ACTA AGRICULTURAE SCANDINAVICA, SECTION B — SOIL & PLANT SCIENCE 2020, VOL. 70, NO. 2, 95–108 Combining ability of yield and yield components among Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. strigae-compatible and Striga-resistant sorghum genotypes Emmanuel Mremaa,b, Hussein Shimelisa and Mark Lainga a School of Agricultural, Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Scottsville, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa; bTanzania Agricultural Research Institute Tumbi Center, Tabora, Tanzania ABSTRACT Use of sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] cultivars with partial resistance to Striga spp. and Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. strigae (FOS) represents a novel strategy to control Striga. This study aimed to identify the nature of gene action controlling grain yield and yield components and to select promising sorghum crosses possessing both FOS compatibility and Striga resistance, along with good combining ability effects. One-hundred hybrids, developed from pairwise matings among 10 FOS compatible, high-yielding female lines and 10 Striga-resistant male lines, were evaluated with and without FOS inoculation. The F1s were field evaluated at three locations in Tanzania known for their severe Striga infestation, using an alpha lattice design with two replications. General (GCA) and specific combining ability (SCA) variances were significant for grain yield per plant, hundred-seed weight, plant height, flowering time and the number of Striga plants. The study demonstrated FOS inoculation to be an effective means of controlling Striga. Families 675 × 672, AS435 × 3993 and 4643 × AS436 displaying large SCA effects for grain yield, and 4567 × AS429, 3424 × AS430 and 3424 × AS436 with small SCA effects for Striga counts should be useful genetic resources for breeding and integrated Striga management. Introduction Striga infestation is one of the main constraints to sorghum production in sub-Saharan Africa (Watson et al. 2007). Striga hermonthica [Del.] Benth and Striga asiatica [L.] Kuntze are the two main obligate parasitic weeds that inflict severe yield losses, reaching up to 100% in susceptible sorghum cultivars (Riches 2003). However, the level of yield loss depends on the extent of infestation, climatic conditions and control measures used. Both S. hermonthica and S. asiatica parasitize several cereal crops, including maize (Zea mays L.), sorghum, millet (Pennisetum glaucum L.) and upland rice (Oryza sativa L.) across extensive agro-ecological areas in African countries, including Tanzania. Poor soil fertility, use of a single method of Striga management and cereal mono-cropping are among the major causes of Striga perpetuation and high yield losses in sorghum (Parker 1991). Each Striga plant can produce 5000– 84,000 seeds that remain viable in the soil for up to 20 years (van Mourik et al. 2008). S. hermonthica and S. asiatica infestation have reached epidemic proportions in the semi-arid areas of the Lake, Western and Central Zones of Tanzania, where the parasite is a serious threat to sorghum ARTICLE HISTORY Received 14 August 2019 Accepted 25 September 2019 KEYWORDS Biological Striga control; combining ability; Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. strigae; resistance breeding; sorghum production. In these areas, farmers are often compelled to abandon their farmlands because of Striga infestation, and switch to cultivation of non-host crops. In some localities, farmers grow unimproved sorghum landraces that are less susceptible to Striga (Mrema et al. 2017a). The use of resistant cultivars, biological agents, cultural practices and chemical control methods are important strategies to manage Striga infestation (Kenga et al. 2004). These strategies promote sorghum growth and development and reduce germination and development of juvenile Striga plants (Kenga et al. 2004). The combined use of various Striga-management options and understanding the biological and metabolic relationships between the host and parasite are important prerequisites for the implementation of integrated Striga management (ISM) (Reda and Verkleij 2004). The use of resistant cultivars is the most environment-friendly and economical Striga-management option for millions of smallholder farmers in sub-Saharan Africa, who depend on sorghum production for their livelihoods. The use of sole host resistance was however not effectively in areas with high Striga infestation. In Tanzania for example, the use of partially resistant sorghum lines, Wahi and Hakika, has not been effective in areas with CONTACT Emmanuel Mrema School of Agricultural, Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of KwaZulu-Natal, P/ Bag X01, Scottsville, Scottsville, Pietermaritzburg 3209, South Africa; Tanzania Agricultural Research Institute Tumbi Center, P.O. Box 306, Tabora, Tanzania © 2019 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group 96 E. MREMA ET AL. high levels of Striga infestation. These lines were also reported to be low yielding, while the high-yielding varieties Pato and Tegemeo are susceptible to Striga (Hearne 2009). Introduced varieties, such as Macia and Serena, have not been adopted mostly because they are susceptible to Striga, birds, storage pests and harsh environmental conditions, such as low rainfall and poor soil fertility. Low levels of adoption of introduced cultivars that lack some farmers’ preferred traits have been reported in Ethiopia. To facilitate adoption of new sorghum varieties, it is important to consider farmers’ preferred traits like resistance to Striga infestations, earliness, drought tolerance, grain yield, resistance to pests and diseases as well as resistance to bird attacks during the breeding stages (Mrema et al. 2017a). There are many arbuscular mycorrhizal strains (Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. Lini and F. oxysporum f. sp. Strigae) have been suggested for biological control of pathogens in plants. They compete with plant pathogens or parasites for nutrients and space, by producing antibiotics, parasitizing pathogens, or inducing resistance in the host plants (Berg et al. 2007). Furthermore, they cause biochemical changes in plant tissues, microbial changes in the rhizosphere, nutrient status, anatomical changes to cells, changes to root system morphology and stress alleviation (Berg et al. 2007). Biological control involves the use of microbes to control Striga and can be applied to smallholder farming systems (Rebeka et al. 2013). Like resistant cultivars, the ‘biological methods’ is also affordable and environment-friendly (Abbasher et al. 1998). Pathogenic isolates of F. oxysporum f.sp. strigae (hereafter referred to as FOS) are reported to be effective bioherbicides for managing Striga infestation in sorghum, particularly when the method is integrated with host resistance and fertilizer application (Ayongwa et al. 2011; Rebeka et al. 2013). The fungus destroys Striga before the weed penetrates the roots of sorghum (Rebeka et al. 2013). The FOS is reported to be hostspecific, its inoculum can be mass-produced easily (Ciotola et al. 2000). When sorghum seeds are treated with FOS, the fungus colonize in the rhizosphere of the sorghum plants. It infects and inhibits growth and development of Striga, stopping it from parasitizing the roots of the host plant. One of the main goals of sorghum breeding programs is to develop sorghum genotypes that are resistant or tolerant to Striga and possess farmer-preferred traits and compatibility to FOS (Shayanowako et al. 2017). To be able to devise an effective selection procedure for resistance to Striga, knowledge of genetic control and inheritance of sorghum traits of sorghum is essential. The FOS compatibility