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Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Hoshangabad Rd, Near Nissan Motors, Misrod, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh 462026
This paper presents a thorough literature review of robust digital image watermarking applied in
diverse applications. Researchers have already done lots of noteworthy work in the field of digital
image watermarking. Even though, it is interesting to point out that current methods designed for
image integrity may not be perfect. Therefore, the main aim of this paper is to offer a comprehensive
reference source to the researchers involved in the design of robust digital image watermarking
schemes, regardless of particular application areas
The arrival of digital world coming soon, the digital media content can be easily altered,
duplicated, and spread, which causes the copyright of media are violated. Therefore, attention is to
discuss the protection of the intellectual property (IP) rights of digital media.audio video images
Text Then, the digital watermarking can be a simple and effective approach to provide copyright
protection of IP. In this study, a method of robustness and blind extraction watermark for static
images is proposed. It utilizes discrete wavelet transform and applies three coding methods
according to the different characteristics of band coefficients: lattice code based on the
communication principle, modification of insignificant coefficients based on the just-noticeable
distortion of the human visual model, and quantization index modulation based on singular value
decomposition. Together, these methods embed a watermark while maintaining image fidelity. From
our experimental results in this study, all of them can indicate that the proposed approach is high
robust against frequency-based and time domain geometric attacks. Additionally, since our approach
produces a blind watermark and thus neither the original image nor any of its related information is
needed, it is a very convenient and practical watermarking technique for applications.
Keywords: Copyright protection Text image and audio video documents for Digital Watermarking
,Digital image watermarking, Scale invariant feature point detectors, Image registration Robust
digital image watermark Meaningful watermark DCT Copyright protection
Auther Email: lkshmanji@gmail.com
Komatsu and Tominaga first proposed the term of the digital watermark in 1988 The technique
of the digital watermark had more studies and applications fields till 1990 The major
purpose of the digital watermark is to effectively provide the copyright protection
intellectual property, digital content which is thoroughly protected by law to ensure that the rights
of original authors are not violated Then, the structure of the watermark and extraction and
verification is shown in Fig. 2. The operation of watermark extraction can be gotten from the
original image, embedded image,
The flowering of sophisticated computer networks and that of Internet has prospected a new means
of scientific, entertainment, business, and social opportunities in the form of electronic publishing
and advertising, real-time information delivery, transaction processing, product ordering, web
newspapers and magazines, digital repositories and libraries, network video and audio, personal
communication, and lots more. The users are enjoying the convenience and advantages of
advancement in technology. Digital media offer several benefits over analog media: the quality of
digital audio, images and video signals are far more superior to that of their analog versions. Editing
is a child’s play as one can access the exact distinct locations that one wishes to alter. Copying is
simple with no loss of allegiance. A copy of a digital media is identical to the original.
The sophisticated developments in the technology provide high quality processing
capabilities, flexibility, and reliability at lower costs when compared with the analog systems. As a
result, digital image acquisition, processing, storage and reproduction systems are gradually
replacing their analog versions. Nevertheless, the declining technological barriers, i.e. lack of builtin integrity and quality verification mechanisms, have emerged as the greatest threat (Fowler, 2002).
1.1 Image Integrity Protection
Traditionally, due to the limited processing abilities in analog media, malicious manipulation of
images has been a tedious task with only inferior results being realized without prohibitively
expensive professional equipment. However, digital images, unlike their analog versions, can be
easily maneuvered using a variety of intricate signal processing tools that are easily available as
commercial packages. Photo-realistic tampering can be done by almost everyone using low-cost
hardware and software components. The ease and extent of such tweaking raise serious disputes
about the integrity and authenticity of digital images. Potential security loopholes of shared
information networks, e.g. Internet, on which digital images are commonly posted and distributed
further exacerbates the problem. As a result, in applications, where verification of integrity and
authenticity of the image content is essential, there is a need for secure image authentication
Multimedia authentication techniques are usually designed either using digital signature or
watermarking. A digital signature is a data string which associates a message with some originating
entity to simulate the security properties of a handwritten signature on paper. Digital signature
technique is a section of cryptography, and is based on algorithms like RSA, DSA etc. It is an
encrypted version of the message digest extracted from the data and is usually stored in a separate
file, which can be attached to the data to prove integrity and ingenuity. Normally, digital signature
schemes (figure 1-1) provide two algorithms, one for signing which involves the user's secret or
private key, and one for verifying signatures which involves the user's public key. Conceptually, the
hash of data to be transmitted is generated along with originator information and is encrypted and
stored in a separate file called “digital signature”. The receiver gets both the data and the signature
file. The signature is decrypted at the receiver end and the hash is compared with the received data.
