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Industrial Visit Report: Dotsquare Technologies

Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Academic Session :-2019-20
Industrial Visit Report
Name of Company Dotsquare Technologies India Private Limited, Jaipur
Name of Experts Mr.Aayush Khurana,Software Engineer
Faculty Coordinator Mr.D.Khadse, Ms.R.Dagde
Date 02-03-2020
Time 03.00 pm to 5.00 pm
Sem VI Sem. CSE
No. of Students 15
Summary Industrial
Outcomes of
Industrial Visit
Department of Computer Science and Engineering organized
Industrial visit to “Dotsquare Technologies India Private Limited”,
Jaipur for third year students under the guidance of Principal Dr. N. K.
Choudhari sir and Head of Department Mr. K. N. Hande sir. About 15
students, along with faculty members Mr. D.B.Khadse, Ms. R. Dagde
from Department of Computer Science & Engineering visited Dotsquare
Technologies India Private Limited. , Jaipur
At Dotsquare Technologies, resource person Mr. Ayush
Khurana , Sr. Software Engineer explained the concept of Machine
learning related to conventional and traditional programming language.
He also explained various concept of C, C++ and java Programming
language related to Machine Learning. Mr. Thapa Sr. Trainer, given an
introduction about the how company works and also described company
work structure. He talked about various software methodologies, which
are being applied at Dotsquare Technologies nowadays. He also has
been given the presentation about infrastructure of company in India
and facility they provide to Company employees.The company persons
also appreciated our students after the question answer sessions.
Mr.Jayant Kurve student of third of CSE department proposed vote of
thanks. Mr.D.B.Khadse and Ms.R.Dagde Monitored above industrial visit.
Students are adequate with current technologies like BOT,
Blockchain, Big Data,Cloud Computing ,Machine Learning etc. Industry
visits bridge the gap between theoretical training and practical learning
in a real-life environment. With industry visits, students are able to
better identify their prospective areas of work in the overall
organizational function.
Photo's of Industrial Visit
Mr. D. B. Khadse
Ms. R.Dagde
Faculty Co-ordinators
Mr. K. N. Hande
Head of Department, CSE