of a genotype is discerned by the magnitude of differential responses between the FOS-treated and untreated genotypes grown under similar Striga-infested conditions. Crosses between parents from genetically unrelated populations or different heterotic groups may yield suitable genetic recombinants and superior transgressive segregants (Makanda et al. 2009; Konate et al. 2017). Thus, the knowledge of the nature of gene action controlling quantitative and qualitative traits of economic importance and FOS compatibility of genotypes is desirable. Both the general combining ability (GCA) effects of parents and specific combining ability (SCA) effects of their crosses are important in conditioning economic traits (Stoskopf 1993). General combining ability represents mainly the additive and additive × additive types of genetic variance, whereas SCA is mainly attributable to genes with dominance and/or epistatic effects. Combining ability tests based on mating designs, such as North Carolina Design II (NCD II) and diallels, are useful in selecting suitable parents and transgressive segregants from given crosses to use in breeding programs and to determine the subsequent selection procedure to use. In an attempt to select Striga-resistant and FOS-compatible sorghum lines, promising genotypes were identified through controlled evaluations, as reported by Mrema et al. (2017b). Some of the selected landraces were poor yielders but adapted to the drier regions of Tanzania and possessed farmer-preferred traits (Mrema et al. 2017b). In contrast, some of the introduced sorghum genotypes had better yield potential and FOS compatibility, but they lacked farmer-preferred traits. Mutengwa et al. (1999) and Haussmann et al. (2000) employed several genetic parameters to investigate the gene action controlling Striga resistance in sorghum. They reported on the influence of a single recessive gene in controlling low germination stimulus in sorghum cultivars. However, there is still a need to elucidate the genetic effect of Striga resistance in sorghum when integrating FOS as a biological control of the parasite. Understanding of this effect among the developed sorghum families could fill the current knowledge gap relative to the best breeding methodology to adopt in advancing both Striga resistant and FOS-compatible families. Therefore, the objective of this study was to identify the nature of gene action controlling grain yield and yield components and to select promising sorghum crosses possessing both FOS compatibility and Striga resistance, along with high combining ability effects. We tested the hypothesis that additive genetic effects could be important in controlling Striga resistance and that the new families possessing farmer-preferred traits could be selected. ACTA AGRICULTURAE SCANDINAVICA, SECTION B — SOIL & PLANT SCIENCE Materials and methods Plant materials and crosses One-hundred single-cross hybrids developed using 10 females and 10 male sorghum lines and 2 checks were evaluated in the present study. Crosses were made using the North Carolina Design II. Information regarding the 20 parental lines used to generate the crosses is given in Table 1. The genotypes used were identified in a previous study (Mrema et al. 2017b). These materials had varied levels of reaction to both S. hermonthica and S. asiatica. Resistant lines are those that exhibited less Striga counts than susceptible ones. FOS-compatible lines manifest FOS proliferation and reduced Striga count under FOS treatment (Mrema et al. 2017b). Further, the selected lines had most of the farmer-preferred traits in the semi-arid areas of Tanzania (Mrema et al. 2017a). Bio-control agent and inoculation preparation A pathogenic strain of the bio-control agent, F. oxysporum f.sp. strigae (FOS), obtained from northeastern lowlands of Ethiopia was used in this study (Rebeka et al. 2013). The strain was positively diagnosed at Humboldt University’s Phytomedicine Division and its isolates were maintained at −40°C on special nutrient agar (SNA) medium (Rebeka et al. 2013). Previous reports confirmed the pathogenicity and host specificity of the FOS isolate to Striga (Rebeka et al. 2013; Mrema et al. 2017b). Cultures were grown on potato dextrose agar (PDA) and pure chlamydospores were extracted and mass produced at Plant Health Products Pvt Ltd., Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa and stored at the University 97 of KwaZulu-Natal’s Plant Pathology Division. About 500 seeds of each sorghum genotype were surface sterilized using 70% ethanol and soaked in 1% sodium hypochlorite solution, in 2 different steps, for 30 min for both the FOS-treated and untreated seeds. The seeds were dried under a laminar airflow hood and coated with FOS using the procedure described by Elzein et al. (2006), which involved film coating of each seed with a mixture of 40% Arabic gum and fresh spores of FOS and drying under a laminar airflow hood. Experimental locations One-hundred sorghum hybrids and two standard check cultivars (‘Macia’, widely grown in Tanzania and ‘AS436’ introduced from ICRISAT-India were included as susceptible and resistant checks, respectively) were evaluated at three locations, viz., Igunga, Misungwi and Kishapu from Tabora, Mwanza and Shinyanga regions, respectively (Table 2). Igunga district is found in the western part of Tanzania. During the growing season, the area received a unimodal rainfall, with a mean of 134 mm. It has a long dry season of about 5–6 months and temperatures ranging from 17.50°C to 29°C. The site is characterized by sandy to loamy soils. The Kishapu and Misungwi districts are in the lake zone. The areas are characterized by the presence of undulating plains with rocky hills and low scarps. The districts have well-drained soils with low fertility and a growing season running from December to March. The two sites experience temperatures ranging from a mean of 19–28°C. Field evaluations were conducted during the main cropping season of December 2015 to April 2016 with and without FOS application. Table 1. List and descriptions of parental sorghum genotypes used in crosses. Entrya Name Sourceb 1 4567 Magu/Tanzania 2 675 Attributes High yielding, medium maturing and FOS compatible Early maturing and FOS compatible Entrya Name Sourceb 11 AS436 ICRISAT/India Attributes Early maturing, medium yielding and Striga resistant Medium maturing and yielding, and Striga tolerant Medium maturing and Striga resistant Tarime/ 12 AS426 ACCI/South Africa Tanzania 3 1563 Bukoba/ FOS compatible, early maturing and 13 672 Musoma Rural/ Tanzania high yielding Tanzania 4 AS435 ACCI/South High yielding and late maturing 14 3993 Serengeti/Tanzania Early maturing and Striga tolerant Africa 5 4643 Misungwi/ FOS compatible and early maturing 15 AS430 ACCI/South Africa Early maturing and Striga tolerant Tanzania 6 104 Kishapu/ Striga susceptible, early maturing and 16 AS429 ACCI Early maturing, Striga resistant and Tanzania high yielding medium yielding 7 4031 Ukerewe/ Early maturing and high yielding 17 3937 Serengeti/Tanzania Striga resistant and medium maturing Tanzania 8 3424 Igunga/ FOS compatible and medium maturity 18 630 Serengeti/Tanzania Striga resistant and medium maturing Tanzania 9 AS422 ACCI/South High yielding and early maturing 19 654 Bunda/Tanzania Striga resistant and medium maturing Africa 10 3984 Musoma/ FOS compatible, high yielding and late 20 AS424 SARC/Ethiopia Early maturing and Striga tolerant Tanzania maturing a Entries 1–10 were used as female parents and 11–20 as male parents. b ACCI, African Centre for Crop Improvement; ICRISAT, International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-arid Tropics/India; and SARC, Sirinka Agricultural Research Centre in Ethiopia. 