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Leading With Emotional Intelligence

Achieve Results Through Others
Focus on what others can do
Successful managers shift their thinking to what others can do.
The less you do, the more they get done.
Build relationships with high-potential individuals
Trust begins with what you do for others, not what they do for you.
Describe results
If you want results, you must describe them before they’re achieved.
Take action when you don’t get results
Mediocrity is the result of tolerance.
Develop the middle
Develop people who deliver results by elevating their middle. Work to
make their good skills great.
Talk more about good performance than bad
You can’t deliver positive results by “not doing” things.
Have after-action meetings
After action reports:
What worked?
What didn’t work?
What will you do differently next time?
The Importance of Emotional Intelligence
in a Leader
Benefits for Leaders
Internal awareness
Increased empathy
Collaborative communication
Less stress
Benefits for Organisation
Better team engagement
Improved corporate culture
High performance-driven results
• To be effective, leaders must have a solid understanding of how their
emotions and actions affect the people around them.
• The better a leader relates to and works with others, the more successful he
or she will be.
• While you might excel at your job technically, if you can’t effectively
communicate with your team or collaborate with others, those technical
skills will get overlooked.
• By mastering emotional intelligence, you can continue to advance your
career and organisation.