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NXP Semiconductors
Application Notes
Document Number: AN 13061
Rev. 0, 12/2020
Using the CSE (Cryptographic Services
Engine) Module in MCAL4.3
by: NXP Semiconductors
1 Introduction
Today, people are concerned about sharing/transmitting
information in a secure and trusted manner between
parties in the automotive area. The security functions
implemented with Cryptographic Services Engine(CSE)
module are described in the Secure Hardware
Extension(SHE) functional specification.
This application note provides an introduction to the
CSE module on the MPC5777C and explains how to
configure and use this module in MCAL4.3. After
reading this application note, you should be able to:
Understand the CSE configuration process in
Understand how CSE module working on the
The application note also provides examples for specific
configurations. The examples are provided in the
software package accompanying this document and is
also explained in detail. To aid in understanding of this
document and software package, you need to download
the MPC5777C reference manual from the NXP
website. The following table shows the abbreviations
used throughout the document.
1 Introduction ............................................................................ 1
3 CSE module on MPC5777C device ....................................... 2
Chip-specific CSE information ............................... 2
Main features .......................................................... 2
Modes of operation ................................................. 3
Block diagram ......................................................... 3
4 AES-128 encryption and decryption overview....................... 5
Electronic Codebook (ECB) ................................... 5
Chiper-block chaining (CBC) ................................. 5
CMAC (Cipherbased Message Authentication
Code) 6
CRYPTO module in MCAL4.3 ......................................... 7
CRYPTO loading key and processing primitive .............. 11
7 References ............................................................................ 12
2 CSE module on MPC5777C
Table 1. Abbreviations and acronyms
Cryptographic Services Engine
Crypto Service Manager
Crypto Interface
Crypto Driver
2 CSE module on MPC5777C
The Cryptographic Services Engine (CSE) is a peripheral module that implements the security functions
described in the Secure Hardware Extension (SHE) Functional Specification Version 1.1.
The CSE design includes a host interface with a set of memory mapped registers and a system bus
interface. The host interface are used by the CPU to issue commands. The system bus interface allows
the CSE to access system memory directly. Two dedicated blocks of system flash memory are used by
the CSE for secure key storage.
Chip-specific CSE information
This chip has one instance of the CSE module. The module:
Executes the chip's secure boot process. See the System Boot details in the MPC5777C
Reference Manual.
Exclusive access to the flash memory blocks mapped to the C55FMC_LOCK1 register,
PASS_LOCK1_PGn registers, and TDRn_LOCK1 DCF client. See C55FMC_LOCK1 register
bit mapping. The system MPU is automatically configured to prevent other bus masters from
interfering with CSE's access to the flash memory.
The CSE has the following features:
Secure storage for cryptographic keys
AES-128 encryption and decryption
AES-128 CMAC authentication
True random number generation
Secure boot mode
System bus master interface
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2 CSE module on MPC5777C
Modes of operation
The CSE supports operation in Normal and Debug modes of operation. The use of the cryptographic
keys stored by the CSE is controlled based on the activation of the CPU debug port and the successful
completion of the secure boot process.
The CSE has a low-power mode that disables the clock to all logic except the host interface. Register
accesses are supported in this mode, but commands are not processed.
Block diagram
The CSE design includes a command processor, host interface, system bus interface, local memory,
AES logic, and True Random Number Generator (TRNG) as shown below.
A host interface (via the peripheral bridge) with a set of memory mapped registers that are used by the
CPU to issue commands. Furthermore, a system bus interface (via the crossbar interface) allows the
CSE to directly access system memory. Here the crypto module behaves like any other master on the
Crossbar switch (XBAR). Through the host interface, you can configure and control the CSE module,
like putting the module into low power mode, enabling interrupts for finished command processing, or
suspending command processing. A status and error register gives further system information. For a
complete list of CSE commands see MPC5777C reference manual.
Two dedicated blocks of system flash memory are used by the CSE for secure key and firmware storage.
These blocks are not accessible by other masters from the system. Therefore, they are called secure
flash. The command processing is done by a 32-bit CSE core with attached ROM and RAM running at
system frequency. After system boot, the core comes out of reset and executes boot code from the
module ROM. This code will load the firmware from the secure flash into the module RAM and start
executing from there. This reduces the flash accesses by the crypto core on the Crossbar. The AES block
is a slave to the crypto internal bus. It processes the encryption (plaintext → ciphertext) and decryption
(ciphertext → plaintext) and offers AES CMAC authentication. This application note deals only with the
authentication capabilities of the CSE.