98 E. MREMA ET AL. Table 2. Descriptions of the three locations used for evaluation of crosses and standard checks. Location Region Mbutu Tabora Mwanangwa Mwanza Isoso Shinyanga a Min: minimum temperature. b Max: maximum temperature. Latitude (°South) Longitude (°East) Altitude (m) Rainfall (mm) Temp (Mina, °C) Temp (Maxb, °C) 4.23 2.96 3.62 33.91 33.16 33.84 1060 1176 1126 134 235 234 17.50 19.33 19.33 29 28 28 The study locations represented the semi-arid areas of Tanzania and were known for sorghum production and infestation by both S. hermonthica and S. asiatica. Experimental design and trial establishment The crosses were field evaluated using a 10 × 10 alpha lattice experimental design with two replications at each location, using three-row plots. Two sets of plots were used in each treatment; one plot was planted with sorghum seeds treated with 75 mg of Fusarium chlamydospores, whereas the other plot was planted with each genotype without Fusarium treatment. Each plot was 2.7 m × 2.7 m. Each replication consisted of the 100 hybrids randomly allocated across 10 incomplete blocks, each with 10 genotypes. One resistant and one susceptible checks were included in each replication as comparative control. The FOS treatments were: (1) seeds inoculated with FOS and (2) seeds without FOS inoculation. Before planting, to ensure even distribution of Striga population, artificial Striga infestation was done according to Berner et al. (1997); wherein a scoop of 1:99 ratio of Striga seed and sand mixture was used. This ensured delivery of about 5000 viable Striga seeds per study site. This was done after preconditioning the seeds by drenching the mixture in water and incubating it for a week at room temperature. Sorghum genotypes were planted using an inter-row spacing of 90 cm and an intra-row spacing of 30 cm. Two seeds per hill were sown and, two weeks after planting, plots were thinned to keep one seedling per hill, which gave a plant density of 37,037 ha−1. Three weeks after planting, 60 kg ha−1 of NPK (20-10-5) fertilizer was applied. The crops were raised under rain-fed conditions. Weeds other than Striga were removed manually immediately upon emergence. To control stem borer, Attakan C344SE, a systemic insecticide (C22H19Cl2NO3), was mixed with water in a ratio of 15 ml of Attakan C344SE to 20 l of water and foliar-sprayed on the crop at a rate of 1 l per 50 m2. During seed-set and grain-filling stages, fungal diseases were controlled through two scheduled applications of hexaconazole 5 EC, a systemic fungicide, at a rate of 30 ml per 20 liters of water. Bird scares were implanted in the middle and corner sections of each field to prevent possible bird damage. Data collection and analysis Data on sorghum and Striga parameters were collected. Twenty sorghum plants from the middle rows in each plot were tagged for data collection. The parameters measured included days to 50% flowering (expressed in days [d]), plant height (expressed in cm) measured at 50% flowering, seed yield (g/plant) and weight of 100 seeds (g/100 seed). When sorghum plants attained 50% flowering, a quadrant of 13.77 m2 was placed around sampled plants and the numbers of Striga plants in the quadrant were recorded. The data were analyzed using the procedure for an alpha lattice design in SAS (SAS 2011). Combined analysis of variance (ANOVA) across the three sites was performed for the two FOS treatments, after conducting tests for normality of the data and homogeneity of variances. Independent samples t-test was conducted to assess the significant differences among sorghum genotypes for agronomic performance and Striga number attributable to FOS treatments. Genotypes were considered a fixed factor, whereas locations, replications and incomplete blocks were treated as random factors. General combining ability effects of females and males, the SCA effects of crosses, and their interactions with the locations were computed according to the NCD II using the following model: Yijk = m + gi + gj + Sij + ek + (ge)ik + (ge)jk + (se)ijk + eijk, where Yijk is the performance of the cross between the ith male and jth female, in the kth location, μ is the mean; gi is the GCA effect of the ith male parent; gj is the GCA effect of the jth female parent; Sij is the interaction of the ith male parent with the jth female parent; ek is the effect of the kth location; (ge)ik is the interaction of the gi and ek; (ge)jk is the interaction of the gj and ek; (se)ijk is the interaction between sij and ek; and ēijk is the residual. Significance of male × female interaction effects (SCA) was determined against the residual mean square. The ratio between the sum of squares of GCA of parents and SCA of crosses was also calculated according to Singh and Chaudhary (1979). The GCA effects of parents were computed as a deviation of the parent ACTA AGRICULTURAE SCANDINAVICA, SECTION B — SOIL & PLANT SCIENCE mean from the mean of all hybrids (Singh and Chaudhary 1979). The SCA effects were computed as a deviation of each cross mean from the mean of all crosses, adjusted for corresponding GCA effects (Singh and Chaudhary 1979). Expected mean square (EMS) values for males (EMSm), females (EMSf) and the interaction between males and females (EMSfm) were computed using the following equations: EMSm = s2e + r s2fm + rf s2m , EMSf = s2e + r s2fm + rms2f , and EMSfm = s2e + r s2fm ; where r is the number of replications; f is the number of females used and m the number of males used. Assuming the coefficient of inbreeding (F ) = 0, error variance (σw 2) = total variance (δ 2P) – covariance of full sibs (CovFS) = ½ δ 2A+ ¾ δ 2D + δ 2EW; female and male variance σ 2FM = covFS – covariance of half sibs (covHS) = ¼ δ 2D; male variance σ 2m = female variance σ 2F = Cov(HS) = ¼ δ 2A; total variance (δ 2P) = σ 2W + σ 2FM + [(σ 2F + σ 2M)/2]; male additive variance (δ 2AM) = 4σ 2M; female additive variance (δ 2AF) = 4σ 2F; dominance variance (δ 2D) = 4σ 2FM, environmental variance (δ 2EW) = σ 2w – (½δ 2A + ¾ δ 2D); heritability h 2 = 2(σ 2F + σ 2M)/σ 2P = δ 2A/δ 2P; heritability from male (h2M) = 4σ 2M/σ 2P = δ 2AM/δ 2P; and heritability from female (h2F) = 4σ 2F/σ 2P = δ 2AF/δ 2P (Singh and Chaudhary 1979). 99 sorghum crosses: 4031 × AS424, 675 × AS430, 675 × 3937 and 4567 × 654 flowered 8 days earlier than the untreated control. The FOS-treated sorghum crosses had variable plant height, ranging from 82.70 to 222.5 cm, with a mean of 140.50 cm. The crosses that gained in plant height because of FOS application were 3984 × AS430, 104 × 3993 and 3984 × AS424, measuring 158.5, 152.7 and 178.8 cm, respectively. Variation in seed yield and hundred-seed weight was observed among F1 families, with and without FOS. Mean grain yield plant−1 of 99.33, 99.73 and 154.8 g plant−1 was achieved in these FOStreated crosses: 4643 × AS436, 675 × 672 and 3424 × 630, respectively. The yield response of these crosses was markedly higher than the Striga-resistant check, AS436, which yielded 52.17 g plant−1. The mean hundred-seed weight of 98 crosses increased from 0.09 to 1.44 g following FOS treatment. Treating sorghum seeds with FOS significantly reduced the number of Striga per plant in the tested population. A mean reduction of 13 Striga plants per sorghum plant was recorded following FOS treatment. The number of Striga plants was reduced in 99 sorghum crosses (Table 4). Only 1–2 Striga per plant were found in the following crosses: 3424 × AS430, 1563 × 3937, 104 × 630, 3984 × 630, 3984 × AS426 and AS435 × AS436. The resistant check, AS436, had a mean of 4 Striga plants, as a result of seed treatment with FOS. General combining ability effects of females Results Combined analysis of variance The analysis of variance across locations showed highly significant (P < .01) differences