If both match, the received data is treated as authentic.
Figure 0-1: Authentication and verification using digital signatures
This traditional manner of image authentication requires an auxiliary channel for the storage and
transmission of a digital signature for each image. This increases the bandwidth requirements and
imposes restrictions on implementation. Further, change in single bit of data results in nonauthorization of the data. Thus, any kind of compression technique or the use of software that
intentionally/ un-intentionally strips the header information during format conversion of the
multimedia data – results in the failure of technique.
(Non-Authentic data)
Watermarked cover Data over
Communication Channel
Watermark insertion at the
originator’s end
(Authentic data)
Watermark detection in
received data for authentication
Figure 0-2: Block diagram of Digital watermark embedding and authentication
Digital watermarking is a method in which the information is embedded directly and imperceptibly
into multimedia data, called original data or host data, to form watermarked data. Loosely analogous
to watermarks in paper documents, the embedded information is bound to the watermarked data
wherever it goes (figure 1-2). The embedded information should still be decodable from the
watermarked data, even if the watermarked data is processed, copied, or redistributed. Potential
applications of digital watermarking include distribution tracing, copyright protection,
authentication and conditional-access control. Thus, the embedded information could be for instance
a user-ID, a serial number for a certain copy of a document, or authentication information, etc.
Original Image
Watermarked Image
Extracted Watermark
Figure 0-3: Image authentication and verification using digital watermarking
Digital Watermarking offers an auspicious substitute to digital signatures in image
authentication applications. The use of watermarks instead of digital signatures offers
additional functionality by exploiting inherent properties of image content. The major
advantage is the direct embedding of authentication information into the image data (figure
1-3). As a result, the authentication information persists even when the watermarked image
goes under different attacks and format conversions.
1.2 Digital Watermarking
In 1997, Cox et al. [2] proposed using the spread spectrum of communication to embed a
digital watermark in an image. In this concept, the original image is a channel for
communication and watermarking uses this channel to deliver information. It utilizes
random serial numbers generated by Gaussian-spreading numeric code, and then uses these
numbers as alternating
Unlimited number of replicas of the original content can be made from unprotected digital
content. This makes the content creators and content owners more concerned about the
copyrights management of their digital contents. Apprehensions for the protection of
copyrighted digital intellectual properties have been high, since 1980s. The cryptographic
algorithms can resolve many of these issues. However, these solutions can only protect the
digital contents if they never leave the digital domain and till the content is not decrypted.
Once content is decrypted and copied, there is no protection offered. This situation calls for
technological solutions to be used in addition to the cryptography technology. Digital
Watermarking technologies, a descendent of steganography, have evolved as a major
solution for the resolution. This group of technologies provides methods to “imprint”
additional data or messages into multi-media contents such as still image, video and audio
data. Generally, the imprinted data is invisible (or inaudible) to the ordinary users, and is
difficult to be separated from the host media. The imprinted data can be extracted, but not
removed, from the imprinted host media by the legitimate owner, as and when required.
The different audio and video image text documentes hybrid watermarking techniques are studied
for checking the robustness. These techniques are very means to identify the papermaker or the trade
guild that manufactured the paper. The marks often were created by a wire sewn onto the paper
There are various applications of watermarking which are listed below
A. Copyright Protection
When a new work is produced, copyright information can be inserted as a watermark. In case of
dispute of ownership, this watermark can provide evidence.
Broadcast Monitoring
This application is used to monitor unauthorized broadcast station. It can verify whether the content
is really broadcasted or not.
Authentication and Integrity Verification
Content authentication is able to detect any change in digital content. This can be achieved through
the use of fragile or semi-fragile watermark which has low robustness to modification in an image.
Fingerprints are unique to the owner of digital content and used to tell when an illegal copy
Qualities of Digital Watermarking
There are some basic qualities, a digital watermark must possess:
Robustness: It simply means ability to survive. When we transmit a watermarked data, then there
are various attacks on that and that information may undergo different types of operations. So in
these conditions, watermark must not degrade its quality
Imperceptibility: This simply means that watermark must be such that it cannot be observed by
human eyes. It must be such that it can only be accessed by particular operations on watermarked
Security: It means that, the watermark must be such that only authorized users can access it. If any
user has no embedding information, he must be unable to detect the watermark. This is termed as
security of watermark.
