Uploaded by emendezalmanza

Food Cooling Temperature Log

Food & Nutrition: 2-Stage Cooling Temperature Log
Food Item
Time/Temp Initials
2 hour
6 hour
Initials Time/Temp
Corrective Action/Notification
INSTRUCTIONS: Food must be cooled from 140° F to 70° F within the first 2 hours; 70° F to 41° F within the next 4 hours. If these temperatures
are not reached in the appropriate time, corrective action is to throw away the food or to reheat to 165 degrees F for 15 seconds, then start
cooling process again. This can only be done once.
INSTRUCTIONS: Food must be cooled from 140° F to 70° F within the first 2 hours; 70° F to 41° F within the next 4 hours. If these temperatures
are not reached in the appropriate time, corrective action is to throw away the food or to reheat to 165 degrees F for 15 seconds, then start
cooling process again. This can only be done once.