among the crosses for both sorghum and Striga parameters (Table 3). Mean squares were highly significant for females, males and female × male interaction effects with and without FOS application. Genotypes had significant interactions with locations for grain yield, hundred-seed weight and Striga count. Response of crosses and checks to Fusarium application The mean values of the 100 crosses and 2 standard checks for days to flowering, plant height, seed yield, hundredseed weight and the number of Striga plants with and without FOS application across 3 locations are presented in Table 4. Sorghum plots treated with FOS flowered significantly earlier than those that represented the untreated control. The FOS treatment hastened flowering by 1–9 days, with a mean of 4 days. The following FOS-treated The GCA effects of 10 female parents for sorghum and Striga parameters are summarized in Table 5. The genotype 3984 had a relatively low GCA value for days to 50% flowering, with and without FOS. Significant positive GCA values for plant height was displayed by the genotype 3984 under FOS application. Only two female genotypes AS435 and 4567 had significant GCA effects for grain yield per plant and hundred-seed weight, with FOS treatment. Genotypes 3424 and 3984 displayed significant negative and positive GCA effects for Striga count, in that order. General combining ability effects of males The GCA effects of male parents for days to flowering, plant height, seed yield, hundred-seed weight and Striga counts, with and without FOS application, are presented in Table 6. Significant, positive and negative GCA effects were observed for some of the evaluated genotypes, with and without inoculation. Genotype 3937 had low GCA value for days to flowering under FOS treatment. The genotypes 3993 had significantly large positive GCA effects for plant height. All tested male 100 E. MREMA ET AL. Table 3. Mean squares and significance tests for seed yield per plant, days to flowering, plant height at 50% flowering, hundred-seed weight and number of Striga plants of 100 sorghum hybrids derived from 10 × 10 North Carolina Design II and evaluated with (+) and without (−) F. oxysporum application in three locations in Tanzania. Sorghum parametersb SYP (g) Sourcea DF + DFL (d) − + HFL (cm) − + HSW (g) − + NS* − + − Loc 2 1729.13** 2454.07** 116,933.92** 38,545.10** 2027.53** 1019.46** 14.60** 21.35** 35,290.51** 84,653.56** Rep (Loc) 3 5.83** 26.56** 221.59* 309.07** 262.72** 164.13** 1.77** 1.27** 2.43 17.71 9 149.35** 165.72** 4958.92** 2234.51** 1181.62** 970.91* 2.78** 1.89** 935.04** 884.45** GCAF 9 102.76** 114.16** 3361.30* 612.11** 525.66** 556.76** 2.12** 1.95** 2477.42** 3192.39** GCAM SCA 81 104.54** 107.33** 2271.78** 1184.85** 786.44** 747.08 2.86** 1.78** 567.63** 1254.55** 18 33.52** 29.49** 8565.46** 2960.94** 402.89** 297.40** 1.05** 1.01** 1171.08** 1419.31** GCAF × Loc 18 37.33** 28.33** 1826.00** 1264.30** 538.78** 481.26** 1.92** 1.64** 2309.97** 3066.36** GCAM×Loc SCA×Loc 162 36.93** 42.68** 2119.17** 1268.31*** 307.22** 239.38** 1.56** 1.16** 564.12** 1233.46** Error 297 1.31 1.84 53.46 31.31 15.14 4.75 0.02 0.06 9.95 27.22 −0.09 0.34 54.48 −28.64 −13.04 −9.52 −0.04 0.09 95.49 96.89 EMSGCAM 2.24 2.92 134.36 52.48 19.76 11.19 −0.004 0.08 18.37 −18.51 EMSGCAF 51.62 52.75 1109.16 576.77 385.65 371.17 1.42 0.09 278.84 613.67 EMSSCA 12.52 13.3 17.24 16.54 13.45 11.77 9.06 9.48 10.97 5.76 SSGCAF % 8.61 9.16 11.68 4.53 5.98 6.75 6.93 9.82 29.07 20.77 SSGCAM % SSSCA % 78.87 77.54 71.08 78.93 80.57 81.49 84.01 80.69 59.95 73.47 a Loc, location; Rep (Loc), replications within locations; GCAF, general combining ability for females; GCAM, general combining ability for males; SCA, specific combining ability; GCAF×Loc, general combining ability for females × locations interaction; GCAM×Loc, general combining ability for males × locations interaction; SCA×Loc, specific combining ability × locations interaction; EMSGCAM, expected mean square for males; EMSGCAF, expected mean square for females; EMSSCA, expected mean square for males × females; SSGCAF %, percentage sum of squares for general combining ability for females; SSGCAM %, percentage sum of squares for general combining ability for males; SSSCA, %, percentage sum of squares for specific combining ability. b SYP, seed yield per plant; DFL, days to flowering; HFL, plant height at 50% flowering; HSW, hundred-seed weight; and NS number of Striga plants. *, ** Significant at the 0.05 and 0.01 probability level, respectively. Table 4. Mean comparison of seed yield per plant, days to flowering, plant height at 50% flowering, hundred-seed weight and number of Striga plants under artificial Striga infestation with (+) and without (−) F. oxysporum application among sorghum hybrids evaluated at three locations in Tanzania. SYPa (g) Genotypes HFLc (cm) HSWd (g) NSe (plant station) + − t-Value + − t-Value + − t-Value + − t-Value + − t-Value 33.04 23.55 31.68 52.17 21.18 24.63 36.95 33.14 21.36 30.27 21.5 19.86 24.25 41.94 21.93 28.68 34.38 26 27.06 22.41 25.45 32.51 80.58 33.14 22.92 154.8 25.41 36.75 31.94 35.11 22.3 31.05 17.73 22.52 28.69 31.27 23.86 38.68 25.92 23.26 46.91 20.44 37.13 30.3 27.14 49.29 25.71 16.15 27.12 43.61 16.91 21.87 25.97 25.55 17.15 24.22 17.93 15.32 16.05 41.43 14.59 22.87 26.34 17.13 19.91 15.97 18.21 26.23 62.82 28.24 16.23 52.24 19.2 31.59 28.82 28.37 18.68 25.52 13.2 16 20.66 26.83 17.55 31.59 20.73 19.51 39.27 14.32 28.21 21.55 20.87 41.65 1.24 1.72 1.96 0.32 1.95 1.11 4.23*** 1.29 1.59 2.81* 1.31 1.27 4.60*** 0.16 3.19* 2.54* 0.5 3.18* 3.04* 4.85*** 2.9** 1.57 0.77 1.56 1.67 0.62 3.85*** 0.86 1.87 1.87 1.43 1.77 3.43** 5.21*** 1.01 3.21** 1.29 1.44 0.75 2.41* 6.90* 2.82* 2.05 1.68 1.19 0.48 65.67 68.67 62.33 65.51 64 68.67 61.33 66.67 69.83 66.5 55.33 63.83 68 63 65.67 69.67 65.83 69.5 66 66.5 65.86 61.33 60.83 73.41 70.5 70 75 70 66.67 69 57.71 59.33 62.67 65.83 62.83 65.17 63.33 59.17 59.17 59 65.5 62.67 64.5 64.83 68.83 65.17 68.5 71.5 66 67.23 68.33 71.67 64.5 70.5 72.83 70.83 62.33 68.33 87.07 66.33 68.5 74.33 72.17 73.33 70.67 70.33 67.66 64.67 63.83 75.12 74.17 71.67 77 72.5 68.67 71.83 64.14 64.33 67.17 68.67 68 68 66.67 61.5 60.5 63.5 67.5 66.5 71.83 69.67 72.5 69.17 −1.16 −1.11 −1.44 −0.39 −0.94 −1.17 −0.68 −1.41 −1.49 −1.57 −2.62* −2.37* −0.66 −0.76 −0.38 −1.87 −1.32 −3.66*** −4.43*** −6.38*** −0.35 −4.47** −1.03 −2.23 −1.16 −0.92 −2.24* −2.61* −0.29 −0.69 −1.71 −0.98 −0.94 −1.69 −0.91 −2.18 −0.51 −0.97 −0.48 −3.43** −2.83 −3.46** −3.79** −2.48* −1.12 −1.91 153.8 152.7 119.83 167.17 140.8 153.5 158.5 107 149.3 125.67 136.8 118.5 135.33 124.33 109.83 127.7 130.83 140.3 100.33 149.5 125.62 163.5 133 161.67 129.8 154.8 131.5 113.17 152.5 165.3 130.86 129.83 147.2 171 167.5 132.67 154.5 178.8 177.7 137.8 222.5 158.5 153.7 135.2 110 135.7 111.3 16.15 72.17 127.5 67.3 86.8 51.3 71.83 83 67.5 74.2 59.33 55.17 57 41.17 83.7 85.58 65.5 64 62.8 89.12 91.3 76.8 100 80 102 71.2 62.5 56.7 60 67.86 64.17 68 86.7 74.5 53.83 70.3 57.3 63.8 74.5 52 78.5 102.3 76 65.17 92.3 1.31 6.00*** 6.79*** 1.56 5.57*** 2.61* 3.77** 4.13** 4.91*** 2.11 2.73* 2.23 4.15** 5.10*** 4.17** 1.81 2.38 4.00* 5.57*** 5.35*** 1.87** 5.85*** 2.93* 2.34* 2.44* 2.33* 5.02*** 3.68* 2.85* 3.94*** 2.96* 4.73*** 4.26** 3.52** 4.79*** 5.05*** 4.90*** 8.80*** 6.70*** 3.41* 9.50*** 3.44** 1.91 2.58* 4.69** 1.18 2.02 1.6 1.8 3.07 1.88 1.25 2.27 4.23 1.63 1.68 1.12 1.6 1.73 3.17 1.58 1.95 1.8 1.9 1.8 1.48 1.56 1.97 2.88 1.81 2 2.97 1.95 2.33 1.62 3.78 2.7 1.65 1.2 2.42 2.07 2.53 1.48 2.15 2.88 1.7 2.75 1.73 4.77 1.18 2.78 2.18 1.15 0.92 1.22 2.52 1.13 0.9 1.45 3.23 1.1 1.23 0.31 1.32 1.1 2.43 1.05 1.37 1.12 1.4 1.13 1.1 1.03 1.55 1.82 1.52 1.33 2.35 1.18 2.03 1.32 2.97 1.66 1.2 0.77 1.45 1.67 1.68 0.83 1.45 2.5 1.18 2.15 1.25 3.57 0.72 2.23 