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2 CSE module on MPC5777C
Figure 1. CSE block diagram on MPC5777C
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3 AES-128 encryption and decryption overview
3 AES-128 encryption and decryption overview
Block ciphers like the AES algorithm, working with a defined granularity, are often 64 bits or 128 bits.
The simplest way to encode data is to split the message in the cipher specific granularity. In this case,
the cipher output depends only on the key and input value. The drawback of this cipher mode, which is
called Electronic Code Book (ECB), is that the same input values will be decoded into the same output
values. This gives attackers the opportunity to use statistical analysis (for example, in a normal text
some letter combinations occur much more often than others).
To overcome this issue other cipher modes were developed like the Cipher-block chaining (CBC),
Cipher feedback (CFB), Output feedback (OFB) and Counter (CTR) mode.
The CSE module supports only the ECB and the CBC mode which are described in the following
Electronic Codebook (ECB)
Each block has no relationship with another block of the same message or information. The following
figure shows the block diagram of the ECB mode.
Figure 2. ECB block diagram
The following figure shows the drawback of the ECB mode. Taking the Freescale logo as an example it
is still visible in the encoded form using this mode. It is obvious that this is not very secure.
Figure 3. Encoding using ECB mode
Cipher-block chaining (CBC)
The Cipher-block (CBC) mode, invented in 1976, is one of the most important cipher modes. In this
mode the output of the last encoding step is xor’ed with the input block of the actual encoding step.
Because of this, an additional value for the first encoding step is necessary which is called initialization
vector (IV). Using this method each cipher block depends on the plaintext blocks processed up to that
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3 AES-128 encryption and decryption overview
The following figure shows the block diagram of the CBC mode.
Figure 4. CBC block diagram
The following figure shows the encoding result of the Freescale logo using the CBC cipher mode. The
difference from the ECB mode is self-evident. In many applications ECB mode may not be appropriate.
Figure 5. Encoding using CBC mode
3.3 CMAC (Cipher-based Message Authentication Code)
A CMAC provides a method for authenticating messages and data. The CMAC algorithm accepts as
input a secret key and an arbitrary-length message to be authenticated, and outputs a CMAC. The
CMAC value protects both a message's data integrity as well as its authenticity, by allowing verifiers
(who also possess the secret key) to detect any change in the message content
Figure 6. CMAC Scheme
If you want more information about CSE functional description and CSE commands, see MPC5777C
reference manual.
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CRYPTO module in MCAL4.3
4 CRYPTO module in MCAL4.3
The following figure shows the location of Crypto Driver module in the micro controller abstraction
layer. It is below the Crypto Interface module and Crypto Service Manager module. It implements a
generic interface for synchronous and asynchronous cryptographic primitives. It also supports key
storage, key configuration, and key management for cryptographic services.
To provide cryptographic functionalities an ECU needs to integrate one unique Crypto Service Manager
module and one Crypto Interface. However, the Crypto interface can access several Crypto Drivers,
each of them is configured according to the underlying Crypto Driver Object.
Figure 7. AUTOSAR layered view with crypto module
A Crypto Driver Object represents an instance of independent crypto hardware “device” (e.g. AES
accelerator). There could be a channel for fast AES and CMAC calculations on a HSM for jobs with
high priority, which ends on a native AES calculation service in the Crypto Driver. But it is also possible
that a Crypto Driver Object is a piece of software, e.g. for RSA calculations where jobs are able to
encrypt, decrypt, sign or verify. The Crypto Driver Object is the endpoint of a crypto channel.
Crypto have layers including Crypto Cryif and CSM, since CSM is always
a stub and only in order to avoid compiler error. The
job_configuration_structure is responsible by CSM, so the job structure
cannot generated by NXP CSM itself, as CSM is a stub in MCAL
perspective. Developers need to manually update the structure and passing
it to Crypto_Process_Job. So if need more CSM package support and
should contact the third party(i.e vector DaVinci).
