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pros and cons of games

Everyone knows and heard about Super Mario FIFA Online and others. Most people often spend their
leisure time to play this games especially children. Their many kind of video games in this century like
PlayStation, Xbox, computer games and others. With advance of technology, these games can play in
multiple player which is can connected with Bluetooth or Wi-Fi. This kind of games can attract children
to play it anywhere and anytime. Some human kind said, playing video games can give bad influence
for children, while some people claim playing video games are helpful for children their life style. The
questions is how video games are helpful or harmful to children.
First and foremost, in aspect of education, video games are helpful to children is it can enhanced
children`s vocabulary by communication and the interaction between avatar of video games. This is
because, children can learn new words by referring dictionary when they do not know the meaning of
words. Children are fun to learn while playing video games consequently, they can use this words for
their essays, conversation and others. Children are not like stressful with read books everyday and use
this platform to entertain while learn new words. Hence, it is good if children spend their free time to
playing video games.
Moreover, in aspect of skills, video games is medium to be used for develop children`s teamwork skills.
By playing video games, it is vital to cooperate and work together to achieve their goals which is to
win the games. For example, like Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds games, every team member must
help each other, work together to kills enemy by interacting with each other’s. In real world, children
can learn arrange the strategy by work together with team members like, decide to use great resource
to do the project, implement project in the time given, divide the work to team members and others.
Consequently, the project that they implement is perfect and high quality. It is clear that playing video
games can help children to develop teamwork skills.
By the other hands, playing video games can give harmful to children. In aspect education, the
academic performance will be decline if children play video games uncontrollable. This is happening
because children are more spend their time to it instead of use that time to do exercise and revision.
Children neglect their study because playing games is more interesting and fun than doing exercise
and revision. Some children are lack of sleep because of play the game until late night. Consequently,
children sleep in class and they cannot give full attention while teacher is teaching. As the result,
children get bad result in examination. It is clear it is not good if children play video games more than
In addition, in aspect of skill, playing video games can give harmful to children by lacking of social skill.
Children who often play this games tend to sleep, lazy to do sport at outside and others. Parents who
are busy their work give the games equipment to children for they enjoy while parents go to work. For
instant, children play the games in dinner time. What happen to family dinner? Actually, at family
dinner, we can communicate and discuss our problems to each family member indirectly, the bond
between family members is strength. Interaction between friends also affected. Children tend at
home to play games instead of play with their friends ant outside. This action can give bad consequent
in long term. Hence, playing video games can decline social skills with people around us.
In conclusion, playing video games helpful or harmful to children depend on how they manage their
time to play. Parents can take a vital responsible to monitor their child and give their suitable time to
play games. Children also can make timetables and manage their time to study and play games. I hope
parents and children work together to handle it properly with great solution to produce children who
can devoted to our country. For who are spend more time to play games, try to reduce it. Otherwise,
you definitely regret it in later.