1.7 2.87* 2.74* 5.75*** 6.21** 4.65*** 4.87*** 5.39*** 0.54 4.91*** 2.72* 3.64** 0.77 6.40*** 6.15*** 3.53** 1.75 1.85 2.02 2.1 1.42 3.52** 1.81 3.28* 1.75 4.74*** 1.18 13.06*** 0.81 2.83* 0.49 3.37* 1.35 3.45** 8.78*** 1.78 6.10*** 3.42** 2.69* 1.35 5.10*** 8.49* 1.66 0.62 4.06*** 1.53 4.36*** 9.17 22.67 1.67 4.17 25.83 22.33 13 46.17 5.67 21 9.33 1.67 25.83 12 7.33 13 5.83 27 19.83 25.83 6.59 24 63.67 8.33 2.17 59.83 15.5 17.67 15.5 27.67 9.14 6.17 11.83 12.33 2.33 9.5 16 9.67 1.23 5.67 7 7.17 13.33 15.5 11.33 18.17 16 29.67 9.83 6.83 53.83 28 27.33 50.17 20.67 33.17 40.33 22.67 38.33 21.5 18.5 38.33 11.67 43.5 22.67 43.17 17.43 41.33 76 59.67 13.33 71.17 24 37.5 24.33 40.67 37 12.83 19.33 21.83 8.67 64 23.83 18.5 8.83 15 43.5 12.67 16.83 22.5 23.5 21 −1.13 −0.45 −0.59 −5.06 −1.61 −0.3 −1.94 −0.13*** −1.98 −0.84 −2.09 −1.24 −0.91 −4.41*** −2.95* −1.27 −1.78 −0.79 −0.23 −0.83 −1.75 −0.87 −0.22 −2.05 −0.69 −0.22 −0.99 −0.99 −0.94 −0.6 −2.14 −2.18 −1.69 −2.09 −2.24* −1.7 −0.53 −1.61 −2.95* −5.35** −20.25** −1.91 −0.68 −0.86 −1.39 −0.52 101 (Continued ) ACTA AGRICULTURAE SCANDINAVICA, SECTION B — SOIL & PLANT SCIENCE 104*3937 104*3993 104*630 AS436 104*654 104*672 104*AS 430 104*AS424 104*AS426 104*AS429 104*AS436 1563*3937 1563*3993 1563*630 1563*654 1563*672 1563*AS426 1563*AS429 1563*AS430 1563*AS436 1563*AS424 3424*3937 3424*3993 Macia (104) 3424*AS430 3424*630 3424*654 3424*672 3424*AS424 3424*AS426 3424*AS429 3424*AS436 3984*3937 3984*3993 3984*630 3984*654 3984*672 3984*AS424 3984*AS426 3984*AS429 3984*AS436 3984*AS430 4031*3937 4031*3993 4031*630 4031*654 DFLb (d) SYPa (g) Genotypes HFLc (cm) HSWd (g) + − t-Value + − t-Value + − t-Value 28.65 20.73 54.68 30.17 27.66 34.94 22.66 38.64 40.43 28.94 32.29 34.27 23.28 28.16 23.32 52.62 35.83 99.33 28.92 30.18 30.47 29.28 31.35 19.2 16.11 24.1 24.03 22.38 32.92 24.9 50.2 99.73 29.11 24.32 29.99 41.3 19.88 24.5 27.77 23.08 27.62 21.11 29.13 42.61 24.77 30.28 82.56 21.02 23.58 20.6 17.03 17.1 57.92 20.66 19.53 30.1 15.83 29.49 33.02 20.02 24.28 31.24 18.7 24.17 17.7 58.08 29.68 29.8 20.46 27.52 21.02 26.14 22.66 13.73 11.74 20 21.82 17.71 25.65 21.33 43.38 89.56 25.31 15.59 24.1 29.04 13.99 20 21 14.35 23.41 18.34 23.54 37.13 20.14 23.58 79.42 18.11 17.61 15.08 8.50*** 1.66 −0.24 2.44* 2.79* 0.68 3.77** 1.04 2.81* 1.88 1.2 0.33 4.41*** 1.88 1.26 −0.23 0.81 6.81*** 3.67** 0.75 1.8 0.98 1.64 1.98 3.09* 0.7 1.64 1.35 1.18 0.62 0.31 5.48*** 1.03 2.94* 1.03 2.25* 4.36*** 4.92*** 1.83 4.45*** 0.63 0.7 29.13 0.53 0.86 3.95** 0.53 1.65 0.96 3.31** 66.5 69.83 58.67 71.33 64 65.83 61.33 66.83 61.17 62.5 70.33 62.33 63.83 68.17 56.83 61.67 64.67 70 64.17 66.33 65 71.83 65.33 65.5 59.67 62.67 64.33 62.5 68.33 68.17 61.17 62.33 71.5 70 66.83 60.17 59.67 54.67 67.5 60.5 67.17 56 66 67.67 67.67 63.17 65 64.17 71 68.17 72 79.17 60.17 74.83 68.83 70.67 66.17 69.83 65.33 66.33 73.5 69.5 69 73.67 60.33 65 69 74.17 65.5 72 67 74.67 68.33 67.5 68.17 67.83 72.17 64.17 71.67 71.33 65.17 67.67 74 74.83 72 67.83 66.67 57.67 71 64.33 73.33 57.67 67.83 72.5 71.17 66.67 69.17 66.83 74.5 71.67 −4.37*** −2.24* −0.41 −1.39 −4.62*** −1.83 −1.64 −0.92 −3.22* −1.35 −0.83 −1.77 −1.23 −2.54* −0.63 −1.24 −1.82 −1.97 −0.81 −4.03** −2.45* −1.01 −1.9 −2.83* −2.33* −1.93 −6.31*** −0.91 −1.03 −1.1 −5.93*** −3.53** −3.73** −1.89 −3.97** −3.22** −1.5 −2.52* −1.07 −1.29 −8.97*** −0.98 −2.31* −1.31 −1.32 −1.45 −5.00*** −2.45* −2.44* −1.06 148.8 147 141.2 144.2 148.5 132.83 142.2 162.3 142 181.2 141 141.8 112.33 132.83 154.7 129.5 168.2 99.33 110 82.7 157 120.17 133.67 122 139.2 148.5 139.3 148.8 135.7 140.2 129 160.2 134.3 141 172.8 167.5 144 132.5 137.2 151.2 111.2 183.7 115.5 131 111.67 121.67 128.8 166.8 129.3 149.5 74 94.7 98.3 59.7 92.5 62 65.8 78.3 73.8 66.5 68.3 85.5 61.67 57.67 111 79 74.5 69 67.83 65 59.5 72.33 61 80.3 73.8 63 81.2 56 73.7 112.2 81.5 67.2 82 78.8 76.5 70.3 109.3 66.17 81.2 72.8 92.5 85.8 66.83 86.8 75.17 70.33 98.3 89.2 87 62.3 5.10*** 2.36* 1.74 5.24** 1.95 3.66* 3.26* 3.53** 2.57* 8.50*** 2.50* 1.91 5.10*** 4.77*** 1.75 1.72 5.2*** 7.86*** 3.82* 15.57*** 4.36* 6.26*** 2.72* 2.11 2.93* 4.64** 6.56*** 6.01*** 5.01*** 0.97 2.71* 8.98*** 6.87*** 6.45*** 10.77*** 10.33*** 1.23 3.25* 2.92* 4.09** 1.17 4.27** 2.09 2.74* 1.54 4.6** 1.19 4.83*** 2.11 6.93*** + 4.2 1.52 2.28 1.62 1.52 2.07 1.77 1.73 4.81 1.95 2.43 2.8 1.65 1.55 1.75 1.85 2.367 2.43 1.62 2.35 2.48 2.4 2.02 2.85 1.35 1.57 1.67 1.88 1.47 1.25 2.12 2.4 1.55 1.63 2.42 2.12 2.88 2.25 2.32 1.677 2.6 1.9 1.73 2.67 2.22 1.98 2.23 1.67 1.82 1.45 − 2.95 1.15 1.83 1.05 1.32 1.13 1.3 1.32 3.37 1.03 1.06 1.92 1.22 1.12 1.4 1.93 1.783 2.05 1.28 1.733 2.03 1.63 1.7 2.3 1 1.27 1.72 1.28 1.17 0.75 1.7 1.47 1.23 2.02 1.7 1.45 1.55 1.22 1.73 1 2 1.78 1.43 1.52 1.65 1.37 2.02 1.15 1.38 1.12 NSe (plant station) t-Value + − t-Value 0.76 3.02* 2.37* 2.98* 0.95 2.97* 3.98** 2.43* 1.08 3.78* 7.77*** 2.98* 5.54*** 2.42* 1.24 −0.2 4.19** 0.87 4.61*** 1.39 2.79* 5.28*** 0.75 2.31 3.22** 1.06 1.07** 2.86* 2.01 1.92 0.88 5.67*** 1.02 −0.38 5.03*** 2.34 7.02*** 5.44*** 3.93** 2.25* 1.02 2.15 1.08 2.29* 2.07 4.87*** 0.82 3.19* 1.13 2.43* 7.5 22.17 29.67 8.83 14.33 31.33 17.83 4.17 17 10.5 10 19.83 6.5 24.67 24.17 5.17 17.33 8.5 6.67 8.17 20.5 11.17 9 20 4 11.5 15 24.67 14.17 7.67 9.67 7.83 3.67 23 11.67 24.5 3.83 13.5 55.5 7.5 7.83 6.167 7.17 24.67 14 10.17 13.5 20 9.17 25.67 15.83 26.67 40 16 26.5 38.67 45.83 17.17 64.83 20 25.67 25.17 14 35.83 45.83 14.17 37 36.67 26.17 17 34.5 23.33 17.5 31.67 8.5 32.17 32.5 34 42.83 14.5 14.33 19.33 37.67 46.17 18.17 40.67 10.67 20.17 62.67 11.33 16.83 9.17 17.5 34.17 50.83 26.67 19.33 38 12.5 41.67 −1.95 −0.32 −0.43 −1.18 −2.63* −0.34 −1.55 −3.17* −1.42 −1.82 −1.37 −0.48 −3.38** −0.67 −0.87 −4.71** −1.36 −1.68 −2.34 −2.34* −0.81 −3.74** −1.57 −0.62 −5.58*** −1.27 −1.26 −0.71 −1.73 −2.42* −1.57 −4.86*** −1.95 −1.36 −2.15 −0.81 −4.29** −1.13 −0.15 −2.25* −1.8 −1.82 −2.23 −0.52 −1.36 −1.36 −0.65 −1.07 −0.95 −0.86 E. MREMA ET AL. 4031*672 4031*AS424 4031*AS426 4031*AS429 4031*AS430 4031*AS436 4567*AS424 4567 *AS430 4567*3937 4567*3993 4567*630 4567*654 4567*672 4567*AS429 4567*AS436 4567*AS426 4643*AS429 4643*AS436 4643*3937 4643*AS426 4643*630 4643*654 4643*672 4643*AS424 4643*AS430 4643*3993 675*3937 675*3993 675*AS429 675*630 675*654 675*672 675*AS436 675*AS424 675*AS426 675*AS430 AS422 * 654 AS422*3937 AS422*3993 AS422*630 AS422*672 AS422*AS424 AS422*AS429 AS422*AS430 AS422*AS436 AS435*3937 AS435*3993 AS435*654 AS435*672 AS435*AS424 DFLb (d) 102 Table 4. Continued. 103 parents showed significant positive and negative GCA effects for seed yield. Notably, genotypes 3933, 672 and AS426 had significantly large, positive GCA values for grain yield, with and without FOS application. Genotypes 672, 3937, AS436 and AS426 displayed large negative GCA effects for Striga count. This was contrary to genotype 3993 with significant positive GCA. 14.33 16.67 31.17 4.17 2 24.62 15.10 24.69 17.14 *** 63.67 1.23 46.17 31.83 42.5 7.5 9.33 42.14 28.82 22.92 24.15 *** 76 6.83 −1.82 −1.16 −0.44 −3.7** −2.59* −0.85 ACTA AGRICULTURAE SCANDINAVICA, SECTION B — SOIL & PLANT SCIENCE AS435*AS426 30.16 21.98 1.39 65 68.33 −6.74*** 156.8 AS435*AS429 22.02 17.73 1.44 65.17 67.33 −2.32* 134.8 AS435*AS430 25.04 19.63 3.17* 66.17 68.67 −1.4 105.67 AS435*630 17.03 12.13 4.81** 68.33 74 −1.39 112 AS435*AS436 23.46 16.56 1.96 64.33 70.67 −2.41* 135.8 AS422*AS424 21.67 17.05 3.21** 68.27 72.54 −1.03 143.54 Cross mean 32.69 25.12 65.08 69.16 140.50 CV (%) 12.78 8.89 1.76 1.97 5.23 LSD (0.05) 23.31 20.22 9.23 10.097 76.88 F-Test *** *** *** *** *** Maximum 154.80 89.56 75.00 87.07 220.50 Minimum 16.11 11.74 54.67 57.67 82.70 Note: Bolded values indicate the checks, high yielding and Striga resistant families with FOS application. a SYP, seed yield per plant. b DFL, days to flowering. c HFL, plant height at 50% flowering. d HSW, hundred-seed weight. e NS, number of Striga plants. *, **, *** Significant at the 0.05, 0.01 and 0.001 probability level, respectively. 