Capacity: It simply means that how much amount of information we are able to embed in the
original image. Watermark capacity simply refers the secret information amount present in
watermarked image.
Computational Cost: It depends on the method which is used for watermarking. If the watermarking
method is more complex, then it contains complex algorithm, requirement of more software and
hardware, so computational cost increases and vice versa.
software and hardware, so computational cost
increases and vice versa
Watermarking Techniques
Digital watermarking is very much popular now a days because it is easily available and it protects
our data from illegal use. It has two major areas i.e. spatial domain watermarking and frequency
domain watermarking In the spatial domain techniques, we embed the watermark by modifying the
pixel values. On the other hand, in transform domain watermarking, the watermark is embedded into
the coefficients of transform domain. Various types of transform domain techniques are DCT, DWT
and DFT. From robustness and imperceptibility point of view, transform domain techniques are
better than spatial domain techniques
. Spatial Domain Watermarking
We know that the image is made up of pixels. In this method of watermarking, we embed the
watermark in some specific pixels of image . In the extraction phase, we extract the watermark from
these specific pixels. This technique is very much easy to use, less complex and also takes less time.
But on the other hand, it is not robust for various types of attacks.
B. Transform Domain Watermarking
The transform domain watermarking is better as compared to the spatial domain watermarking. The
image is represented in the form of frequency in the transform domain watermarking. In the
transform domain watermarking techniques, firstly conversion of the original image is done by a
predefined transformation. Then we embed the watermark in the transform image or in the
transformation coefficients. Finally, we take the inverse transform to get the watermarked
image Commonly used transform domain methods are Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT), Discrete
Wavelet Transform (DWT), and Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT).
1) Discrete Cosine Transform
It is generally used for the signal processing. In this we transform the image into the frequency domain. It is
applied in many areas like pattern recognition, data compression, and image processing. This technique is
more robust than spatial domain watermarking techniques. The main steps used in DCT are:
Firstly, take the image and divide it into nonoverlapping 8*8 blocks.
Calculate forward DCT of each of the non-overlapping blocks.
Use HVS blocks selection criteria.
Now use highest coefficient selection criteria.
Then embed watermark in the selected coefficient.
Now take inverse DCT transform of each block.
2) Discrete Wavelet Transform
Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) gives a multi resolution representation of the image. This
representation provides a simple framework for interpreting the image formation. The DWT
analyses the signal at multiple resolution. When we apply the DWT to an image, it divides the image
into two quadrants, i.e. high frequency quadrant and low frequency quadrant. This process repeats
until the signal has been entirely decomposed. If we apply 1-level DWT on two dimensional image,
it divides it into four parts, i.e.
LL: It consists the low frequency details of the original image. We can say that approximation of the
image lies in this part.
LH: It consists vertical details of the original image. HL: It consists the horizontal details of the original
HH: It consists high frequency details of the original image.
Since we know that the detail of original image lies in low frequency coefficients, so we embed the watermark
into low frequency coefficients If we apply IDWT, we can reconstruct the original image from the
3) Discrete Fourier Transform
Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) offers more robustness against geometric attacks like scaling,
cropping, translation, rotation, etc. It decomposes an image in sine and cosine form. In this,
embedding may be done in two ways: direct embedding and the template based embedding.
In the direct embedding technique we modifying DFT magnitude and phase coefficients and then
the watermark is embedded. The template based embedding technique introduces the concept of
templates. In DFT domain, during embedding process, we embed the template, which is used to find
the transformation factor. When the image is transformed, firstly this template is searched and it is
then used to resynchronize the image. After this, detector is used to extract the embedded spread
spectrum watermar image. After this, detector is used to extract the embedded spread spectrum
Watermarking Attacks
When the watermarked media is transmitted, several attacks take place on that watermarked media. These
attacks may be given as:
Removal Attack: In this, the unauthorized user tries to remove the watermark i.e. secret information
from the watermarked data.
Interference Attack: In these types of attacks, the noise is inserted to the watermarked media. Some
examples of this category are averaging, quantization, compression etc.
Geometric Attack: These types of attacks can change the geometry of the image. The examples of
this category are cropping, rotation etc.
