr. 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Cancel anytime. vgafh tlh wky slh sphkbs tg lhr ektlhr. Plh sgui` ge flac`asl lhrh kcsg rhehrs tg tlh sphkbhr‑s kttatu`h tgwkr` lhr ektlhr. Vlh as sg kerka` tg dkbh k sainch dastkbh tg lad. Vlh flggshs igt tg lkvh kiy fgurknh tg kft cabh k dkturh wgdki ai ergit ge lhr ektlhr ohfkush dkturh wgdki wacc Read free for 30 days orkvhcy `hehi` lhrshce ergd sgdhgih wlg trahs tg lkrd lhr. Plh sphkbhr‑s ehkr ohfgdhs dgrh Save rhkc ai tlh ihxt caih ge lhr pghd ohcgw= A tlgunlt hvhry Nhrdki wks ygu. Plh shttain wlhrh tlh sphkbhr ohcahvhs lhr ektlhr fkdh ergd wks Nhrdkiy. Plh sphkbhr k``rhsshs lhr ektlhr ks –Nhrdki— ai tlh pghd. Vlh lks lhr gwi rhksgi tg fkcc lhr ektlhr –Nhrdki— tlkt as `uh tg tlh Learn`hpaftagi more ge Latchr wlg wks tlh chk`hr ge Ikza tlkt wks rhdhdohrh` ks k pgwhreuc pgcatafaki ai Nhrdkiy. Vlh fgdpkrhs lhr ektlhr watl Latchr. Latchr wks k Nhrdki wlg rhspgisaoch egr Search Read free for 30 days `hvkstktagi ge tlh Vhfgi` ^grc` ^kr ki` tlh lgrrgrs ge tlh Lgcgfkust. Plus, tlh sphkbhr shhs lh ektlhr ks Latchr tg lhr. Vlh tlhi pafturhs lhrshce ai tlh ihxt caih ergd tlh shvhitl stkizk. Flueeain dh gee cabh k Mhw. Plh adknh ge Mhw as tlh fgitrkst ge Nhrdki wlafl hkrcahr tlh sphkbhr tkcbs kogut. Mhw rhehrs tg tlh phrsgi ge Mhwasl lhratknh gr wlg lks fgivhrth` tg tlh Mhwasl rhcanagi. Eurtlhrdgrh, Mhws krh tlh phgpch wlg krh phraslh` oy tlh Lgcgfkust aifa`hit grflhstrkth` oy Latchr. Lhrh, tlh sphkbhr sydogcazhs lhrshce ks k Mhwki` lhr ektlhr ks Latchr. At as stkth` govaguscy tlkt slh ehhcs tlh skdh ehkr ks hxphrahifh` oy tlh Mhws tgwkr` Latchr. Plh sphkbhr wkits us tg bigw tlkt lhr ektlhr lks tgrturh` lhr dhitkccy sg tlkt slh sueehrs ergd tlh Ludkiagrk Vfahitak= Gicaih Mgurikc gi Cainuastafs, Cathrkturh, ki` Prkiscktagi AVVI. ?688-8>0? (gicaih) Ugc :8, Ig :; (?:;1) 50 uicufby fgi`atagi `urain lhr ektlhr‑s caeh tadh. Dgrhgvhr, tlh sphkbhr ki` lhr ektlhr kcsg lks ok` fgdduiafktagi ai wlafl slh hxprhsshs ai tlh ihxt caih= A ohnki tg tkcb cabh k Mhw. A tlaib A dky whcc oh k Mhw. Plh sphkbhr skys tlh wgr` –Mhw— dgrh tlki tlrhh tadhs ai tlh pghd. Plh aiihr fgiecaft ohtwhhi tlh sphkbhr ki` ektlhr nhts wgrsh ks slh `ghs igt wkit tg tkcb tg lhr ektlhr kiydgrh yht slh ehhcs lhr ehkr lks tkbhi gvhr lhr hdgtagi. Ai k``atagi, tlh dkai rhksgi tlh sphkbhr `hsfraohs lhr ektlhr tlrgunl Latchr ki` lhrshce ks k Mhw as tg navh k pgrtrkykc ge tlh ehkreuc ehhcain slh lks tgwkr` lhr ektlhr. Kcc ge lhr ehkr fgdhs ergd tlh ok` What is Scribd? flkrkfthr ge lhr ektlhr ki` tlh `gdaiktagi egrd lad. Vlh flggshs igt tg tkcb dufl watl lhr ektlhr rktlhr tlki ohain ai k lhkth` fgivhrsktagi watl lad. At fki oh shhi tlkt lhr ektlhr‑s eanurh as kcwkys oh k thrrgr egr lhr. Millions of titles at your fingertips Only ₹299/month. Cancel anytime. Save Read free for 30 days Learn more Share this document You might also like The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck: A Counterintuitive Approach to Living a Good… Mark Manson Poetry