85.3 69 71.17 77.33 87.5 71.42 74.90 7.5 54.01 *** 127.5 16.15 3.24** 3.65* 6.28*** 1.22 4.28** 6.54** 2.267 1.78 1.83 1.55 2 1.24 2.10 7.23 1.63 *** 4.81 1.22 1.48 1.05 1.45 1.12 1.52 1.15 1.52 16.15 1.52 *** 3.57 0.31 3.14* 3.11* 1.58 5.87*** 1.48 2.34* Specific combining ability effects Estimates of the SCA effects of the 100 sorghum crosses averaged across three test locations for days to flowering, plant height, seed yield, hundred-seed weight and the number of Striga plants are presented in Table 7. Sorghum crosses had negative and positive SCA effects for the tested parameters under FOS treatment. Treatment of sorghum seeds with FOS contributed to significantly low negative SCA values for days to flowering in 3424 × AS429 and 104 × AS436. Families of crosses 104 × AS424 and 4567 × 3937 had significant and relatively large SCA values for hundred-seed weight when treated with FOS. Relatively large, positive SCA values were recorded for grain yield in the following crosses: AS435 × 3993, 675 × 672 and 4643 × AS436 when treated with FOS. The newly developed sorghum crosses had relatively low SCA values for the number of Striga plants. This was recorded in the families of 4567 × AS429, 3424 × AS436 and 3424 × AS430, following FOS application. Estimates of genetic variance components Estimates of genetic variance components and contribution of sorghum genotypes and their interaction to total variance with and without FOS are presented in Table 8. Significant differences in variances between treatments with and without FOS were observed for days to flowering, plant height at flowering, grain yield per plant, hundred-seed weight and number of Striga per plant with and without FOS application. Discussion Combined analysis of variance Expression of heterosis and transgressive segregation following hybridization depends on the levels of recombination of the loci that control traits of interest (Acquaah 2009). Superior parents harboring multiple additive-effect genes for economic traits could be useful for trait advancement through recurrent selection cycles. In this study, significant differences for the recorded traits were observed among tested families (Table 3). This could imply the existence of substantial genetic variability 104 E. MREMA ET AL. Table 5. Estimates of the general combining ability effects of 10 sorghum genotypes used as female parents for days to flowering, plant height at flowering, seed yield per plant, hundred-seed weight and number of Striga with (+) and without (−) F. oxysporum dressing in three locations. SYPa (g) DFLb (d) HFLc (cm) HSWd (g) NSe Female + − + − + − + − + − 104 1563 3424 3984 4031 4567 4643 675 AS422 AS435 −3.36*** −3.90*** 2.31** −3.17*** 2.97*** 1.38 3.38*** 6.79*** −4.88*** −1.52 −3.04** −4.12*** 6.07*** −2.93** 2.56* 2.35* −2.62* 6.45*** −4.00*** −0.72 −0.09 1.39 1.05 −2.46 0.96 −1.50 0.53 0.54 −1.48 1.06 −0.42 2.76*** 0.17 −3.31*** 1.75 −1.25 0.30*** 0.97* −1.64 0.67* −0.23 −13.79*** 0.41 24.80*** −0.31 3.97 −11.94*** 6.86 −3.87 −5.90* −3.97* −7.79** −0.87 −6.18*** 7.57*** 0.63 −5.50*** 3.82* 6.67*** 5.62*** −0.14*** −0.25*** 0.29*** 0.00*** 0.32*** 0.14*** 0.05*** −0.24*** 0.06*** −0.23*** −0.25 −0.20 0.23*** −0.02 0.25 0.05 0.16 −0.06 −0.01 −0.15 2.40 −0.77 8.85*** −7.01** 1.93 −1.30 −3.60 −1.10 1.20 −0.60 2.17 −0.95 9.09* −5.11 −3.98 2.13 −2.28 1.29 −1.18 −1.18 a SYP, seed yield per plant. DFL, days to flowering. HFL, plant height at 50% flowering. d HSW, hundred-seed weight. e NS, number of Striga plants. *, **, *** Significant at the 0.01 and 0.001 probability level, respectively. b c additive and non-additive gene effects, respectively (Makanda et al. 2009; Konate et al. 2017). Generally, non-additive gene effects contributed more favorable genes towards high values of the studied traits. This suggested the possibilities of using hybridization for sorghum yield improvement and Striga management. contributed by the male and female parents used as well as differential gene interaction within the different crosses generated. This genetic variation is useful for subsequent selection and genetic gains. Significant genotypes × locations interactions were detected for grain yield, hundred-seed weight and Striga count (Table 3). This indicates that the superiority of genotypes could only be assessed from multiple location testing (Abakemal et al. 2016). Also, grain yield and seed weight are complex traits whose expression is greatly conditioned by genotype × environment interaction. This suggests the need for continuous selection of potential sorghum genotypes across several sites to identify stable and location-specific genotypes. The significant values of the GCA mean squares of females and males and the SCA mean squares for females × males interaction indicated the importance of both Response of families and checks to F. oxysporum Improved agronomic performances were observed among the tested sorghum genotypes for plant height, seed yield per plant and hundred-seed weight under Striga infestation with FOS treatment when compared with controls, i.e. Striga infestation without FOS (Table 4). This suggested that FOS significantly reduced the impact of Striga and boosted sorghum productivity. This was accompanied by a reduction in the number of Table 6. Estimates of the general combining ability effects of 10 sorghum genotypes used as male parents for days to flowering, plant height at flowering, seed yield per plant, hundred-seed weight and number of Striga with (+) and without (−) F. oxysporum dressing evaluated in three locations. SYPa (g) DFLb (d) HFLc (cm) HSWd (g) NSe Male + − + − + − + − + − 3937 3993 630 654 672 AS424 AS426 AS429 AS430 AS436 −2.25** 5.60*** −3.82*** −0.72 3.71*** −5.31*** 2.51** −3.09*** −1.22 4.59*** −2.14* 4.17*** 0.64 0.31 3.39*** −4.92*** 5.02*** −2.80** −2.60** −1.07 −2.44 −0.16 0.94 0.43 1.79 −0.07 0.06 0.65 −0.49 −0.71 −2.33 0.81 0.35 0.27 1.88 −0.58 −0.38 0.50 0.05 −0.57 −1.80 7.15** −2.23 −4.79 −5.58* 4.91 4.95 −3.43 0.11 0.71 −2.33 0.81 0.35 0.27 1.88 −0.58 −0.38 0.50 0.05 −0.57 0.30*** −0.12*** 0.13** 0.11*** 0.06*** −0.02*** 0.16*** −0.24 −0.19 −0.19 0.22 −0.18 0.07 −0.04 0.07 0.16 0.24 −0.21 −0.19 −0.14 −3.05 10.29*** −1.58 −1.20 −3.60 4.00 −1.88 −0.12 −0.78 −2.08 −0.08 6.92 −5.91 0.56 −6.36 2.43 −2.78 2.24 −4.18 7.16 a SYP, seed yield per plant. DFL, days to flowering. HFL, plant height at 50% flowering. d HSW, hundred-seed weight. e NS, number of Striga plants. *, **, *** Significant at the 0.05, 0.01 and 0.001 probability level, respectively. b c ACTA AGRICULTURAE SCANDINAVICA, SECTION B — SOIL & PLANT SCIENCE 105 Table 7. Estimates of specific combining ability effects of 100 sorghum hybrids for days to flowering, plant height, seed weight per plant, hundred-seed weight and Striga count with (+) and without (−) F. oxysporum (FOS) evaluated in three locations. SYPa (g) Cross 104*3937 1563*3937 3424*3937 3984*3937 4031*3937 4567*3937 4643*3937 675*3937 AS422*3937 AS435*3937 104*3993 1563*3993 3424*3993 3984*3993 4031*3993 4567*3993 4643*3993 675*3993 AS422*3993 AS435*3993 104*630 1563*630 3424*630 3984*630 4031*630 4567*630 4643*630 675*630 AS422*630 AS435*630 104*654 1563*654 3424*654 3984*654 4031*654 4567*654 4643*654 675*654 AS422*654 AS435*654 104*672 1563*672 3424*672 3984*672 4031*672 4567*672 4643*672 675*672 AS422*672 AS435*672 104*AS424 1563*AS424 3424*AS424 3984*AS424 4031*AS424 4567*AS424 4643*AS424 675*AS424 AS422*AS424 AS435*AS424 104*AS426 1563*AS426 3424*AS426 3984*AS426 4031*AS426 4567*AS426 4643*AS426 675*AS426 DFLb (d) HFLc (cm) HSWd (g) NSe + − + − + − + − + − 7.56 −5.08 1.36 −7.95 5.31 10.22 −3.31 −11.61 0.54 2.96 −9.78 −8.55 41.57 −11.01 −9.37 −9.12 −15.98 −21.11 −4.04 47.38 7.77 18.57 −14.10 4.59 −3.10 3.65 −0.18 −9.16 0.69 −8.72 −5.83 −4.54 −7.27 4.06 15.94 2.53 −4.48 13.03 −5.61 −7.83 −6.82 −2.23 −0.37 −7.79 −9.14 −12.9 −6.85 58.12*** −2.31 −9.71 10.72 3.57 3.85 16.06* −8.03 −4.49 −9.97 −8.26 0.21 −3.66 −8.88 4.67 −0.81 −4.52 18.10* 17.65* −6.81 −10.41 6.00*** −3.32*** −2.60** −6.62*** 2.89** 7.91*** 0.33 −7.38*** 1.25 1.54 −9.88*** −8.90*** 27.68*** −10.14*** −10.08*** −11.41*** −6.45*** −17.81*** −4.07*** 51.06*** 4.62*** 20.00*** 20.63*** −1.95* −7.24*** −3.62*** −1.90*** −10.66*** −7.19*** −12.70*** −5.25*** −6.50*** −12.07*** 4.56*** 13.88*** 3.68*** 3.56*** 11.73*** −7.21*** −6.38*** −3.37*** −1.30 −2.77** −7.80*** −13.82*** −11.94*** −3.00** 54.83*** −0.87 −9.96*** 8.61*** 2.34* 2.77** 14.54*** −5.45*** −6.51*** −3.63*** −10.84*** 2.36* −4.19*** −9.73*** 0.53 −7.62*** −6.26*** 25.43*** 25.80*** 0.22 −12.27*** 3.21 −0.12 −2.27 2.58 0.99 0.11 1.09 1.24 −6.40 −0.44 3.93 1.77 −5.05 3.45 −0.96 −0.84 −2.69 −2.87 4.15 −0.89 −3.51 −4.33 3.02 −0.64 1.94 5.89 −1.46 1.70 −3.95 1.34 −1.33 −1.14 8.54 2.21 −1.21 −1.60 5.89 −4.79 −4.27 −2.31 1.98 1.49 2.17 −1.00 −1.24 −1.46 −1.98 −4.99 1.87 3.16 1.84 −0.45 0.70 −3.29 3.95 −2.1 0.05 4.54 −7.44 2.19 4.86 −0.62 2.89 −3.43 −7.35 −1.9 0.74 1.23 2.13 −1.21 −2.28 3.70 3.28 −0.20 −1.59 4.42 −7.47 −0.78 1.99 14.39** −6.26 2.06 −2.02 −2.34 −2.40 −6.72 2.72 −1.42 −3.05 −5.89 2.04 1.89 1.27 5.28 −2.77 0.90 −3.49 3.87 −0.64 −3.64 7.45 1.93 −1.98 1.37 4.98 −5.18 −1.07 −3.22 1.09 0.57 1.33 −1.02 −0.77 −0.75 −2.97 −4.30 3.97 2.83 2.38 −3.63 −0.03 −3.72 8.87* −1.11 −1.34 5.33 −9.22* 2.47 4.51 0.68 2.93 −4.92 −10.34** −2.49 2.96 2.29 15.81*** −5.93* 24.88*** −15.82*** 15.79*** −0.18 −16.28*** −5.78* −1.85 −10.64*** 5.76* 1.95 −14.58*** −0.97 −11.67*** 30.06*** 13.27*** −5.23* −6.11* −12.47*** −17.73*** 0.34 16.61*** 4.92 −27.48*** −0.75 31.16*** −4.45 17.28*** −19.88*** 5.80* −11.61*** −4.13 −27.36*** 0.78 2.61 −3.12 −13.09*** 12.64*** 37.48*** 19.29*** 7.05* −21.67*** −4.74 14.67*** −26.07*** 11.17*** 18.90*** −19.37*** 0.77 −37.70*** −5.52* 7.16** 9.07** 2.37 −6.70* −10.99*** −10.79*** 42.64*** 10.47*** 4.56 −0.35 19.93*** 7.93** −3.46 −19.43*** −50.33*** 20.97*** 36.11*** −12.04*** 13.02*** −4.97** 15.57*** −5.99*** −5.83*** −1.77 −19.66*** −14.44*** −47.46*** −4.62** 10.09*** 25.30*** 0.85 −1.71 0.92 −15.40*** 6.94*** 25.10*** 0.04 −11.31*** 26.77*** 4.58** −18.50*** −8.43*** −11.10*** 32.29*** −9.97*** −4.39** −5.09** −27.41*** −4.29** −16.35*** 8.36*** 8.51*** 1.47 1.32 26.26*** 7.22*** 16.10*** 16.82*** −11.30*** 1.81 −8.24*** −13.63*** −8.17*** −11.28*** 11.16*** 6.71*** 1.53 22.64*** −16.69*** −10.78*** 12.86*** −9.09*** 11.53*** 0.72 4.8688 −17.58*** 10.18*** 16.58*** −15.92*** −6.81*** 13.94*** 1.58 −6.29*** −4.11** −0.22* −0.55*** −0.71*** −1.19*** 2.06*** 2.28*** −0.82*** −0.48*** −0.20 −0.17 −0.23* −0.01 0.61*** 0.45*** −1.12*** −0.16 −0.46*** 0.15 0.29** 0.49*** −0.27** 1.19*** 0.46*** −0.15 0.24* 0.08 0.21* −0.73*** −0.60*** −0.43*** −0.17 −0.38*** −0.54*** 0.33** −0.34*** 0.46*** 0.15 0.16 0.62*** −0.29** −0.78*** 0.02 −0.13 −0.69*** 1.71*** −0.66*** −0.20* 0.47*** 0.37*** −0.12 2.31*** −0.27** −0.74*** 0.08 −0.87*** −0.43*** 0.73*** −0.20 −0.22* −0.38*** −0.48*** −0.21* 1.24*** 0.63*** −0.29** −0.54*** 0.05 0.41*** 1.15 0.92 1.22* 1.13*** 0.90*** 3.23*** 1.10*** 1.23 1.45** 0.31 1.32 1.10 2.43 1.05 1.37 1.03* 1.12 1.40 1.13* 1.10*** 1.55 1.82*** 2.35** 1.18 2.03* 1.32*** 2.97 1.66*** 1.33*** 1.20 0.77 1.45 1.67** 1.68 0.83 1.45* 2.50 1.18 1.25 2.15 3.57* 0.72 2.23 1.70*** 2.95*** 1.15* 1.83 1.05 1.32* 1.13 3.37*** 1.03* 1.06*** 1.92 1.22*** 1.30* 1.93** 1.12* 1.32 1.40* 1.28* 1.27* 2.03*** 1.63*** 1.70 2.30 1.733 1.78 −5.47* −9.77*** 2.92 6.60** −0.84 6.06** −1.97 3.86 0.07 −1.47 −5.30* 1.05 29.25*** −6.23** −12.00*** −13.77*** −10.47*** 0.20 28.74*** −11.47*** −14.43*** −0.91 37.28*** −4.36 −4.30 −2.40 10.40*** −4.93* −7.40*** −8.93*** 9.34*** −5.96** −7.43*** 2.43 2.15 7.04** 0.68 −3.32 −11.45*** 6.51* 8.24*** 2.11 −2.86 11.33*** −6.12** −3.89 0.91 −2.76 −5.05* −1.92 24.49*** −11.9*** −12.63*** −2.60 0.96 −0.15 4.32 4.82* −14.31*** 6.99** −10.14*** −6.78** 5.42* −5.16* 14.33*** −6.94** −1.64 −0.64 16.00*** 29.67* 9.83 53.83 28.00* 50.17*** 20.67 33.17 27.33* 40.33 22.67* 38.33 21.50*** 18.5* 38.33** 17.43*** 11.67 43.50 22.67*** 43.17*** 41.33*** 76.00 71.17*** 24.00** 37.50 24.33 40.67*** 37.00** 13.33** 12.83*** 19.33*** 21.83** 8.67*** 64.00*** 23.83 18.50 8.83 15.00*** 12.67*** 43.50** 16.83 22.50*** 23.5 21.00 15.83 26.67** 40.00 16.00 26.50 38.67* 64.83*** 20.00*** 25.67*** 25.17* 14.00 45.83*** 14.17 35.83*** 17.17*** 45.83** 26.17* 32.17*** 34.50 23.33*** 17.50*** 31.67*** 17.00 37.00* (Continued ) 106 E. MREMA ET AL. Table 7. Continued. SYPa (g) Cross + DFLb (d) − + HFLc (cm) − + AS422*AS426 −7.06 −8.87*** 4.69 5.45 2.44 AS435*AS426 −1.93 −7.23*** −1.12 −1.08 17.74*** 104*AS429 5.63 5.16*** 0.95 1.63 −10.69*** 1563*AS429 1.89 −0.85 2.47 0.96 17.51*** 3424*AS429 −8.02 −9.49*** −8.97 −5.64 −6.13* 3984*AS429 −1.58 0.35 −4.18 −2.8 −23.58*** 4031*AS429 −0.81 −4.00*** 4.73 3.45 7.92** 4567*AS429 −1.21 −0.28 4.02 5.31 −7.72* 4643*AS429 4.44 10.21*** −1.49 −0.91 43.56*** 675*AS429 −1.88 −2.90** 2.15 1.09 −7.75** AS422*AS429 6.00 5.45*** 1.84 −0.14 −17.22*** AS435*AS429 −4.47 −3.65*** −1.53 −2.95 4.12 104*AS430 10.44 6.71*** −3.08 −4.25 18.60*** 1563*AS430 1.09 1.73 0.10 −1.25 −26.01*** 3424*AS430 −9.26 −12.14*** 4.95 4.84 −10.74*** 3984*AS430 −6.27 −5.05*** 0.63 0.67 −6.43* 4031*AS430 −5.19 −5.33*** −1.46 −2.11 8.68** 4567*AS430 7.40 4.84*** 3.82 1.91 18.20*** 4643*AS430 −17.15 −7.93*** −5.36 −1.30 11.01*** 675*AS430 4.63 0.29 −4.87 −2.31 20.51*** AS422*AS430 17.62* 18.84*** 4.68 4.98 −5.26* 0.61 −1.17 −28.56*** AS435*AS430 −3.31 −1.95* 104*AS436 −10.84 −2.86** −8.86 −5.80 −3.70 1563*AS436 −9.37 −3.74*** 0.82 −0.98 22.53*** 3424*AS436 −6.94 −4.38*** −6.00 −4.39 −11.30*** 3984*AS436 14.40 18.37*** 3.68 2.26 56.98*** 4031*AS436 −3.71 3.71*** 0.59 0.35 −7.59** 4567*AS436 −13.73 −8.48*** −5.96 −6.97 10.01*** 4643*AS436 60.27*** 8.59*** 5.19 5.32 −29.45*** 675*AS436 −13.36 −4.97*** 6.68 4.48 −13.29*** AS422*AS436 −6.03 0.31 4.87 4.26 −25.19*** 1.45 0.98 AS435*AS436 −10.7 −6.55*** −1.01 a SYP, seed yield per plant. b DFL, days to flowering. c HFL, plant height at 50% flowering. d HSW, hundred-seed weight. e NS, number of Striga plants. *, **, *** Significant at the 0.05, 0.01 and 0.001 probability level, respectively. Striga plants observed under FOS application (Table 4). Interestingly, some evidence of successful transfer of genes for Striga resistance and FOS compatibility was revealed through some superior progenies obtained from crosses between the FOS incompatible line AS435 and its compatible male counterparts. For instance, the cross AS435 × 3993 had above-average seed yield and hundred-seed weight. Therefore, seed yield could be improved significantly through hybridization and continuous directed selection. A tall plant is associated with improved total biomass production, which is one of the most important farmerpreferred attributes in sub-Saharan Africa (Kriegshauser et al. 2006). Therefore, these genotypes can be grown for both human consumption and livestock feed under FOS biocontrol in Striga-infested farming systems in the semi-arid regions of Tanzania. Farmers could also adopt the crosses 675 × 672, 4643 × AS436 and 3424 × 630 with improved productivity under FOS application because they out-yielded the resistant check AS436. These hybrids are useful genetic stocks for further selection and progeny evaluation. Marked differences in the HSWd (g) NSe − + − + − −12.04*** 2.89 3.79* 5.61*** 1.06 13.01*** −15.55*** −10.64*** 12.32*** 2.21 −7.52*** −4.29** −19.40*** −2.81 6.20*** 10.01*** 10.26*** 3.00 4.63** −8.18*** 