Uploaded by Jennifer Dunlap

Fortune Teller Fish Lab Scientific Method

Name: ___________________________________
Date: ___________________
Science 7
Ms. Bottiglieri
Background: Is there a scientific basis to the Fortune
Telling Fish? As a group, you will work together to
hypothesize about how the fortune telling fish actually works. Then you will test several
hypotheses to determine which factors cause the fish to move. By the end of the lab, you
should have a scientific explanation for how the fish works and why.
Your goal is to test several hypotheses leading to an explanation on how and why the fortune
telling fish works.
1. Remove the red cellophane “Fortune Telling” Fish from the small plastic envelope.
2. Place the fish in your hand and observe the fish for at least 30 seconds.
3. Write down your observations and what the back of the envelope says
about you.
Personality: ______________________________________
4. Repeat this in another group member’s hand and observe.
5. Brainstorming: What is causing the fish to move? Write down some ideas below! Remember
that each one of these ideas is a possible independent variable because each one has the
possibility of producing the same result…the fish being able to move!
6. What is the manipulated/ independent variable? _________________________________
(Note: Although you have listed several from Questions #5, narrow it down to the one variable
your group believes ultimately causes the fish’s movement and the one that you want to test!)
7. What is the responding/ dependent variable? ___________________________________
8. State your hypothesis to account for the fish’s movement. In science, it must be a
TESTABLE hypothesis. This means that we should be able to design an experiment to see
whether or not our hypothesis is valid. Remember to use the correct “If…then” format!
Experimental Design: Carry out an experiment that will test your hypothesis. Your experiment
should have an EXPERIMENTAL GROUP and a CONTROL GROUP. The factor being tested in
the experimental group is your manipulated variable. The untested comparison group is called
the control group. A good experimental design will only test ONE manipulated variable at a time.
State the variable
being tested
(State your group’s
manipulated variable)
Describe the set-up
of the fish in your
State the results of
your Experimental
Group (Fish #1)
State the results of
your Control Group
(Fish #2)
Further Investigation…
Place a fish in a welllit area in the room
and another fish in a
darker area of the
Place a fish on a dry
surface and place
another fish on a wet
paper towel.
Results/ Conclusion:
After testing these THREE variables during your
experiment, which factor ultimately caused the fish to
Analysis/ Reflection Questions:
1. Which variable do you believe causes the greatest movement in the fish?
2. Explain WHY you think this causes the fish to move.
3. Why was it necessary to set up a Fish #2 as a control group? What purpose did it serve?
4. Explain why the fish’s movement is the responding/ dependent
5. Why is it NOT a good idea to use different types of Fortune
Telling Fish during the experiment?
6. Describe what a “variable” is.
7. Explain how you could improve this experiment to produce more accurate, reliable results.
8. Besides the variables you already tested, what are some other possible factors that can be
tested with the Fortune Telling Fish?