Low Pass Filtering Attack: This type of attack takes place when we pass the watermarked data from
a low pass filter.
Active Attack: It is the most important attack. Here the unauthorized user tries to extract the
watermark or simply makes the watermark such that it cannot be detected by any operation.
Passive Attacks: In this type of attack, unauthorized user simply tries to find out that the particular
data contain the watermark or not.
Image Degradation: In these types of attacks, the parts of the image are removed, resulting in
damage of robust watermarks. Examples of these attacks are partial cropping, row removal and
column removal, insertion of Gaussian noise.
. Background
digital watermarking are applied in security-critical applications, one needs to account for the
presence of an attacker. This adversary may try to attack the learning/watermarking process and
thereby impact the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the application. This section
provides a basic introduction to the motivation and threat scenarios in machine learning and digital
watermarking, before Section 3 systematizes them under a common notation. A reader familiar with
one of the two fields may directly proceed to Section
Results and Discussion
The algorithm proposes a novel chaos-based transform domain feature sensitive colored
image watermarking scheme. It used chaotic feature for determining the watermark
embedding strength factor. Since the strength factor generated shows a random behavior
(figure 5-17 & 5-18), the algorithm tries to address the Kerckhoffs' principle that requires
that the cryptic or watermarking algorithms should be made public and after that the
robustness of algorithm be checked. The validity of the algorithm is verified by deploying it
to the various images and these images are subjected to several attacks and compression
using different tools.
The algorithm used the quantization in tandem with the edges, for identifying the image
features. The algorithm exploited the Y component of YCbCr color space for embedding the
watermark. The watermark (holographic logo) to be embedded is compressed and is double
DCT transformed. Compression of watermark increases the number of watermarks to be
embedded and double DCT transformation is used for achieving sustainability wherever
there is blind attack for removal of watermark. The watermark is embedded using zigzag
scanning of the selected blocks. Zigzag scanning and quantization provided sustenance to
JPEG compression.
In this paper it have represented various aspects related to digital watermarking. The paper defines
the meaning of digital watermarking, its applications and various watermarking techniques which
help the new researchers in the field of digital watermarking. It also give the comparisons of various
watermarking techniques with their advantages and disadvantages and also defined the performance
measurement of images.
As we can see that digital watermarking is very useful method for digital data authentication. It
ensures the protection of copyright and authentication. This paper gives an overall analysis of
various types of digital watermarking methods. In this paper we have discussed different methods
such as spatial domain methods and transform domain method which consists DCT, DWT and DFT.
We have discussed the pros and cons of these methods. From a research point of view, this
technology is an interesting field because many techniques are emerging for protection of data and
many still have to come
The authors would like to thank the Republic of world for financially supporting this research PhD
theses before the submiting
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Additional information
Author information
Vivek Singh Verma
Vivek Singh Verma received his Bachelor’s Degree (Hons) in computer science and engineering
from Institute of Engineering and Technology (IET) Kanpur, CSJM University, India in 2001. He
obtained his MTech degree from Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Delhi, India in 2008.
Currently, he is pursuing a PhD in the field of image processing from Indian Institute of Information
Technology, Design & Manufacturing Jabalpur, India. His research interests include image
processing, image coding, and stochastic resonance-based image processing applications. Mr
Verma has presented many research papers in international journals and conferences.
E-mail: viveksv10@gmail.com
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Rajib Kumar Jha
Rajib Kumar Jha received his BTech (Hons) degree in electronics and communication engineering
from Institute of Engineering and Technology (IET) Kanpur, CSJM University, India in 2001. He
obtained his MTech and PhD degrees from the Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India in
2003 and 2010, respectively. He served IIITDM Jabalpur and IIT Ropar as an assistant professor
for seven years. Later on in May 2013 he joined IIT Patna as an assistant professor. He has
published around 50 papers in international journals and conferences. His research interests
include image processing, pattern recognition, and use of stochastic resonance for image
applications. Dr Jha has received the prestigious National Award for Best MTech. thesis (for his
own thesis) as a student in 2003 and as a supervisor (for his MTech student thesis) in 2012 from
Indian Society for Technical Education, New Delhi, India. He is a member of IEEE.
E-mail: jharajib@gmail.com
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The authors would like to thank the supportive remarks and valuable suggestions
from the anonymous reviewers.