ENERGY AND ENTROPY: PHASE CHANGES INTRODUCTION: As a liquid cools, its temperature drops. The entropy (degree of randomness or disorder) also decreases. The continuous removal of energy from the liquid will eventually result in a phase Enchange to a solid. For a pure substance, further removal of energy during the phase change does not yield any further change in temperature. The entropy, however, continues to decrease. When the phase change is complete, the temperature and entropy of the solid decrease as energy continues to be removed. In this experiment you will measure the temperature of sodium thiosulfate pentahydrate as it is cooled to several degrees below its freezing temperature and then warmed to several degrees above its melting temperature. The results of the experiment will permit you to determine the freezing and melting temperatures of sodium thiosulfate pentahydrate and to interpret the changes in energy and entropy. Part 2: The Freezing of the Solid 1. Adjust the ring on the ring stand so that it is 10 cm above the top of the burner. See Figure 3-1. 2. Place a 250 ml beaker three fourths full of tap water on the iron ring and gauze, and heat the water to 85O C. 3. Also fill a 400 ml beaker three-fourths full of tap water for the cold water bath. 4. Obtain a test tube containing approximately 12 grams of sodium thiosulfate pentahydrate. 5. Clamp the test tube above the hot water bath as shown in Figure 3-1. 6. When the temperature of the hot-water bath reaches 85O C, turn off the burner, and immerse the test tube in the hot-water bath. Occasionally stir the melting solid with one of the thermometers. 7. When the temperature of the liquid sodium thiosulfate pentahydrate is approximately the same as that of the hot-water bath, remove the test tube. 8. Record the temperature of the liquid sodium thiosulfate pentahydrate and the time in the data table. 9. Immediately immerse the test tube in the cold-water bath and record the temperature of the sodium thiosulfate pentahydrate at 15 second intervals. 10. When the temperature reaches 50O C, use forceps to add one or two seed crystals to the test tube. Continue taking temperature readings every 15 seconds. 11. Continuously stir the liquid-solid in the test tube, until a constant temperature (between 45 and 50O C) is maintained. Do not try to move the thermometer when solidification occurs. 12. Continue taking readings until the temperature of the solid is within five degrees of that of the cold-water bath. Part 2: The Melting of the Solid 1. Clamp the test tube once again above the hot-water bath as in Figure 3-1. 2. Heat the hot water to 60-65O C. 3. Turn the flame down as low as possible and move the burner so only the outer edge of the bottom of the beaker is heated. 4. Adjust the position and size of the flame so the temperature of the hot-water bath remains between 60 and 65O C. 5. Record the temperature of the sodium thiosulfate pentahydrate and the time in the data table. The starting temperature should be less than 35O C. ENERGY AND ENTROPY: PHASE CHANGES 6. Immediately immerse the test tube in the hot water bath. 7. Record the temperature at 15 second intervals. Use the thermometer as a stirring rod when it becomes free of the solid. 8. Continue taking readings until the temperature of the sodium thiosulfate pentahydrate is within five degrees of that of the hot-water bath. 9. Turn off the burner. Remove and rinse the thermometer. 10. Discard the contents of the test tube down the drain with plenty of water. 11. Clean all apparatus, wash your hands thoroughly at the end of this experiment and check to see that the gas valve is completely turned off before leaving the laboratory. ENERGY AND ENTROPY: PHASE CHANGES DATA TABLE C o o lin g D a ta T im e (S ) 0 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 165 180 195 210 225 240 255 270 285 300 315 330 345 360 375 390 Temp (d e g. C ) O b s e rva tio ns W a rm in g D a ta T im e Temp (s ) (d e g. C ) 0 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 165 180 195 210 225 240 255 270 285 300 315 330 345 360 375 390 O b s e rva tio ns ENERGY AND ENTROPY: PHASE CHANGES Chemistry Energy/Entropy Lab Data Sheet 11-6-12 *Complete the following and answer the questions at the end regarding this weeks Sodium Thiosulfate Experiment. Include it in your lab report then submit your lab report to Moodle. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Write a good quality focusing question for this experiment. Write a correctly formatted hypothesis statement for this experiment. What control group did you use for this experiment? What was the independent variable? What was the dependent variable? Give at least 2 variables that needed to be controlled in this experiment. Give at least one method by which you could have increased the quality of the results of this experiment. 8. What is the accepted value for the freezing/boiling point of sodium thiosulfate (remember you have the world at your fingertips!!)? 9. Construct a correctly labeled graph of BOTH THE WARMING AND COOLING DATA using graph maker. 10. What was the freezing/boiling point of sodium thiosulfate according to YOUR data and graph? 11. The formula for calculating % error is: (your result – accepted value) x 100 Accepted value - what was your % error according to this formula? 12. What conclusion did you draw from your data……make sure you use numbers to support your answer. 13. What was the purpose of the 2 “seed” crystals used in the cooling section of this lab? 14. Explain what is happening to the entropy and energy of the thiosulfate during the normal cooling phase and why. 15. Explain what was happening to the energy and entropy of the thiosulfate during super cooling phase and why. 16. Explain what was happening to the energy and entropy of the thiosulfate during the warming phase and why.