Yearly Curriculum Map Purpose : The Curriculum Map outlines the teaching and learning information that led to the selection of the standard, major competence, minor competence and value. Audience : This Curriculum Map is intended for Senior, Middle Leaders, and teachers. Goal : This Curriculum Map is used by teachers when planning their teaching program. It tells them which standard, competence, and values they should focus on making weekly plans easier to manage and ensuring proper flow and coverage of standards, competences, and values. For proper assessment of the effective implementation of the Student Competence Framework, Senior, Middle Leaders, and teachers should be able to answer the following questions: 1. Are the major competences/values the best ones for each topic and/or unit of work? 2. Is there a clear alignment between the competences and the Learning Outcomes? 3. Are Learning Outcomes based on Bloom’s Taxonomy? Guidelines : The guidelines below provide a consistent framework for creating the Curriculum Map. 1. Make sure that the Learning Outcomes are based on Bloom’s Taxonomy. 2. Make sure the Major Competence is in Bold. 3. Make sure that the Resources column includes the book used “Italicized”, the unit/chapter, and lesson number and title. Example: Go Math, Chapter 1, Lesson 1 “Factors & Multiples” 4. The dates for the end of Term 1, Term 2, and Term 3 must be filled. Page 1 Grade : Subject 11 : Year Java : 2020-2021 Standards : Virginia state standards Term 1 Week Standard Week 1 Aug. 30 - Sep. 3 Week 2 Sep. 6 - Sep. 10 Learning Outcomes C/T 9-12.1 C/T 9-12.2 The students will be able to: ● Give a brief history of computers. software make up computer architecture. The students will be able to: C/T 9-12.1 C/T 9-12.2 ● Explain the Binary representation of data and programs in computers. Week 4 Sep. 20 - Sep. 24 Assessment Value Competence My Identity Rules & Regulations ● Describe how hardware and Week 3 Sep. 13 - Sep. 17 Resources C/T 9-12.1 C/T 9-12.2 The Students will be able to: ● Discuss the evolution of programming languages. ● Describe the software development process. Fundamentals of Java book, (Third edition), Chapter 1, Lesson 1.1 “History of computers”, Lesson 1.2 “Computer Hardware & Software” Formative Assessment (Exit Tickets) Formative Assessment (Exercise 1.2) Self-Confidence Fundamentals of Java book, (Third edition), Chapter 1, Lesson 1.3 “Binary representation of Information and computer memory”. Formative Assessment (Exercise 1.3) Formative Assessment (Binary representation sheet) Self-Confidence Fundamentals of Java book, (Third edition), Chapter 1, Lesson 1.4 “Programming languages Lesson 1.5 “The software Development life cycle”. Formative Assessment (Exercises 1.4, 1.5) Summative assessment (Quiz) Collaboration/Tea mwork Communication Week 5 Sep. 27 - Oct. 1 C/T 9-12.1 C/T 9-12.2 ● Describe the basic OOP concepts. Fundamentals of Java book, (Third edition), Chapter 1, Lesson 1.6 “Basic Concepts of OOP” Formative Assessment (Exit tickets, Exercise 1.6, Computer Ethics exit tickets) Collaboration/Tea mwork Communication Week 6 Oct. 4 - Oct. 8 C/T 9-12.1 C/T 9-12.2 ● Discuss why java is an important Fundamentals of Java book, (Third edition), Chapter 2, Lessons: 2.1” Why Java?”, 2.2 Formative Assessment (Anecdotal notes) Formative Assessment (Exercises 2.1-2.4) Independent Learning Digital Competence Leadership and programming language. ● Explain the java virtual machine and byte code. Page 2 ● Choose a user interface. ● Describe the structure of a simple java program. ● Write a simple program Week 7 Oct. 11 - Oct. 15 C/T 9-12.6 ● Edit, compile, and run a program using java development environment. ● Format program to give a pleasing, consistent appearance. ● Understand compile-time errors. Responsibility “The Java Virtual Machine and Byte Code”, 2.2” Choosing a User Interface Style”, 2.4 “Hello World” Fundamentals of Java book, (Third edition), Chapter 