5.46*** −9.12*** 4.19*** −3.40* −8.94*** −15.80*** −19.56*** 36.39*** 0.51 4.20** −5.49*** 7.90*** −1.07*** 0.25* −0.03 0.29** 0.56*** −0.15 −0.55** −0.44** 0.47** −0.14 −0.18 0.16 0.51*** 0.13 −0.19 −0.17 −0.70*** −0.31** −0.60*** 0.46*** 0.71*** 0.16 −0.62*** −0.19 −0.54*** 0.85*** −0.15 −0.29** 0.48*** −0.11 0.26** 0.33** 1.00*** 2.05 1.72 1.28 0.75 1.70 1.47** 2.02 1.70 1.17 1.45 1.23 1.22* 1.73 1.00 1.55 2.00 1.78 1.15** 1.43 1.52 1.65 1.37*** 2.02 1.12* 1.15*** 1.38** 1.12 1.48** 1.05 1.45 1.52 10.02*** 1.52 3.43 12.63*** −14.88*** −2.49 −8.27*** 10.8*** 5.76** 0.10 −9.19*** 2.10 −3.90 6.12** −21.18*** −0.32 −2.11 −9.03*** −6.90** 11.10*** 8.97*** 17.27*** −6.27** 13.42*** −15.91*** 0.81 16.20*** 12.27*** −1.10 −8.43*** −0.40 −10.60*** 8.50*** 36.67*** 32.50 34.00*** 14.50 14.33** 19.33** 46.17 18.17* 42.83** 40.67*** 37.67 20.17 62.67 11.33*** 10.67 16.83 9.17* 42.14*** 17.50*** 34.17** 50.83*** 26.67 19.33* 7.50*** 38.00*** 12.50 41.67*** 46.17 31.83 42.50*** 9.33*** genetic constitution of the sorghum crosses contributed to the observed variation in seed yield and hundred-seed weight. Combining ability effects The present study recorded significant negative and positive GCA effects for measured traits, indicating that additive and non-additive gene action are involved in their expression. Genetic advance from selection for enhanced yield and adaptability can be realized from populations developed from genotypes such as the male parent 3937 and female parents 675 and 4643. The GCA values of these parents were low for days to flowering with and without FOS treatment. Early flowering and early maturity are escape mechanisms against terminal drought and heavy Striga infestation, which typically occur during the late stages of plant development (Badu-Apraku et al. 2014). Male parents that had low GCA values in the desirable direction for the number of Striga plants (672, 3937, AS436 and AS426) were good general combiners and useful for ACTA AGRICULTURAE SCANDINAVICA, SECTION B — SOIL & PLANT SCIENCE 107 Table 8. Estimates of variance components for yield and yield-related traits, and Striga count of 100 sorghum hybrids derived from a 10 × 10 North Carolina Design II and evaluated with (+) and without (−) F. oxysporum application in three locations in Tanzania. Sorghum parameters SYPb (g) a Parameter + DFLc (d) − + HFLd (cm) − + HSWe (g) − + NSf − + − 0.45 0.58 26.87* 10.50 3.95 2.24 −0.001 0.001 3.67 −3.70 δ 2GCAF −0.02 0.07 10.90 −5.73 −2.61 −1.90 −0.01 0.002 19.1* 19.38* δ 2GCAM 2 0.43 0.65 37.77 4.77 1.34 0.34 −0.01 0.003 22.77 15.68 δ GCA(GCAF+GCAM) 2 5.16** 5.27** 110.92** 57.68** 38.57** 37.12** 0.14 0.09 27.88** 61.37** δ SCA 1.31 1.84 53.46* 31.31* 15.14 4.75 0.02 0.06 9.95 27.22 δ 2W (Error) 0.08 0.12 0.34 0.08 0.03 0.01 −0.08 0.03 0.82 0.26 δ 2GCA/δ 2SCA 0.86 1.30 75.54 9.54 2.68 0.68 −0.02 0.01 45.54 31.36 δ 2A 2 20.64** 21.08** 443.68 230.72 154.28 148.48 0.56 0.36 111.52 245.48 δD 4.90 4.03 2.42 4.92 7.59 14.78 −5.29 6.00 1.56 2.80 (δ 2D/δ 2A)1/2 −0.08 0.28 43.60 −22.92 −10.44 −7.60 −0.04 0.01 76.40 77.52 δ 2AM 2 1.80 2.32 107.48 42.00 15.80 8.96 0.004 0.004 14.68 −14.80 δ AF −14.6** −14.62** −317.07** −146.5** −101.91** −106.95** −0.01 −0.22 −96.46** −172.57** δ 2EW 6.69 7.44 183.27 91.38 54.38 42.04 0.15 0.15 49.22 96.43 δ 2T 0.13 0.17 0.41* 0.10 0.05 0.02 – 0.07 0.93** 0.33 H2 (δ 2A/δ 2T) 2 2 2 – 0.04 0.24 – – – – 0.07 1.55** 0.80** HM(δ AM/δ T) 2 2 2 0.27 0.31 0.59* 0.46* 0.29 0.21 0.03 0.03 0.30 – HF(δ AF/δ T) a 2 δ GCAF, additive variance of female; δ 2GCAM, additive variance of male; δ 2GCA, additive variance of female and male; δ 2SCA, additive variance for female and male interaction; δ 2A, additive variance in the population; δ 2D, dominance variance; δ 2AM, additive variance in males; δ 2AF, additive variance in female; δ 2EW, environmental variance; δ 2T, Total variance; H2, broad sense heritability; H2M, heritability due to males; H2F, heritability due to female effects. b SYP, seed yield per plant. DFL, days to flowering. d HFL, plant height at 50% flowering. e HSW, hundred-seed weight. f NS, number of Striga plants. *, ** Significant at the 0.05 and 0.01 probability level, respectively. c breeding for Striga resistance. The male parents 672 and 3933; and female parents 675 and 4643 with large and positive GCA values for grain yield, with and without FOS application, should be useful for accumulating genes for consistent productivity under Striga infestation, with the aid of FOS application. These parents might possess unique genes conditioning Striga resistance and FOS compatibility. Tall sorghum genotypes, such as 3984, 675 and 4567, are highly preferred by growers in Tanzania for grain and stalk feed. Non-additive gene action, i.e. dominance, over-dominance and epistasis, among cross progenies are reflected by the extent of the SCA effects. These genetic parameters are important for hybrid breeding (Acquaah 2009). There is great potential to develop superior F1 hybrids or to select transgressive segregants in the F2 or subsequent generations because some cross progenies evaluated had significant positive SCA effects for grain yield under FOS treatment. Therefore, the present study showed that both FOS treatments and locations influenced the expression of the studied traits. Additive and non-additive gene effects influenced genetic variation for seed yield per plant, hundred-seed weight, height at flowering, days to flowering and Striga number for sorghum crosses evaluated across three semi-arid locations in Tanzania. Application of FOS increased the contribution of additive and non-additive genetic effects, raising the possibility of breeding for Striga-resistant sorghum genotypes that are FOS compatible. Crosses 675 × 672, AS435 × 3993 and 4643 × AS436 displayed large SCA effects for grain yield, whereas 3424 × AS430, 4567 × AS429 and 3424 × AS436 had small SCA effects for SN. These crosses are recommended for further breeding or production in the three Striga-infested test locations or similar agroecologies using FOS as a biological control agent. Disclosure statement No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors. Funding The study was funded by the Alliance for Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) through the African Centre for Crop Improvement of University of KwaZulu-Natal. Notes on contributors Emmanuel Mrema is a PhD holder of Plant Breeding graduated at University of KwaZulu-Natal, African Centre for Crop Improvement, Cereal and Vegetable Breeder at Tanzania Agricultural Research Institute, Tumbi Center, Tabora, Tanzania. Hussein Shimelis is Professor of Plant Breeding at University of KwaZulu-Natal, African Centre for Crop Improvement, and is the Deputy Director of African Centre for Crop Improvement. Mark Laing is Professor of Plant Pathology at University of KwaZulu-Natal, African Centre for Crop Improvement, and is the Director of African Centre for Crop Improvement. 108 E. MREMA ET AL. References Abakemal D, Shimelis H, Derera J. 2016. Genotype-by-environment interaction and yield stability of quality protein maize hybrids developed from tropical-highland adapted inbred lines. Euphytica. 209:757–769. doi:10.1007/s10681-0161673-7. Abbasher A, Hess D, Sauerborn J. 1998. Fungal pathogens for biological control of Striga hermonthica on sorghum and pearl millet in West Africa. Afr Crop Sci J. 6:179–188. doi:10. 4314/acsj.v6i2.27814. Acquaah G. 2009. Principles of plant genetics and breeding. Malden, MA: Blackwell. Ayongwa GC, Stomph TJ, Kuyper TW. 2011. Host-parasite dynamics of sorghum bicolor and Striga hermonthica – the influence of soil organic matter amendments of different C: N ratio. Crop Prot. 30:1613–1622. doi;10.1016/j.cropro.2011. 08.009. 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