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CRYPTO module in MCAL4.3
Figure 8 shows the relationship between different configuration items in EB:
Cryptoprimitives ->CryptoDriverObject->CryIfChannel->CsmQueue->CsmJobs
Crypto Driver Object: A Crypto Driver implements one or more Crypto Driver Objects. The Crypto
Driver Object can offer different crypto primitives in hardware or software. The Crypto Driver Objects
of one Crypto Driver are independent of each other. There is only one workspace for each Crypto Driver
Object (i.e. only one crypto primitive can be performed at the same time)
CryptoKeyElement: Key elements are used to store data. This data can be key material or the IV
needed for AES encryption. It can also be used to configure the behavior of the key management
CryptoKeyType: A key type consists of references to key elements. The key types are typically preconfigured by the vendor of the Crypto Driver.
CryptoKey: A Key can be referenced by a job in the CSM. In the Crypto Driver, the key references a
specific key type.
CryptoPrimitive: A crypto primitive is an instance of a configured cryptographic algorithm realized in
a Crypto Driver Object.
Figure 8. Crypto configuration in EB
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CRYPTO module in MCAL4.3
CryIf: The crypto drivers are called by CryIf, the Crypto drivers access the underlying hardware and
software objects to calculate results with their cryptographic primitives. The results are forwarded to
CsmJob: A job is an instance of a job’s configured in cryptographic primitive. An operation of a crypto
primitive declares what part of the crypto primitive will be performed. There are three different
operation modes:
START is a operation mode indicates a new request of a crypto primitive and will be cancel all
previous request of the same job and preemptive
UPDATE mode indicates that the crypto primitive expects input data
FINISH mode indicates that after this part all data are fed completely and the crypto primitive
can finalize the calculation
The priority of a job defines the importance of it. The higher the priority means more immediately the
job is executed. The priority of a cryptographic job is part of the configuration.
Figure 9. Cryif and CsmJobs in EB
The crypro driver does not have callback function in CryIf.c file, so it
should add SampleAppCrypto(job, result) into
CryIf_CallbackNotification(const Crypto_JobType* job, Std_ReturnType
result) function in CryIf.c file.
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CRYPTO module in MCAL4.3
As show in the following figure, this sample configure three primitives, ENCRYPT, RNG(random
number generated) and DECRYPT.
Figure 10. CryptoPrimitive configuration in EB
As show in the following figure, A CryptoKeyElement having the CryptoKeyElementId set to 1
represents a key material and cannot be set be using the field CryptoKeyElementInitValue. All the other
CryptoKeyElementIds can be set either using CryptoKeyElementSet function or the Tresos field
Figure 11. CryptoKeyEelment configuration in EB
As show in the following figure, key elements and keys have to be configured for all primitives
supported in this release. Containers CryptoKeyElements, CryptoKeyTypes and CryptoKeys should be
activated or deactivated in Tresos in the same time. For a key it is mandatory to have a key type and
configured key elements. The index of the different key elements from the different Crypto services are
defined as in imported types table SWS_Csm_01022(in AUOTOSAR document Specification of Crypto
Service Manager)
A key has a state which is either 'valid' or 'invalid'. By default, all the keys are 'invalid' and have to be
set to valid by using the function Crypto_KeySetValid. If a key is in the invalid state then the Crypto
services which make use of the key returns CRYPTO_E_KEY_NOT_VALID value.
Figure 12. CryptoKey configuration in EB
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CRYPTO loading key and processing primitive
Because crypto driver not include CSM layer, so the Crypto_JobType structure should be initialized
manually in the code.
Figure 13. Csm in EB
5 CRYPTO loading key and processing primitive
To process a primitive (random number generation, MAC generation or verification, AES
encrypt/decrypt), the following sequence should be followed:
1. If keys are needed, the containers CryptoKeyElements, CryptoKeyTypes, CryptoKeys should be
2. Crypto_KeyElementSet(65536, CryptoKeyElementId_0, aes_test01_key, 16) meaning a key
material corresponding to key 65536 and having the size 16 bytes is configured
3. Call the API function Crypto_KeySetValid(65536) to enable key 65536
4. Call the API function Crypto_ProcessJob() to process job, it process three jobs(random
generated, encryption and decryption) in this sample code
Figure 14. Process job in sample code
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6 References
Call API function StringCompare ((uint8_t*)ucPlainText, ucDecText, 16) to verify the encryption and
decryption functionality.
Figure 15. Compare the ucPlainText and ucDecText
6 References
MPC5777C Reference Manual (Document ID: MPC5777CPRM)
Specification of Crypto Service Manager(Document link)
Specification of Crypto Driver(Document link)
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© 2020 NXP B.V.
Document Number: AN 13061
Rev. 0