2, Lesson 2.5 “Edit, Compile and Execute”. Lesson 2.6 “Temperature Conversion Summative Assessment Weekly Test Formative Assessment (Temperature conversion exercise Intrusive Hacking Exit tickets) Independent Learning Digital Competence Leadership and Responsibility Week 8 - MidTerm Break Oct. 18 - Oct. 22 Week 9 Oct. 25 - Oct. 29 C/T 9-12.6 ● Write a simple graphics program. Fundamentals of Java book, (Third edition), Chapter 2, Lesson 2.7” Graphics and GUI”. Formative Assessment (Exit tickets ) Critical Thinking Creativity Problem Solving Week 10 Nov. 1 - Nov. 5 C/T 9-12.9 ● The students will practice the Fundamentals of Java book, (Third edition), Chapter 2 Review Question Formative Assessment (Anecdotal notes) Critical Thinking Creativity Problem Solving Week 11 Nov. 8 - Nov. 12 C/T 9-12.9 Fundamentals of Java book, (Third edition), Chapter 2, “Project + Critical Thinking Exercise” Formative Assessment (Quiz) Fundamentals of Java book, (Third edition), Chapter 3, Lesson 3.1 “Language elements”, Lesson 3.2 “Basic Java Syntax and Semantics” Formative Assessment (Exercise 3.1) learned concepts. ● The students will be working on problem solving projects on page 54 Week 12 C/T 9-12.10 Nov. 15 - Nov. 19 ● Construct and use numeric and string literals. ● Name and use variable and constants. Week 13 Nov. 22 - Nov. 26 Revision Week 14 & 15 - Final Exams, Grades 6 - 12 Nov. 29 - Dec. 15 Page 3 End of Term 1 Term 2 Week Week 19 Jan. 3 - Jan. 7 Standard C/T 9-12.11 Learning Outcomes Resources ● Create arithmetic expressions. Fundamentals of Java book, (Third edition), Chapter 3, Lesson 3.2 “Basic Java Syntax and Semantics Formative Assessment (Exit ticket) Formative Assessment (Exercise 3.2) Self-Confidence Fundamentals of Java book, (Third edition), Chapter 3, Lesson 3.2 “Basic Java Syntax and Semantics” Formative Assessment (Exercise 3.2) Extra Practice (Create a program that displays the names of emirates in the UAE and displays more information about each emirate)) Self-Confidence ● Understand the precedence of different arithmetic operators. Week 20 Jan. 10 - Jan. 14 C/T 9-12.11 ● Concatenate two strings or a number and a string. ● Use casting. Week 21 Jan. 17 - Jan. 21 C/T 9-12.12 Week 22 Jan. 24 - Jan. 28 C/T 9-12.12 Week 23 Jan. 31 - Feb. 4 C/T 9-12.12 ● Use the Scanner class to input data into a program. ● Know when and how to use comments in a program. ● Tell the difference between syntax errors, run-time errors, and logic errors. Week 24 Feb. 7 - Feb. 11 C/T 9-12.9 ● Insert output statements to debug a program. Assessment Value Competence Fundamentals of Java Formative Assessment book, (Third edition), (Exercise 3.3) Chapter 3, Lesson 3.3 “Terminal I/O for Different Data types”3, “Lists” Collaboration/Tea mwork Communication Fundamentals of Java book, (Third edition), Chapter 3, Lesson 3.4 “Comments” + “Case Study 1: Income Tax Calculator “ Formative Assessment (Exercise 3.4 + Case Study1 ) Collaboration/Tea mwork Communication Fundamentals of Java book, (Third edition), Chapter 3, Lesson 3.5 “Programming Errors” Formative Assessment (Exit ticket + Test) Formative Assessment (Exercise 3.5) Independent Learning Digital Competence Leadership and Responsibility Fundamentals of Java book, (Third edition), Chapter 3, Lesson 3.6 Formative Assessment (Anecdotal notes) Formative Assessment Independent Learning Digital Competence My Identity Page 4 Week 25, 2 Days Feb. 14 - Feb. 15 C/T 9-12.14 ● Work with colors and text properties. “Debugging”. Group work (Case study2 Count the angels) Leadership and Responsibility Fundamentals of Java book, (Third edition), Chapter 3, Lesson 3.7 “Graphics and GUIs: Drawing Shapes and Text” Summative Assessment Weekly Exam Critical Thinking Creativity Problem Solving Week 25 - MidTerm Break Feb. 16 - Feb. 20 Week 26 Feb. 21 - Feb. 25 C/T 9-12.14 The Students will be able to: ● Use the increment and decrement operators. ● Use the Standard math methods Week 27 Feb. 28 - Mar. 4 C/T 9-12.14 ● Use if and if-else statements to make choices. ● Use while loop to repeat a process. Week 28 Mar. 7 - Mar. 11 C/T 9-12.9 ● Use for loop to repeat a process. ● Construct appropriate conditions for control statements using relational operators. Week 29 Mar. 14 - Mar. 18 C/T 9-12.15 Week 30 Mar. 21 - Mar. 25 C/T 9-12.15 ● Detects and correct common errors involving loops. Term Project Fundamentals of Java Formative Assessment book, (Third edition), (Exercises 4.1,4.2) Chapter 4, Lesson 4.1” Additional Operators”, Lesson 4.2 “Standard Classes” Fundamentals of Java book, (Third edition), Chapter 4, Lesson 4.4 “The if and if-else statements” Lesson 4.5” The While statement”” Formative Assessment (Anecdotal notes) Formative Assessment (Exercise 4.4) Fundamentals of Java book, (Third edition), Chapter 4, Lesson 4.6” The for Statement” , Lesson 4.7 Nested Control Statements and the break Statement” Formative Assessment (Exercises 4.6, 4.7) Fundamentals of Java book, (Third edition), Chapter 4, Lesson 4.9” Errors in loops” Critical Thinking Creativity Problem Solving Formative Assessment (Exit ticket) Formative Assessment Project Page 5 Collaborative work between students. (The students will choose any 4 questions from the Projects Section in chapter 4 p146-148) End of Term 2 Term 3 Week Week 33 Apr. 11 - Apr. 15 Standard C/T 9-12.15 Learning Outcomes Resources ● Design and implement a simple Fundamentals of Java book, (Third edition), Chapter 6, Lesson 6.1 “The internal Structure of classes and Objects” Formative Assessment (Anecdotal notes) Formative Assessment (Exercise 6.1) Self-Confidence Fundamentals of Java book, (Third edition), Chapter 6, Lesson 6.2 “A Student Class” Summative Assessment Weekly Exam Formative Assessment (Student class implementation) Self-Confidence Fundamentals of Java book, (Third edition), Chapter 6, Lesson 6. 2 “A Student Class” cont.5, “Loops” Formative Assessment (Anecdotal notes) Formative Assessment (Exercise 6.2) Summative assessment (Quiz) Collaboration/Teamwork Communication Fundamentals of Java book, (Third edition), Chapter 6, lesson 6.3 “Editing, Compiling, and Testing the Formative Assessment (Case Study1: Student Test Scores) Collaboration/Teamwork Communication class from user requirements ● Organize a program in terms of a view class and a model class Week 34 Apr. 18 - Apr. 22 C/T 9-12.15 ● Use visibility modifiers to make methods visible to clients and restrict access to data within a class Week 35 Apr. 25 - Apr. 29 C/T 9-12.15 ● Write appropriate mutator methods, accessor methods, and constructors for a class Week 36 May 2 - May 6 C/T 9-12.14 ● Understand how parameters transmit data to methods Assessment Value Competence My Identity Write a program using a loop to ask the user to enter the name of the 7 emirates Page 6 Student Class”. Week 37, 3 Days May 9 - May 11 C/T 9-12.5 ● Use instance variables, local variables, and parameters appropriately Week 38 May 16 - May 20 C/T 9-12.16 Week 39 May 23 - May 27 C/T 9-12.16 Week 40 May 30 - June 3 C/T 9-12.11 Week 41 June 6 - June 10 ● Organize a complex task in terms of helper methods. ● The students will practice the learned concepts. ● The students will practice the learned concepts. Formative Assessment (Anecdotal notes) Formative Assessment (Exercise 6.4) Critical Thinking Creativity Problem Solving Fundamentals of Java Formative Assessment book, (Third edition), (Exit tickets) Chapter 6, , lesson 6.5“Scope and Lifetime of Variables Critical Thinking Creativity Problem Solving Fundamentals of Java book, (Third edition), Chapter 6, lesson 6.4 “The Structure and Behavior of methods” Barron’s Chapter 1 Multiple choice Questions Formative Assessment (Self-assessment) Theory Quiz Barron’s Chapter 2 Multiple choice Questions Formative Assessment (Self-assessment) Term 3 Project Term 3 Project Week 42 & 43 - Final Exams, Grades 6 - 12 June 13 - June 24 Week 44 June 27 - July 1 End of Term 3 Page 7