Nicole Toussaint, Ph.D. National University of Natural Medicine NU411 Critical Assessment Worksheet Use this worksheet to make easier your data collection and analysis efforts. PART 1 Initiative or organization name: _______________________________________________ √ = yes; X = no. Use these symbols to indicate whether (or not) the assessment criteria has been met. Draw lines under the symbol selected to demonstrate the degree to which it has been addressed: 0 lines = partly or incompletely; 2 lines = somewhat or moderately; 3 lines = completely. FOOD SECURITY Components Availability – write in definition circle √ X Evidence 1. 2. Affordability – write in definition √ X 1. 2. Accessibility – write in definition √ X 1. 2. Appropriateness – write in definition √ X 1. 2. Acceptability – write in definition √ X 1. 2. FOOD JUSTICE Food justice - write in definition √ X 1. 2. FOOD SOVEREIGNITY Food sovereignty - write in definition √ X 1. 2. SCALABILITY Scalability is the ability to reach/help many people; scaling maximizes food security impact. Please circle the range of the initiative or organization: neighborhood-level, local (town/city), state, regional, national, or global SUSTAINABILITY Sustainability refers to the resources (financial, leadership, community involvement) and planning in place (i.e., business or strategic plan) an initiative or organization needs to sustain itself over the long-term √ X 1. 2. √ X 1. 2. Nicole Toussaint, Ph.D. National University of Natural Medicine NU411 PART 2 Initiative or organization name: _______________________________________________ Food security is partly/incompletely/somewhat/moderately/completely addressed by _____________________________. This solution to _________________________________ improves food _____________. [Add supportive evidence]. It does not tackle ______________________________ or _________________________, so the intervention is not entirely acceptable. [Add supportive evidence]. Concentrating on the consequences of symptoms of the problem, instead of its origin or root cause, is another shortcoming. [Explain why]. Finally, the approach does/does not address food justice or food sovereignty, without which food security is impossible. [Explain why]. Its scope and focus (scalability) on ________________ reduces/enhances its capacity to make a big impact on food insecurity. As far as sustainability goes… __________________________________.